Bad Eyesight

~SpinWebs~ One-Shot Request Shop

Bad Eyesight


“Hey! Fifteen-year-old idiot!” My sister, Sal, yelled for me from where she was in the kitchen.

I sighed and got up from the couch that I was reclined on and shuffled slowly to the kitchen on purpose, knowing that my slow pace and sloppy posture would get on her nerves.

“Hurry up!” She shrieked once more, and I smirked.

The moment I entered the kitchen, she frowned whacked my back hard. “Stand up straight! And stop dragging your feet on the floor!”

I rubbed my shoulder blade and glared at her as she ranted on about how I had left dirty dishes in the sink for hours.

“Look, if you want to go out with your friends for your Halloween outing tomorrow, you’d better make sure that I don’t see these dishes in the sink later on.” She stomped out of the room in anger and I tended to the dishes sulkily.

What’s with her, anyway? It’s not like she doesn’t have the occasional bouts of laziness. In fact, she’s always leaving her things lying around. What’s with her and these double standards?

While I scrubbed the plates glumly, I thought of the best method to take a jab back at her. The moment I had finished washing up the plates, I plodded out into the living room, where Yongguk, Himchan and Daehyun were sprawled on the couch watching the Halloween horror movie special that I, too, had been watching before being called to wash the dishes.

Just as I sat down onto the couch, Sal grabbed the remote and switched it to a different channel. All four of us whined in protest and made wild grabs for the remote control. Since we are all taller than her, we had a good chance of obtaining the remote. However, she quickly tossed it into a drawer and locked it, stuffing the key into her pocket.

“Stop watching such demonic videos!” She reprimanded. “I don’t care that it’s Halloween tomorrow night. No brother of mine is going to be watching such creepy things! Besides, what’s so entertaining about watching vampires kill people anyway? Those things give me the chills, with their long fangs and dirty yellow nails.” She shuddered and walked away, leaving us behind, disgruntled.

“Why’s she so uptight?” Himchan grumbled, folding his arms across his chest.

“Beats me.” I sighed. “Vampires aren’t even that scary. I have no idea why she’s so afraid of them. Nowadays, there’re even romance novels about vampires, and yet she’s still getting the frights whenever she sees or even hears anything that has to do with vampi-”

I stopped in the middle of my sentence, as an idea popped into my head. Daehyun looked at me in curiousity as he waited for me to finish my sentence. An evil grin spread across my face as my plan quickly formed in my mind. I cannot pull this off by myself, of course. But with the help of a few people…

I smirked and turned to look at the three of them, who each gave me confused looks of their own.



“Why am I the vampire?” Yongguk complained, picking at his black robes in disgust.

“Yeah, why?” Daehyun chimed in. He, too, had been chosen to be a vampire. His tattered black robes hung loosely around his frame. Mostly because we had made the vampire robes from a bunch of black lace curtains that we had found lying in the basement.

“Shh!” I hissed at them. It was nearing midnight, and Sal had just gone to sleep. The four of us had decided to play a rather mean prank on her by roleplaying as vampires. Well, two vampires and two victims, of course. Himchan and I were splattered with fake blood, and we had rather lifelike gashes down our arms by sticking flesh-coloured play-dough to our skin. The dough hung down our arms in flaps, making it seems as if the skin had been peeled back to reveal a gory mess of blood and bone.

I shrugged, although it was really because I don’t want to be playing the corny vampire. Or be at the mercy of whatever Sal chooses to do for self-defense.

At my signal, we all shuffled to our places, and in an attempt to wake up Sal, who is a really light sleeper, I stumbled hard into her door before crumpling at the entrance.

As expected, I heard the door click open and Sal grumbling sleepily under her breath. I held my breath as she looked down at me. A few seconds passed, and she merely yawned, before kicking me in my stomach to get me out of the way. I stifled a gasp and tried not to curl up in pain.

“I’m gonna kill that idiot for not putting away his dolls.” She muttered.

Dolls? Dolls? I don’t play with dolls! Guys have action figures, not dolls.

“No way… another one? Oh my god, this one’s oozing liquid on the table.” I heard her say from somewhere further down the corridor. Now that I was sure she was out of sight, I wound my arms around my stomach and grimaced. Urgh… maybe I should’ve gotten Himchan to lie down here instead.

I winced as I heard a loud thudding sound as Himchan was pushed off the table that he was slumped on. Sal probably saw the fake blood spreading across the tale from his fake wounds and her obsession with cleanliness must have overpowered the fear she felt.

On second thoughts, I’m fine with my position.

“What in the world are you doing in those fancy clothes, Yongguk? You look like an idiot. You too, Daehyun.” She questioned. “What in the world are you guys up to? In fact, I think I recognized Himchan and Zelo just now. They were the dolls, right?”

Knowing the game was up; I sighed at the failed prank and stood up, flipping the switch for the lights.

We all blinked at the sudden brightness, and Sal was the first to recover.

She took in Daehyun and Yongguk’s attire, as well as their elongated teeth and blood spattered chins.

And then, she screamed.

“My god! Get away from me!” She scrambled over to me and gasped loudly. “What did you do to Zelo? Is he going to turn into a vampire too? Shoo!” She flapped her arms wildly, diving back into her bedroom and slamming the door behind her.

I grinned. Well, maybe the prank wasn’t exactly such a flop after all.

Writer: minminXP

For: OK_Kitty

Am not familiar with BAP. At all. I hope my portrayal of them was okay. :/ Not proud of this piece at all. Sorry for the bad quality, my creativity was at an all-time low.

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ah... i want to apply for author but i cant click the link....
dannyskye #2
Aww, you didn't make him too dorky! He is quite dorky. hehe. I thought your portrayal of him was really cute. I'm glad to have requested and I'll mention you to my friends. Thanks!
Keke~ Dont worry I still like it! ^^ It was different that what I usually seen~
dannyskye #4
Woohoo~ I requested! I'm looking forward to it! :D
Oh xD I got confused on where to comment LOL but now I know ^.^ like I said on the other page,THIS ONESHOT IS AWESOME!! I showed my friends and they were like "ASDFGHJKL DUUUDEE! IT SAYS YOUR NAME! AND IT'S NEXT TO SEHUN'S! AHHHH" and they fan-girled for me XD It made my day so,THANK YOU<3