#DreamWithUsIZONE (KkuBi)

Another Night to Illuminate
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“Okay kids, round up now and explain why you all are behaving like that in front of Sakura just now?”

A stern voice calling out for her 8 daughters who are collectively pouting and in a sour mood ever since her girlfriend Sakura is visiting over for a dinner just now. Massaging her forehead using her knuckles, the mother of 8 beautiful daughters turned to her oldest daughter, hoping for a favourable explanation over their action.

Never in her life that she dreamed of seeing her 8 daughters throwing tantrum over a single visit from others. They are usually having a sweet demeanour and people often dubbed them as the 8 Angel of the neighbourhood. Thus, she couldn’t fathom that they will act like a spoiled brat just now.

“Mom, nothing’s wrong. Maybe it’s just you who are over-sensitive over the guest’s visit just now.”

The oldest daughter, Chaeyeon, who is soon turning 16 stepped in front of her sisters while trying to dismiss every chaos that occurred just now.

“True! We are behaving like we always did, mom!”

Her second youngest daughter, Yujin, also the loudest girl in this house added while folding her arms.

“Then, tell me how can Sakura has soaked over some soda while having a chewing gum stuck on her hair while screaming out about ghosts?”

Eunbi sighed as she took a seat on the nearby couch. She is exhausted after expending her energy to prepare a decent dinner for her big family as well as doing her best to welcome Sakura and introduce the sincere woman to her kids. Eunbi planned it all, hoping that her kids will see how sweet Sakura is, but little did she expect that all of them downright hating the girl with round eyes.

“Mom, that person is a creep.”

Her second eldest daughter that just turned 15, Chaewon sit by her side while wearing a stoic expression. To be honest, Eunbi can feel chills running down her spine upon seeing Chaewon who is patting her younger sisters, Nako and Hitomi.

“Right, can’t you see her ert eyes ling

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Thank you very much everyone. Until now, it is your tofu writer sending my love for our girls. Please support them and shower a lot of love in their next journey ♡(ӦvӦ。)


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augustvel #1
1851 streak #2
Chapter 62: thank you!!! one day we will meet again!!! I believe so!
Chapter 2: Owhhh luckily nothing happened.. I was worried when minjoo give the warning
Pcyqo0 #4
Chapter 62: Thank you for everything! Your stories lessened the pain and I enjoyed reading them.
1851 streak #5
Chapter 61: Umm part 2?!?! I love kkuchaen!!!
Leechaeyeon11 #6
Chapter 61: “we’ll see abou that,Miss Lee” - woahh ,interesting ;)
1851 streak #7
Chapter 60: I love it and I love yenyul!!
Chapter 59: it’s more like dimkwon inside kkubi and ssambang 🤭
dimkwon inspired by their similar instagram post juseyo (≧▽≦)
1851 streak #10
Chapter 58: give her a call!! minyul is such a cute and soft ship!!