one - part 2.

[ IRIS ] Mi-Jung & TOP

good cop / bad cop .

So, I'm writing a good cop/bad cop section for TOP, because, well, the bad- TOP is to die for, but the gentle TOP is great too. >///<

So here's both his POV's, for good cop/bad cop. c:


[ bad cop; TOP's POV ]

That night was beaitful.

I had finally located her.

That tech agent that knew all the in's and out's of NSS.

The last dangling threat that needed to be cut.

She was 24, yet already as good a hacker as I a killer.

She was all I needed, all that was left between me, and success.

NSS would suffer a big blow, and I intended to make every minute of it as enjoyable and worthwhile as possible.


I entered the club/bar, but it was empty. It was too early in the morning for people not to be sound asleep in their own homes. As I turned to leave, I heard soft singing coming from the basment. That was it - my mission was not a completely failed one.

I descended down the steps, one at a time. She had just started singing the chorus as I reached the last platform.

"I'm singing my blu-u-ues. Love that I let fly to the clouds". Her voice was smooth, and she could hold a tone, that was for sure. She was wearing a blue blazer and a floral-print blouse. Her hair was tired up and curled. She was pretty cute I'll give her that - too bad I had every intention of killing her.

The only other man in the room started tampering on the prehistoric piano. Its deep tones blended perfectly with her voice. Ah, she finally looked up. Her face was slim, and there was a slight flush in her cheeks, making it evident that she was going to be hungover the next morning.

She put her mic down and started walking towards me. Even with her heels on, I was a good head taller.

She looked elegant and stylish, but most of all - easy. Easy to manipulate, easy to use, easy to enter her life.

Tilting her head up to get a better view of my face, she uttered her first words since she saw me.

Ever so quietly she asked, "Are you the one?". Maybe that was rhetorical, but I gave her my signature smirk. Perhaps she took it as a good sign, for she smiled back.

This was gonna be fun.



[ good cop; TOP's POV ]

That night was a blur.

I had come here to wash away the day of work.

Let me tell you - murder is harder than it looks.

But working for IRIS has been a turning point - the highlight of my life. I had really good hand-eye coordination, and I put that to good use. I don't know how it had happened, but one day I was searching for work, and the next I was getting paid big bucks for my actions. I feel no grief - politics piss me off.

As I got out of my car, I stood for a bit, comtemplating which drink would soothe my mind the quickest. I settled with plenty of vodka and the works, and headed inside.

When I got to the entrance, the neon bright "OPEN" sign was still flashing, but the place looked deserted. I was about to turn around and go to some other bar nearby when I heard a faint noise.

Hm.. I don't know but.. it kind of resembles singing. It was a rather distant noise, but it had to be coming from the club. Deciding to scout out the place in search of this mystery, I spotted a staircase hidden just around the corner. Descending it, the voice grew louder and more clear the closer I got.

The bartender swept as she sang. Her voice was smooth, and had a unique quality to it, causing the butterflies to take flight in my stomach. Something I hadn't felt for a long time. The full tap of my footsteps must have notified her of my prescence for she looked up at the intruder of her peaceful haze.

Our eyes locked, and my heart pace sped up two-fold. Her eyes were a nice hazel-brown, with a lot of depth and character. I saw something else - recognition? Nah..

Ever-so gently, she put down her mic, and started towards me, our eyes never leaving the others. The way she was dressed - office/work clothes mixed with some bold accessories - made her seem professional yet playful all at once. Even more interesting to me. Being taller gave me a bit of a boost of confidence with this lady, and I had a feeling I could use all that I could muster.

Here I was, professional murderer for an even more professional and mysterious organization and my knees were wobbling for a mere woman.

Eyes still locked, she stopped a few steps from me. Wanting to close the distance between us but resisting the urge to do so, she spoke before I could.

"Are you the one?", she asked. Her cute voice made me all the more nervous. Tilting her head up towards me gave me an even better view of her pretty features.

Her slim face was masked with clear, porcelain-like skin, and her slightly curled chocolate-brown hair fell neatly down from her hairband. She looked like an angel.

So I could do nothing but smile back. It just felt too right, and to my delight, her pink gloss-covered lips curved into a smile for me too.




Sorry for the long wait for the exact same situation. ><

I did a gc/bc cause I couldn't decide what I want their relationship to be - real or faked. :D

So i hope you enjoy the rest. x3

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Chapter 2: Awesome!such a great fanfic ~ the way you describe their features and feelings is really awesome! Hope to see you active again . :)
Irisintheair #2
when I saw the story, i can't do anything but subscribe LOL. waiting for next chap!