Chapter 10

The blind side of love

A/N: Yes, it's me double updating the same day again and ALSO this is one of my favorites, hope you enjoy it,




Have you heard from Sehun?” Her mother asked, her voice rising slightly over the noise of water falling into the kitchen sink.

In the living room, her stepfather and younger brother played a video game, the sound of their competitive bickering mixing with the sound of water, of her mother’s voice. Seulgi finished drying a plate and put it in the cupboard. “No.”

He was a good boy. You shouldn’t have let him go. A boy like that, with all of that money and all of that intelligence... he would have done right by you.”

Seulgi grabbed another plate. “He was cheating on me, mom.”

“Men cheat,” her mother said, matter-of-factly, as if she’d said, ‘pass the cheese.’ “Your father was no different.”

“And you kicked him out.”

Her mother let out a short, strangled sort of laugh. “Is that what you think? That I kicked him out?” Dara shook her head, rinsed a plate, handed it to Seulgi. “After all of these years you think I wanted him gone? You think I wanted to be left all alone with two young children, without a job? No. He left. He packed his things and he moved to California to be with that...” She let the rest of the sentence hang in the air. “I wanted him to stay,” she continued. “He should have stayed. You and your brother deserved to have a father.”

Seulgi didn’t know what to say. She couldn’t imagine herself in her mother’s shoes; married to an unfaithful man, wishing him to remain for the sake of the children. The thought depressed her. It made her glad to be rid of Sehun.

We had Seunghyun,” she said.

Her mother nodded. “Yes. He’s been a good man.” Her mother continued to nod, as if the action convinced her of what she was saying. “You shouldn’t have let Sehun go.”

Seulgi took a deep breath, but didn’t answer. She waited until a moment had passed, and then another. “I spoke to Chanyeol earlier.”

Dara paused in her actions, only briefly, before continuing. “I don’t care to hear about that boy. That thing he has, that sickness... that’s not from Seunghyun’s side of the family. We talked about it. Must be from that awful woman that gave birth to him.” She rinsed another plate. “You shouldn’t be talking to him.”

Seulgi sighed softly, feeling something in her break. “He’s doing well,” she said anyway. “I know you don’t care and maybe Seunghyun doesn’t care either but... well, now you know.”

Dara didn’t say anything. The two of them fell into silence as the water continued to run, and the video game music played on to the sounds of Seunghyun and Hyunsuk laughing.

Will you be coming to my art showing at the gallery?” Seulgi ventured. It had been the reason she’d called and agreed to dinner.

Dara turned to her and smiled. She dried her hands on her apron and touched Seulgi’s hair. “Of course. You think I would miss my baby’s big moment? Not for the world.”

Seulgi felt the sudden sting of tears at her eyes and she quickly turned away so her mother wouldn’t see. All evening she had feared asking, certain that what she considered to be a great achievement would be viewed by her family as a trivial matter; something to nod at and dismiss. “Thursday is the opening night,” she said, putting another dry plate away. “You should come then.”

Her mother returned to the dishes. “Are you bringing a date?”

Seulgi frowned at the question. “I hadn’t thought about it.” She thought of Kai and the card in her pocket. He was an artist. Maybe he’d want to come. “But there’s someone I can ask.”








Jisoo ordered a martini when the waiter came around. It had been a spur of the moment decision, the kind of choice she felt stupid about immediately after making it. She hated martinis; she was well aware of that fact. But as she’d looked at the list of drinks, she’d been overcome by the need to choose something different.

Did you have a nice flight?” Jennie was looking at her, her attention so focused that Jisoo thought, for a brief instant, that she’d been asked something more important.

I did, thank you.” This wasn’t a date, Jisoo reminded herself, no matter how many outfits she’d gone through before finally walking out of the hotel room. She blamed Rosé. Jisoo hadn’t needed to know that Jennie was gay; it was superfluous information. And now it was all Jisoo could think about. Here they were, the two of them, sitting across from each other in a bar, soon to be having drinks over what would (eventually) become professional conversation, and all Jisoo could do was wonder whether or not Jennie found her attractive.

I hate flying,” Jennie was saying. 

Really? I find it kind of relaxing.

Jennie offered a half-smile. “Really? I envy people like you. I spend the entire flight gripping the armrests, convinced that every little sound is the engine giving out. Sometimes I even glance out to make sure the wings are still attached.”

Jisoo laughed. “I don’t know. I guess I always feel free up there. Like things are out of my control and I have nothing to worry about.”

“Except the engine giving out.”

She smiled because she couldn’t help it. “Yeah... well, I didn’t worry about that before, but I probably will now. Thanks.”


The waiter arrived with their order, and Jisoo was grateful for the interruption. The glass in front of her gave her something to look at besides Jennie’s smile. She felt nervous and self-conscious around the director, as though Jennie might guess the truth about Jisoo simply by looking at her.

She forced herself not to think about it. Instead, she sipped and listened to the low rumble of undecipherable conversations, of inconsequential moments that hid the passing of time. She let the sound settle over them.

How’s your drink?”

Jisoo glanced down at the martini glass and then back up at Jennie. “It’s disgusting, actually.” She laughed, feeling embarrassed for having ordered it in the first place. “It’s not what I usually order.”

“What made you get it?”

What indeed. “I guess I was in the mood for something different.” Jisoo shrugged slightly, feeling uncomfortable and on the spot, as if the act of ordering a drink she didn’t like said something about who she was as a person.

