I do (Sequel)

I do... Do I?


So I took longer than expected to write this. Writer's block is really no joke. However, I finally did it and since I wanted to post this so badly I'll be coming back to edit this later. Read at your own risk.

I don't know if there'll be any other parts to this, but we'll see what happens.

And let me know what you guys think.









SCC News

Twelve hours ago.



Crown Prince of West Korea Kim Jongin was seen at his cousin’s wedding anniversary, walking hand in hand with his now husband, Prince of East Korea, Do Kyungsoo. Both seemed very cozy and smiley as they chatted with relatives. Witnesses affirm the soon-to-be King could not take his eyes off of his other half.

The two spent a very romantic honeymoon traveling through Europe, and everybody agrees they are arguably one of the most adorable couples of this year. They looked happy walking through the streets of Paris or shopping in Barcelona.


We smell love in the air, and we’re wishing nothing but the best for the newlyweds.


1 – [+448, -10] Prince Jongin looks so dreamy and happy! Stay happy forever.

2 – [+360, -8] They came to the store where I work at once. Prince Jongin kept trying to get things for Prince Kyungsoo and he wouldn’t let him. It was cute.

3 – [+256, -15] Ahhh ~ I’m so sad. I can only accept the marriage, right? Prince Jongin, I hope you’re happy.

4 – [+122, -3] Doesn’t everyone think they got married too fast? Nobody knew they were dating and then suddenly they were getting married. Hiding such an important relationship seems odd.




Kyungsoo sighed as he paced around the hallway over and over. His hands fidgeting nervously and glancing at the conference room door once again. He could hear the voices, but he couldn’t understand what they were saying. Jongdae, who was patiently standing behind him, said that everything would be okay.

But how could everything be okay?

Especially when he was the reason this argument was taking place.

Kyungsoo took a deep breath and stood in front of the door, trying to see if he could hear better with no results. All he knew was that they had been in there for a while, and now they were yelling. He wished he could go back to that morning. No arguments, no yelling.

When everything was okay when he was extremely happy.

Kyungsoo woke up that same morning feeling warm and comforted and happy, the same he had been every day since the day he got married. He stretched and stared at the ceiling, unable to avoid the grin that took over his face immediately.

He was married.

It had been a little over two months since he married Kim Jongin, Crown Prince of West Korea. They took a giant leap of faith when they did, believing that what they had would become so much more. Giving each other an opportunity. Kyungsoo was so certain that they could easily fall deeply for the other.

And how right he was.

After a month out on their honeymoon, they did nothing but get closer to each other. Getting to know each other more was easy, and they found so much common ground that it was hilarious to think they ever had second thoughts.

Not that anybody could blame them, with the way this marriage came to be.

Kyungsoo ran a hand through Jongin’s somehow perfect hair. He was still in shock at how Jongin could be so perfect, even when he was asleep. No drooling, no morning hair. He considered the taller one to be made in heaven. Kyungsoo smiled once again when the other moved slightly, tightening his grip around him. For whatever reason, Jongin enjoyed sleeping wrapped around Kyungsoo, head over his chest.

“Wake up sleepyhead,” Kyungsoo whispered, leaning down to kiss the top of Jongin’s head. The other stirred, groaning as he finally let go of his husband, meaning he was finally awake. This was one of Kyungsoo’s favorite moments of the day. Waking up next to him, or under him and getting to see the happiness in Jongin’s eyes when he first saw him every morning. He was sure it reflected his happiness, too. Jongin stretched, his eyes fluttering open. Kyungsoo smiled, leaning down to kiss his cheek. “Good morning.”

Jongin smiled, turning to look at Kyungsoo. And there it was. His eyes were sparkling with so much affection that Kyungsoo could not believe he was on the receiving end.

“Morning. Did you sleep well?” Jongin wrapped an arm around his husband once again, pulling him closer. Kyungsoo soon learned that Jongin enjoyed skin-to-skin contact a lot. If someone had told him two months ago that Jongin was this clingy, then he would have a hard time believing such claims.

Although it’s not like he could complain, he enjoyed being around Jongin just as much.

“I did. What about you? You didn’t move one inch all night?” Kyungsoo smiled.

“Where was I supposed to go?” Jongin’s eyes landed on the other’s lips before he leaned in for his morning kiss. According to Jongin, good morning and a goodnight kiss were mandatory, no matter the circumstances. It didn’t matter if they were upset or tired. Both had to commit and Kyungsoo did not dare to disagree. Jongin seemed to be very serious about it.

Kyungsoo smiled. “Nowhere.”

“Exactly,” he chuckled. “And I have nowhere to be right now either,” Jongin whispered. He was about to lean in again for a second kiss when a knock on the door interrupted them. A groan soon escaped his lips, and he rested his forehead against Kyungsoo’s.

“Good morning, Your Highnesses.” Minseok’s voice broke the silence, and the princes could do nothing but sigh.

“Why?” Jongin let Kyungsoo go and the other one giggled.

“Looks like you have somewhere to be, sir,” Kyungsoo kissed his cheek, before standing up to get clothes. He found Jongin’s dress shirt over a chair and threw it on, heading to the bathroom.

