One Last Romance 2: Hyukjae

One Last Romance

Chapter Two:


After working through his initial panic, he managed to disentangle his hand from Donghae’s tight grip and retreated to his own bed. . He wasn’t sure what had possessed him to say he was the boyfriend. Donghae’s vulnerability maybe? It was still so wrong, though.

Maybe he could find the guy online and learn something about him. If he did that, he could at least help him regain his memory, right? Sure, Hyukjae, that’s a great idea. And then you can explain that it was a huge lie and you’re just a stranger that was messing with his head when he woke up from a coma.

Wait. He did just wake up. And the sedative was kicking in hard when he said what he said. There was a chance Donghae wouldn’t even remember it, or if he did, Hyukjae could just brush it off and say he must have misunderstood. Good plan.

Except when he finally located the right Lee Donghae online, his heart did a flip. Because the man in the pictures posted online had to be the same Donghae. And he was freaking gorgeous. Beautiful soft brown eyes, tousled hair, sun-kissed skin and the same nose and mouth that Hyukjae could see right across from his bed. Donghae was beautiful, even in the silly, candid pictures online.

Hyukjae was still scrolling through the man’s Instagram account when he began to stir. For a moment he considered calling the nurse and pretending their conversation earlier had never happened.


“Yeah,” he responded immediately. “I’m here, just a sec.”

Glancing at the time, he knew he would have to leave soon for his dialysis, but he wanted to make sure Donghae was at ease before he did so.

He was starting to feel weak, as he normally did before his treatment, but he still shuffled over to the chair next to Donghae’s bed and took the hand the other man was holding open.

“Hi. Feel any better?”

“My head still hurts.”

“It’s going to for a while.”

“Was I asleep a long time?”

“A few hours.”

“And you stayed with me?”

“I’m still here, aren’t I?”

“Thank you.”

“I am going to have to leave for a few hours, but I promise I’ll come back right away.”

“Oh,” the wide lips drew into a sad pout. “Do you have work?”

“Sort of,” he didn’t want to attempt an explanation. Not yet. “But it won’t take too long.”

“You don’t have to stay if it’s keeping you from your work. I understand.”

“No, it’s not a big deal. I promise. I don’t want you to be here all alone. In fact, if you want, I can leave you my phone and you can listen to some music or something. Would you like that?”

“Could you? I think… I think I like music.”

“Who doesn’t like music? You’d have to be a real bore if you didn’t like music.”

“Am I not a bore?” Donghae smiled softly.

“You’re definitely not.”

“You would say that though, right? I mean, you wouldn’t be my boyfriend if I was boring, would you?”

“Nope,” Hyukjae replied quickly, wincing as he realized that Donghae hadn’t forgotten any part of their conversation. And then wincing harder when he realized he had just confirmed the thing he was hoping to convince the man was a misunderstanding.

“Then I’d like to listen to your music. That way I can remember what you like.”

“Sure,” Hyukjae said softly. “In the meantime, do you need anything?”

“I… I kind of have to pee,” he murmured.

“Oh, well, I think I’ll have to get the nurse for that. No offense, but I don’t know if they’ll let you move out of bed yet, and….”

“It’s okay,” Donghae grinned. “But could you call for one? I really have to go.”

“I’m on it. Wait right there.”

It was actually the perfect excuse for him to talk to the nurse. And when he met her in the hall, waving away her shock at seeing him wandering out of the room, he explained Donghae’s needs as well as his own.

By the time the nurses had finished handling Donghae’s issues and gotten him cleaned up and fed, it was almost time for Hyukjae to leave for his own treatment.

“Here, I’ve got the whole playlist on shuffle. There might be a couple duds in there, so don’t laugh at me, all right?”

“It’s okay, Hyukjae.”

“Take a listen,” he held one ear bud up to Donghae’s ear. “Is the volume all right?”

“A little lower, maybe?”

“Okay, how’s that?” Hyuk dropped the volume a few notches.


“Okay, you just relax and listen. I’ll be back in a couple hours, all right?”

“Can we talk more?”