Jennie only smiled, looking amused. “Want to try mine? I haven’t drunk from it yet.” She pushed her glass toward Jisoo.

Surprised, Jisoo looked up and caught Jennie’s gaze. She had to remind herself once again that this wasn’t a date, that Jennie was simply being nice to her because she was Kim Jisoo and no other reason than that. “What is it?”

“Gin and tonic. If you like it, I’ll trade you. Martinis are actually my favorite.” Jisoo arched a questioning brow.

Huh. Why did you order a gin and tonic then?”

Jennie looked embarrassed. “You’re going to think it’s stupid.”

“Try me.”

“Well ... okay. I was reading Life, the Universe and Everything on the flight here and in it one of the characters goes temporarily insane in pre-historic Earth and spends a few weeks jumping in and out of a gin and tonic. Well, it’s a small lake, really but... anyway, it was on my mind when I ordered.” She paused. “You probably think I’m insane.

Ford,” Jisoo said, remembering. “You can’t go wrong with Douglas Adams.” Jennie looked pleasantly surprised. “You’ve read it?”

“I did. A long time ago.” Jisoo glanced down at the offered drink and picked it up. She took a sip, enjoying the bitter but pleasant taste of it. It wasn’t the first time she’d had a gin and tonic, but it was rare to find it mixed properly. After a moment, she pushed the martini in Jennie’s direction, thinking, as she watched the glass slide across the table, how much like a date this felt despite it not being one. “It’s all yours.”

Jennie accepted the drink, smiling gratefully. “That worked out well, then. What do you usually order?”

“Vodka and cranberry juice.”

“I’ll have to try that sometime.” Jennie tasted the drink, then put it down on the table. “So, you’re probably wondering why I asked you to meet me here.”

“You mean it wasn’t just to steal my drink?”

Jennie laughed. “That was merely a bonus. I got a call yesterday about a big audition event going on next week. Seems like a group of semi-professional actors will be auditioning before a large panel of directors from different theater companies, and I thought we could check it out.”

Jisoo picked up her drink again. “’We as in you and me?”

“I’m dragging Ella Peters along, she’s one of the producers, but I was hoping, since you’d be in town, that you’d be able to join us.”

“For the purpose of...?”

“Providing a third opinion?” Jennie seemed to sigh. “Don’t get me wrong, Ella is a great person and she’s really gone on a limb for me with this film, but we’ve hit a bit of a brick wall in terms of casting. She’s insisting on big name actors all the way, while I believe there’s nothing wrong with finding new talent.”

“I take it I’m where you made a compromise?”

Jennie smiled. “Like I told you before, Jisoo, I wrote that role with you in mind. I just don’t want to leave certain venues unexplored simply because it might yield actors who lack notoriety. I know this might sound incredibly naïve to you, but honestly, I just want to make sure I have the right cast, not just one that’s box office friendly.”

Naïve or not, Jisoo found Jennie intriguing. It was rare to find people in the business still untainted by fame and fortune. It made Jisoo wonder how long, in Jennie’s case, it might last. “And what makes you think I don’t agree with your producer?”

“Just a feeling...” Jennie looked embarrassed again. “You probably think it’s terribly arrogant of me to make assumptions about you when we’ve only just met...” She sighed. “And it is. I’m sorry.

Don’t worry, I’m used to it. I sort of expect people to assume things about me, which I guess makes me more arrogant than you.” She smiled. “Anyway, I’m not saying I agree with your producer, but it’s true that using new talent is riskier in a film like this.”

“’Like this’. A gay film, you mean?”

Jisoo didn’t say anything, afraid she had offended the director without meaning to.

But Jennie was nodding. “No, it’s okay. You can say it. Believe me, I’ve heard it all before, numerous times, and this from the people on my side. And you’re all correct.” She paused to take a drink. She shrugged as she put the glass back on the table. “Maybe I should just agree to an all-star cast and stop trying to swim upstream.”

“You don’t strike me as the type to give in so easily.”

Jennie looked up and caught Jisoo’s gaze. “Now who’s making assumptions?”

Jisoo laughed. “I do recall you once telling me that you’re nothing if not stubborn.”

“Well, you’ve got me there.”

Jennie’s smile was disarming, Jisoo thought. She wondered if others thought the same or if she had simply reached a new level of desperation. “Count me in.”

“I’m sorry?”

“The audition event. Count me in.”

Jennie smiled again, and Jisoo decided to simply enjoy the view.









The lights were on when Seulgi opened the door to her apartment and she was momentarily irritated with Joy for leaving them on, but irritation soon gave way to alarm as Seulgi realized that she wasn’t alone. Suddenly panicked at the thought of an intruder, she began to backtrack out of the apartment with the full intention of phoning the police the second she was outside.

She was in the process of shutting the door when a voice stopped her. “Oh good, you’re home.

It was Joy.

Seulgi pushed the door open and stared at her roommate from across the entryway. “You scared me half to death. I thought you were gone for the night!”

“Why are you yelling? It’s not my fault you’re a paranoid freak.”

Seulgi sighed and stepped inside. She closed the door and brushed past Joy on her way to her bedroom.

Joy trailed behind her. “Don’t you wanna know what happened?” 

“He cancelled.”

“I wish.”

His fell off from the sheer weight of it.”