Jongin stared at the ceiling for a moment before imitating his husband’s steps. Finding something to put on and heading to open the door. “What’s going on?”

Minseok smiled. “Did I interrupt something, sir?”

Jongin glared at him, making the secretary laugh.

“His Majesty is requesting your presence in the conference room as soon as you can.” Minseok glanced at his tablet. “Your schedule is clear after that.”

Jongin sighed. “Fine, I’ll be ready in a few. Can you please have someone set up breakfast on the terrace for me and Soo?”

Minseok tried his best to hide his smile. “Of course.”

“Thank you.” Jongin waved at him, closing the door and walking into the bathroom where Kyungsoo was washing his face. Jongin approached him, wrapping his arms around him. “I have a meeting with my father apparently, but we’ll have breakfast on the terrace today.” He leaned down to press a soft kiss over Kyungsoo’s shoulder.

Kyungsoo hummed, pleased. “Sounds like a plan.”

“I have little to do today so maybe we can do something.” Jongin the shower with a smirk. “In the meantime, care to join me?”

And it was a fact that they couldn’t take their hands off each other.

Jongin’s mood was getting increasingly worse by the second, as he sat in the conference room next to his mother. His father, The King, and his father’s secretary decided it would be a good idea to discuss Jongin and Kyungsoo’s future public appearances, the context, what they should and should not do, and other related matters. A few articles were published and even when the content was positive, they were concerned.

Jongin, however, couldn’t help but notice how they didn’t invite Kyungsoo to this meeting to discuss things that also affected him.

Jongin had noticed this after they came back from their honeymoon, that whenever there was a meeting or they had to discuss either family matters or things about the country, his husband was always excluded and Kyungsoo never said anything, but Jongin knew he also noticed and it affected him.

Each time, it only bothered Jongin to the point where he didn’t think he could stay quiet about this anymore. They forced Kyungsoo to join this family and even when they worked it out, there were still other things they needed to fix.

Jongin let out a loud sigh, interrupting his father’s secretary mid-sentence. “Sorry to interrupt but… how come Kyungsoo wasn’t invited to this? This also has a lot to do with him and I think he should listen to what we’re saying.”

The King glanced at Jongin with a raised eyebrow. “We will inform him of everything once we have it settled.” He said, and his words did nothing more than spark Jongin’s anger.

“Being informed and being part of something are different things…” Jongin turned to Minseok, who was silently standing behind him. “Can you please go get Kyungsoo?”

Minseok nodded and headed to the door.

“I don’t see why we should bother him with trivial things.” The King then stated.

“These are not trivial things. It’s his own life, the country he’s going to rule soon, being my husband.” Jongin took a deep breath. “You can’t keep him in the dark when he’s trying his best to adapt and learn.”

“If I may…” Jongin’s mother glanced nervously back and forth between her son and her husband.

“I’ll be the one to decide what I can and cannot do, for this country.”

Jongin stared in silence for a moment, then he stood up. “Then I shouldn’t be here either. I won’t come back to any meeting until you’re ready to accept that you're wrong and Kyungsoo officially joins.” He knew that would not sit well with his father. In his father’s eyes, he was always right, no space to be wrong about anything, but Jongin had enough of his behavior. He walked towards the door when he heard his name being called furiously.

Outside, Kyungsoo was confused. Minseok had called him but now they were standing by the door, and they could hear Jongin’s voice along with the King’s voice echoing in the hall. Jongdae was standing behind him and Minseok was standing in front of the door, clearly unsure if he should go back inside or not.

“What’s going on?” Kyungsoo glanced between the two nervously.

“Well, it looks like His Majesty and His Highness are disagreeing,” Minseok said.

“Why?” Kyungsoo knew Jongin’s relationship with his father wasn’t the best, but they were always polite.

“His highness is defending you.” Minseok took a deep breath. “I’ll go inside and come back to get you if it’s necessary.”

With that, he disappeared.

Kyungsoo could not make his brain wrap around the fact that they might argue because of him. This was the last thing he wanted, especially when he hoped he could probably help make this better. Kyungsoo turned to look at Jongdae and the other could only shrug.

All they could do was wait.

And that’s how he found himself pacing in front of the conference room. Worrying about his husband and the King. Hoping there was something else he could do.

Suddenly, the doors opened once again, letting out a very livid Jongin and a worried-looking Minseok following right behind. Kyungsoo could hear The King’s angry voice calling for his son, but Jongin did not look back. His eyes connected with Kyungsoo for a moment, and he instantly changed directions, walking over to him, grabbing his hand, and pulling him back upstairs.

Kyungsoo was speechless. He didn’t know what to do in such a situation.

“Minseok, please prepare the car, we’re leaving,” Jongin said from the top of the stairs, not waiting for a reply before heading down the hall into their room. He was in crazy mode, pulling out a few suitcases and filling them with clothes. Kyungsoo was just looking at this with concerned eyes.

“Jongin, maybe we should discuss this a bit more… I know your father means well.”

