Ch. 2

She Likes Me Too?
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Jennie finds herself waking up before her daughter, she decides to brush her teeth and shower. She zones out in the shower thinking about all the possiblies of this meeting but doesn't know which one is going to come true, her main concern is for Rose accepts Jiyeon. After her shower she walks into the bedroom finding her daughter playing with her toys. "Good morning sweetie."


"Good morning mama." The toddler smiles widely at her. The brunette smiles back and grabs an outfit for the day then does her hair and puts on some light makeup. 


"Mama I'm hungie." Jiyeon stands in the doorway of the bathroom. "Ok baby give me just a minute and we'll go get breakfast."


Downstairs the hotel served breakfast. Jennie got Jiyeon and herself some fruits, yogurt, and toast along with some orange juice. "Oops." Jennie hears the toddler say, she found yogurt spilled on Jiyeon's shirt. She wipes it off. "Be careful." 


When they finish eating they go back to their room and Jennie prepares the tub for Jiyeon. "Bath time~" Jennie sings returning to the bedroom but the toddler is nowhere to be seen, the moving lump on the bed covers gave away the toddlers whereabout. "Where could Jiyeonnie be?" Jennie playfully questions nearing the bed, "Is she under the bed?" Soft giggles erupt from the hidden toddler.


"Hmm what is this lump?" Jennie sits down beside it, "This looks like a comfy pillow." She falls onto the lump carefully. "No it me!" The toddler squeals wiggling underneath her, "Who is me?" Jennie chuckles. "Jiyeon!" The toddler pops her little head out from under the blanket and Jennie pretends to be surprised, "Oh Jiyeonnie! I thought you were a pillow." 


"You very heavy mama." Her daughter says in English. "Why you little-" Jennie pulls the blankets completely off Jiyeon and starts tickling her. After Jiyeon squeals stop a few times Jennie finally quits. "Ok time to take a bath." The brunette takes off Jiyeon's pjs and carries her to the bathtub.


It was about noon when Jennie finished getting Jiyeon ready. She thought now might be a good time to tell Jiyeon about Rose.


"Sweetie I need to talk to you." She squats down infront of Jiyeon. "What if you could meet your umma? Would you like that?" The toddler looks up at her wide eyed, "I can see umma?" Her face lights up and Jennie can't help but smile. 


"Yes baby your umma wants to meet you." 


"Really!? Yay I get to see my umma!" She jumps up cheerfully. From the beginning Jennie has always took the time to explain to Jiyeon that she had another mother and always ever showed her pictures of herself and Rose together whenever the toddler would ask about her other mother. Occasionally Jiyeon would ask questions like where her other mother was or when she'll meet her and Jennie would always say, "Your umma lives in another city and she'll meet her one day."


After that Jennie laid down with Jiyeon in the bed until the toddler fell asleep then she goes into the living room to check some emails until 1pm rolled around. 


Her phone's text message tone goes off. 


"I'm here what is your room number?"


"315." She texts back then she puts her laptop away and softly closes the bedroom door not wanting Rose to see Jiyeon right away. Several minutes later Jennie finally hears a knock at her door. Her hearts starts beating fasting as she made her way towards the door. She lets out a long breath before opening it.


There stands a now strawberry blonde Park Rose. God she was as beautiful as ever Jennie thought looking her former lover up and down. She was wearing a oversized black t-shirt and skinny jeans with a pair of old black converse. Rose does the same checking out the brunette beauty wearing blue jean short shorts and a white shirt showing off her slim figure.


"Uhh come in." Jennie says awkwardly moving aside. The blonde walks in and Jennie closes the door, "After you." She gestures for the blone to walk towards the living room.


"Sit wherever you'd like." Rose chooses the chair while Jennie sits on the sofa directly across from her. "Let's get straight to the point." Rose crosses her arms trying to mask her emotions with a neutral expression even though she was in the verge of breaking. Seeing Jennie first the first time in three years after being completely cut off from her just hitting her harder than she expected. Jennie nods in agreement andl lets out a shaky breath.


"I left because your parents paid my family to leave and never contact you again." She could see the confusion written all over Rose's face. The blonde clearly wasn't going to interrupt her. "I don't know if you remember that evening I skipped an evening lecture and went to the emergency room and I told I just had a virus?" Rose slowly nods thinking back, she remembers because Jennie never liked going to the hospital and would never willingly go like she did unless it was serious. "I lied...I actually found out I was pregnant and for some reason your mother was in the area, she stopped me and asked me what I was doing there and I knew she would find out the real reason I came to the emergency room so I decided to tell her the truth."


She pauses because she was on the verge of crying. "A few days later your parents got in contact with my parents. They just told me they were quitting their jobs at the law firm and were going to start there own firm in L.A. thanks to the money your parents gave them. They never told me how much though. But it most've been a lot."


Now they both have tears in their eyes. "I'm so sorry Rose. I didn’t have a choice, they took the money.” She sheds the first tears. "You're telling me you were pregnant..With my child?" The blonde asks not caring about the hush money issue. “Yes." Jennie nods. Tears start rolling down Rose’s face and it absoutely pains Jennie to see Rose like this because of her. She wipes her eyes carefully not wanting to ruin her makeup anymore. Rose wipes her face then gets up and goes to sit beside Jennie.