“Yeah, we can.”


“No problem,” Hyukjae gave his hand a squeeze before placing the headphones in Donghae’s palm. “I’ll see you soon.”


He grabbed his laptop and got into the wheelchair the nurse was holding for him near the door. Once they were in the hall, he breathed out, “Thanks.”

“Do I even want to know what that was all about, Hyukjae?” she asked.

“It’s complicated. I just… I don’t want him to freak out if he knows I’m a patient here. He thinks I’m a friend of his and he was scared and couldn’t remember anything.”

“You know he’s going to get his memory back.”

“Well, then, he can be mad about it later. But for now, I just felt sorry for him, you know?”

“You’re a good kid, Hyukjae. Just be careful, all right?”

“Thanks. And I will.”

Once he was hooked up to the machine, he opened his laptop and went to his email. He wanted to call Sora and explain, because she would certainly show up later and he didn’t want her to make a mess of things. But he had given Donghae his phone, so that left only the option of emailing her and hoping she would check before she turned up at the hospital later.

He struggled with what to say. Hey sis, remember when we were joking about me going out with the comatose guy in the next bed? Well, guess what he’s my boyfriend now! Ugh. He really had stepped in the this time.


I really hope you see this before you come to the hospital tonight. I know it’s going to sound crazy, but please just go along with me for now. The guy in the next bed woke up and he sort of freaked out when he couldn’t remember anything. I was trying to help calm him down and the conversation got a bit mixed up, but he thinks I’m his boyfriend. Please don’t say something else, okay? He’s really scared, and he doesn’t have anyone around, so I just want him to feel better until his memory comes back. Please and thank you! I love you! You can hit me later.


P.S. His name is Donghae.

He hit send and sank back into the lounge chair, giving a quick prayer that she would check her email for once. He considered writing something to Yesung as well, but then remembered Sora saying she would probably come alone tonight. Either way it would be a disaster or not and all he could do was try and minimize any damage. Closing his eyes, he let himself drift off to sleep, knowing the nurses would wake him when the treatment was finished if he didn’t wake up first.

Thankfully, when he did wake up there was a response from his sister. Brief, and to the point as always.

Lee Hyukjae!

Are you out of your mind? What in the world were you thinking? I will be there at 7 and you better explain yourself!


Letting out a sigh, he closed the laptop and let the nurse take care of him and close the machine that was keeping him alive. Maybe it was the stress, but he was feeling even worse than usual today. All the way back to the room he was wondering about Donghae. Whether he would be awake. Whether he had somehow remembered something and would be angry.

But the headphones were still in the other man’s ears and he was lying in bed peacefully. Hyuk took advantage of the reprieve to lay on his own bed for a little while, gathering a second wind. He was used to laying down for a few hours after his treatment, but he had said he was coming back and Donghae was probably expecting him. Taking a deep breath to push away the nausea, he carefully made his way over and collapsed in the chair beside Donghae’s bed, glad it was a comfortable one made for relatives to spend long hours in. Pulling his knees up, he leaned over and gently took Donghae’s hand.

There was an instant smile. “Hyukjae?”

Donghae tried to lift his other arm toward his ear but winced and dropped it again. So Hyuk gently removed the ear buds himself and answered, “I’m back. How was the music.”

“Really nice, thank you. I think you got some messages though. I didn’t look.”

“You…” Hyukjae wasn’t sure if Donghae was making a joke or not. “Are you sure you didn’t sneak a peek?”

“Nope,” there was a soft smile.

“How’s your head?”

“The same, I guess. It hurts a lot. But it’s better now that you’re back.”

“Is my voice that nice?” Hyuk asked, his heart clenching painfully.

“It’s music to my ears,” Donghae sighed out happily, smiling even more.

And it was at that moment that Hyuk realized he really wished it wasn’t all a lie. Because Donghae was too sweet. Even though he was in pain, he was trying to be cheerful and throwing out cheesy romantic lines to the man he thought was his boyfriend.

“That’s good to know.”

“Didn’t I ever tell you that before?”