“No, he just doesn’t want to admit he’s wrong about something. He’s often wrong about things and he thinks he can just dictate whatever happens in my life or with the people I care about.” Jongin did not stop packing, walking around the room as he picked things he thought they would need. “He was the one to force this marriage in the first place, so the least he could do is include you.”

“I don’t mind…” Kyungsoo sighed, sitting on the bed.

“I do.” Jongin then looked at him. “Neither of us asked for this, but here we are… and it’s great, so I won’t let him offend you, because that also means he’s offending me.”

Kyungsoo said nothing else, feeling how his heart was filled with so many emotions, all of them screaming inside his chest, ready to be free. Jongin had defended him before, he always had but having him say these things, treating Kyungsoo as part of himself too. It made Kyungsoo very happy.

Despite the situation, they were in.

“Where are we going?” Kyungsoo asked. He stood up to help Jongin pack everything. With the way the taller was throwing everything into the cases, he highly doubted they would close.

“I was thinking we could go check on the house,” Jongin replied. He grabbed a few pairs of shoes, putting them in bags. “It’s almost finished.”


After they came back from their honeymoon, Jongin took Kyungsoo to a lot not too far away from the palace, out in the countryside. There was a beautiful old house there that needed a lot of renovations for anybody to move in, however, Jongin told him it was his wedding gift. A house where they could often escape from their realities and perhaps be a normal couple for a while. Spending weekends there with their dogs and maybe later on with their family.

It would be their space.

Kyungsoo had the freedom to decorate it the way he wanted, and last time he checked, it looked absolutely lovely. It still needed some work, but the important areas such as bedrooms and kitchen were done. Kyungsoo felt unexpectedly excited.

“How long?” Kyungsoo asked, a smile coming to his face.

“Until my father apologizes,” Jongin said.

Kyungsoo frowned. That could take some time. “Are you sure?”

Jongin shrugged. “If he takes two minutes, we’ll be back in two minutes. If he takes two years, then it’s on him.”

“Jongin, we can’t take that long to come back; we have duties to fulfill.” Kyungsoo sighed, shaking his head.

“It’s on him,” Jongin said once again, closing the suitcases and putting them on the floor. “We can do our job perfectly from there too, he’s just not going to see our faces for any meetings.”

“You’re just as stubborn as he is, you know that, right?”

“I do, and he does too, so this will be interesting.” Jongin smiled for the first time in a while, and they pulled the suitcases outside. Sehun and Chanyeol were already waiting, and they quickly grabbed them to take them to the car.

Jongin holds Kyungsoo’s hand as soon as they enter the car, and he doesn’t let go during the entire ride there. They took approximately ten minutes to arrive at their destination. As soon as the house came into view, Kyungsoo noticed how Jongin’s mood improved. It was almost as if he didn’t just argue with his father. The car parks in front of the house and as they exit the car, they notice the workers operating in the garden. A few housekeepers walk outside to receive them as well.

They greet everybody and make their way to the front door. Kyungsoo opened the door and as soon as he did, Meokmul ran over, wagging his tail excitedly and barking at his owner. Kyungsoo smiled, leaning down to pick him up, and the puppy covered his face with wet kisses instantly.

Another puppy, just as tiny, ran over to Jongin instead, standing on two of his paws for his dad to pick him up as well. Jongin chuckled as he obliged, scratching behind the puppy’s ear. Since Meokmul was going to stay most of his time in the house, both Jongin and Kyungsoo thought having another dog to play with would be beneficial to him. They adopted another puppy, a few shades lighter than Meokmul, but just as adorable, and they named him Hoochu.

They put the puppies down and they ran in circles around them as they walked into the spacious living room. The place had neutral decorations since they were waiting for everything to be done before they started personalizing the space. The only thing that looked remotely personal was their wedding picture, framed over the fireplace. Jongin said he liked to walk in and see it there.

It made it feel more like their house.

Of course, Kyungsoo’s piano was also there, but it didn’t feel as personal as that picture.

Sehun and Chanyeol took the suitcases upstairs to their room and Minseok and Jongdae informed them they would work at the improvised office while the couple made themselves comfortable. Jongin sat on the couch, pulling Kyungsoo with him into his arms.

“What do you think?” He smiled.

“It looks perfect,” Kyungsoo returned the gesture. “I love having the dogs greet us when we come here. I love how peaceful and cozy it is, and I love to come here with you.”

Jongin chuckled, burying his nose into Kyungsoo’s hair. “I agree.” He then whispered. “Besides, there aren’t as many people as in the palace, so I get to do this.” Jongin leaned in to kiss Kyungsoo. It’s not the soft type of kiss Kyungsoo thought he would receive. It was deep and needy and Kyungsoo knew deep down Jongin was still troubled about what happened. He soon learned that whenever Jongin was upset, he would seek affection. Whatever made him feel better, and that often was Kyungsoo.

Kyungsoo pulled away after a while, resting his forehead against his husband’s. “How about we bake something together?”

Jongin’s eyes lit up, which made Kyungsoo smile. “What are we baking?”

“How about some brownies or chocolate chip cookies?” Kyungsoo ran his fingers through Jongin’s hair. “There’s a recipe I want to try.”