"Did you keep the baby?" She grabs Jennie’s hand into her own. The brunette looks at their hands then up to the blondes pleading watery eyes hoping Jennie says yes.


"Yes.” She answers and Rose instantly starts sobbing again and hugs Jennie. She use to dream about having childern with Jennie but when Jennie left everything she ever dreamed with the brunette vanished. She can't even believe it, she has a child. Jennie tries to calm her down and eventually Rose does calm down.


"What's the baby?" 


"A girl."


Tears start to swell up in Rose’s eyes again, "Do you have any pictures I could see?"


"Of course." Jennie gets up, "I'll be right back." She opens the door to the bedroom then closes it behind her. First thing she does is checks herself in the mirror making sure no tears are visible before she goes to wake up her precious baby. "Jiyeonnie wake up~" She whispers and the toddler stirs, "Wake up baby."


"Hold me~" Jiyeon whines holding her little arms out. The brunette removes the sheet and picks her up. Jiyeon places her head on her mothers shoulder closing her eyes wanting to go back to sleep. Jennie opens the door and Rose was sitting back in the chair. She looks towards Jennie and her jaw drops, Jennie holds a finger up to her lips telling her to be quiet as she walks back to the couch. 


"Jiyeon wake up don't you want to see your umma?" Rose notices the difference in Jennie’s tone talking her child, their child. The toddler instantly lifts her head up, "Umma?" She turns her head towards the blonde. 


"Umma?" Her jaw drops like Rose’s did earlier. The blonde smiles and tries not to cry hearing her child calling her umma. She was prepared to see photos of her daughter not actually in person. Jiyeon wiggles out of her mama's lap and quickly stands in front of her umma. Rose’s smile doesn't leave her face as she caresses her daughters hair and cheek. She did favor Jennie more but she could also see herself in her child.


"You're so big." Rose says with a tear rolling down her cheek. "Why cry umma?" Jiyeon tilts her head cutely putting her tiny hand on her umma's tear stained cheek. "I'm very happy." She leans down and kisses Jiyeon on the forehead then her cheeks. When Rose pulls away Jiyeon puts arms out wanting her umma to pick her up. Jiyeon wraps her arms around umma's neck hugging her and Rose wraps her arms around her daughter squeezing her lightly, nothing else mattered in this moment only her child. Jennie quietly watches their interaction feeling guilty realizing Rose has missed so much.


"Is she.." Rose questions looks at Jennie concerned, "Like me?" 


"No she isn't." Jennie knew exactly what she was talking about. She too wondered this while she was pregnant and told her doctor about Rose’s situation, they said Jiyeon's chances were low and they were right. Relief washes across the blondes face because she knew if she were to ever have daughters there was a possibility they could end up like her.


"Can umma play with me?" Jiyeon leans back enough to look at her umma's face. "Yeah." Rose agrees smiling. "In there." Jiyeon points to the bedroom. "Ok let's go." Rose gets up holding her.


"Mama I play with umma." 


"Yes baby you play nice with umma." They go into the bedroom. Rose puts her down and Jiyeon grabs gets her bag full of toys, "Sit down umma." Jiyeon says opening up her bag. The blonde sits down cross-leg watching the toddler dump all her toys in the middle of the floor. 


"Pick any toys." Rose digs through the small pile of different toys and grabs a small stuffed kitten, "Meow meow." She acts like the kitten is loving on Jiyeon who giggles at the fur tickling her cheek. "Dolly needs kisses too." She holds her doll out and Rose holds up the kitten to the doll, "Meow meow." The two giggle and Rose’s heart swells with happiness, never did she think she could have feel such happiness and love instantly. 




It has been almost an hour since Rose and Jiyeon went into the other room to play. Jennie let them be since she could finally watch other things besides children's tv without getting interrupted. The uninterrupted streak doesn't last long because Jiyeon runs over to her, "Mama!" She yells causing Jennie to mentally groan at the child's loudness. 


"What is it sweetie?" 


"Can we get ice cream?" Jennie looks between her daughter and Rose stand

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LillyMay1100 #1
Chapter 9: Kyaah so excited for everything!
Chapter 9: Thanks for the update! I know how tough writer's block can be - I'll be happy with anything you're able to give us. Take care of yourself!
Chapter 7: Now let the story begin.. ^_^
Chapter 4: This continues to be excellent! I can't wait to see what happens when Irene meets Jennie for the first time, or to find out how Rose's parents respond to her ultimatum. You've got so many things going on here!
Chapter 3: Irene <33 Is calling...
Chapter 3: "Irene<33 is calling."

The plot thickens! You're doing a great job with the slow burn here - it's something I have trouble with when I write, so I always notice when someone does it well. ^_^
KTrashForever #7
Chapter 2: Keep up with the great work! I always found Chaennie to be really underrated so seeing a fic about them makes me squeal lol haha
Chapter 2: This was so sweet!
Chapter 1: Loved the first chapter - can't wait to read more!