“That you liked my voice?”

“I think I would have told you.”

“Maybe you were too distracted by my good looks and charming personality to notice.”

“Oh, you’re probably right. I’m sure you’re really handsome.”

“You think?”

“Of course, you are.”

“Because you only date handsome guys?” Hyukjae asked, not sure he wanted to know the answer. He was good looking and all, but he wouldn’t go as far as to call himself gorgeous, even on his best days. Which he hadn’t had many of lately.

“No, silly,” Donghae breathed out rather dreamily, “Because you’re my boyfriend, so that means I must think you’re the most handsome guy in the whole world.”

. Holy . What was he supposed to say to that?

“Well, if you say so, I guess it’s true.”

“Mmm. I say so,” Donghae smiled contentedly.

“Are you hungry?” Hyukjae asked, hoping to steer the conversation to safer territory. “It’s almost time for dinner.”

“I guess. Maybe. Will you stay and eat with me?”

“I’m not going anywhere,” he replied. It was the truth after all.

“Hyukjae? I’m sorry you have to be here.”


“I’m sure you have things to do. Work, or whatever.”

“Donghae, you’re hurt. Being with you is more important than work. I will have to leave for a few hours every afternoon, but other than that I’ll stay here as long as you need me to. It’s not a problem, okay?”

“Thank you. You’re really good to me.”

“Well,” he started, unsure how to phrase his thoughts on the matter, “why wouldn’t I be?”

“I don’t know. I just feel like…”

“Like what?”

“Like maybe I don’t deserve it.”

“Donghae, everyone deserves kindness. And you’re a good person, don’t ever think otherwise.”

Seriously, he could be a serial killer for all Hyukjae knew, but if he was, then he was certainly the sweetest serial killer ever. Then again, wasn’t that how serial killers enticed their victims? Being super nice and breaking down their protective instincts? Well, Hyukjae was dying already, so what did it really matter?

“I must be, right? Because I have a boyfriend as nice as you.”

, the guilt was crushing, but he still couldn’t bear to admit the truth.

“All this flattery is going to go to my head.”

Donghae just smiled his adorable smile.

The nurse arrived with their dinner just then, and after setting both meals on the bed tray, she asked, “Will you need some help?”

“I’ll help him,” Hyukjae offered instinctively, wanting to limit the number of people who might overhear their conversation and refute his bold lies.

“Thanks, Hyuk,” Donghae whispered. “I feel so weird when they help me because I can’t see them. But I don’t mind when it’s you.”

“Well, I wish I could tell you the food looked appetizing, but it really doesn’t. I hope it tastes better than it looks.”

“When I get better, I’ll make sure to take you out to dinner to make up for it,” Donghae promised. “We can go to our favorite restaurant. Unless… I mean, do we have a favorite restaurant?”

We? Favorite restaurant? Hyukjae didn’t have a clue, but he remembered something he’d seen on Donghae’s Instagram, and replied, “There’s a taco place you really love. We don’t get to go there as often as you like, but you could take me there if you want to.”

“Do you like it?”

“I can’t really do spicy foods, but I make an exception here and there. Especially if it makes you happy.”

That was what a loving boyfriend would say, wasn’t it? Must be, because Donghae smiled again, and Hyukjae was really starting to love that smile.

“Then we can go there. My treat. And afterward I can get you desert. What’s your favorite?”

“Mine? Ice cream, I guess.”

“What flavor?”

“Anything strawberry. I’m kind of addicted to strawberries.”

“Good to know. What about me? What’s my favorite flavor?”

Hyukjae’s eyes went wide. He had no idea what the answer was. “You’re more of a chocolate kind of guy.”

“That’s kind of boring,” Donghae’s lips squished into a fake pout.

“Sometimes you get a little crazy and have coffee flavored ice cream,” Hyukjae offered, remembering the hundreds of pictures of coffee and coffee shops on Donghae’s Instagram.

“Oh? Do I like coffee?”

“I’m pretty sure you’re addicted to it. Or maybe you just love coffee shops. But you drink a lot of coffee.”