“Sounds like a plan to me.”

Another thing that cheered him up each time was baking, and Kyungsoo could relate completely. Or maybe it was just them baking together. Whichever it was, it always worked. They headed to the kitchen, grabbing a few aprons that they found.

“Should we get some ice cream too,” Jongin offered. He was struggling a bit with his apron. “So, we can eat everything for dessert.”

Kyungsoo chuckled. He had learned early on that Jongin had a sweet tooth. It was cute.

“We can do that… we’ll need to buy the ice cream. Turn around.” Kyungsoo said as he helped Jongin tie his apron.

“On it,” Jongin then turns around to face his husband, leaning in to kiss his cheek gently. “Chanyeol!” He called.

The bodyguard immediately made his way into the kitchen. “Sir.”

“Can you get some ice cream for us? We’re baking something to go with it for dessert.” Jongin walked over to his bodyguard, giving him his credit card.

“Has Minseok approved of this, sir?” Chanyeol raised an eyebrow as he grabbed the card.

Jongin frowned. “Is Minseok the Crown Prince?”

“No sir,” Chanyeol tried to hold back a smile.

“Is Minseok in charge or am I in charge?” Jongin crossed his arms over his chest.

“You, sir.”

“Then go tell Minseok to  please  let us buy some ice cream,” Jongin walked back to the counter. “And don’t you dare smile Park Chanyeol.”

“Yes sir,” Chanyeol then turned around to leave, but they could still hear the chuckle that escaped his lips as he left.

Jongin scoffed. “Where should we start?” He asked Kyungsoo, receiving nothing but silence for a moment. An absent stare on his husband’s face. “Soo?”

“Mmh?” Kyungsoo glanced up at him.

“Where should we start?”

“Oh! Let’s get all the ingredients out.”  

They looked through the pantry for the ingredients that they needed and started mixing everything. Kyungsoo carefully instructed Jongin on what to do. He had learned a thing or two from his husband about baking and just cooking, but he still wasn’t the best at it.

And Kyungsoo thought it was adorable how Jongin needed his help to do the simple tasks.

“Do you need help mixing it?” Kyungsoo looked up from what he was doing at the other man.

Jongin was frowning at the bowl. “No, I got it.”

As time went by a few ingredients playfully made it to either of the prince’s faces. Between kisses and laughter, they made dessert. Enjoying the small part of their private life that they could enjoy.

Appreciating that sense of being a normal couple.

A few hours after lunch, Jongin and Kyungsoo were sitting in their living room, each with a dog on their laps when they heard Minseok’s quick footsteps approaching them. He was frowning and looked stiff as he bowed.

“Her Majesty is on her way,” Minseok sighed. “We just got the heads up.”

“My mother?” Jongin’s eyes widened as he processed this information. “Is she alone?”

“I believe she is,” Minseok replied. No signs of his father, Minseok didn’t have to say it for Jongin to understand. He wasn’t going to apologize anytime soon.

“That’s fine, let me know when they’re here.” Jongin nodded and turned back to the TV as he scratched behind Meokmul’s ears, the puppy stretching happily. He had no idea what his mother wanted, but if she had any intention to advocate for his father, then he would have no choice but to send her back. He won’t go back on his word, and he would not let Kyungsoo be treated any less than he is.

His husband.

“Are you okay?” There was concern in Kyungsoo’s eyes. He feared this would start another argument because of him. He didn’t want Jongin to have any more issues with his family, especially not because of him.

“I’m fine.” Jongin didn’t say much else, so Kyungsoo could only wait and see how it developed.

A few minutes later Minseok walked in again to announce that her Majesty had arrived. His lips were tightly pressed against the other, sweat sliding underneath his dress shirt. Jongin understood why they were worried, but he would not argue with his mother. He never had the heart to.

The Queen appeared before their eyes, as beautiful as always, and her expression did not give away any hints to what she was thinking or feeling. Jongin and Kyungsoo stood there, greeting her politely, and then waited.

The Queen sighed. “Aren’t you a troublemaker, young man?”

Jongin then smiled. “Just when I need to be.”

She then walked over to hug her son. Both Kyungsoo and Minseok let out the air. Neither of them knew they were holding.

“Your father is livid,” she smiled. “But he deserves it for saying such things. I’m glad you stood up to him.” She patted Jongin’s cheek gently. “Shows how much you’ve grown.”

Jongin chuckled. “I have to protect my family, even if it’s from my family too.”

Kyungsoo felt his heart skip a beat and then immediately start racing.

“Good job,” she then turned to Kyungsoo. “Kyungsoo, darling, you’ll have to excuse our poor manners… things have been difficult around here.”

“Oh, do not worry, your majesty. I’m fine.” Kyungsoo gave her a polite smile.

“Oh please, you can just call me by my name, there’s nobody around.” She then hugged him as well. Kyungsoo cleared his throat awkwardly, glancing at Jongin, who just shrugged.


“Mrs. Kim works too.” She added, winking at him. “Maybe it’s too soon for you to call me mom I guess.” She sighed dramatically.