Joy snorted. “One more guess.” She leaned against the doorframe to Seulgi’s room. “Actually, never mind. You’ll never guess this.” She walked in and plopped down on the bed. “Mr. star, it turns out, doesn’t believe in before marriage.”

Seulgi paused in the process of taking off her messenger bag. “What?”

“Exactly. That’s exactly what I said. Only I cushioned it with a lot more foul language.”

Seulgi had to laugh. “But he sleeps with women for money.”

“Apparently that falls within his religious and moral boundaries. But for free? No. God would frown upon that.”

“Go figure.” Seulgi joined Joy on the bed. “So it’s over then?”

Joy frowned. “No, I’m seeing him on Thursday. He’s coming to your shindig. Speaking of, what did the parentals say?

Seulgi smiled brightly. “They’re coming. Mom actually seemed... proud.

Joy arched an eyebrow. “Is it a full moon or something?”

“I wonder. That would explain a lot.”

“And your lesbian? How’s she doing?”

Seulgi sighed. “Will you quit calling her that? She has a name.” 

“Fine. Your Sooya. How’s she doing?”

Seulgi gave up. “I don’t know. I’ll check my mail before I go to bed.” She bit her lip. “So ... I was thinking of asking Kai if he’d like to come with me on Thursday.”

Joy gasped. “As your date?”

“Do you think that would be too weird?”

“Are you kidding? It’ll make his day. Boy’s been bugging me to go out with you for ages. He thinks you’re the hottest thing since that guy from Prison Break.”

Seulgi frowned. “I’m not sure that example works very well.” 

“Oh, he’s bi. Didn’t I tell you?”


Joy let out a long laugh. “I did. Well, I think I did. Who knows these days? Besides, you’re all with the pride lately. First your brother, then your lesbian. A biual boyfriend would complete the set. I could probably find you one.”

“How is it that you can take a perfectly normal conversation and steer it into something else entirely?”

“Years of practice. How am I doing?” 

“Impressively well.”

“Super. And now I’ve run out of people to ask you about, so I’m going back to my room to blast mood-appropriate music. What goes well with my--starring-boyfriend-won’t-have- -before-marriage?”

“Sarah McLachlan?”

“I like to save her for the truly dark days. This just borders on the ridiculous.”

“Weird Al?”

“Done.” Joy started to rise. “Any other pressing subject matters you’d like to discuss before I retreat into my cave?”

“Did you just call the guy your boyfriend?”

Joy froze. “Did I? Maybe I should blast some Sarah after all. What is wrong with me? Just pretend I didn’t say that.”

“Got it. Enjoy your Weird Al in bliss.”

Joy waved and closed the door on her way out.

Alone with her thoughts, Seulgi studied the bedroom quietly. She wanted to call Kai and get the asking over with, but it felt somewhat late for a phone call. She hadn’t yet rehearsed the dialogue either. It wasn’t the sort of thing she could just improvise, even though she was sure lots of people would’ve done just that. Joy, for example, wouldn’t have hesitated in picking up the phone. But I’m not Joy, she thought, feeling both regretful and relieved by the reminder.

Instead of the phone, she reached for the computer and turned it on, having decided to prolong not having the conversation with Kai until the last possible moment. She wasn’t altogether sure she even wanted to bring a date, though the thought of introducing her parents to someone other than Sehun was appealing. Perhaps it would help them get over her ex-boyfriend if they saw her moving on.

Who am I kidding?” she asked the monitor. “Going for a starving New York artist after dating a rich lawyer-to-be would be a disaster.” In response, the computer welcomed her to Windows.

Her inbox proved disappointingly devoid of news from Sooya, and she couldn’t remember whose turn it was to reply. Deciding it didn’t really matter, she opened a new message.


To: Sooya Kim 

From: K. Seulgi

Subject: Just saying hi 

Dear Sooya,

I couldn’t remember whose turn it was to reply and I’m too lazy to check my message archives, so I’m taking the initiative.

I just got back from a rather surprising (though pleasantly so) evening with my parents. I went with the intention of finding out whether or not they were planning to come to the gallery, and my mom said of course; that they wouldn’t miss it.

You’re probably thinking, “Well of course she would say that. What mother wouldn’t?” But my parents – well, my mom and her husband, though he’s proven more of a father to me than my real one – have always been against my wanting to be an artist (or, rather, choosing it as a career path). If it weren’t for my biological father’s guilt money, I’d either be on the road to medical school (funded by financial aid) or living under a bridge somewhere.

You probably think I’m exaggerating, but trust me, I’m not.

I’m not entirely sure what’s prompted their sudden support. Perhaps it’s their guilt over the current situation with Chanyeol (my stepbrother). I tried bringing him up and my mom said she didn’t want to hear about him. I told her that he was doing well. I hope she relays the message to his dad. No matter what, Chanyeol is still his son; he has to care.

It seems wrong somehow to feel so glad to have my parents’ support at a time when Chanyeol has only their contempt, but I can’t help but be excited. I keep thinking if only I can get them all there at the same time. If only my stepfather and my mom can see that Chanyeol is still Chanyeol...

Well, it’s probably silly of me to think I can fix things simply by tossing them into the same place at the same time. I just hate seeing my family like this. Split apart by something so... I want to say trivial, but it isn’t that either.

You’re probably sick of me talking about this, so I’ll change the subject.