Donghae laughed happily. “And you? Do you like coffee, too?”

“Not really,” Hyukjae admitted sheepishly. “But there’s almost always strawberry smoothies.”

“That sounds like a good date. I bet I dragged you to a lot of coffee shops.”

“I’ve been in my fair share,” he answered, technically not a lie.

During their conversation Hyukjae had been feeding Donghae small bites of dinner while picking at his own. He wasn’t particularly hungry, never was after a treatment. And Donghae didn’t seem to have much of an appetite either, because before he’d finished even half of his meal, he waved off more.

“I can’t eat another thing. My headache is making me a little nauseated.”

“It’s okay. You ate almost half. But you need to make sure you’re eating something so you can get better. Your body won’t heal if you starve yourself.”

“I know, I know.

Hyukjae cleared off the table, leaving the trays on his own bed, then sat down again, feeling better than he expected. He’d been skipping meals himself lately, so perhaps his advice to Donghae wasn’t wrong.

“So Hyukjae?”

“Yes, Donghae?”

“Will you tell me more about you?”

“About me? Why me? Don’t you want to know about yourself?”

“Who I am doesn’t matter. I want to know about you because you’re the person I love. I want to know who loves me.”


“I mean,” Donghae’s face fell and he mumbled out, “I think you love me, right? Or did we not get that far yet?”

“Well, we haven’t been together long,” Hyukjae tried to come up with a reasonable explanation. “But I think you’re an easy person to fall in love with.”

“So… did we say it yet? I love you?”

Biting his lip hard, Hyukjae felt tears in his eyes. “Yeah, we said it. Of course, I love you. How could I not love you?”

The smile returned, slowly, thoughtfully. “I wish I could remember.”

“Me too,” Hyukjae agreed, wishing more than anything that it was true. “But you will, eventually.”

“I hope so. But even if I don’t, would you still love me back? I promise I’ll fall in love with you all over again.”

Snorting out a laugh, Hyukjae took a deep breath, glad the other man couldn’t see his tears. “Promise?”

“I promise,” Donghae squeezed his hand tight. “So, what do you do?”

“I, uh… I work for my family’s travel agency. Mom and Dad, my older sister, and her husband. We all work there now.”

“Do you travel a lot?” Donghae asked excitedly.

“I’ve been all over the world.”

“Do we travel together?”

“Hmm… not yet. But I wanted to.”

“Why not? Don’t I like traveling?”

“Oh, you wanted to, we just haven’t been able to work it out yet. Sora – that’s my sister – and my Dad have been taking most of the tours. I’ve been helping Mom at the agency more lately. She has a harder time traveling now that she’s getting older. And my brother-in-law really likes to travel, too. But they’re thinking about having a baby soon, so I figured I would let them have fun now and when she’s tied up at home with an infant I’ll get back out there.”

“You’re a good brother,” Donghae commented.

“I try. I don’t mind helping here at home, though. My family is pretty close, and I enjoy the time with just mom and I.”

“What about my family?”

“I… uh… I only really know about your brother. He’s overseas right now, but he knows about your accident and he’s coming back to be here with you.”

“Where does he live?” Donghae asked, panicking Hyukjae who had absolutely no clue. Doctor Park had mentioned the brother being overseas but that was the extent of the information Hyukjae had on the man.


“Hyukjae! I’m here!” Sora’s shout saved him from replying and for the first time in his life he could have kissed her for interrupting.

“Who’s that?” Donghae whispered.

“It’s my sister Sora,” Hyukjae explained, looking up at his older sister and wincing at the furious expression on her face. Silently he placed his free hand over his heart, gave her his best pleading puppy eyes and mouthed, “Please?”

“Did she come to visit me?” Donghae squeaked out, his voice both embarrassed and hopeful.

Sora didn’t miss it, either. She turned to the man on the bed and gazed at him with a frown.

“Of course, I did. Hi Donghae. How are you feeling?” Hyukjae couldn’t have been more relieved when she played along.

“Thank you,” Hyukjae mouthed at her.

