Act 1: All to Zero; Chapter 3: Treasure

Live Alive

Much to San’s surprise, the night was uneventful. No guards showed up at their door, spears and blades ready to strike him down. Yunho returned to the room when the first rays of dawn broke the horizon. San felt guilty as he saw Yunho’s tired eyes. 


“See? Nothing happened.” Yunho smiled tiredly. 


“Doesn't mean that nothing will.” 


Yunho rolled his eyes. San had also forsaken any sleep last night, his imagination running too wild for him to rest. In his hand clutched his small bag of possessions. Yunho eyed the bag suspiciously. 


He packed lightly. Bringing only one more set of clothes, a dagger, a pouch for water, and some bandages in case he was injured. He never really owned much to begin with, but aside from the necklace on his person. He had no other physical possessions that he cared for. He reached under his shirt to feel the red stone against his sternum, nervously clutching onto it. 


“I’ll guard the door. Take a bath while you can.” Yunho left the room to allow San privacy. San stripped himself of his clothes, putting his clothes on the screen that hid his bathtub. He heard a double knock at the door, which was their signal that he was ready and stood guard outside the door.


He held his breath and put a foot into the tub; hissing as he felt his gills flare up. He quickly submerged himself up to his neck so he could breathe, keeping his face above the water. Switching between his human lungs and gills was quite annoying. The transformation happened quickly; the flesh between his legs fusing from his upper thighs down to his ankles. His feet slowly giving way to a giant wispy tail. He felt a burning prickling as the skin on his legs split, the ripped skin quickly hardening into silverish dark blue scales. The scales quickly set in, spreading to above his hipline and up his spine. He felt his back sting as his back split, to allow his fins out. The fins fanned out and trailed down his body to his tail.


He swished his tail as much as could in the cramped bathtub, the large wieldy tail was so much bigger and weighed so much more than his human legs. Examining his scales, he noticed they had taken on an even darker blue hue as he grew older. 


If you’re curious about yourself...


San shook his head. He hated that he remembered their words from yesterday. He had already made his resolve to not further associate with this other half of himself.


Why do you stay here…


The faces of Yunho and uncle flashed through his head. He considered them his family. He would gladly die for them if he needed to. He would escape and live by himself as long as it meant that they would still be able to live on happily.


But you’re different from them…


The rising sunlight flickering off of his raised tail reflected onto the room. He took in the sight and sighed. He shut his eyes and concentrated; willing for his internal thoughts to go away.



San stirred as he opened his eyes. The sunlight had finally arisen beyond the horizon but he hadn’t dozed off for long, an hour had barely passed.


He took a deep breath before dragging himself over the edge of the bathtub and plopped his wet body onto the floor. Grabbing the towel to dry himself with, He relaxed as his gills contracted away and he could finally breathe through his mouth again. He felt his fins retreating into his body and the hard scales soften back into flesh. 


He didn’t have much time as he heard another double knock on the door signalling for him to finish up soon.


His legs finally returned to him and he quickly got dressed. He opened the door to Yunho and his uncle, the latter looking very much exhausted. 


“Father, I-!” Hyunjae raised his hand to interrupt San and smiled.


“I got the summary of everything from Yunho. I’m sorry that happened to you last night and I couldn’t be there for you.” He hugged San.


“No i’m- I’m sorry that I’ve brought so much trouble to you both. Because of me, now I'm jeopardizing both of you.” San apologized.


“Stop it. We’re family and family protects each other. San, I resolved myself that night thirteen years ago to take care of you in your mother’s place.” Hyunjae had a stern look as he faced the corner of the room where the bathtub sat. 


“Every single day, I regret stripping you of your identity. I couldn’t give you anything at all...I wish I could give you the ocean. Not this small tiny bathtub. San…” He put his hand on San’s shoulder. “I won’t stop you from deciding where you want to go. You’re an adult now and you can make your own decisions now. I can’t keep you cooped up in this small room forever.”