Kyungsoo’s cheeks turned a bright shade of pink.

Jongin chuckled. “Leave him alone, mom.”

“Hope you both don’t mind me staying with you for a day or two.” The Queen spoke, and they both shook their heads.

“We don’t mind at all.” Kyungsoo was the first to say. “Would you like something specific for dinner? I was about to get that started.”

Jongin pouted at his husband. “No, you weren’t! We were cuddling.”

“Shut up,” Kyungsoo hit his arm playfully.

“You’re going to have to explain this to the kids.” Jongin pointed at the two puppies, looking over at them curiously. Waiting patiently for their dads to sit down again so they could resume their cuddling session.

Kyungsoo sighed. “Let’s not be overdramatic.”

They then turned to look at the queen, who was smiling at the interaction, making both of them blush.

“I’m happy to see you two seem to have gotten used to each other.” She said.

“It didn’t take that much. Turns out we’re compatible.” Jongin grinned, chin held high, and Kyungsoo once again hit his arm.

“I’ll go get dinner started.” He smiled at The Queen, bowing once again before he made his way into the kitchen.

Mother and son shared a knowing look.

“You look happy. I hope this happiness lasts a long time.”

“I have the feeling it will… he’s special.” Jongin shrugged.

“I’m proud of you for standing up for him.” She smiled. “Your father allowed no one to disrespect me, you should do the same.”

Jongin sighed. He didn’t know where this argument would take them, but for once he knew he was right, and he was going to fight for his truth. Even if his father thought it was the best for everyone, he had to open his mind.

Jongin eventually went back to his cuddling session with his puppies and the Queen sneaked into the kitchen, checking on Kyungsoo, who was halfway into whatever he was cooking.

“Need a hand?” She asked as she grabbed an apron and quickly wrapped it around herself.

“Oh no, Your Majesty, really I can do this.” He smiled, shaking his head.

“Oh, please darling, accept the help.” She smiles back. “Besides, we can get to know each other a bit more.”

Ah, so that’s what it was about.

“Alright then…” He thinks about it for a moment. “You can cut some vegetables, your majesty.” Kyungsoo felt bad as soon as the words left his mouth.

“Sounds good.” She smiled, heading over to the sink to wash her hands and get to work.

It went pretty smoothly after that. Kyungsoo had the feeling it would feel awkward or forced, but her Majesty made sure he felt comfortable, telling him stories about Jongin when he was a child, discussing their wedding, and asking how their honeymoon went. He talked to her like he did with his mother.

Like they were family, which they technically were.

However, he couldn’t help but feel like they viewed him like the guy who tricked their son into a scandal. Even when Jongin didn’t see it that way and they were in a way better place now.

The Queen finished her task and turned to him with a smile. “You know, I’ve never seen Jongin like this before. He looks so happy, so different.”

Kyungsoo simply smiled.

“I was sad for a long time, thinking we were forcing him into a miserable life…,” she sighed, bringing the bowl of vegetables. “Even if his father thought it was the right thing. However, I’m glad to see it seems to be quite the opposite. I hope you two can find happiness for a long time.”

“Thank you.” Kyungsoo did not know what else to say, but it felt nice to know they didn’t hate him completely. That he was being accepted.

“So, if things get hard, or you feel you have no one to talk to, I hope you know I’m here. As the queen and as your mother-in-law.” She patted his shoulder before moving to her next task.

She was there for  him , too.

Not just as royalty…

But as family too.


Jongdae walked into the kitchen, tablet and folder under his arm, dressed up and ready for work only to find the two princes, still in their bed attires, drinking coffee and laughing at whatever it was they were talking about before his entrance. He held back a smile. He’s happy they seem to be more comfortable with the other every day that passes by.

Jongdae cleared his throat. “Good morning, Your Royal Highnesses. I bring the schedule for today.” The two glanced at him, finally noticing his presence.

“Morning, Jongdae. Want a muffin?” Jongin, who was standing behind Kyungsoo, offered and the other just shook his head.

“What do you have for us today?” Kyungsoo took a bite of the muffing Jongin was offering, making the taller chuckle and he leaned down to kiss the top of his head.

“I left some papers in your office for you to check, your highness.” Jongdae went along the list of things they had to do. It would usually involve things from both countries that they would tackle together later. “And last, we have your first live interview as a married couple around six. We’ll do a fitting for your outfits at three and we need to be at the studio at least one hour prior.”

Kyungsoo’s eyes widened a bit. “Live interview?”

“I believe His Majesty approved this around the time you got married,” Jongdae nodded as he went through the schedule.

Jongin chuckled. “Of course, he did.”

Kyungsoo sighed, patting his husband’s cheek gently. “It will be fine, let’s not upset him more.”

“He should worry about upsetting me.”

“He’s your father, Jongin.”

“Because he is my father, he should set an example. Being king doesn’t mean he can disregard people.” Jongin took a step back, placing his coffee mug on the sink.


Jongdae then placed the folder on the counter, sliding it over to them. “Here are the questions they will be asking. Please review them and let me know if there’s anything you don’t want to answer.” After saying that, Jongdae bowed and left the kitchen just as quickly as he had walked in.