I’m thinking (read: strongly considering while possibly drunk or at least highly medicated) of asking Kai (that guy I mentioned before) to be my date to the gallery on Thursday. Of course, thinking about it is a lot easier than actually doing it. Doing it involves picking up the phone and dialing numbers and waiting for the other party to pick up the phone and inserting random chit chat in order to build courage to actually ask what I wanted to ask in the first place ... and then of course, there’s the question of whether or not I’d even go through with it. And if I did, that would mean facing the moment of possible rejection, followed by the awkwardness and embarrassment and the urgent need to get off the phone as quickly as possible.

I’m not even sure why I’d even want to bring a date, other than my mom brought up the subject and I feel that showing up with a new guy is better than showing up with no guy at all.

But I also don’t want to give Kai the impression that I’m ready to start dating him or anything. How do you convey: ‘I am asking you out but I don’t want to date you’ in a clear- but-non-offensive way? There should really be a series of universally known cues for that sort of message. People should be forced to undergo Dating 101 in high school instead of being thrown to the wolves and having to go around pretending they know what the hell they’re doing when they don’t.

Hmm, I think I’m starting to sound like you a little bit.

What else? Oh. I ended up quitting my job before I really started it. They’d scheduled me to work all four days of the art exhibit and weren’t budging on the matter. I guess I’ll go back to the job hunt next week.

Anyway, enough about me. How are you? I haven’t heard from you in a while and I’d love to know what you’re up to.

Until later, Seulgi


Hey,” Joy said suddenly, peering in from the now open door. “Sorry to interrupt your Sapphic love affair.

Seulgi’s gaze lingered briefly on her Outbox, waiting for the message to disappear. Then she looked up at Joy. “Have we reached the point where we’re past knocking?”

Joy let the door swing open, but didn’t enter. “Why, were you doing something naughty?” 

Seulgi only sighed and shut the laptop. “What can I do for you?”

“I just wanted to let you know things are all set with you and Kai for Thursday.” 

“What do you mean?”

“I took care of it for you since I knew you’d be too chicken to do it yourself.” 

“You called him?”

“Contrary to the belief of Internet geeks like you, the telephone is still a perfectly viable form of communication.”

Seulgi resisted the urge to throw something at her best friend. “What did you say?”

“I told him you wanted to do him after your art thingie on Thursday, but only if he agreed to be your for the evening.” At the sight of Seulgi’s panicked expression, Joy quickly added, “Relax, I’m pretty sure he knew I was joking.” She stared to shut the door but paused. “Wear some y undies, though, just in case he took me seriously. Oh, and you’re welcome!”








It was past eleven when Jisoo stepped inside the hotel suite. Exhaustion hit her the moment she closed the door, and she leaned back against it, letting out a long breath. She surveyed the room, the large expanse of tastefully decorated walls and carefully chosen furniture. For the first time, she noticed the arrangement of fruits, cheeses, and wine on the table, and the note attached undoubtedly welcoming her, urging her to have a wonderful stay.

She pushed herself forward, kicking off her shoes in the process and falling onto the bed the moment she was close enough. Thoughts of the director danced at the edges of her mind, but were easily replaced by other, more pressing ones.

Images of what Thursday might bring invaded her mind, along with a myriad of questions she couldn’t answer. What would it be like to be in the same place as the artist and not be able to reveal who she was? Would she have the courage to approach Seulgi, pay her a compliment? Or would she hide, avoiding contact at all costs?

She wanted to believe that she’d be brave enough to talk to Seulgi, even if it was only as Kim Jisoo, and not just Sooya. She wanted to think that she might even, given the chance, make her smile, make her, even for just an instant, forget that a famous actress stood before her.

And yet, through the fantasies of what might be, something nagged at her. Something she hadn’t been able to pinpoint but that she knew she wouldn’t like.

Jisoo’s mind wandered and she forced herself to sit. Despite her exhaustion, she didn’t want to sleep. She didn’t want to go another day without writing back to Seulgi, especially now, when they were so near to each other.

So near and yet so far,” Jisoo mumbled as she went to retrieve the laptop from its case.

The email that awaited Jisoo when she’d finally managed to log in was a pleasant surprise. She couldn’t remember either whose turn it was to reply, but she had a strong suspicion that it was hers.

She read Seulgi’s email over a few times, pausing each time at the section about Kai. Something about it bothered her. After a moment, she clicked the reply button.


To: K. Seulgi 

From: Sooya Kim

Subject: Re: Just saying hi 

Dear Seulgi,

First, let me say how glad I am that your parents are being supportive. I imagine that it’s a great feeling for them to share your excitement on this, even if it’s somewhat clouded by the situation with your stepbrother. I don’t think you should feel guilty about feeling happy. You’ve accomplished a wonderful thing and you should be proud. I don’t know your stepbrother, but from what you’ve told me, I’d like to think that he’d agree with me on that.

You should know by now that I fully agree with you on the Dating 101 idea. Though, I think you’re more advanced than I am in that regard. At least you’re actually considering the possibility of calling someone and asking them out. I don’t think I’ve ever gotten that far, which I suppose makes me the biggest 25-year-old loser on the planet. (Feel free to jump in and argue with me on that point at any time, by the way). ;)

Anyway, I’m sure you have nothing to worry about. He sounds like he’d go out with you in a second. And from what I know of you, I think he’d be a fool not to. :)

From my end, things are pretty uneventful. I had a few drinks tonight with She-Who-Saved- Me-From-Boring-Conversation. It wasn’t a date or anything, but it was nice to feel like I was expanding my social circle a bit, even if the outing was mainly work-related, and not a social call at all. I like her. She’s nice and funny, but... I think that’s about as far as I’m willing to go with my feelings on the matter.