“Hi Sora-ssi,” Donghae uttered soft and shy. “I’m okay, I guess.”

“I’m glad to hear it. What did the doctor say?” She was talking to Donghae but staring a hole through Hyukjae.

“Just to wait and see. He said everything should go back to normal once the swelling in my brain goes down. I still feel kind of stupid though. I can’t even remember you.”

“That’s all right. What about Hyuk?”

“Well, I don’t really remember him, either, but he’s been super nice about it. I’m pretty lucky he loves me, I guess.” Donghae smiled tilting his head in Hyukjae’s direction.

Sora’s eyes widened in horror and she stared a thousand questions at her brother as she mouthed “What the ?”

“What can I say?” Hyuk forced a laugh, “I’m just an amazing boyfriend, right?”

Donghae smiled obliviously, but Sora lifted her arm as if she were about to smack her brother.

“Hyukjae’s been telling me all about your family. I really wish I’d had a chance to travel somewhere with you before this. I mean, hopefully my sight comes back, and we can still go. If not, it wouldn’t be much fun.” The expression on his face got sadder, and that tugged at Hyukjae’s heart more than a little.

“I told him once Yesung-hyung knocks you up you’ll be stuck at home with the baby and I’ll go back out leading tours,” Hyukjae nodded at his sister.

“You’re such a brat,” she snapped. “What makes you think I won’t leave the baby with him and go back out myself?”

“You would seriously let him raise your child alone? Granted, he’ll take about a million pictures a day, but a baby doesn’t need to grow up in a coffee shop.”

“Does your husband like coffee shops?” Donghae asked eagerly. “Me too!”

“He does. I’m surprised you’ve never been there together,” Sora answered awkwardly.

“Are we friends?” Donghae questioned.

“Well, sort of. Hyukjae’s kind of kept you to himself,” she glared at her brother. “Your relationship is still so new to him, I guess he hasn’t really wanted to share you yet.”

Hyukjae laughed nervously, noting the bashful smile and the blush – damn, was he actually blushing? – on Donghae’s face. “Just because I’m used to you weirdos doesn’t mean I’m ready to have you all fussing over my boyfriend.”

“Hey, I am not a weirdo! Don’t listen to him, Donghae. He’s the weirdo, not me.”

Donghae’s happy laughter broke through the start of their teasing argument, and Sora paused to gaze at the man, then looked back at her brother with a melancholy expression.

“They’re all weird,” Hyukjae whispered to the man beside him.

“I think I like your sister, Hyukjae,” Donghae replied, which caused Sora to smile sadly, her shoulders shaking with an involuntary laugh.

“I think she likes you, too,” Hyukjae assured him.

“I might like you more than my brother,” Sora shook her head.

“Traitor,” Hyukjae muttered under his breath.

“I can’t wait to get to know you all better,” Donghae said. “I mean if I can’t remember you. But even if I do, I won’t let Hyukjae keep me to himself all the time.”

“You’re a sweetheart, Donghae. And Sungie would certainly love having someone to have coffee dates with.”

“I am not letting your husband steal my boyfriend,” Hyukjae pouted.

“Please, Hyuk,” Sora snorted. “He’s got me, he doesn’t need to steal Donghae. He’s a nice guy, Donghae. You’ll like him.”

“He’ll talk your ear off if you let him,” Hyukjae warned.

“He just does that to irritate you, Hyuk. And you make it so easy.”

“What? I do not!”

“Hyukjae’s really easy to tease,” Sora leaned over and touched Donghae’s knee. “Since you can’t remember, I just thought I’d let you know.”

“Are you?” Donghae asked, smiling from ear to ear, clearly loving the interaction.

“No!” he pouted again.

“Now he’s pouting,” she pointed out, “because he knows it’s true.”

“Ugh,” Hyukjae huffed, “And she wonders why I want to keep you to myself?”

“It’s okay, Hyukjae. I won’t tease you,” Donghae promised gently.

“See?” Hyukjae lifted his nose at Sora, “My boyfriend is a sweetheart.”