Jongin sighed, staring at the folder for a moment. “Let’s not argue over my father. He’s important to me, but so are you… you respect him so the least he could do is return the gesture.”

Kyungsoo said nothing else for the sake of their morning. They had a lot to do, and he didn’t want to argue over something he had no control over. He understood Jongin completely, but it was The King of West Korea they were talking about. Things just weren’t that easy.

“Let’s not then… instead, let’s get ready for our busy day.”

Getting ready was a fairly quick process and neither of them was as nervous as they were during their first interviews together. This time there was no lying, just the two of them sharing stories about their life as newlyweds.

“Did you get to go over the questions, your highness?” Minseok asked as they walked into the living room. The cars were waiting outside to take them to the studio.

“I did, and so did Kyungsoo.” Jongin nodded, holding Kyungsoo’s hand when he stood next to him. Almost like a reflex. “We told Jongdae we approved them.”

“Ah, I see,” Minseok nodded, pulling out his tablet. A frown covering his face.

Jongin and Kyungsoo exchanged a look.

Chanyeol and Sehun soon joined them, standing by the door.

“Well, let’s get going,” Minseok said, heading outside. Jongin and Kyungsoo could smell something was going on, especially between him and Jongdae, but neither of them dared to even ask.

Jongin didn’t know what he expected, but he felt relieved they didn’t have a live audience. Handling one interviewer and being watched by the entire country in real-time was one thing, but having a crowd was a completely different subject. He never let go of Kyungsoo’s hand as they led them to their chairs and while someone did their makeup. The crew and staff kept walking back and forth, making sure everything was in order.

They were even offered things to eat, but they both declined, taking only the water.

Kyungsoo looked slightly nervous as the minutes went by, his knee bouncing and his palm was sweating, which was partly why Jongin did not let go of his hand. He smiled at Kyungsoo, trying to send some comforting vibes to him, their eyes connecting for a moment. Kyungsoo couldn’t help but smile back.

“You look cute when you’re nervous,” Jongin said and Kyungsoo chuckled.

“I’m not.”

Jongin shook his head, still smiling. “Can’t fool me, sir.”

Kyungsoo laughed. “I guess I can’t fool my husband after all.” Their eyes collided once again, and they held back their smiles. “Stop flirting with me in public.”

“Who said I was flirting with you?” Jongin squeezed Kyungsoo’s hand gently.

“I can see it in your eyes.” Kyungsoo shook his head. “You’re going to upset these ladies.” He gestured at the girls doing their makeup.

“You just don’t want to blush in public.” Jongin chuckled. He then whispered to the girl in front of him. “He blushes easily.”

“I do not.”

“Yeah, you do,” Jongin smirked.

Kyungsoo rolled his eyes, however, there was a hint of amusement in his eyes. “You’re so annoying.”

“Yet you married me.”

“What was done can be undone.”

“Too late, I have our marriage certificate… can’t take me back now.” Jongin turned to look at him and winked, making Kyungsoo effectively blush. He laughed.

“Your Royal Highnesses,” a man approached them, bowing before taking the seat across from them. Breaking their little bubble. “It is a pleasure to meet you. My name is Kang Daehyun and I’ll be interviewing you today.”

“The pleasure is ours,” Kyungsoo nods.

“I’ve watched your show a few times and I enjoy it a lot, so I’m glad we get to be here,” Jongin said with a smile.

“I feel flattered, your highness.” He nodded. “Your team told you we would transmit this live, right?”

“We are aware, don’t worry,” Jongin said.

The crew then informed them they would be starting. Both Jongin and Kyungsoo avoided looking at the camera directly. The interview started well. Of course, they knew the questions, so they had discussed what they would respond to. However, despite all of that, the interviewer set a warm tone, which made them even more comfortable.

Sharing a few more details here and there.

Jongin made sure he let Kyungsoo answer half of the questions, letting him open up as much as they could. Holding his hand the entire time.

“And how has Prince Kyungsoo adjusted to our country? I’ve never been to East Korea, but from what I’ve seen it’s a different country, the culture, the people…” His eyes were on Kyungsoo and so were Jongin’s.

“Ah well, everyone has been very nice and supportive. They’ve done everything they can to make me feel at home, so I cannot complain.”

Jongin hummed. “To be quite honest, it was something that worried me for a while. Kyungsoo has been the one making the most effort.” Jongin smiled, glancing at his husband. “People would think he wouldn’t care, coming from a different country, but he does. He not only takes time to discuss important things about my country with me, helping me improve every day, but he also tries his best to stay in touch with his family and his people. He worries about both countries equally and of course, I also try my best to help him as well.”

“You do.” Kyungsoo squeezed his hand, bringing it to his lips softly.

“I often see him keeping up with the news of both countries, analyzing everything. I honestly couldn’t have asked for a better support system. And I hope I can also be that for him.” Jongin’s eyes land on Kyungsoo’s and it’s almost as if they’re communicating through them. All the emotions and words they cannot express.

“Well, I think I speak for everyone when I say we wish nothing but the best for both of you. A country ruled with all of this love is a country that will flourish.” The interviewer chuckled.