Jisoo stopped typing, feeling an odd desire to pour out her feelings onto the screen. It was the dangerous part of this anonymous exchange: the lack of visible boundaries, and the alcohol in her system wasn’t helping matters any. Her finger hovered over the backspace button, but didn’t press down. After a moment, she continued typing.

I envy that, despite your shyness, you’d still consider the idea of asking someone out. I wish I could do that. I wish I could give someone half a chance before shutting all doors to the possibility of anything. I think my main issue extends from not knowing when people are genuinely interested in me. How do you tell the difference between someone being polite and someone being attracted to you? Is there a way?

The more I tell myself that I am perfectly content being single, the more I recognize that it’s just fear of the alternative. At the same time, I don’t want to just fall for the first gay woman that crosses my path, no matter how nice and funny she is. That’s assuming, of course, that she’d even be remotely interested in me, and so far, she’s not given me any indication that she is.

So, really, I am just babbling for no other reason than I’m partly drunk.

Anyway, enough about my pathetic (lack of a) love life, tell me more about you. Are you nervous about Thursday? I can’t begin to imagine how excited you must be. I’m not sure what the protocol is for wishing an artist good luck – break a paintbrush? Hm. I doubt that’s right. Good luck, all the same. I wish you always the very best.

Take care, Sooya.







Isn’t that like the tenth outfit you’ve tried on?” Joy asked from the doorway. “Don’t get me wrong, I totally approve of this madness, but it’s very un-you-like.”

Seulgi contemplated her reflection in the full-length mirror, frowning at the image before turning around. “I’m going insane. I mean, picking an outfit was easy when all I needed was something that said, ‘I’m a sophisticated but modest artist.’ But that was before I knew Kai would be my date, and that my parents would be there. Now I need something else. Now I need something that says, ‘Hey, I’m y, but I still don’t want to date you,’ to Kai, and ‘I’m still a good Catholic girl,’ to my parents, whilst still conveying the overall artist/sophisticated/modest thing.” She paused to examine the pile of clothes on her bed. “Which of those says that to you?”

Joy frowned briefly. “You know outfits can’t talk, right?”

Seulgi sighed and headed toward the closet, shedding clothes as she went. “Not helping.” 

“I wish I had a camcorder to capture this moment.”

I’m really glad you don’t. Knowing you, you’d probably upload it to YouTube.” Seulgi slipped her head into another dress, and turned toward the mirror. “Too ty. Why are my dresses so ty?”

“Um, those are all mine.” 

“That explains it.”

Joy smiled. “Spoken like a true best friend.” She approached the bed and the mess of clothes thereon. She began sorting through the chaos. She picked a long skirt from the pile and threw it at Seulgi. “There’s your Christian image.” She threw a button-down shirt that Seulgi knew was a little too tight. “There’s your y but off-limits.” She walked to the dresser and chose a pair of earrings and a matching necklace. “And here’s your artistic but sophisticated.

Seulgi frowned at the clothing. “How did you do that?”

“Magic. You can borrow my new boots. They’ll go perfectly.” 

“I thought you were wearing them?”

“Change of plans. I have a star with religious and moral convictions to seduce. It’s all about the s and the high heels tonight.”

“Good luck with that.”

“Thanks. I’m off to shower. Are you excited?”

“About you showering? Why, yes, my heart’s aflutter.”


Seulgi let out a breath. “My stomach’s been in knots all day.”

“Relax. It’s going to be great. Your artwork is going to be flying off the walls.”

Seulgi laughed. “At $950 a pop, I don’t think so. I told the guy at the gallery that he was insane to put that price tag, but he said it was a normal amount for that sort of event.”

“He should’ve priced them at $10,000.”

“Heh. Right. Why not a million?”

Joy grinned. “I bet someone would buy them.”

“I bet someone would have to be insane.” Seulgi smiled. “But thanks for the flattering comments. They do help.”

“You are most welcome,” Joy said, as she walked away. “But I still think someone would buy them.”







I can’t go,” Jisoo said suddenly, making both Rosé and Jackson look up from their meals. It had been at the back of her mind for days now, unclear but persistent, and now she knew: she couldn’t go to Seulgi’s art show. “I can’t go tonight,” she said again.

Cold feet?” Jackson asked.

It’s perfectly normal to be nervous,” Rosé offered. “Especially if you have the hots for her.”

Jisoo glanced up sharply. “I don’t have the hots for her. I barely know her. I just can’t be there.”

“Why?” It was Rosé who asked.

Jisoo put down her fork. “Because the second I step inside that gallery the whole thing will become about me being there. Who’s going to be looking at the artwork when Kim Jisoo is parading through the halls? I mean, I know it sounds horrifically presumptuous of me, but it’s the truth. It should be Seulgi’s night.”

“I thought that’s what you wanted, though, to get Seulgi some free publicity?”

“I did,” Jisoo said, picking up her fork again. She glanced around the restaurant, trying to gather her thoughts. “I’m just worried it won’t turn out that way. I don’t want tonight to be about me. I can’t have that. It’s not right.” She tried to hide her disappointment. She’d wanted to be there; still wanted to. She looked at Rosé. “I need a favor.”

