
When the Stars Align
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Exhausted. Physically and emotionally. The pressures of work and the wedding looming over his head was heavy. More than that though, Nari’s words were like 5-ton weights on his heart. I’ve never been in love. Was he just fool this entire time? Did he misread her so many years ago? Any moment now the earth would open up and swallow him. He almost wanted it to happen. He unleashes a frustrated groan as he walks out of the office building, the faintly humid summer air greeting his skin. Baekhyun tilts his head to stare at the dark sky above. No stars tonight. Light pollution at it's finest.


He digs into his pocket, pulling out his phone. He already knows whose name would be on the screen.
“Hello?” Baekhyun greets, his voice dripping in exhaustion.
“Honey, are you on your way home yet?” Dasom asks in that energized manner of hers. Baekhyun pinches his nose between his eyes. Truthfully, he didn’t want to go home. Being with Dasom would only make his heart even heavier. He blinks to try and wake his mind up a bit. Conveniently, his gaze fall upon the white tent across the street. He needed a drink.
“I’ll be late. Don’t wait up and go to sleep.” Baekhyun hangs up, not giving her a chance to object as she usually does.


Baekhyun makes himself comfortable at a small table. It’s been a while since he’s made a stop here. Rolling up the sleeves of his dress shirt, he calls out the lady running the tent.
“One spicy pork and soju, over here!” Truthfully, he wasn’t the biggest fan of spicy food or drinking, but with all the emotions stirring this was the only solution. It was something Nari had taught him. His order is brought out quickly, the smell of spice already invading his senses as soon as the plate hits the tabletop. Without hesitation, he reaches for the soju bottle first and pours it into the small shot glass. He watches solemnly as the glass fills with the clear liquid. The sweet bitterness runs along his taste buds as the drink reaches the back of his throat. Baekhyun clears his throat loudly. It’s definitely been a minute.

Baekhyun stares at the empty dish and bottle in front of him. Unfortunately, it didn’t work. He was slightly tipsy but still conscience enough for those pestering feelings to still egg him.
“Miss, do you need me to call a driver for you?” The tent lady’s voice can be heard over the loud laughing and chatter of customers. Baekhyun’s eyes follow her voice to see the lady nudging the shoulder of a wasted woman. Baekhyun narrows his eyes, sensing something familiar about the customer. Her bag.
“Miss, do you have a friend I can call?” The tent owner questions with a hopeless expression.
“I’ll take her back home.” Baekhyun says. He doesn’t know when he got up from his table, but he’s now standing in front of the two women. The tent owner gives him a skeptical look.
“She’s a friend of mine. Right, Nari?” Baekhyun calls out to the drunk wedding planner. She lifts her head from the table, narrowing her eyes to get a good look at him. Her face is flushed red from alcohol as her lips stretch into a contagious grin. Baekhyun’s heart thumps hard against his chest. When was the last time she smiled at him like that?
“Baekhyun! You’re here!”


One thing hasn’t changed all these years: Nari’s alcohol tolerance. Baekhyun chuckles to himself as he strolls down the sidewalk, hauling Nari on his back.
“You barely finished one bottle.” Baekhyun scoffs. She only responds with a grunt.
“Where do you live?” He asks.
“At the office… Second floor…” She drones out. He should have expected that. She did live and breathe wedding planning. She rests her head like a rock on his shoulder, finding comfort in the tempo of his steps. Baekhyun doesn’t know if it’s the traces of alcohol in his system, but his heart is beating rapidly.

“Baekhyun…” His name on her tongue sends a warm feeling in his chest. He hums.
“I don’t know what she was talking about, you’re still warm…” Nari murmurs, instinctively snuggling closer to him. His steps falter just a bit when the tip of her nose tenderly brushes his neck.
“W-What?” Baekhyun clears his throat.
“Your fiancé… She said you’re bad at showing how you feel… But that’s not the Baekhyun I remember…You’re not cold… You’re warm… Still warm…” Nari’s drunken words are like a symphony to Baekhyun’s ears.
“Can I tell you something?” Nari giggles.
“You’re going to tell me anyway, aren’t you?” Baekhyun chuckles.
“Bingo.” She chimes. Nari had always been the talkative type of drunk. The kind without a filter that said whatever came to mind and it always came back to bite her from behind.
“I don’t think she sees what I see in you…” Nari in a matter-of-fact tone, speech still quiet and slurred.
“She only talked about your job, looks, and manners…” Baekhyun nods his head. He knows well why Dasom loves him.
“What else is there? That’s all I am.” Baekhyun replies. He was the perfect boyfriend according to the book. Good looking, had a stable job, and manners that any body would praise. That’s all he was. Baekhyun winces when he feels a hard knuckle against his skull.
“Yah!” He turns his head to glare at the woman, only to spot her calm and carefree expression resting comfortably on his shoulder. Every time he’s seen her, she always wore a mask over her face. For once, he was able to see a glimpse of the Nari he knew seven years ago.
“You’re more than that, Baekhyun.” She pouts, sending a loud knock on his heart.
“Your laughter… It brightened my darkest days. When you smiled, I knew everything would be alright. Your eyes… I always found safety in them. And you’re warm… You were my biggest comfort back then… That’s why I lo-” Typical Seo Nari. She lasted a bit longer this time before knocking out. A wistful smi

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Chapter 9: Aaaw what a beautiful story!!! Kinda feel bad for Dasom, but we know that she didn't really love Baekhyun, she just live the idea of him.
Looking forward to read the sequel/prequel/epilogue..
Chapter 9: This was a beautiful read on doubt💕 Happy to know that all the odds they faced will be solved now. I am a er for such happy endings🥰😂
Chapter 9: Wow this was an amazing story. I need to see baekhyun nari together more. This is not enough. Hopefully you would update epilogue whenever you can
AiiSoo #4
Chapter 9: This is a beautiful story. Not so much for the abandoned bride. Well, it can’t be helped. I hope there won’t be bad feelings later on to both Baekhyun and Nari. Chanyeol seemed to blame Nari a lot about wrecked Baekhyun before.
Yes please for the prologue and epilogue. This is not enough. I need to read more on their sweet moments and all. Baekhyun literally fell for Nari first and that was so cute.
Thank you for presenting us this beautiful writing.
Chapter 9: :(( but still poor bride loll
Nlnz2016 #6
Chapter 9: Wow, I’m glad Baek decided to find Nari. Can’t wait for epilogue and prequel. Thanks for the amazing story
Endzii22 #7
Chapter 9: Baek made a good decision even though probably everyone is mad at him
Chapter 9: I honestly think this is a nice story ;-; totally anticipating their history
BubuBaek_Na94 #9
Chapter 9: Oh god!!!! I wanna know what happened in the past! The story why she thought she was a “stain” In his life...🥲
Chapter 9: omg YES PLS AN EPILOGUE