“If your wish is to leave tonight then you can do so, I respect your wishes. But at the very least, let Yunho go to market to get you the proper tools and food for your journey. Let me be able to provide as your father... at least until tonight...just a little more.”


San could only nod silently, tears in his eyes as his Hyunjae brought him into a hug. 



The barkeep was closed for the day. Hyunjae and San would stay in the barkeep, alert for any situation. While Yunho would go to the market to pick up supplies for San’s journey. 


“Here’s the money for medicine, food and supplies.” Hyunjae dropped the coin purse into Yunho’s hand. “Be grateful, you’re finally the one who gets to go to market.” Yunho eyed the heavy bag. 


“Pa! This is-”


“All the savings that the bar has made until now.” Hyunjae smiled. “Take it with you when you both go tonight.”


“Pa! What do you mean? Aren’t we all going together?” Yunho whispered. 


He told his father this morning of the events of the previous night, and his plan of all of them escaping together. He had planned to force San to accept it even if he wasn’t willing to. He looked incredulously as his father let out a pained smile.


“Your old man here is too old to make a journey now. And I have to stay here for my reasons, I can’t go with you two. I told San he’s old enough to make his own decisions if he wants to leave, but having you by his side puts me at ease.”


“That’s not what we agreed on!” Yunho continued urging. “I can’t just leave you here alone!”


“Yunho, do not argue with me.” He pulled out a small ornamental knife with a gold chain from his pocket and handed it his son. Yunho gasped when he recognized it.


“Pa! What are you doing? You can’t give this to me.”


“Take it. I believe that you will be able to use it when the time comes. You’re no longer a kid, I can’t protect the both of you anymore.” He leaned in to hug Yunho. “You’ve grown up so big, son. You’re the older brother so you have to protect your family now. No matter what you have to treasure your family. Got it?”


Yunho sobbed silently as his father put the gold chain over his neck. The knife now safely tucked under his shirt. 


“Hurry now, purchase everything and come back safe. Both of you will escape into the woods as soon as the sun sets.”


“I’ll be right back. Stay safe here with San.” Yunho wiped his tears with his sleeve and nodded. Rushing off down towards Lowsquare market.


Hyunjae looked over at San, who sat across the bar, staring at the floor dazed. He hoped that nothing would happen tonight.



Yunho reached Lowsquare quickly with his long legs. He wiped at the sweat on his forehead as he scanned the market. San was the one who went to the market more often than he did, he’d have to hurry to find all the things they needed. He wandered through the stalls of merchants, concentrating on finding the herbalist to acquire medicine. He noted that there weren’t a lot of people in Lowsquare, even if he didn’t come often he knew that it lacked the usual packed crowds. After minutes of wandering he managed to find a herbalist, tucked away in the center of the market. 


“Hello granny.” He greeted.


The older lady turned around and smiled at Yunho. She wore a dark hood and  looked frail and tired.


“Can I get some salves?”


“What kind of illness are you looking to treat?” She spoke softly.


“Uh...could I get a salve to use on cuts and flesh wounds? And one for fevers as well. And...and one for stomach illnesses.”


“Oh my, who is the poor lad suffering such ailments?”


“Oh no no, no one is suffering.”


“Then why are you seeking such medicine if not in need?”


“I wanted to stock up on them...just in case.”


The older lady eyed him but continued smiling. 


“Just in case…?”


“I..uh plan on making a trip soon. To deliver a package to the next city over!” He lied. “Wanted to make sure I have some stock for my journey.”


“Alright my dear, but do you have enough coin for so many?”


“Don’t worry, I can pay you.” 


The lady turned around to grab from the herbs in her complex cabinet. She took out a stone mortar and mallet to mix the herbs in and began to work. 


Yunho looked around the complex, searching for another market stall to see if they had anything that would be useful on a journey. Food that wouldn’t spoil easily, would probably be his next choice…


He heard a hushed whisper from behind him. Two modestly dressed maids gossiped loudly as they walked through the market. He found himself eavesdropping on their conversation. 


“I saw their ship!”


“Are you sure it's them?”


“I’m sure! No other ship has sails as sinister looking as theirs.”


“Oh dear, I have shivers just imagining it.”


“What do you think they’re doing here?”


“Who knows what goes on in their minds! Savages they are, pirates don’t have a reason. They just rob and pilfer from whomever they want.”


“We’ve only had occasional small pirate ships turn up to stock. But I never imagined one as infamous as they are to come here.”


“Sir?” Yunho’s head shot up. “I’ve finished your salves. The payment then.”


Yunho thanked the older lady and paid her. He tucked the salves safely away into his bag and began to walk away. The older lady smiled as she waved him away. As he walked away, his ears perked up again.


“Oh heavens, I hope ATEEZ doesn’t stir up trouble in our town.”


Yunho whipped his head around to stare at the two gossiping ladies. Both of them were startled by him and quickly walked away. 


Yunho sighed and continued walking through the market. He quickly arrived at the dried meat vendor. From the corner of his eye he could see the harbor, five minutes away. His attention peaked as he stared at the boats anchored at the harbor. He could see the tall dark black sails of a large ship in the distance, neatly tied down but recognizable from afar. It was far bigger than the other longboats tied down next to it that were often used for fishing. 


He heard coughing and returned his attention to the dried meat vendor. He was about to apologize for being distracted but he noticed the vendor's eyes were not trained on him but the person beside him. 


The person beside him had a ponytail and dressed strangely for a man. After all he was in a corset and a skirt. Ah no wait, he wore trousers but from behind they were not visible. He stared at the meats with an intense concentration. 


“If you’re not buying anything then leave.” The gruff vendor huffed. 


“I’m deciding. I’m deciding.” The man whined as he continued browsing the various cuts and types. 


“Uhm..” Yunho interrupted. “If you’re still deciding. Then I’ll take that and that cut.”


The vendor pulled down the dried cuts of meat and began packaging them. Yunho glanced over at the man besides him and to his surprise, he was pouting at him. 


“Sorry...uh did you want those cuts?” Yunho asked as he took the packages from the vendor. 


The man with the ponytail shook his head and sighed. 


“Nah nah it’s okay. It’s cool. It’s totallllly fine. Don’t worry about it.” His tone was obviously very upset. 


Yunho smiled nervously. Did he want them or not? 


“Okay then.”


He paid the vendor and began walking away. 


“Wait wait wait wait. Hold on.” The man pulled on his apron from behind. “Actually…”


“I really did want that cut...but I don’t have any money to buy it. I got separated from my crew and they don’t allow me in charge of finances anymore.”


Yunho laughed. What an interesting guy. 


“And might I ask why you’re not in charge of finances anymore?”


“T-that’s!” The man stuttered. “It’s because last time I lost the money...and we had to spend an entire day looking for it.”


“And? Did you manage to get it back?” 


“More or less…” they shuffled on their feet. 


Yunho giggled and also felt sorry for him. He ordered another smaller cut of meat from the vendor. The man with the ponytail eyes lit up as Yunho handed it to him. 


“Really? Really, really?” He exclaimed, looking at Yunho as if he had grown horns on his head. Yunho nodded and smiled. 


“Hope that’s enough to tide you over until you get back to your crew. You should eat more, you’re so small and thin.”


“Hey! I’ll have you know I’m perfectly normal sized. You’re just huge!” He retorted. Yunho laughed as he walked away, waving at the new guy. 


He wasn’t sure why he was so generous to the stranger, maybe because he reminded him a little of himself. His father would be sure to scold him for wasting away finances on a stranger. He somewhat understood now why his father never let him go out to the market. 


Over the next hour Yunho purchased everything they needed fairly quickly. His bag now stuffed with medicine, dried meat, dry cheeses and bread that would last, and some general tools that would come in handy such as bandages, needles, string, and extra pouches to store water.


He patted his bag satisfied and began to leave the market unaware of the shadow that had begun trailing him. 



San felt a shiver go down his spine. It had been almost two hours since Yunho left to get supplies. Noon was nearing. He felt that something bad was happening. 


His uncle who had been sitting next to him, immediately reacted to San’s shift in mood. 




“Father, something doesn’t feel right.” His face grew paler and the shivers didnt stop. His father immediately walked to the front doors and looked outside. There was no one in sight. 


“There doesn’t seem to be anyone here. San are you okay? Can you...feel something?”


San felt a dark energy surround his body. It felt like he was surrounded in water but instead of bringing comfort; it felt heavy and disturbing. San could feel the energy concentrate behind him and he whipped around. There was nothing behind San but his eyes widened in fear. 


That was the direction of the market. 


“Yunho-!” He gasped and Hyunjae widened his eyes. 


“San! Did something happen to Yunho?”


“I- I don’t know. I have to go to him!” San cried and he scrambled to the door. He had never felt this way before. 




San turned around and felt a bag hit his chest. 


“Go.” Pushing the bag San had packed the night prior, into his arms. He wrapped his son in embrace; lingering for only a few seconds before letting go. “Go to Yunho!”


San nodded and raced out the door, running in the direction of the market. Hyunjae's face looked grim as he clasped his hands together, praying that his two sons would be safe. 



Yunho gasped as he ducked behind an abandoned stall in the corner of the market. He hissed and clutched his arm, he had tried dodging but he was nicked. Blood streamed down his arm and he quickly grabbed the bandages in his bag to make a tourniquet above the wound. 


Didn’t expect to use it this soon. He mused. 


He quickly scanned the surrounding area to get an idea of what he was dealing with. He didn’t know why he was attacked or who was attacking him. He didn’t know if someone had targeted him because of San, but If that was the case then that means San’s secret had been leaked. Escaping into the forest wasn’t a smart idea unless it was nightfall. The trees didn’t do much to hide his large body especially in broad daylight. He rushed back into the market but he didn't want the normal townspeople to be involved. So he had dodged behind an abandoned stall to give himself some cover. 


He saw a black shadow jump into a different abandoned stall a few yards and he kept his gaze fixed on it. Once the shadow moved, Yunho sprinted off towards the opposite direction. He crashed into a few people trying to get past, hurriedly pushing them out of the way as he bounded for the other exit of the market. Screams of confusion echoed throughout the market. Yunho hoped that his attacker wouldn’t hurt the bystanders and ran behind another abandoned stall. 


He peaked towards the crowd to monitor the attackers position. It was a masked figure dressed in dark robes that pushed through the crowds. Checking their position, Yunho hopped through the abandoned stalls and dashed until he made it to the last stall before the exit. 


Just one more step...He checked the coast once more and confirmed it was clear before dashing outside the wall that separated the market from Lowtown. He had cleared the wall but his vision was shadowed as he felt his head grabbed and slammed harshly into the wall. He stumbled forward and fell to his knees. His nose began bleeding from the impact, staining his shirt and the floor. He weakly looked up to see two more cloaked figures standing above him. 


“We’ve made contact. Secure him.” The smaller figure said. The bigger one reached down to grab both of Yunho’s arms and pinned them above his head. 


“We’ve heard reports of a strange individual roaming around town.” They started. “We’re here to investigate the purpose of why pirates are doing here in the city.”


Yunho blinked rapidly but his vision was blurry. 


“There are reports of several pirates, belonging to ATEEZ, in the city. And it is our duty, to snuff out any potential harm to this kingdom.”


“Wait!” Yunho groaned. “I’m not the one you’re looking for. I’m a resident here, I’m not a pirate.”


“We have reports of you purchasing materials that would suggest you’re a traveler. We have a tip. You can’t weasel out of this.”


Yunho’s eyes widened. . No no no no!


“No there’s a misunderstanding I swear!”


“If there’s a misunderstanding we’ll figure that out in the interrogation room. Bring him in.” 


“Roger,” the bigger cloaked figure lifted and brought Yunho up to his feet. Yunho was a tall man but this man’s physique towered even over him. Yunho’s mind raced. No he couldn’t get locked up and interrogated. He needed to leave the city with San tonight! 


He struggled against the man’s hold and kicked uselessly at him. 


“Stop resisting! If you continue to resist, we will have to use force to deal-“ the smaller cloaked individual squeaked before they fell to the ground. 


Yunho looked over at the figure now on the ground. The man he saw earlier stood behind them, smiling and waving at Yunho. 


“Hiii~! Thanks for helping me out earlier. You need help?” He cocked his head to the side. 


Yunho nodded his head furiously, his arms sore from being held up high. He felt his back connect to the wall and the wind knocked out of him as the large cloaked man threw him aside. He charged towards the stranger with an angry cry. 


And then just as sudden, he was on the ground; laying on top of the other cloaked figure. 


Yunho looked up and coughed weakly. The man didn’t seem to have moved but both of them were now motionless on the ground. He hopped over them and walked over to Yunho; helping him up. 


“You okay? I saw you running through the market earlier with people after you.” 


Yunho nodded meekly. 


“Thank you- uhm”




“Thank you, Wooyoung. You saved me.”


“Why were they after you?”


“I- I don’t know. They said something about pirates but I might’ve been misunderstood but no. . I need to get back quickly.” 


“To where?”


“Back home. I need to...uh. I need to grab something.” Yunho stuttered. He felt wary divulging any more information. He had already leaked too much to others and already led to misunderstandings. 


Wooyoung blinked and laughed. “You sure? I think they’re still after you.” 


Yunho frantically looked around him. 


“If you look carefully there’s 2 more still hiding around. I can help you get rid of them though.”


Yunho looked at Wooyoung warily. “Did you- did you kill them?” 


“Them? Yea, if they come at you with the intent to kill then they have to be prepared themselves to die. Why?” 


“ but...why are you helping me?”


“Cuz you gave me food earlier. And a man’s always got to return the favor.” He grinned as he patted his stomach. “Ah I got an idea!” Wooyoung exclaimed and clapped his hands together. “How about I get my crew to pick up the thing you need to grab?” 


Yunho stared at him with a dumbfounded expression. 


“My friends are special, they’ll find it in no time I promise.” He laughed as he dragged Yunho behind him. 



San ran at breakneck speed to the market. Upon arrival, he quickly scanned the market for the tall man. Immediately running in the direction of where he felt the dark energy. He easily slipped past people with his small frame. He reached the other side of the market; taking in the crumpled two figures on the floor and the blood stains. 


His body pulsed as he took in the sight of blood; he could smell it was Yunho’s. His senses kicked into overdrive and he turned around in time to dodge a blade aiming for his back. The cloaked figure clicked their tongue and continued swiping at San. 


“Where is he!?” He roared as he kicked the cloaked figure in the chest sending them tumbling backwards. 


“What do you mean where is he! You and your crew have already escaped!” They replied, repositioning themselves for another attack. He lunged forward to drive the blade into San to which he dodged; allowing them to trip forward. San swung his leg down harshly into the figure’s back, he heard a loud crunch under his foot. 


“Where is Yunho?” He hissed. 


“I d-don’t know!” The figure squeaked. San was ready to kick them again but his heightened senses forced him to duck as a fist punched the air where he stood. 


“What?!” Another cloaked figure gasped as San distances himself from the two. Now they both stood in a fighting stance; readying themselves. 


San backed slowly, unsure if he could take two people on. They didn’t seem to know where Yunho was…He was able to turn tail and run the opposite direction until he heard a chilling melody. Both the cloaked figures clutched themselves and then fell to the floor in writhing pain. San looked up and saw Seonghwa and Yeosang in the distance walking towards him. 


“We finally ing found you…” Seonghwa growled. 


“What do you want?” San shouted. “I didn’t come here for you guys. I’m not joining you, I have something to do.” 


“Calm down.” Yeosang started. Examining the added two figures to the ground. “We need to leave this area, there are more coming.”


“What do you mean?” San retorted. “Who are these people and why are they attacking me? Don’t tell me you-“


“There’s not much time.” Yeosang interrupted. “There’s people after us, we wanted to wait until tonight to depart but we have to go now. I promise I’ll explain everything later.”


San backed away from the two. 


“No I’m not going with you two. I have to find someone. I know he was just here, I can smell his blood. What happened to him?!”


“I said I can explain-“ 


“Yeosang, incoming.” Seonghwa interrupted Yeosang; sensing larger groups of people swarming closer to them. 


Yeosang muttered under his breath and glowered angrily. 


“I got this. Take him and get out of here. I’ll catch up.” Yeosang peeled away his cloak revealing a simple white tunic underneath with a red sash cinching his waist. 


San saw Yeosang’s eyes flash brightly as Seonghwa grabbed his arm harshly pulling them away. 


“Let me go!” San struggled under his strong hold. 


Several people emerged from the exit, bushes and forest. All rushing towards them. 


“Seonghwa!” Yeosang yelled. His voice reverberated in the air. 


“We have your guy.” Seonghwa glared as he sunk his fingers into San’s arm. “And if you want to see him again, you better come with us.”


San gulped audibly. They ran about 50 meters towards the docks.  San noticed a large ship with its black sails raised leaving the shoreline in the distance. 


“Is your ship leaving?” San almost shrieked as his arm felt like it was being ripped off by Seonghwa running ahead. “Without you on it?”


“We’re going to jump. We have to swim.” Seonghwa ordered. They reached the end of the docks. 




“We. Have. To. Swim.” Seonghwa glowered as he ripped off his shoes and tugged at his own pants. 




“What the is it now?”


“I don’t know how to swim.”


The silence between the two was almost comical, broken only by screams in the distance. San could see bodies one after another collapse to the floor around Yeosang. 




“I don’t know! I've only ever swam in bathtubs since I was 7!” He cried embarrassingly. His uncle never let him swim in the ocean as he couldn’t risk getting caught. 


Seonghwa glowered at him for five seconds, as if processing what he just heard.


“I really...really hate you.” He sighed. 


And then proceeded to kick San into the water. 


San shut his eyes as his back collided with the water. He gasped as his gills flared up adapting to the new environment. His body twitched and burned as his clothes ripped apart by the seams. He felt his legs fuse and scales form from his skin. He felt his back split and his fins escape from his back and coughed weakly. He was unused to transforming so suddenly. He thought his eyes would sting in the saltwater but after cracking open his eyes, he noticed they felt the same as when he was in the air. 


He felt an impact on his chest and he looked down. Seonghwa held a firm grasp on the collar of his shirt. He gasped. 


“If you really don’t know how to swim. I’ll kill you here and now.” Seonghwa glared. Although they were underwater, it didn’t seem to affect their speech at all. 


“Y-you’re a-!“ San stuttered. 


Seonghwa angrily snapped his tail at San. His tail a brilliant crimson ruby color with matching billowy fins that resembled a dancing fire. His scales seemed to go higher than San’s; under his billowing shirt San could see patches of scales decorating his collarbones and trailing up his neck. In Seonghwa’s hands were his trousers and shoes, neatly tucked under his arm. 


“Swim. Now.” Seonghwa commanded as he grabbed San’s arm again and forcefully pulled him towards the departing boat. 