“Uh oh,” said Rosé.

Run,” Jackson whispered.

I need you to go for me.

Rosé sighed. “And just what do you want me to do there?” 

“Just one small thing.”









Fragments of disjointed conversations hung in the air as she moved through the gallery. She listened only briefly, catching words and phrases that, more often than not, had nothing to do with art. She smiled when smiled at, spoke when spoken to, and dutifully took in other people’s work.

Every now and then she’d pause to look around, hoping to find a familiar face in the myriad of strangers. She stifled a sigh, feeling lonely and out of place on a night when she wanted desperately to belong. Most artists had come with their own clan of admirers. And even the student artists had groups of their own. Overall, the night was not turning out quite how she had imagined. At the edges of her excitement was an undercurrent of awkwardness she hadn’t anticipated. As amazing as it felt to see her artwork on display, she couldn’t shake the feeling that this was a world in which she’d never feel at home.

Hey, are you Kang Seulgi?”

Seulgi’s heart sped up at the sound of the unfamiliar voice. She spun around and faced the girl standing there. “Yes?”

“I just wanted to tell you that all of your paintings have been sold.” Seulgi was certain she’d heard incorrectly. “I’m sorry?”

“Someone came in and bought them all,” the girl explained, somewhat impatiently. She brushed strands of blonde hair from her eyes. “I’m on my way to mark them.” She held up a pack of red circular stickers. “Thought you’d want to know.”

“But... who?”

The girl shrugged. “You’ll have to ask the higher ups. I am just the sticker girl.” With that she turned away.

Seulgi stood in stunned silence until a familiar voice caught her attention.

There you are. Thank God. Did you hear about the subway mess? One of the trains lost power and they’ve been stuck down there for like an hour and a half. So glad I took a cab. It’s positively pouring out there, too. How’s it going here?”

“Apparently all my artwork sold,” Seulgi said, still not quite believing it.

“I so knew it would,” Joy said, looking smug. “I’m so proud of you. I should get your autograph now before you get so famous you don’t remember my name.”

“As if you’d ever let me forget it.”

“Heh, ain’t that the truth. So, who bought it?” Joy looked around. “Is he tall? Rich? Good- looking? You should marry whoever it was. It’d make a great tale to tell the grandkids.”

“I haven’t a clue.”

“Speaking of tall, dark and handsome, where’s Kai?”

Seulgi shrugged. “He left me a message saying he’d meet me here.”

“Hope he’s not stuck in that subway mess like Kasey is. Idiot decided to take the subway and got himself stuck. Can’t say he didn’t have it coming, though. Karma’s a .”

“He’s getting punished for not sleeping with you by getting stuck on a train?”

“God works in mysterious ways, my friend.”

“Since when do you believe in God?”

“Since She started being on my side. That’s the kind of God I can roll with.”

Seulgi decided to drop the subject before they got struck by lightning. “Chanyeol and Baekhyun aren’t here either. I hope they’re all okay.”

“I wouldn’t worry too much.” She grabbed a flute of champagne as a tray passed by. “Free food and drinks. Sweet. You need to land some more of these gigs. A girl could get used to this kind of luxury. Speaking of which, did you happen to catch sight of that huge limo parked outside?” She looked around. “Who do you think it belongs to?”

Seulgi hadn’t noticed, nor did she care. “Who knows? I’m still trying to figure out who might’ve bought my artwork so I can thank them.”

“Hm.” Joy sipped her drink as her gaze wandered around the room. She elbowed Seulgi and motioned with her chin. “What about that guy? He looks like he’d blow some cash on your paintings.”

Seulgi followed Joy’s gaze to the balding middle-aged man in a pinstriped suit standing near the back exit. He caught her gaze and winked in her direction. Seulgi instantly turned away. “You know, come to think of it, maybe I don’t want to know.” She thought of the painting she’d intended for Sooya and felt depressed at the thought of someone else having it. She’d never have displayed it if she’d thought it would sell.

We’ll have to celebrate after this,” Joy was saying. “We should invite Baekhyun and Chanyeol. Make it a triple date.”

Joy continued on to list a number of places they could go, but Seulgi stopped listening. They were standing near the front windows, and she glanced outside. The rain had stopped, but drops of water still rolled down the glass. As much as she wanted to relax and have fun, she couldn’t help but feel a sense of detachment. All night she had been unable to shake the feeling that something was missing.

Stop looking so ing emo,” Joy said suddenly. “This is a happy night. Let’s go mingle. Oh and at some point, I want to stand in front of your artwork and stare at it until someone comes around so that I can break down in tears and proclaim it the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen.”

“And why?”

Because I correctly anticipated how dull this place would be. A girl needs to make her own fun. We can always stand in a corner and make out when your parents get here. That’ll surely take the heat off of Chanyeol. I’ll definitely need a few more glasses of champagne but if you’re game...”

“Yes, definitely. Let’s do that.”


“No chance in hell. I’d be up for chasing down the lady with the cheese tray, though.” 

“You’re on.”








Jisoo was glad when the rain eased up. She’d been watching the front of the gallery from the backseat of the limo, studying all the people that came and went, wondering if she’d somehow recognize Seulgi. Despite herself and all of the warnings in her head, Jisoo wanted to see her. She wanted to push open the door and walk right into the gallery. She wanted to find her, pull her aside, and tell her everything. She wanted things to be different. She wanted things to stay the same. She wanted too many things that could never be.