Both Princes blushed slightly.

As soon as the interview was over, they said their goodbyes and headed back to the cars, with their bodyguards following close behind.

“That went well,” Kyungsoo said as soon as they reunited with Minseok and Jongdae.

“That went extremely well, Your Highness.” Minseok smiled. “The response has been positive.”

Jongin extended his hand for his phone. “Let me see.”

Minseok handed him his cellphone, and he instantly logged in to social media to read the comments. Kyungsoo shook his head, letting out a sigh. Jongin still had that habit of checking into his hashtag or googling his name to see what people were saying. Only that he did it with Kyungsoo too.

Luckily, he didn’t read fanfiction as often anymore.

Jongin leaned his head against Kyungsoo’s shoulder, suppressing a yawn as the car made its way through the streets that led to their home. If they were going back to the palace, it would have been a lot faster, but they would have to wait a bit since they were heading back to their country house.

“Why are people talking about marriage certificates?” Jongin frowned, confused. Kyungsoo leaned a bit to look at the screen, seeing the comments throughout their hashtags.

“Maybe the girls who did our makeup,” Kyungsoo replied.

“Ah… you’re right.”

“You have to hold back a bit more when we’re in public, sir.”

“I’ll flirt with you whenever I want to.” Jongin kissed his cheek and went back to rest his head on his husband’s shoulder as he watched the video of their interview. “They will not hold me back.”

When they finally arrived home, it was already getting dark. Jongin smiled as the house came into view, relieved to see the familiar structure. He glanced at Minseok, who simply nodded without a word, and Jongin reached out to hold Kyungsoo’s hand.

Kyungsoo was scrolling on his phone with his free hand until the car stopped by the entrance and they opened the door for them. The couple walked into their house and their dogs greeted them instantly, both taking a moment to shower them with love and affection before Jongin turned to face Kyungsoo. His smile told the other prince he was up to something.

“What is it?” Kyungsoo sighed, tilting his head with a smile.

“We don’t do dates too often, so… since we’re already dressed up, I thought we could go out on a date today.” Jongin took a step closer to his husband. His eyes sparkled with excitement, a wide grin gracing his features.

“Date? Where?” Kyungsoo blinked, part of his husband’s excitement getting to him.

Jongin offered an arm. “Follow me.”

Kyungsoo linked arms with him, letting the other man lead the way. They walked towards their backyard, where a candle-lit table was waiting for them. Kyungsoo gasped at the sight. The table, the candles, the fairy lights surrounding the space, everything was perfect. He smiled, not knowing what to say.

“We can’t go out often, but nobody said we couldn’t have romantic dinners here.” Jongin gestured at the table. “Any restaurant you might want, it’s right here.”

“When did you plan this?” Kyungsoo tiptoed, kissing Jongin’s cheek softly.

“I have my ways.” Jongin’s eyes landed on Kyungsoo’s. “I wanted to do something nice for you.”

“You always do nice things for me.” Kyungsoo smiled.

“I want to do more.”

Kyungsoo laughed. “How could you do more? You are everything.”

Jongin’s heart swelled with happiness.

“ You  are everything,” Jongin whispered, pulling Kyungsoo towards the table. He pulled a chair for him and quickly sat down right after. A server walked out with a bottle of wine and another server placed two plates in front of them. They set up their dinner and served their wine with both princes, smiling at each other.

They talked about anything and everything, as it often happened when they were together. Even during the night, they would just stare at the ceiling and talk about anything that came to mind. They always had something to talk about and somehow, they still found each other interesting.

It kind of reminded Jongin of a time where they sat in front of a fridge with a cheesecake.

“Do you remember that time…?” Jongin took a sip of what was left of his wine. There was a soft blush covering his tanned cheeks. They had downed the entire bottle and opened a second one, so it was safe to say they both felt tipsy.

“When?” Kyungsoo yawned and, as a reflex, Jongin yawned as well.

“Back at the palace in East Korea. That night in front of the refrigerator.” Jongin said.

“Ah, yes. Cheesecake night.” Kyungsoo nodded with a smile.

“Is that how you’ve been calling it?” Jongin chuckled. “I call it that too.”

“It’s what I remember the most… eating cheesecake with you and talking to you.” Kyungsoo swirled the wine in his glass.

“Do you remember when you asked me if I had ever been in love?” Jongin asked. He was staring at his glass as well as if it was the most interesting piece ever.

“I do. You said you wouldn’t know if you had until you fell in love again.”

Jongin hummed. “I had never fallen in love before.” Just then Jongin’s eyes met Kyungsoo’s, and the other was staring back, eyes widened. “Everybody always says: You two look so in love. I never knew why they did until I re-watched our interview. The way you look at me… the same way I look at you.”

Kyungsoo stood silent. What could he possibly say?

“You are my support, and I’m happy we got married.” Jongin gives him a silly smile. “I was given an order and a ring, but in reality, I was given so much more.”


“And I love you. I’ve never felt like this towards anyone. That’s how I know it wasn’t love.” Anyone would think Jongin would be embarrassed or bashful following such a confession, but he was giggling like a child, happy he got to say it.

