SPECIAL FILLER PT.1: Out of Character

Loving Yeh Shuhua (ft OT5)+(S L O W)

Special Filler Pt.1: Out of Character

A/N: Author's note!So a friend of mine had requested for the first part of the filler to be uploaded first before the continuation of Chapter 2's present timeline. "Pabo Pabo Shu".

Don't worry though,I may upload it in a few hours because its honestly so hard to think of how the flow of this story would continue.

So guess what,I'm feeding you all this crap to buy me sometime to think of a way to not make this story cringier than it already is.

As I myself know that I had already done a few mess ups by rushing and all XD

Anyways,any guess on what's gonna happen next?


Author's P.o.v

Jeon Soyeon was never a jealous person,that was a fact no one this world can hope to alter.

She takes pride in knowing that she isn't like most alphas out there.For
She does not show any typical-alpha-male behavior .

such as possessiveness,anger management issues and the need to control everything around them.


However,just like what the old wise men of the past had said before.

Every single thing,no matter how absolute.

Would always without fail,have an exception.

And that exception for Soyeon's case

Is no other than (G)I-DLE's youngest member,Yeh Shuhua.

The youngest had always been Soyeon's muse.Her inspiration for the songs she write,and the only person in this whole wide world she can be "disgustingly" soft to.(as Yuqi likes to describe it)as she is usually not the type to give affection to the one she loves that often.

But something about the younger alpha,made Soyeon feel..serene,obnoxiously happy even.

Every time the leader would catch a glimpse of her bright smile,hear her heartbeat thump with perfect rythym,her laughter and so many more things Soyeon herself cannot bring to put into words..

Would always make the beast inside her,insane with desire.

by that she means desire not out of lust but instead of love.

And In order for her to get that point across with the maknae,Soyeon would always make sure that Shuhua is comfortable at all times.

Whether they are on Variety shows,music programs and so on.

Shuhua's well being would always comes first.Because Soyeon knows the younger's struggles as a foreign idol here in Korea,how difficult it was for her to adapt just to make her dream as an idol into a reality.

The desire to protect and care for  the young girl grew stronger as the two spend more time each other.

Behind closed doors of course,as the company itself had asked her and the other girls to give the fake couple "Sooshu" more screentime on camera.

To attract more audience,more fans..

The girls,including soojin was against it at first.

But after Shuhua's persuasion they agreed.

Soyeon hated it but she endured.

She hates having to pretend she does not love her  Shuhua in a more than friendly way 

She hates that she can't even hold her close just because she wants to.

Yet still,she endured.

Jeon Soyeon did it all for Shuhua.


Because she knew deep inside  she loved the maknae,despite the latter..being an alpha.

Such a forbidding thing to do.

But  the leader of (G)I-DLE chose to ignore such details,and kept on loving the maknae silently for the sake of a steady relationship between the two of them.

It was for the best after all,right?

Well,technically yes but some things changed.

It all started when Shuhua got into her very first rut,which had happened a few days ago.

She dissapeared but now she's back.
Seemingly so different from her usual self,something that makes Soyeon worry to death.

The alpha is not used to seeing Shuhua all quiet,as if all she could ever want was to leave this place where they all reside in,and runaway somewhere very far away.

Far away from them.

A place where they cannot reach.

That is what's currently going on inside Soyeon's mind.


Which made the leader think.

What was going on with Shuhua?

At first of course,she tried to understand the younger's situation.

Thinking "Oh she's probably high on her hormones now it'll pass"

But boy was she wrong.

It did not pass,in fact it got much worse as the weeks pass by.

And by that time,it wasn't only her that was noticing this changes.

Everyone now knew,but they tried to be patient for the maknae.Tried to wait for her to come to them willingly of her own accord,and speak to them about her worries.

However,such things cannot last for so long.Especially when the person you love,is pulling themselves away from you.

Intentionally,without having to tell the reason whatsoever.

Having had enough,Soyeon made a risky decision to try and talk it out with the maknae.

Her deadly silence was something the alpha can't endure for much longer than needed to be.

Because she basically misses the loud and chaotic Shuhua who would randomly start the day with her weird antics just to put a cheery smile on her unnie's face.

 The kind of shuhua that would stop and listen to whatever they had to say,always be the one to their wounds in hopes of cheering them all up.

And lastly,the Shuhua who would always be there for her in times of need.

Making her forget,how difficult it was to be in her position as a leader in the group.

