Torn Butterfly

Hey!!! I've gotten a poster for this fic!!


Thousand thanks to Delusional Art Graphic shop!! It's beautiful and suits the story's feeling well!!

And, sorry if i didn't update for past days. I'm a senior, so the final exams are approaching really close, just next week!!


anyway, stay tune for updates!

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hope you like it! thank you~ :)
YoonTaeRi #2
@ReginaGiaLuves Thank you for commenting! I hope that you enjoy this story :)
ReginaGiaLuvies #3
Although i don't really like sad stories only because they sometimes ends in tragedy, this story seems interesting! <3
YoonTaeRi #4
thanks to all subbers :)
YoonTaeRi #5
@demigodchoding yeah.. it's sad. To be honest, i'm not good with happy stories... I hope you enjoyed it though, :)

Thanks for subscribing and commenting!!
mxsfits #6
it's.... Sad.