Beyond My Reach [EDITED]
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                   Exam weeks is finally over on Friday. You are planning to clear your minds by hanging out somewhere with your friends but two days ago your mother texted you that you should comeback early to your parents house because your brother’s wife expecting their first child soon and your mother wants all of the family members to be there. You sighed because you wouldn’t dare to say no to her. But at least you still have the night time left before finally leaving the dorm for around two months starting from tomorrow.

You brushed your hair away from your face when a car passed in front of you caused by a gushed of wind that ruffling your hair a little. You were now heading against some restaurants with a bag full of soft drinks gripped between your fingers. Drinking or more like get drunk was never really you. Your alcohol tolerance was really that low so you wouldn’t take any risk of it and buy a soft drinks instead. It was around seven p.m when you felt your phone buzzed in your pocket. You lazily unlocked your phone because you already know who is it. 


Where’s my food? I’m so hungry i think i’m gonna die from a hunger if you didn’t come in any second.. T^T ..hungry.. My poor belly…


Baekhyun. Your boy, your everyth— friends. He texted you exactly three hours ago that he wanted to see you. He said he missed you because exam weeks drives you insane and you didn’t have time to meet him. Maybe things works easier for the guy because he is a genius. Yeah. A genius. Even with those round glasses hanging perfectly against his nose, he’s not that guy whose into reading, studying, making some journals, no. He was just born clever. He is also the guy who hanging around a lot. He got a lot of friends and women attracted to him. Of course. He was handsome. 

And you remember, the first time he went drinking, and it was also the first time you found out that his alcohol tolerance is low. He got wasted. One of his friends called you that night. He said Baekhyun might need someone to watch him for the rest of the night because he literally passed out outside his door. You came right away and found the guy sprawled out against the couch. His round glasses was off his face, eyes half closed, mouth half parted. He just adorable. 


“You know what? I just realized you look so pretty from this angle" 


"No, Baek— You’re drunk. C'mon lets get you to bed” You positioned yourself in front of him and trying to take off his jacket without looking at his face. You didn’t pay attention to his words that much because he did called you pretty multiple times and you felt nothing about it. That’s it until he suddenly pulled your wrist harshly so you were falling on top of him. 

Eyes went wide, you could almost feel his warm breath against your face because he was too close. He looked at you with those drunken gaze, eyes droopy probably from the alcohol. “Wish we weren’t friends so I could kiss you everytime I like” He chuckled softly before he loosened his grip around your wrist. You quickly pulled your hand away and straightened your position. And then you feel it. Something that you have never felt before. Was it a cringe feeling? Warmth? Love? Scared? You were unsure and you never think about that again until now.


You were pulled back harshly into the reality because the cashier’s voice startled you in your seat. She says she has called your name multiple times and thought you were gone already. You let out an awkward laugh and apologized before finally took a leave. It was ridiculous that you were thinking about an event you promised you’d never think again. You realized that you can’t fall in love with him because it would be so awkward.

After ten minutes walk from the restaurant, you finally stood outside his dorm with two bags gripped between your fingers. There was something inside your heart that stopped you from rushed in and sharing some bear hug. But you didn’t know what is that neither. It does bother you because you feel like you just missed this boy, you really do. You just wanna laugh around with him again, listening to his unnecessary joke just like what you always did on high school. But it seems like a barrier between you and him started to grow in the past year. Things does change and you’re trying so hard to accept it. 

You inhaled some air to fill in before typed the pass code lock and stepped inside. He never changed his pass code lock from the day he moved in. He also decided to tell you what is the pass code because you’re his closest friends. Once you’re inside, it was rather quiet and his handsomeness was nowhere to be found. You’re assuming that he was probably in his room playing his favorite games so you headed towards the kitchen right away.


You were about to take out the food from the bag when your phone suddenly rang loudly inside your pocket. Wasting no time, you put your phone against your ear without seeing who is calling while your other hand continue to prepare for the food. 

“Hello this is me speaking.." 

"Hey sweetheart!” A melodious voice greeted you from another side. You could tell the voice was belong to your mother because she always have that little excitement somewhere in the way she talked. “What’s wrong mom?”

“Could you come home before noon tomorrow? I’m sorry I feel like— I miss you so much. To be honest I’m kinda worried about you… I don’t know why though. What are you up to?” Hearing those words from your mother, you pulled your hand away from the food.

“Got it. I'm—I’m about to eat mom. I’m okay. Don’t worry about—” You immediately stopped talking when you feel a presence and something pressed against your . Baekhyun.

He put his mug against your guiding you to moved away. Just another Baekhyun thing. “Move I wanna get drink”

You quickly

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Chapter 2: THAT HURTS! Wish oc could have a chance to confess, But., Baekhyun seems to be happy. Now I am crying here 😭
Chapter 1: I just know that I am in for a painful heartbreak💔
Chapter 2: It hurt, i wish they can be together somehow 🥺
KimHyeJoo #4
Chapter 2: My heart hurt so bad :’(
Chapter 2: I want to know what happened next please.... your stories are so good and frustrating at the same time you always leave us hanging don't do this 😭
Manasa25 #6
He is soooo relatable. BBH supremacy
Chapter 2: >__< am sad.. aigoo.. i presume he likes her too? >__< how i wish its a multi-chapter stories >__< she deserves happiness with baek
Chapter 1: ouch... :(
am afraid.. but i love this vlive so much,, esp when he sang: bing bing biringbing.. rent free in my head lol XD
Chapter 2: oh my god ... T______T