Kyungsoo’s eyes filled with tears, yet he still smiled. “I love you too.” He laughed. “I told you so.”

Jongin nodded. “You told me. I’m glad you did.”

Jongin stood up, leaning over the table to kiss Kyungsoo. He, however, failed miserably and knocked over a few things. They both laughed and made sure the candles were still intact before Kyungsoo cradled his face and kissed his lips softly.

Then someone cleared their throat.

The princes turned to see Minseok standing there. There’s tension in his features. However, tipsy Jongin was not too good at noticing these things.

“Can’t it wait, Minseok?” He pouted and his secretary shook his head.

“I apologize sir, but their Majesties are here…” He glanced at Kyungsoo, worry clear in his eyes.

Kyungsoo sighed. “Let them in, of course.”

Jongin took longer to understand. “Wait… both are here?” He stood straight. Whatever was left of the alcohol in his system was leaving his body quickly. Kyungsoo quickly moved to his side, holding Jongin’s hand, which the other appreciated.

Soon the King and Queen were brought out to the garden, several bodyguards walking behind them. Jongin and Kyungsoo bowed and greeted them. They couldn’t tell much from their faces.

“What brings you here?” Jongin tries to get some answers in his mother’s eyes, but he finds nothing there.

“Uh…” The King is the first to speak. His eyes are all over the place except for his son. “We came to see how the house was coming along. Your mother mentioned it was looking good, so we came to make sure.”

Jongin frowned. “That’s the reason why you came?” Jongin’s shoulders dropped. He didn’t know why he thought it would be any different.

The Queen elbowed her husband gently.

“And…” The King sighed, before gathering some courage. “I wanted to apologize to you both. We watched your interview and…,” he looked at Kyungsoo. “I did not know you put that much effort. I didn’t know…”

He didn’t know how much they cared about each other. Yes, he thought they liked each other enough to be cordial, and that they were attracted to each other, but not to this extent. He now understood why Jongin was so protective of him, and it reminded him of a time when he was equally protective of his wife.

Jongin had been right, and he didn’t want to admit it before.

But he could now.

“I thought I was doing what was best for everyone, but that will change from now on.” He glanced at his son then. “You have grown a lot in barely months.”

Jongin shrugged. “I have a wonderful influence in my life.” He chuckled, looking down at his husband.

“Don’t be silly,” Kyungsoo smiles. “Don’t worry, Your Majesty, I assure you, your son was more upset than I ever was.”

“Still, he had a right to be and so did you…” He walked over, patting their shoulders. “It’s time I treat you like family.”

Jongin smiled. “Thanks, father.”

“That’s all we came to say really,” the Queen mentioned. “And now that it has been said, we’ll head back.”

“Oh, please stay, it’s late to head back,” Kyungsoo said. “We have plenty of room.”

“We don’t want to interrupt your date more than we already have.” The Queen waved it off, reaching out to hold her husband’s hand.

“You’re not, I promise.” Kyungsoo smiled. “We were done eating either way.”

“We were not done.” Jongin pouted slightly, but that quickly went away with the look Kyungsoo gave him. “Yeah, we’re done.”

The King laughed at the interaction. “If it’s not too much of a bother, we will.”

Kyungsoo nodded. “Jongdae, can you please take their majesties to one of the rooms, please?”

Jongdae, who was standing behind the wall of bodyguards, nodded. “Yes sir,”

And with that, they disappeared inside the house. Both Jongin and Kyungsoo let out a sigh, glad that it was over. They glanced at each other and couldn’t help but laugh.

“Well then, I guess we can finish this date another day.” Jongin sighed.

“We have the rest of our lives for that, don’t worry.” Kyungsoo pecked Jongin’s lips with a smile. “I love you.”

Jongin smiled as if his entire world had just changed with those three words. “You love me?”

“I do.”

“I love you too.”

And he did.

More than anything.

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963 streak #1
Chapter 2: I was actually looking for a cimpketed Kaisoo to read and this is the story that peeked my interest.
Just so beautiful, the main story and this sequel. Jongin was overthinking on the negative side. He didn't realize that Kyungsoo was genuinely interested in him even during that fateful night.
Thank you so much for sharing.
190 streak #2
Chapter 2: <span class='smalltext text--lighter'>Comment on <a href='/story/view/1478823/2'>I do (Sequel)</a></span>
Love House was the first of your stories I have read....it was so good I searched your stories....I enjoy your style of writing...I never lost interest throughout....I do...Do I? was sweet! on to another!
Diraunnie #3
Chapter 2: I loved it, it was amazing!!!❤️❤️
chanlily2109 #4
Chapter 2: Thanks for updating after such a long time ❤️❤️❤️
ikko_anand_art #5
Chapter 1: Awwww this is so sweet
Chapter 1: That was amazing, no stunning! Loved every part of it :3 Thanks for beautiful story
Chapter 1: Me encantó!
Gracias por compartir tan bonita historia
Chapter 1: Awwwww this is so cute
Chapter 1: this is too cute, too sweet. can I ask for more of this? ❤