In terms of maknae,we have no maknae :))

Loving Yeh Shuhua (ft OT5)+(S L O W)

A/N: Hello folks just a head's up but these chapter would be a flashback one as we read to when and what truly happened the first time Shu left the group unannounced to uh,take care of bussiness lol!!Hope you enjoy and have a good day!


F l a s h B a c K*

 |2 years ago,South Korea|

minnie's p.o.v

I can't exactly put it into words but something about our maknae is very strange.

Ever since her 18th birthday,which is by the way just 2 years ago.She started showing signs of discomfort around us when that certain "season" comes around every year.

I mean,we're all alpha's here in this group and its not like we're gonna hurt our Shuhua.

That would be the very last thing we would ever do.In our list of the things we want to do to our,cough,maknae of course.

We thought it was just a phase,that her alpha is still getting used to being awake and fully conscious of its world so of course we didn't pay that much attention to it.

But things started to get really weird real fast,and it worries not only me but the rest of my members when we wake up to see Shuhua not on her bed sleeping with that adorable look on her face.

That day we were about to call our management crew about the dissapearance of Shuhua when suddenly,Soojin got a text from her.

A simple,void of emoticon kind of message.

"I'd be gone for a few days.Don't look for me"

That's it,that's all she has to say.

Furious cries were heard all over our dorm as we angrily replied a message to the maknae,but she never responded.

Soyeon had already gone to the CEO to ask about why the did she leave all of the sudden and he was like

"Its a private issue girls.Go home,Shuhua will come back in a few days"

Honestly,what the ?

What kind of a CEO let's a member of his group to just leave and not tell a thing to her members?

We were scheduled to guest in a variety show today and our maknae is nowhere to be found.

The worst thing is that this trashy CEO of ours didn't even gave us a head's up,and so did Shuhua.

I can practically feel the anger rise out of everyone in the group,mostly Soojin.

Her calm and collected persona was broken in just a few seconds and it took 4 of us to stop her from punching our -head CEO in the face.My god I sometimes forget that in terms of raw strength and flexibility,Seo Soojin outranks all of us.That's what makes a force to be reckoned with.

I mean,I can understand where she's coming from and all but until we find where she really is.

We can't act stupid.


Its been 3 days,7 hours and 32 minutes since we last had contact with Shuhua.everyone is getting restless,and easily ticked off.

Which led to us getting into petty fights because Shuhua is gone and we don't have a clue if she's doing alright whatsoever.

Plus,her scent plays a very important role in calming all of us when we're not in a good mood.I swear for an alpha her scent is the sweetest,most delectable scent I have ever had the chance of taking in in my life.
God if only she was a beta or even an omega I would definetly would !-

My thoughts of getting under Shuhua's skin was disrupted when I head Yuqi's typical loud-  mouth yell out her displeasure,ring across the room.God have mercy on my ears.

"For god's sake where is that brat??" Yuqi angrily stomps her feet on the ground,reading her texts over and over again to our Shu,prolly wondering what she said wrong for her not to give a response.

"I'm worried,is she really alright?I think we should call her family or something" Miyeon suggested as she sulks somewhere around the corner,typical Chodi B.

"Already did that,they said that Shu didn't show up in their house but she did tell them that she would be " busy" for the next seven days...Can you believe that?" I felt out main dancer's death glare bore onto Miyeon's sulking figure.

This,as I expected triggered an insulted response from our eldest alpha.God,truly without our Shuhua's prescence everyone's alpha is easily triggered.

Dear lord.

"I don't really like the way your looking at me now,Soojin" Miyeon growled lowly,standing up tall and proud to look down on the younger alpha.

Author's p.o.v
The room's tension increased by ten folds as the main vocal and main dancer of (G)I-DLE have a stare down competition,everyone,even Soyeon is too worked up over the dissapearance of their maknae to even think rationally.

"I'm already on my last thread of patience and your here acting all sulky when our maknae is out there by herself,alone" Soojin snarls at the last part

The thought of Shuhua being alone out there in the city is driving her nuts.

While it is true that the maknae is an alpha by nature,She knows that her scent is too ing sweet that it can attract all sorts of people.

Alpha,Beta or Omega.

Who knows maybe an omega is ing their maknae or an Alpha having their way with her right at this very moment.

Many things could happen,and Soojin is very mad  at herseld that she could not be there with ShuShu to protect her

"What so you think your the only one under the impression that she might be in danger?" The eldest stomped her way towards Soojin,hitting her harshly by the shoulder with her index finger as she say

"Know your place Seo Soojin.You might be her favorite unnie but I sure as hell the only one who she can't keep maintain a decent amount of eye contact to,that should tell you something" She smirks at the end of taunt,watching Soojin's face slowly change into a look of pure anger.

"What did you just say?!" Soojin yelled as she grab Miyeon by the colar,which made the older push her roughly away and-

"Enough both of you"

Soyeon came into the scene,carrying plastics of food and drinks for them to eat tonight.

"Shuhua contacted me just now,I figured that you girls would be interested enough to listen to what I have to say :))"

And with that,all hell broke lose.



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Oh boi I accidentally uploaded the chapter😭😭a few had read already AHH SO FAST DAMN IT


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Chapter 12: Next chapter please!❤️❤️
sutudaumoi #2
Chapter 12: Hiii 😭 please do continue, have a break from your love language please, we need it, we need the fluff
angularmomentum #3
Chapter 12: cliffhanger must be really your love language huh? I need the fluff :')
angularmomentum #4
Chapter 5: I wholeheartedly agree with your headcanons of mishu, like that is so true, it is just like that. 100%
twiceonce999 #5
Chapter 12: Hi....
Nanakanan221 #6
Chapter 12: such a good story even if its not finished right now, i loved it💕💕
zsy0713 #7
Chapter 7: I really like this story, even though it hasn't been finished.It makes me feel different from Soyeon and Shuhua.Hope you will come back one day :))
Ivy_Jeon-Pascual #8
Chapter 12: Can someone pls give me a recommendation story of shuhua x ot5? Any kind is ok
Ivy_Jeon-Pascual #9
Chapter 12: Damn author, your story is so good it's making me check on it everyday just incase that there will be a new chapter
Ivy_Jeon-Pascual #10
Author pls continue this story, I love it so bad