She pushed her hands into the pockets of her coat and let her head fall back against the seat.

No one’s stopping you from going in there,” Jackson said, breaking the silence. He sat across from her, eyes closed, listening to his iPod.

I’m stopping me.”

Jackson opened his eyes and removed the headphones. He smiled softly. “I never thought you’d be the type to fall in love over the Internet.”

“I’m not in love.”

“Then why are you so scared of seeing what she looks like?”

Jisoo glanced at him. “What makes you think that I am?”

You mean you’re not the least bit worried about being attracted to her?”

Jisoo frowned briefly at the question. The thought had never entered her mind. “It’s not like that. I just like talking to her.”

“You like talking to her. That’s why we’re sitting in a limo parked less than twenty feet from where she is, not daring to go in there because it might take away some of her spotlight? Newsflash, no one knows who she is. The spotlight isn’t anywhere near Kar Seulgi tonight.”

“Kang,” Jisoo corrected. 


When Jisoo said nothing, Jackson continued. “Jisoo, if you just wanted to be her friend, you wouldn’t be sitting here staring out that window like a lovesick puppy. You’d have stayed at the hotel watching TV while Rosé ran your errands. The fact that you insisted on coming tells me that you can’t bear the thought of not being here. Doesn’t that seem just a little bit odd to you?”

Jisoo let out an exasperated sigh. “What do you want from me, Jackson? You want me to say I have feelings for her? Well, I don’t, okay? Getting a crush on a girl I barely know, who I’ve never met in person, who doesn’t know the whole truth about me, and who’s straight, well... it’s not big on my to-do list. So if you would kindly stop putting these sort of thoughts in my head I’d greatly appreciate it.”

“I’m sorry,” Jackson said. He remained silent for all of five seconds. “Then how would it hurt you going in there?”

Jisoo shifted in her seat, annoyed that Jackson was getting to her. Going into the gallery hadn’t been part of the night’s agenda.

Want me to go in with you?”

“No, you can’t,” Jisoo said after a moment.

Why not?”

“Because I don’t want Seulgi’s friend recognizing you.”

“My picture’s been all over the press. If she hasn’t put two and two together...” 

“You look different in person.”

“Different how?”

I don’t know. Shorter.”


Jisoo stared out the window at the gallery, trying to make up her mind one way or the other. She did want to see Seulgi, if only from across a room. She did want to be a part of this night, even if Seulgi wouldn’t know it. “I’ll go,” she said finally. “But you have to stay here.”

“Fine. But you better give me a full description. Especially if she’s hot.” Jisoo rolled her eyes and reached for the door handle.








Oh. My. God,” Joy said suddenly. “Is that... it can’t be...”

Seulgi turned around to follow Joy’s gaze, fully expecting to find some strange guy she’d never seen before but had undoubtedly heard about heading toward them to ask Joy why she’d never called. What she saw instead was a woman with a striking resemblance to Kim Jisoo. 

It can’t be,” she echoed, but her gaze didn’t budge. She watched as the Gallery Director nearly trampled a server on his way to meet the woman.

Holy , it is her,” Joy whispered in Seulgi’s ear. “Pinch me.”

Seulgi pushed Joy’s arm away and took in the actress from afar. Kim Jisoo’s hair was long and dark brown, falling around the actress’ face in shiny, silky strands that looked fresh off a shampoo commercial. Deep browneyes darted around the gallery as if looking for someone. Full lips suddenly parted into smile at the man talking to her, and her search stopped to regard him. She wore a red turtle neck sweater and a short black skirt beneath a long black leather coat that clung perfectly to every place that mattered. Tall black boots with what Seulgi guessed were three-inch heels made the actress tower over the man chatting anxiously in her face. Seulgi looked away, not wishing to be caught staring.

Man, I really thought most of her was just airbrushed but she really is that beautiful.” Joy was shaking her head.

The general murmur of conversation returned to normal after the element of surprise had passed, and Seulgi ventured another glance at Kim Jisoo, but the actress was gone. Though Seulgi hardly considered herself a fan, she couldn’t help but feel awestruck. “What do you think she’s doing here?”

“Maybe she really likes art.”

“Right.” Somehow Seulgi doubted it. “She seems like an airhead to me.” 

“Just because she plays an airhead doesn’t mean she is one.”

Seulgi shrugged. “I doubt very much she’s acting.”

Joy laughed. “So harsh. I’m going to go ask for her autograph.”

“Knock yourself out.” Seulgi was tempted to follow, out of curiosity if nothing else, but stood her ground. She watched Joy walk away and turned her head just in time to see Kai walking in.








Jisoo found Rosé easily. Her assistant was talking to a young woman who seemed much more than a little interested in whatever Rosé was saying. Rosé looked as if she was searching for an excuse to get away and found it the second she spotted Jisoo.

Jisoo watched the young woman’s gaze as it trailed after Rosé. “Another ex?” she guessed when her assistant was within ear shot.

Rosé laughed. “Yeah right. What are you doing here? I thought you had to stay hidden away lest you steal the limelight.”

“Blame your boyfriend. He practically pushed me out of the limo.”

Rosé smiled as if she and Jackson had planned it all along. They probably had.

Jisoo looked around, hoping not to look as nervous as she felt. “So? Point her out so I know who to subtly stare at.”

