
Heechul laughs.


Jungsoo has always been easy to read.


When the said man sat across rather than beside him, he knew that something must have been up his sleeve. The members finally had time to eat and drink together, and usually, if that’s the set up, Jungsoo would be next to him. Boyfriend duties, he’d always say.


But now, Heechul was having a staring contest with his boyfriend, who earlier was trying so hard to keep up with the conversation albeit his droopy eyes and slurred speech. The plan must have backfired then. Jungsoo actually got himself pissed drunk, and through his eyes (and quite cringy aegyo in Heechul’s belief) begged for Heechul to snuggle up with him.


Of course, his affection would always win over, sometimes to his dismay. He finally stood up and made his way to the other. The members were also way past being sober, so nobody really paid attention to the two oldest on the corner.


Heechul was so sure he was sporting a cool expression, but the moment Jungsoo reached out his hands and cutely whined his name followed by a “Please hug Teukie,” Heechul just burst into a soft smile. He always loved it whenever Jungsoo put down the ever reliable, composed Leeteuk facade and showed this childish and strangely adorable side of him. And so he complied.


Several shots and conversations later, Heechul found himself even more fascinated and in love with his boyfriend. Now that he was the one taking care of someone drunk, that someone being the love of his life, Heechul made a mental note to thank and appreciate Jungsoo more and his deeds.


The ride home was peaceful, with Jungsoo just sleeping soundly while his head rests on Heechul’s shoulder. The walk to Jungsoo’s apartment was rather eventful, what with a drunk man tripping over nothing and a tired man who also had a drink.


Finally, the door to Jungsoo’s apartment clicked open and despite his state, Jungsoo was still able to pull Heechul and initiate a kiss. Once the soft presses of lips and hushed battle of I-love-yous by the door side were over, Heechul brought the suddenly clingy man to the bathroom to clean and change into their pajamas.


All the while he helped the man to brush his teeth and wash his face, Heechul’s heart grew even bigger. Who wouldn’t, he wonders, when one has a boyfriend who all throughout blabbered that he was ‘Chullie’s big baby Teukie’? Who admitted that ‘I miss Chullie, I want to stay with him forever’? And who declared that ‘Chullie will fight you if you hurt me’!


Heechul tried to contain the tears forming in his eyes. Jungsoo isn’t always vocal except when aggravated, so those little drunk kind of slip ups was enough to open a damn dam of emotions for him. He now realized that Jungsoo isn’t always easy to read. He smiled and kissed his big baby’s forehead, before bringing themselves into bed.


Jungsoo, expectedly, buried his face once more in Heechul’s chest and the latter kept on kissing his crown and rubbing his back until he was certain that the former was already asleep. Heechul took his time, however, as he relived the moments of today and was only interrupted when Jungsoo started to snore quite loudly.


Heechul laughs, then he kissed Jungsoo’s cheeks, and he finally settled himself to sleep.

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Chapter 1: Commenting here again... This is so cute!
Chapter 12: So lovely!!! I hope there will be more
Chapter 6: Ahh, this fic also makes me warm
Chapter 2: Ahh, too cute!
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YeoSan_Enthusiast #7
Chapter 3: you never saw me cryin- no one saw this comment (ily please write more uwu)