Act 1: All to Zero; Chapter 2: Pirate King

Live Alive

“You seem an interesting fellow. So let me ask you, will you join us?”


“Huh?” San sputtered at the random invitation. 


“What are you talking about?”


“I see in you that this isn't where you belong.” The short haired man continued. “Your eyes give it away. You live in constant fear. Why not just abandon it all. Join us and you won't be shackled by society’s rules anymore.”


It dawned on San that these weren’t rich merchants or nobles that had stumbled in, but rather pirates. The rough and sunkissed skin and lavish jewelry suddenly made sense. Pirates weren’t uncommon, San had seen quite his share loitering around in Lowsquare and Lowtown Bars but they were usually more savage and unkempt. 


“Please stop joking around…” San nervously took a step back. “Look, I'm just here to take orders. If you don't want anything then i'll leave-“


“What makes you think he’s joking.” The man with ear length dark hair snarled. He was the one with piercing eyes who responded to the drunk man earlier. “How dare you refuse our captai-!”


“Woah woah woah! Lay off there. We just arrived in town, let's not already start making trouble!” The other dark haired man with the head scarf around his forehead laughed airily. “Sorry, sorry! My pal here is just drunk! Don't mean anything. Can we just get one more round of ale for the boys?”


San saw the only light haired man nod from the corner. He had yet to say a word until now. 


“Sure…” San shuffled as he turned around. But he paused for a second before turning around. 


“This is where I grew up and I have people here that are very dear to me. Even if i were to be living in so called fear as you say, does not mean that i can so easily give them up.” He narrowed his eyes. “I can’t simply live such a carefree life that you all have, i have a responsibility and purpose here and i'm going to stay. So there's your answer.” He huffed with satisfaction before walking away to fetch their orders. 


“I don’t like him…” The man with piercing eyes muttered under his breath. 


“You never like anyone on the first meeting.” Laughed the one with the head scarf. 


“He’s an interesting fellow.” The short haired man chuckled. “I’d like to get to know him more.”


“Interesting, indeed…” Said the light haired man. 



After two more rounds of drinks, San noticed the four men leaving the bar and he sighed with relief. He waited for Yunho to finish ushering out the last few drunkards before they started packing up for the night. San rushed to wipe all ten tables as Yunho swept the floor of the barkeep. Their uncle busied himself behind the bar washing the tins they used during their evening rush. San and Yunho did all the heavy labor chores for their uncle, after all he was getting up there in years. Pushing the last of the stools into their respective spots, San took off his apron and set it on the railing of the staircase. Mentally checking off his list of chores. 


A weird sound came from the storeroom and a yelp from Yunho made San rush over. 


“Sannnnnn! I told you to stop leaving your water everywhere! Finish bringing them up to the room, don’t forget about them here otherwise i’m going to trip over them.” Yunho whined; his trousers and boots were soaked in saltwater. 


Ah . He did only bring up one bucket earlier today. He rubbed his hands together in apology towards Yunho. 


“Sorry sorry. I won't do it again!”


“Except you always do.” He pouted. 


“Pa! I’m done with everything, I’m going to go shower out back. Do you need anything else?” He had already begun stripping out of his sopping trousers and boots and discarded them on the floor. Reaching over his head he quickly pulled off his apron, vest and shirt in one go.


“Do that when you’re outside, ugh.” San rolled his eyes.


Hyunjae and Yunho took showers out back behind the barkeep, they had barrels of water outside from rainfall that they used to scrub themselves down. San obviously didn’t join them outside. He couldn’t risk being seen after all. San secretly admired Yunho’s tall frame with toned arms that bulged even under his clothes. Without a shirt, his strong shoulders and chiseled abs were almost offensive to San. His own arms were thin and his boney frame was hidden well under several layers.


“Nah son, I’m all done here. San do you mind tossing this out front?” He signalled to the small tub of dirty water that was used to wash all the dishes. “After you toss these out, you can turn in for tonight. I’m going to take a shower as well.”


“Got it!” San yelled out, playfully kicking at Yunho who was except for his drawers. He ran off, winding through the storeroom to get to the backyard. Hyunjae followed him from behind. San huffed and lifted the tub and walked to the front door. Tilting the tub to pour out the dirty water he heard a small yelp from a few meters away. San looked up and paled as he noticed people standing down the street. 


“, !” San recognized that deep voice of the man with the piercing glare. He shivered as the man looked up angrily and marched towards him. He felt his back collide with the wall behind him and he yelped as an arm forcefully planted itself by the right side of his head. The slam of the wall reverberated in his ear painfully and he looked up at the scowling man hovering over him. 


“I’m- I’m sorry. I didn’t realize you were there and-!” Another slam and San let out a rather sad whimper. 


“You better be right about this. Otherwise we’ve waited all this time for nothing.” The man grumbled above him. 


San saw the light haired man nod and the man in front of him backed away muttering under his breath.


“We mean no harm.” The short hair man greeted. Now that they were all standing up, San noticed that he was actually shorter than he was. Even his slicked back hair adding to his height still didn’t meet San’s eye level. But the confident smile and the glint in his eyes showed that this man was no pushover; he was dangerous. “We wanted to talk to you. Do you have a moment?” 


San looked nervously over his shoulder. These were pirates and he was not sure he would be able to outrun them even if he knew this area. They also knew where he lived and worked so if anything they’d be able to track him down easily. Yunho and his uncle were out back behind the barkeep so if he screamed really loud he might be able to get their attention. Wait but if he screamed out, then wouldn’t they immediately silence him by killing him. 


