The Flame of Jah is everlasting!

The Flame of Jah.

The king and the maidens.

The king and the maidens         


Scene 2,

She said. Tell him, "I am not afraid for him. I will challenge him to the end of my days. After all one day of knowing my dear one is more than a 1000 days in his court!" She said with no take backs.

"You really love him that much?" They said in a awe inspiring whisper.

"Yes I do, everything about him is desirable, this is my dear one, this is my beloved oh daughters of Jerusalem." She said at the top of her lungs. She heard someone in the distance, the maidens were already running away.

It was all quiet, and she went inside a cabinet to avoid the king's men.

"Honey it's me." said a familiar voice. His wife ran out to greet him.

It was the twins who she had encountered yesterday. It was a second day encounter. "Hi Nephesh and Shephesh, thanks for rescuing us."

"It was the least we could do. If he messes with my wife, then he messes with me."

She spoke outloud, "How can I ever repay you?"

He said, "Make sure you stay far away from the king. He has done this to my parents, I couldn't see it happen again. Run to another city it is dangerous here."

"Yes I oblige."

They discussed the matter between themselves.

"You see we must tell the king something he wants to hear so out of all the memories which one can help us to prove your dear one as innocent. They were locked in their houses by the king who made a direct order, but they were not sad, because they remembered that the twins were all servants of the king and they had made a escape plan for all of them. So they sat and played chess while they were waiting on the shepherd boys' call.

The Shula-mite gazed at the maiden and her eyes got dreamy, "Well we were sitting on top of the mountain of Engedi where his sheeps eat corn by the bailou and he said to me. "Come to me my bride." (And there is more to the story he sent a card to her so look below.)





They laughed and said, "That will get us in prison. You should reconsider the affections of the king, he can give money."

She answered, "Don't try to arouse love until it is inclined it will be a sordid conclusion for my family if you do. I know exactly who I want and it is, my beloved the precious son of Asaph and Harmony."

They both stopped talking. She was happy they had stopped so that she could stay in her daydream of the shepherd boy.

She heard a whistle and she knew that it was the twins trying to bring her back to her dear ones. 

The shepherd boy named Dan  was speaking with his parents and the minute he saw the Shullamite girl he lit up and his teeth look like a flock of sheep in a vineyard.

They all hugged each other. His parents were there and said, "You love her, why didn't you tell us?"

He answered, "I didn't know if you'd approve."

They said, "We do approve of her, she is more daintier than a lamb,  she has saved the lives of many girls who were going to be beheaded if they didn't marry the king, Dan talked to the magistrate and he has decided to pass a law that says you can only marry one woman. He want to meet you and congratulate you. Isn't that great?"

"Yes, and now I am with my dear one at last." "I am so pleased I could help you, what a blessing it is to know that they're free."

They all said, "Has there ever been a woman as treasurous as this?"

The Shullamites face beamed like a sunkissed flower. 

End of scene! 





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