Prompt: HC having to comfort LT because LT just encountered a very large, unpleasant bug outside that scared them.

Imagine high school students Leeteuk and Heechul out on an overnight camp for class and well, they inevitably get to share the same tent. Before sleeping, Leeteuk decided that he wanted to use the portable restroom, so he went out of their place but after a few minutes, he comes back with tears in his eyes, looking absolutely scared of something. Of course, it made Heechul panic as well because he swears, whoever or whatever the hell made Leeteuk scared is gonna be a dead meat. But first, he has to know the cause of this behavior so he gathers Leeteuk in his arms, wipes the tears that escaped his eyes and his sweat from nervousness. He need not coax him a lot because Leeteuk blurts it out himself, tells Heechul that there was a bug and he got scared of it, and he wants to go home now, says he hates bugs a lot, and many more variations of sobs coupled with Heechul’s name. Had it been any other day, Heechul would be laughing like a mad man seeing this scaredy cat, but in the face of this still terrified man, he does his best to get him to calm down and stop crying. Heechul promises to Leeteuk to find the bug tomorrow and get rid of it, says it’s such a very bad bug but his Teukie is a very brave Teukie as he soothes his eyes and forehead until Leeteuk loosens his clutch on him and smiles that dimpled smile, says “Thank you, Heechul, I’m glad I have you.” and as ridiculous as it gets Hee’s heart flips at that statement, and man, damn that bug for making Teukie scared but also, damn the bug for letting him see this adorable Teukie.

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Chapter 1: Commenting here again... This is so cute!
Chapter 12: So lovely!!! I hope there will be more
Chapter 6: Ahh, this fic also makes me warm
Chapter 2: Ahh, too cute!
Chapter 1: I ca really live without a boyfriend. I can manage with this kind of fics
YeoSan_Enthusiast #7
Chapter 3: you never saw me cryin- no one saw this comment (ily please write more uwu)