The Letter [Prologue]

Torn Butterfly


Listen to - Silent Regrets Ost. 49 Days



Oppa, I’m living a happy life. I’m happy. I’m free.

                I’m no longer a selfish person who lives recklessly. Who lives by hurting people and taking revenge on them for my pain I’m not a girl who lives in past and live the life with wounded heart.

                I’ve let go everything in my life, just to realize how important is forgiving and letting go. I have no one by my side. Now I’m all alone, but I feel complete. I feel no lonely.

                Now, my heart feels lighter. There isn’t any burden anymore in my heart. There isn’t hate, angst, jealousy. I only fill it with contented feeling and happiness every day.

                Even though at first, I hate everything and blame it all to my beloved people, now… I don’t hate it at all. If I didn’t meet you, if I didn’t meet Soojung, if our paths of fate aren’t crossed, I won’t know the feeling of living peacefully. Slowly, I understand the situation. Maybe, meeting you two is the most painful event beside of my father’s death tragedy, but it is also the most beautiful gift God has given to me.

                Oppa, the only goal in my life right now is to break free from your shadow, oppa. So…. Let’s forget each other for a long time. Let’s don’t meet for long, long, long time so that I can heal my scars and become that once beautiful butterfly that you once have said to me. When I already become that butterfly, I can smile freely to you, without any burden. I can say how much I miss my best friends, you and Soojung, truly, without any lies.

                I hope that you and Soojung will be happy. And I … will be happy, too.




The Torn Butterfly, Your Forgotten Best Friend,


Yoon _______

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hope you like it! thank you~ :)
YoonTaeRi #2
@ReginaGiaLuves Thank you for commenting! I hope that you enjoy this story :)
ReginaGiaLuvies #3
Although i don't really like sad stories only because they sometimes ends in tragedy, this story seems interesting! <3
YoonTaeRi #4
thanks to all subbers :)
YoonTaeRi #5
@demigodchoding yeah.. it's sad. To be honest, i'm not good with happy stories... I hope you enjoyed it though, :)

Thanks for subscribing and commenting!!
mxsfits #6
it's.... Sad.