Shuhua has that kind of power on her,the ability to take one's woes away,and in exchange,give nothing but pure happiness.

She longs for Shuhua's breath taking smile once again.
Her laughter that takes away her pain and suffering in an instant.

To put it abruptly,Soyeon wants it all back.


no matter what it takes.

She will.



Cube Entertainment Building,Practice Room 203/

Soyeon had initially thought that finding out why shuhua had been acting this way would be difficult thing to do.


So imagine her surprise,when in a one particular day at practice,the answer had already been laid out in front of her.

For as the maknae dance her solo part of the choreo,the oversized green shirt that she loves so much-

was lifted up to the extent where it showed various red marks and bruises on what was supposed to be her perfectly milky white skin-devoid of such imperfections.


Did she just saw what Soyeon think it is?

Are those..really bruise marks?

On her Yeh Shuhua's body?

For a moment,the leader's world had stopped.
Many questions ran wildly around her head,clouding her sense of judgment for just a little while.

Did someone hurt her?

Did someone touched her in a way...that scared her so much to the point it made her distance herself from everyone?

From Soyeon herself?

Was that truly what happened?

Unable to control herself any longer,she had unknowingly crushed her phone on hand.

Its loud cracking sound made everyone in the room turn heads towards her direction,eyes questioning.

"..Soyeonnie,you okay?" Yuqi was the first to ask,quite nervous herself as she can practically smell Soyeon's burning wood scent all over the room.

An indication,that their leader.

Was mad

Very mad.

All the members,excluding Shuhua knew of this fact.

(The maknae never once saw Soyeon get angry for real,as the latter tries her very best not to because she's afraid her image on Shuhua would change if she allows such a thing happen).

Not knowing what to make of this situation,Minnie walked towards the leader with the intent to calm her down.

However,the moment she tries to.

All of her senses was filled with dread and fear for the leader.Her scent at this point was playing around in a very dangerous level.

Making her stop abruptly midway.

Without waiting for anyone to react further

Soyeon marched on to the maknae,biting back an aggresive growl that seems to build up .

A part of her wanted to stop before she does anything more damaging.

But she was far too mad to care,her desire to know who did that.

To her little alpha's body.

Made her thirst for blood.


A wild look in her eyes became evident for everyone to see.

"Take off your shirt"

The leader demanded,her voice firm and assertive in a way no one in the room has heard before.

Shocking all of (G)I-DLE's members to the core at Soyeon's rare display of dominance towards Shuhua.

"Excuse me Soyeon but what the ?" Soojin growled at the leader as she puts herself in front of the maknae.

"Yeah Soyeon what the are you saying huh?You drunk or something?" Yuqi joins in,also siding by Shuhua to protect her from..

Whatever it is that may happen.

"Who did that to you" the leader of the group ignored her members,her dark orbs staring at the youngest with an intent to push out an answer straight out of Shuhua's mouth.

Willing or not

Shuhua will answer to her.

Soyeon had enough of not knowing.

Her anger pushing out the rationality in her,making her say things that aren't supposed to be said out loud.


"Huh?what's going on?"



"Shuhua's has marks and bruises all over her body."




Chapter 7 teaser: A big revelation

.   "I-I slept with an omega last night ..I'm sorry!"


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Oh boi I accidentally uploaded the chapter😭😭a few had read already AHH SO FAST DAMN IT


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Chapter 12: Next chapter please!❤️❤️
sutudaumoi #2
Chapter 12: Hiii 😭 please do continue, have a break from your love language please, we need it, we need the fluff
angularmomentum #3
Chapter 12: cliffhanger must be really your love language huh? I need the fluff :')
angularmomentum #4
Chapter 5: I wholeheartedly agree with your headcanons of mishu, like that is so true, it is just like that. 100%
twiceonce999 #5
Chapter 12: Hi....
Nanakanan221 #6
Chapter 12: such a good story even if its not finished right now, i loved it💕💕
zsy0713 #7
Chapter 7: I really like this story, even though it hasn't been finished.It makes me feel different from Soyeon and Shuhua.Hope you will come back one day :))
Ivy_Jeon-Pascual #8
Chapter 12: Can someone pls give me a recommendation story of shuhua x ot5? Any kind is ok
Ivy_Jeon-Pascual #9
Chapter 12: Damn author, your story is so good it's making me check on it everyday just incase that there will be a new chapter
Ivy_Jeon-Pascual #10
Author pls continue this story, I love it so bad