“I haven’t a clue actually,” said her assistant. “I did what you asked but it didn’t involve any direct communication with the artist so...

Jisoo sighed. “Great.”

“I could ask...”

“No.” Jisoo stuffed her hands in her pockets. “Being here will just have to be enough, I guess.”

“Excuse me, Ms. Kim?”

Jisoo knew what the girl wanted before she even turned around, so she wasn’t surprised to see the outstretched hand with the pen and paper in it. Jisoo offered her usual smile and accepted the objects. “Who shall I make it out to?”

“Joy. Park Joy. Or just Joy. Just Joy is better.”

Jisoo’s grip on the pen faltered and she ended up dropping it. Jisoo, Rosé and Jisoo all reached down to pick it up, nearly causing a three-way concussion. It was Joy who got to it first, and Jisoo forced herself to look at the girl. The hair was longer now, but it was definitely the same redhead that had been at the park the day she’d asked Jackson to purchase Seulgi’s artwork. Joy was a pretty girl, but Jisoo could now see why Jackson had asked for her number. She doubted very much that his eyes had drifted very far from her chest. Amused brown eyes looked up at her as they offered the pen back. “Thanks,” Jisoo said, relieved to have something else to do. “I’m not usually such a klutz.”

“Yes she is,” Rosé whispered.

I heard that,” Jisoo said good-naturedly, without looking up. She managed to spell her name correctly, somehow. “There you go.

Joy accepted back the pen and paper with a grateful smile. “I just wanted to tell you that I think you’re great in everything.” She paused. “Well, almost everything. Even you have to admit Seabord Cyborg wasn’t your best work.”

“Oh, see, that wasn’t me,” Jisoo said quickly. “That was my twin sister; my evil twin sister who suffered from a rare but serious condition which caused her to accept horrible movie roles in my place. She’s since been institutionalized.”

Rosé snorted.

Joy laughed. “Well, then in that case, I think you’re great in everything.”

“Why thank you,” Jisoo said, grinning. “That’s sweet.”

Joy smiled. “Anyway, I won’t take up any more of your time. Thanks again for the autograph.” Joy nodded at them and walked away.

Nice recovery,” Rosé said. “Did her s distract that much that you couldn’t even hold a pen?”

Jisoo watched Joy walk away and turned to Rosé. “That’s her best friend.” 


“Seriously.” Jisoo flagged down a server and took a glass of champagne off of the tray.

Rosé coughed. “So, if that’s the best friend, then it’s safe to assume that that’s Seulgi...?”

Jisoo froze. “You see her?”

“Assuming that’s her.”


Rosé looked at Jisoo. “And... not at all what I’d imagined.”

Jisoo wasn’t sure what Rosé meant by that. It took her a moment longer to finally gather her courage and turn around.

She’d pictured Seulgi a thousand different ways, even while trying not to. She’d told herself it didn’t make any difference: tall, short, fat, thin; letters on a screen didn’t need a physical description. Still she hadn’t been able to stop herself from trying to put a face and a body to the artist. And now that she was standing only a few feet away, getting her first glance at the real-life version, she knew she shouldn’t have bothered imagining; never in a million years would she have accurately pictured Seulgi.

Seulgi was smiling. It was the first thing Jisoo noticed when she turned around. The smile lit up almond-shaped brown eyes; light brown, the sort of light that bordered on a different color altogether. Straight brown hair was pulled back into a high pony tail exposing her beautiful face. Jisoo let her gaze roam, because she couldn’t help herself. Seulgi’s skin was lighter than Jisoo had imagined on most occasions, and perfectly smooth.

Jisoo’s gaze trailed down Seulgi’s neck, pausing briefly at the assortment of necklaces, and continuing down to the tight shirt opened several buttons from the top, down to the long skirt which clung to the undeniably gorgeous body beneath. Her heart hammered in her chest, and she forced herself to look away.

Well,” came Rosé’s voice, “I guess we just found your type.”

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gomhyunnie #1
Chapter 27: Aww i loved this. People should stop sleeping on Jiseul. They're actually very cute and match well
thehotmonkey #2
Chapter 27: great story!
Yoonchoding07 #3
Chapter 27: at the 1st few chapters, I hesitated in continuing reading this. I'm so glad I decided to finish reading it. Definitely a good read. Something I think I'll go back in the future to re-read. thanks for sharing authornim!
turtlenaut_ #4
Chapter 27: this needs more subs and views :( it's too good!
poka_dots #5
The story was very enjoyable. I was falling in love with the main characters while reading.
Asianfanficreader1 #6
Chapter 27: I’be loved it since it started, author nim keep it up. An epilogue would be amazing, but also it’s ok how it end <3
Asianfanficreader1 #7
Chapter 21: AAAAAH Finally, it's one of the best fics that I've read <3
Asianfanficreader1 #8
Chapter 12: This is so good, I can't stop me haha. I really love this fic aaaah
ughhello #9
Chapter 26: Wow, I love this!! Can't wait to read more :)
Hirayathinagap #10
Chapter 21: Finally, finally, finally! Feelings out in the open, with Seulgi just saying the sweetest thing: “But I think what I’m saying is that...if you want me... I’m yours.” I dunno, but I think the real Seulgi also possesses this kind of earnestness. And her opening was just so charming in its simplicity, plus the forthrightness that followed it: “Ask me again about my day.”