“Yes,” she nodded, eyebrow raised, “he really is. Oh gosh, look at the time. I’m sorry you two, but I have to meet Yesung, I promised to pick him up.”

“It’s all right, Sora-noona,” Donghae promised. “I really appreciate you coming to visit me.”

“Well, it’s no big deal,” she brushed off the statement, suddenly looking uncomfortable. “I just hope you feel better soon, okay?”

“Thank you,” Donghae broke out into another one of his lovely smiles, an expression that affected Sora as well as Hyukjae.

Pointing at her brother she indicated that he needed to come with her and made it quite clear he couldn’t refuse.

“Hey, Donghae? I’m just going to walk Sora out, all right? I’ll be back in a few minutes. Will you be okay?”

“It’s fine. I’ll just wait here.”

Hyukjae squeezed his hand once more, then slowly got to his feet, wincing when every joint in his body started hurting at the same time. Sora shook her head and held out her arm, letting him lean on her as they walked to the door.

Once they were in the hall and away from the room, she him and hissed, “What the are you doing, Hyuk?”

“Noona…” Hyukjae pleaded, not sure how he could possibly explain what he was doing or why.

“Seriously, kid? You know he’s going to remember, right?”

“He might not.”

“He’s still got a life, Hyuk! One that you weren’t in! Someone will come here eventually and remind him of that. And what then? You said he has a boyfriend already.”

“Yeah, and he’s a huge jerk!”

“That doesn’t mean he doesn’t love the guy! ! You’re setting yourself up for a boatload of trouble when his own people show up here and call out your lies.”

“I… I know, but…”

“But what?”

“He’s just a really sweet guy, Noona, and I…”

“What, Hyuk? Please explain to me what thoughts are running through your head right now. I really want to understand,” she begged.

“I’m dying, Sora.”


“I know none of you want to accept it, but I have, okay? I’m dying. It’ll be a miracle if they find a transplant for me. And that means that for the rest of whatever life I still have, I’m stuck here in this hospital, hooked up to machines to keep me alive a little bit longer.”

“Hyuk…” Sora pleaded, reaching out for him.

“It’s okay. It really is. And I’m willing to keep doing this as long as I can because I know how much it will hurt you and mom and dad to lose me. I don’t want to die either, you know. But this… I don’t know, he’s just so nice to me, and it feels so good to have someone love me like that.”

“He doesn’t even know you, Hyuk.”

“But he doesn’t know that! He thinks I’m his handsome, caring boyfriend, that I love him, and he loves me. And I want that, Sora. Even if it’s only for a short time. Even if he remembers everything and hates me. I need that. So, please, please just let me do this?”

“You’re really scaring me right now, baby brother. Because this whole thing, it’s crazy. You know that, right?”

“But it feels really nice. And he’s happy. He doesn’t have anyone to take care of him. He was so scared, and I can tell he’s lonely. Can you imagine how awful it would be for him to be lying there all alone, not remembering who he was, with no one by his side to take care of him?”

“Oh Hyuk…”

“Did you see how happy he was?”

“He did seem happy.”

“Because of me. He’s happy because of me.”

“This is going to hurt you so bad.”

“I’m willing to take that risk,” he shrugged. “If it means having someone love me like that. Even for a little while.”

She reached out and grabbed him, hugging him tight. “I love you, monkey.”

“I know.”

“You’re breaking my heart right now.”

“I’m sorry.”

Straightening up, she pressed her lips together tight, tears b in her eyes. “I still think this whole idea is crazy. But if it makes you happy… well, it, let’s do it.”

“What?” Hyukjae wasn’t sure what he was hearing. Had his sister just agreed to go along with his ruse?

“If you want to fall in love with him and pretend he’s your boyfriend, then I guess we’ll just have to make him love you so much that he won’t want to change his mind when he finds out the truth.”

“Seriously?” Hyukjae’s eyes went wide. When Sora decided on something, she went all in.

“I’ll explain everything to mom and Yesung. I’m sure they’ll go along if it’s going to make you happy. But Hyuk, please be careful, okay?”

“I… I will.”

