


On the night of dawn, the stars creep over the ocean,

The frothy blanket is tickling the shore.

The moon smiles down on the sand, cooling its aching back.

The sun's magnificent rays caress the light clouds,

Making them blush all purple and pink.

As the sun's golden head peeks over the horizon, the world stirs.


As the revels of the night draw to a close,

As the mother finally drifts to sleep,

The sun begins to rise.


As the warmth spreads out, like cool tendrils from a steaming pond,

It settles the dew into place for the morning onlookers.

As the lid of an eye cracks open to the new found light,

As the last wisps of a dream are replaced by the worries of the day,

The sun rises.


As the wail of a baby rings in the morn',

As the beeping of the alarm continues,

The sun rises.

As the wail of a baby rings in the morn',

As the beeping of the alarm continues,

The sun rises.


It clears the horizon in leaps and bounds,

Springing to its place in the sky,

Dragging time beside it like a tattered blanket,

The juvenile sun rushes towards its end.


As time drags on, we move

The ebb and flow of life continues.

Then the sun realizes it must set.

And seems to wrestle with the clouds,

And grip the horizon for dear life,


Finally, its grip loosens and it slips away to start again.

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Chapter 1: What I liked most was connecting heavenly, universal motives, like the sunrise, the sky, clouds etc. with bits of people's everyday life (the alarm beeping, the 'worries of the day' etc.

Also, 'It clears the horizon in leaps and bounds, Springing to its place in the sky' just felt so refreshing.

It seems so funny to me now, how I try to find exactly what made me fall in love with the poem, when I hardly have the competence to properly analyze it XD
the quote is very meaningful :) i cant even write that kind of english D: