
Don't Fall for Him
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I felt someone lightly tap on my shoulder. I turned my head to my right and saw Minseok-oppa smiling brightly at me. He was smiling so wide that his cat-eyes were already in crescents.

“Minseok-oppa!” I greeted him as I returned his smile. He stood beside me and helped me arranged the decorations that we will be putting up later on in this venue. My gaze went back to the paper cranes I am fixing in position, humming softly as we silently get all the decorations ready. I’m getting excited for what will happen later.

Chanyeol-oppa’s finally asking Aera-sshi to be his girlfriend tonight and made a plan with the whole group to have a ‘little’ event for them. Which was sweet of him, I believed, as he even wrote her a song that he will be singing later on.

The members quickly agreed to his plan and even convinced me (though they didn’t really have to) to help them as they need a ‘girl’s touch’ on what they will be doing or else something might went wrong. So here we are at the back of a small restaurant with a garden that Chanyeol-oppa rented out, decorating the greenhouse of flowers the way he envisions it. Aera-sshi’s one lucky girl, I must say.

“What did you to him, hm?” Minseok-oppa asked me, breaking my line of thoughts. I turned my attention to him and I saw him smirking back at me. He nudged my shoulders playfully before he pointed in front of him using his lips. I followed where he is pointing and saw Kyungsoo-oppa fooling around with others, with the fairy lights wrapped around his neck like a shawl.

“He’s in such a good mood right now to be able to fool around with them, more or less let Baekhyun do that to him with those fairy lights.” He said and we both smile widely when we saw Kyungsoo-oppa laugh out loud as he pushed Baekhyun-oppa to the ground. He was still laughing at whatever they were doing when he turned his attention to us. He gave the both of us a wave and his squishy smile before turning his gaze back to Chanyeol-oppa when the latter said something to him.

“It’s an odd but refreshing sight to see him like that. So humor me Hyejoon-ah. You came here with him right?” he said as he eyes me playfully, wiggling his eyebrows at me. I blushed at his statement and lowered my gaze, biting down my lips to hide my smile.

“I did come with him but I didn’t do anything to him Minseok-oppa.” I told him honestly. He looked at me for a moment before he shook his head while laughing softly. After that he did not say anything as we both resumed what we are doing.

Moments later my cousin came to us. He nudged me lightly and stood by my side. I looked up to him from the paper cranes that I’m fixing. He looked at me with his eyebrows knotted in the middle.

“What?” I asked him. I saw him smile suspiciously before his eyes darted in front of us. I followed his gaze and saw that he, too, was pointing to where Kyungsoo-oppa was.

“What did you do to Kyungsoo-hyung?” he asked me right away. I heard Minseok-oppa stifled a laugh as a reaction before my cousin look over me to see him.

“You noticed it too right hyung?” he asked. Minseok-oppa smiled widely at him in response before he turned to me again and raised his eyebrows playfully.

“What did your cousin do to him hm?” he asked Jongin-oppa. I saw him shrugged his shoulders and both of them turned their attention at me. I immediately felt myself shrinking because of their gazes that I lowered my head in embarrassment. Why are they asking me this kind of question, seriously? I didn’t even really do anything to Kyungsoo-oppa.

“I didn’t do anything to him, I s-swear! We just had breakfast today before coming here after we see the sun rise, that’s all.” I said defensively as I waved my hands in front of me. The two guys just laughed at my answer but thankfully didn’t push it afterwards because I really don’t know what to say.

“Besides, what’s wrong seeing him like that? I mean, isn’t that better than him always being serious and quiet?” I asked them as I turned to looked where the guy we were talking about was. He was still goofing around with the other guys, currently laughing too much that his cheeks looks so round right now and his eyes were squinting. I can’t help but to smile as well at the sight. He looked so happy, so alive right now that it makes me feel light just by looking at him.

“Well, you’re not wrong about that. But it is once in a blue moon that he lets the other hyungs play pranks like that at him. I mean, look at him, not even attacking Baekhyun-hyung even if hyung is teasing him.” Jongin-oppa said as he pointed out the guys. Though his words are a little bit early since as soon as he said those, Kyungsoo-oppa hit Baekhyun-oppa and the latter rubbed his arms because of it.

“You’re saying something oppa?” I told him as I laughed at the scene we just witnessed. He scratched his neck because of this but nevertheless laugh as well.

“Guess I spoke too early.” He said as he put his arm around me and ruffled my hair. I quickly throw him a glare and elbowed his side playfully, earning a grunts from him.

“But whatever you did to him, thank you Hye Joon-ah. This is too early to say, but thank you for making him smile like that. It has been a while since I saw our Kyungsoo smile and laugh like that. Ask Junmyeon and I’m sure he’ll agree with me.” Minseok-oppa said, tapping my shoulder while he smiled at me. Hearing his words made me flustered and blushed in instant.


It was almost sun set when we received a text message from Chanyeol-oppa saying that they were near the place. He left us about an hour ago to fetch Aera-sshi. But of course, not without running through his plans all over again with us for the nth time. Everybody just shook our heads in agreement with him as we all know that it was all his nervousness that has been talking to us. Everything has been prepared and well taken off by us especially him so nothing will go south tonight.

The boys were already outside, waiting at the parking lot just beside the greenhouse. We would be going as soon as the couple would arrived and sorted things out. I was the only one left inside as I’m doing the final ch

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for those of you who are interested, I've posted a new story (hopefully I can finish it too.) - https://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/1484206/hey-sehun


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Chapter 31: OMG I'm literally in tears!!! My heart broke for Hye Joon!! And Sehun!! And i can't even be mad with Kyungsoo.. i hope we can get a glimpse of their future where everybody has move on.. and let Hye joon be happy with Sehun..
Thank you for this beautiful angsty story <333
myungsoodaehyun36 #2
Chapter 31: Read this story in one go. It broke my heart T.T
Chapter 4: Why does the University layout looks like my University 🤣🤣 the building placement and even the clusters
745 streak #4
Chapter 31: Don't Fall For Him - I must admit that now I understand the meaning of the title and I thought it was going to have a happy ending but... either way I enjoy reading it. Thank you for this lovely story! <3
Nicole121314 #5
Chapter 31: Poor HyeJoon. For sure she's confused... but anyway she'll be fine. Its for her good anyway.

And thanks for this story dear...
AiiSoo #6
Chapter 31: I know Kyungsoo is the softer one out of his two personalities. But I thought D.O. Has somewhat fallen for Hye Joon. Well maybe not from the last chapter. Poor Hye Joon probably confused as hell.
Thank you for wrapping up this story till the end. Probably not the most expected ending, but a good one nonetheless. So thank you for your hard work in writing this story..!
2034 streak #7
Chapter 31: I'm done reading the final chapter and I'm still can't believe that the story has ended. A bit disappointed that it's a sad ending, but I guess it was kinda expected. So, D.O still liked Wendy or did he not want Kyungsoo to be happy with Hye Joon? That's the only thing I was not understanding exactly. Anyway, will maybe see you around in your next stories. Wish you the best!! ^^
Nicole121314 #8
Chapter 30: She said it all ... a very emotional chapter but worth reading... thanks.

Can't wait for the next update ....
2034 streak #9
Chapter 30: Oh no! Why??? I mean I knew it would eventually come down to this but still wasn't ready for it. It was quite an emotional chapter. Anyway, thanks for the update. And I'll be eagerly waiting for the next one ^^
AiiSoo #10
Chapter 30: TTTT..... Why it has come to this...?
Thank you for this update.