Chapter 5. Who are you?

My Person
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Mrs. Do came home a few hours later, not saying a word. Even Mr. Do knew something was wrong when she didn‘t greet him with her usual smile when he came home from work.

„Do you think she knows something?“ Chanyeol whispered to Kyungsoo after the uncomfortable dinner they just experienced. They sat on the huge cushions in Kyungsoo‘s room, playing Sungsoo‘s new game on the console beside the desk. Chanyeol‘s detective mode was on and he had observed everyone‘s behavior. Coming to the conclusion, that something was off about Mrs. Do.

Kyungsoo had to agree. His mother‘s smile was as fake as it could get. And he had too, thought about the fact, that his mother might know something. His mother was fine when he first woke up in the hospital. Now that he thought about it, his mother acted weird after Dr. Cho talked with her. But he wouldn‘t know if that really was the reason.

„She was fine when I first woke up after the pain was gone. Then Dr. Cho talked to her. She is like this since then.“ He spoke out his thoughts.

„You think he told her something“ It wasn‘t a question, but a statement.

Kyungsoo nodded.

„I do. It makes sense when you think about it. Minseok hyung and Dr. Cho know each other. Hyung knows something about Kai. I am sure Dr. Cho, therefore, knows too“ He explains while once again rubbing his aching chest.

„One thing, that also makes no sense and absolutely sense at the same time is the fact that Dr. Cho released you after Minseok hyung talked to him. A doctor doesn‘t release a patient just because a nurse tells him so, Soo. It makes it seem like Minseok hyung has the upper hand. There must be a reason why Dr. Cho lets him.“ Chanyeol concludes.

„Whoa, look at that, I think we have a future criminal investigator here.“ Kyungsoo joked but was sincerely impressed by Chanyeol.

The giant grinned at the compliment. He loved receiving compliments, especially when they came from his best friend.

The notes he wrote down had filled several papers by now. Chanyeol was determent to help his best friend finding out the truth. He, himself was curious about who this Kai guy was and what connection he had with his best friend.

He had to admit that he felt some sort of jealousy for a second when his best friend had told him everything. When he saw his best friend suffering because of someone else. Not because he was in love with the smaller. He wasn‘t, but he did love him. As a brother, as a best friend, and a soulmate. Because that was what he and everyone around them believed. That they were soulmates. And the thought that there would be someone who might take his spot or might be even more important to Kyungsoo scared him. He wanted to be the most important person in Kyungsoo‘s life. He knew it was selfish but he couldn't help his feelings.

So he locked these bitter thoughts away and concentrated on being the friend, Kyungsoo needed right now.
„We need to talk with Misneok hyung. Eomma won‘t tell me anything I am sure of it. Let‘s call Jongdae tomorrow and make him our alibi just in case she gets suspicious. Beakhyun would ask too many questions.“ Kyungsoo sighed.

„You don‘t wanna tell them?“ Chanyeol asked.

„Not until I know anything. I will tell them. Just not yet.“

„Hey boys. Do you need any

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Chapter 5: One more kiss , yay! While I am sad that we didn’t get to see the boys riding the scooter across the city, Jongin showing up is very nice too. Jongin refering to himself as Kyungsoo’s person kind of reminds me of soulmates, like there is a person just for you with whom you share a special bond. It could explain the pull they feel despite Kyungsoo being totally clueless.
I am surprised Jongin doesn’t know such things like growing a beard, was it possible that he was kept away from others or in a different environment?
I have some theories though I feel like they are wrong xD
Kyungsoo and Jongin are soulmates and share special connection.
Minseok kept Jongin away because something happened to Kyungsoo so now he is trying to make things right.
Ms. Do hates Jongin or wants to protect Kyungsoo because she saw the bad side of Jongin, the possessive one. Maybe she did something and as an exchange Kyungsoo is now Jongin’s person forever and she tries to stop it at all costs.
Maybe they were some kind of experiments and Jongin was one of them or was involved.

That’s all I could think of. Probably wrong anyways xD
But I love Detective Chanyeol. He is so serious when he plays detective role. And he is not selfish for wanting to be the most important to Kyungsoo. It’s food that he cares about the boy. But Jongin doesn’t want to share with anyone it seems. Their friendship is very cute though. I love it just like I love this story. Can’t imagine the work put to think of a storyline and personalities of the characters, I like this mystery of what’s really happening with the boys. Can’t wait to find out more. ^^
Chapter 4: Chanyeol and his ideas. But the idea is a good one. Kyungsoo might not be at the best state and they have very little information to work on but hey,Kyungsoo is their GPS so they manage. I can already imagine those two on a scooter just riding across the city xD
Hopefully they cause no problem, but knowing them trouble is waiting for them already xD
Liked the talk between Jongin and Kyungsoo though it set up more questions than answers. Maybe they are soulmates who are connected to each other otherwise it’s hard to explain that Jongin had watched Kyungsoo for 16 years. Nevertheless I am eager to find out!
chanlily2109 #3
Chapter 5: I’m getting bewildered and really curious how the story will turn up.
Chapter 3: This story surprises me with each chapter, in a good way of course. Could it be possible that Jongin is that famous dancer he was named after? My guess for now is that maybe Kyungsoo knew Jongin before but lost his memory and forgot about Jongin, while Jongin didn’t. I am really curiously on the real backstory between the boys. And I enjoyed their kiss scene, even if it was for a brief second.
And hope I don’t annoy you with commenting on each chapter xD
But this story is very good, one of my favourite stories I have read on here. Love the mystery, it makes story fun to read and reader to get immersed in the story. Good job author!
Chapter 2: This took an interesting turn. Wonder what’s happening with Kyungsoo and why is he feeling like that. Maybe that is connection to Jongin{my guess is that it’s Jongin since the story is about them} thankfully Kyungsoo is fine, was worried for a quick second. Minseok’s interactions make me feel strange,like something is going to happen. Can’t wait to find out what that is!
Chapter 1: Poor Kyungsoo! While it was a foolish idea to go out while recovering from a concussion, can’t blame Kyungsoo, you are not you when you are hungry xD
Love his friendship with Chanyeol, one would think that they don’t match because of their different personalities but they make good friends actually.
Who knows, Baekhyun might be real about Taemin’s crush. Well, only one way to find out is to continue reading the story.
I like it, deserves more recognition.
Chapter 4: I'm soooo curious rn,I had a lot of questions too
Chapter 3: Woww i can't wait for the next update
donutk9 #9
Chapter 3: This is soooo good. The mystery behind how Kai and Kyungsoo knows or feels each other is so intriguing. Can't wait for the next update.