Nab Cheating Girlfriend (Sequel to

Madam Jung patted Jaekyung's shoulder in a comforting manner. "Don't worry. I'm sure it's going to be okay." she comforted.

Jaekyung looked up at her with her tear stained face and Madam Jung's heart broke, seeing such a beautiful and kind-hearted girl cry her heart out. Madam Jung nodded. "I know. You don't love him." she noted.

Jaekyung nodded as her head hung, depressed. Madam Jung watched her and felt familiarity to what Jaekyung was feeling at the moment. "There's someone else isn't there?" she asked gently. "There's someone else who already had your heart from the beginning."

Jaekyung took a sharp intake of breath and peeked at Madam Jung through the slits between her fingers. She bit her lip hesitantly, not knowing how to respond. *How did she know?*

Madam Jung smiled. "Don't worry. I won't tell anyone else." she assured. She sighed as she looked out of the window at the moon outside. "I had loved someone else too, you know." she whispered. The room was silent, waiting for her to share her story.

"I came here against my will, away from my family, away from the ones I loved." she whispered. "And I couldn't go back. I thought about them all my time here, every single day." Jaekyung frowned, not knowing that Madam Jung too had such a story. "But we can't change the fact that we have to stay here, Jaekyung." she told her. "We are separated from them, they live their lives, we live ours. We can't get back to them unless some miracle happens."

Jaekyung's face fell as she nodded. Though she had been clear about that point, hearing it again made it seem even more real than ever.

Madam Jung smiled at Jaekyung. "I know it's impossible to stop loving the one in your heart right now." she told her. "Because even after so many years, I haven't forgotten my husband. But I know everything's going to be alright for you, alright? Don't worry."

Jaekyung nodded and looked out of the window as both she and Madam Jung thought about the ones in their hearts.



A week had passed since Jaekyung had been declared to be Yongguk's fiance.

She had moved rooms to one of the most luxurious ones in the whole palace, a suite next to Yongguk's. She specifically requested that Madam Jung be her personal maid so that she could make sure no one else bullied Madam Jung seeing that she was older.

Yongguk's initial pride in having such a beautiful fiance had begun to wear off. In the beginning, when he announced their engagement to the whole land, all the handsome single bachelors of the land had expressed their pity that such a beautiful woman had been taken. Yongguk was swelling with pride when Jaekyung stood beside him and he enjoyed the attention very much.

He made Jaekyung hand all the love letters that other males sent to her, over to him, so that he could reply every single one of them and tell them that the woman was his.

However, as time passed, the distance between Jaekyung and him began to show. Yongguk chose her purely because of her looks, and partly because she didn't throw herself at him and he thought it was a fresh change. But now he began to think that he would have preferred her throwing herself at him.

Because she seemed to have no interest in him whatsoever.

When they had dinner together, just the two of them, she didn't seem to like the romantic atmosphere and gobbled her food as fast as she could so that she could get away.

When he pinned her to the wall the other time to kiss her cheek, Jaekyung actually squirmed in his arms and looked somewhat disturbed.

He sent her flowers and gifts and she didn't look happy about it. In fact, he hadn't even recalled an instance where he had successfully made her blush.

His friends had started to notice how his fiance didn't seem to adore him and Yongguk was getting mad. He wanted her because she was beautiful, but she also had to love him. Jaekyung never seemed to want anything to do with Yongguk, and it didn't have anything to do with the fact that she was mute.

The plain reason: she wasn't interested.

And that was the part that made Yongguk completely puzzled. He was one of the highest ranking princes, and was one of the likely candidates for the throne, since the King didn't have a son. Even he himself had to admit that he looked handsome when he looked at himself in the mirror, and he treated her well. He wanted her to fall for him but he had no idea how to.

Which was why...

"Prince, Yongguk. I'm here." A younger blonde boy knocked on Yongguk's door. Yongguk's eyes brightened up when they saw the very man he had been waiting for. Here in the land of Men, this very young guy in front of him was one of the most sought over bachelors, besides himself. He had awesome good looks and wa good with women, and was the top agent of Nab-Cheating-Girlfriend.

"Zelo!" Yongguk smiled and gestured for the top agent to come in. Zelo walked into the grand suit cautiously and blinked at Yongguk. "I'm not sure if you really know what my job scope is about, Prince." Zelo frowned. "I'm here to catch girlfriends that are cheating, or find out reasons for their unloyalty. I doubt your fiance..."

"That's exactly it." Yongguk rolled his eyes. He huffed while looking at Zelo. "Jaekyung hasn't been any different after she became my finace, compared to when she was my maid. She's still not smiling even though I shower her with gifts. I don't know why she just doesn't seem interested in me and I want you to find out exactly why it is that."

"EH?" Zelo blinked.

*But if she doesn't love you, it's not something you can force right?* Zelo frowned, not knowing how to respond.

"Well I'm pretty sure she was single when I announced the engagement." Yongguk shrugged. "So according to the law, she has to be faithful to me and only me. It's not that she she's unfaithful, but she's....not faithful. Aish am I making sense?"

Zelo blinked.

Yongguk sighed. "Long story short. She doesn't love me and I want you to find out why." he snapped. "Maybe it's because I have some quality she doesn't like. Maybe it's because she doesn't even like guys. Or maybe it's because she already loves another man. If it's the first, I'll just change. The second, I'll find another wife. If you manage to prove that it's the third, it'll be against the law and I'll decide what to do with her."

He looked at Zelo. "But the thing is, you HAVE to find out why she doesn't seem to love me first. Got it?" he demanded.

Zelo nodded and bowed. He scratched his head and wrinkled his nose, confused. *This is the weirdest case I've ever gotten. Besides the fact that it's PRINCE YONGGUK, but why would anyone not love him? He's the freaking prince! And didn't they get engaged out of love? It's only a week after the engagement and something like that is happening.. Aish...*

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reshavxx #1
Chapter 31: loved this as much as the prequel. thank you Goddess <3
Chapter 31: this is the first story so far that I read I dnt want to stop
12shiningstars #3
Chapter 24: I KNEW IT! I knew it I knew I knew it~ I luv Madame Jung.
12shiningstars #4
Chapter 5: I remember, it said that Jaekyung was gonna get banished, I was like, HELL NO WHY YOU DO THIS then I seentheres a sequel. Oops
jiminisbae123 #5
nicely plotted out
Nice story! It was interesting and everything was nicely plotted out. :D
Jjongshi #7
Chapter 31: I love it!!!! Both prince and the princess live happily together!!! world peace!!!!!!!
Chapter 31: hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh the best story ever wow
moccaberry #9
Chapter 31: the ending is so cute omfg!