“Don’t overdo it and make yourself sick.”

“I won’t.”

“And when the time comes and you need someone’s shoulder to cry on, I’ll be there for you, all right?”

“Okay,” he whispered, dumbfounded that his sister had just agreed to back him up in his craziness.

“Good. It’s settled. Now go back in there and be with your boyfriend.”

“Thank you, Noona,” Hyukjae felt his tears dribbled down his cheeks as gratitude overwhelmed him.

“Oh God, don’t cry! You’ll make me cry, too!”

“I really love you,” he told her, lips trembling.

“I love you, too. And if Donghae makes you happy, then I’ll do what I can to help.”

He nodded, unable to speak.

“But go back, you’re tired. Don’t wear yourself out taking care of him, all right? He’s going to need you to stay strong so you can both get better.”

“All right.”

“I’ll see you soon, kid,” she leaned over and kissed his cheek, ruffling his hair before giving him a warm smile.

“Drive safe. Give my love to mom.”

“Will do.” She motioned him to go back to the room, waiting until he was at the door before smiling and turning away.

Hyukjae took a moment to gather himself back together, wiping away his tears and taking a few deep breaths to steady himself. He hadn’t been sure what reaction to expect from his big sister, but he had certainly never imagined this. That she would back him up on his crazy scheme and even promise to convince the rest of the family to play along.

That meant he was committed now. And strangely, the idea didn’t bother him at all. Even if, as he said, it all came crashing down, probably sooner than he wanted, it would be worth it for one last chance at romance. Real or not – but then again, who decided if it was real? In another life, maybe he and Donghae could have met under normal circumstances and fallen in love? Hyukjae wasn’t opposed to the idea. Donghae was sweet and seemed like a nice person. He might not remember his past, but could his nature have changed that much just from amnesia? Wasn’t it possible he was just as sweet and kind before the accident? He hoped so, because when the truth did come out, which it would have to eventually, it was comforting to think that just maybe Donghae wouldn’t hate him completely.

Heading back into the room he felt exhausted, but he didn’t want to leave Donghae waiting any longer.

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160 streak #1
Chapter 14: Still love it 😍
Chapter 14: WOW!! Happy end for these lovebirds 💙💙 thank you for writing this story!! I'll revise, this is beautiful fluff story 🥰🥰
Chapter 13: Yeay~ after the struggles that they had each other. Everything is comeback to its own place!!! I'm happy for both. Thank you for this interesting and roller coasters-like story 💙💙 look forward to the last chapt 🤭
Chapter 8: Oh my god!! It's not fluuff 😭😭😭 min hyun!!! Who the heck is he?! That's not right since he got donghae from hospital without waited and said goodbye to hyuk. Please make hyukjae and donghae happy end in this story! Don't make hyuk leave donghae in this universe 😭😭 pleaseeee. I'm afraid this would be angst based on hyuk condition 😭😭😭😭😭😭
Chapter 13: Fue hermoso!!! Me encantó esta historia y que Hae no se rindiera con buscar a Hyuk y amé sobretodo como se confesaron y sbfbdkfns la forma en que interrumpió a Hyuk mientras le pedía ser su novio 🤭🤭
Chapter 2: Mi dulce Hae, estoy segura de que jamás podría odiar a Hyuk🥺
Chapter 14: Rereading it and still enjoying so much ❤️
Rcedsa #8
Chapter 14: Just finished rereading, it was nice to feel all these feelings again ( as with your other stories it always nice to read them again)
And the bonus chapter is so good! It's great to see how their relationship is after everything that happened
I loved how you made Hyuk the one talking about moving in first! So sweet
Thank you again for writing such a sweet story!
Chapter 14: Aaaa this is so sweet, thank you for writing this, I'm not good with words, but I really love your fics 🥺💕
160 streak #10
Chapter 14: 😭😭😭 I just had to re-read it from the start and I still want to beat his ex to a pulp because he's such a scumbag.

I'm really glad they're happy together now. Gonna need more practice on their bed activities though 🤭🤭

Thank you for the update!!!