San felt unfamiliar being completely surrounded in water. He weakly beat his tail to move forward but he was pretty sure any forward acceleration he had was due to Seonghwa propelling them forward. In moments, they reached the ship with black sails and San saw a shadow from above the water descending towards them. As the longboat lowered, Seonghwa grabbed one edge to drag it further into the water. Tilting it towards them, San gasped as he felt the impact as Seonghwa threw him into the boat. 


“What the-!? Ow!”


San gasped as the longboat lifted out of the water and his gills burned as he suddenly could no longer breathe. He grasped desperately at the sides of the boat to steady himself and his vision momentarily blurred.


“San!” He heard a voice cry his name and he looked up to see several sheets being thrown at him. He struggled under the sheets and felt the boat shake violently. 


The sheets were ripped away and he felt a figure tackling him to the ground. He widened his eyes as he saw a familiar mop of brunette hair fill his vision. He felt his gills calm down and his breathing finally stabilized.


“San, I’m so glad you were able to get out. I tried to go back for you but I was worried I’d lead them to you. I’m so glad you’re safe.” Yunho cried as he squeezed him. San awkwardly patted him and took in his surroundings. 


They were on the ship; A pirate ship. He watched as several men worked on lowering the longboat again, he heard the splash of the boat and the sound of a loud slap of flesh as he assumed Seonghwa mounted the boat himself. 


“Welcome aboard!” He heard a voice call from behind him and he spun the best he could while being trapped in the hands of his cousin and still draped in waterlogged sheets. 


“I’m glad you made it safe and sound. Though I didn’t expect company to come with.” Hongjoong laughed as he threw a large sheet towards Seonghwa who had landed on deck. 


“Yunho! What are you doing here!? What happened?!” San tried to discreetly whisper into Yunho’s ear. 


“Something complicated. There was a misunderstanding and I got attacked by someone. I was going to return to you but-,” Yunho scrambled. San grabbed Yunho’s arm. Now suddenly aware of the older boy’s injuries. He took in the bandages wrapped around his arm as a tourniquet. And how the older boy’s hands had been bound together with a rope. 




“But they saved me. And I didn’t know if they were going to trace me if I were to go back to the bar. They said that they would help me and I just didn’t know what to do. So I told them about you and they brought me here. But then the ship suddenly took off and I almost jumped off to get back to the shore. And then they grabbed me and tied me. But then-but then they said you were going to come here and how did you get here!?” He rambled off. 


They were interrupted by a harsh cough and Hongjoong leaned into their faces. 


“I know there’s a lot to catch up on. But why don’t we get the poor lad fixed up and some clothes on the other first and then... And then we’ll explain everything. Hm?” He stomped his boot on the deck and whistled. “Clean them up and once they’re done bring them to the briefing room. We have a lot to discuss.”


Chapter 3/36
Published 10/8/2020
Both the story and art are by me
Please no copying anywhere without credit
Am planning on updating weekly, hope you all enjoy ^^


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nrd0894 #1
Chapter 8: I genuinely love your writing style, it pulls me in chapter by chapter and leaves me wanting more. The way you conveyed the inner conflicts and emotions San goes through every chapter was so easily empathised. And the way you give each character time, and a distinct presence and personality, it makes me fall in love with this world you're writing and your version of the boys. It has been a long time since i have thoroughly enjoyed a plot this much, so Thank you so much for this. Really looking forward to the rest of this story ♡
Chapter 6: Authornim I cannot emphasize how much I love your story jahdghdjs I love your writing style it's so vivid I almost feel like I'm watching a movie😍 Thank you so much for writing this masterpiece, so far I am enjoying the plot very much!!!
Chapter 8: This is really, really good! The action and the way you write every scene is so enjoyable and I just want to keep reading and reading. Your writing is so beautiful and every scene, I'm on my toes, waiting for something to happen. The scenes are immaculate; everything about this story is everything I've wanted to read and more.
I enjoyed it immensely. Stay safe, healthy and happy! :)