But also if he screamed and Yunho and uncle came, would these pirates hurt them as well? He didn’t want to get Yunho or his uncle involved, they already did so much for him. He didn’t want them putting their neck out even further for him. 


He must have taken a while to think because he heard a harsh cough come from the man with piercing eyes. 


“L-let me finish closing up…” San stuttered out. He really had no choice but to go with them didn’t he?


“Leave the poor lad alone, Seonghwa. He’s about to piss himself in fear if you keep intimidating him like that.” The man with the head scarf around his forehead laughed, his voice was airy and whimsical. Seonghwa turned around to face him but San could tell his expression was furious.


“Seonghwa, come here.”  The short hair man ordered. Seonghwa visibly relaxed as he walked to his side obediently; looking much calmer than earlier.  “Continue, we’ll be waiting. Right. Here.” 


San almost tripped as he took the tub back inside and set it on the bar. He glanced at the front door and noted they weren’t looking directly at him, choosing to carry on their conversation. As he grabbed the keys to close up the front door, he quietly snuck a dagger hidden behind the bar into his pocket. 


“Yunho! Father! I’ll be right back!” He yelled towards the storeroom but there was no response. He hoped they wouldn’t freak and come after him. He grabbed a lantern and lit the candle inside before he closed the front door behind him and locked up. 


“You’re a good kid aren’t you?” The short hair man smiled. “Let's go somewhere more private. You’re fine with that right?”


They had already begun walking away from the barkeep. San nodded suspiciously; clutching at his lantern and he shuffled along after them. 


“Great! Let's go then.” 



They walked towards one of the local inns of Lowtown. It was one of the less savvier inns even among Lowtown, and that wasn’t saying much. San knew of the building but had never stepped inside. Not that he ever had a need to. 


Rust and rot ate away at the iron inn sign outside, it barely hung onto the equally rusty iron bar that held it up. Inside was just as dingy as outside. San could feel the dust tickling at his nose. The candles inside the lanterns were almost gone, so the lighting inside the establishment was extremely poor. The wood looked especially sea rotted for Lowtown. Since Lowtown was closer to the ocean the salt in the air really did its damage on much of the infrastructure. 


San almost tripped at the entrance because of the warped wooden planks beneath his feet. Besides the old man sitting behind the dusty looking counter, who by the way looked way too old to even be working there; there was no one else in sight. The short haired man knocked on the counter to signal their presence and the old man made no motion of response. San looked confused as they didn’t wait for any response and continued their way into the dingy inn. They all walked upstairs and went into one of the rooms. The light haired man lit the two lanterns perched on the dusty dresser, lighting up the room to show 2 beds on opposite sides of the room. By the corner of the room sat a lonely chair.


“It's not much, but welcome. I go by the name, Hongjoong.” The short hair man introduced himself. Earlier San was at work so he couldn’t get a good chance to look at them.


Hongjoong had short slicked back black hair but San could now see in the back it extended past his neck, some left out and some sections intricately braided with jewelry embedded into his hair. On his left ear was one golden ring, but his right ear was lined with several golden rings of varying size. He was shorter than San, but he could tell under his past waist length, fur lined, leather coat that he had a significant amount of muscle that was toned from years of labor. 


He wore a light hide vest that covered a offwhite shirt that was buttoned rather high and tied with a black satin ribbon studded with a large jewel around his neck. Below the ribbon San could make out several other necklaces that looked equally expensive. He wore dark brown pants that were neatly tucked into his boots. Tied around his waist underneath was a long strip of red cloth that draped around his upper left leg like a skirt. The red cloth was paired with a belt that bulged slightly on both sides of his waist underneath his jacket. San gulped as it was most definitely a weapon. 


“I meant what we said earlier about not meaning any harm.” Hongjoong started and sat down on the chair in the corner facing San. He wore no pirate captain hat, but he commanded the authority in the room. San assumed he was the leader.


Besides him stood Seonghwa who still stared down at San intimidatingly. His ear length black hair was pushed back. But lingering strands escaped and draped his forehead and slightly covered his eye. He had less piercings in his ears; one on the left and two on the right.


Compared to Hongjoong, he was dressed more simply. He sported a simple offwhite long sleeve balloon shirt that was tied around the waist with a similar long strip of red cloth. The knot sat on the left side of his hip, tied so the remaining cloth came down loosely hanging in front of his leg. A complex utility belt sat above the cloth belt securing his sheathed sword on the other hip. His collar was open revealing his collarbones and upper chest, and he had another red cloth wrapped around his neck. He had grey brown pants but they draped his long legs cuffing slightly above his ankle high boots. He stood taller than San and his intimidating look only made San shrink even more.


“And what do you want from me? I have no money to offer. You saw me working at that bar, I don’t make enough to warrant pirates robbing me, a simple worker.” 


“No no, we don’t want money from you. Even we, pirates, have a code of conduct to follow, we won’t rob just anyone.” Hongjoong laughed.


“What we want is you.” The light hair man finally spoke. San was startled as he had yet to hear him speak. 


“Let me introduce the rest of the crew. This is Seonghwa.” Hongjoong motioned towards Seonghwa who stood by his side. “The boisterous one over there is Wooyoung.” 


The man with the headscarf around his forehead winked. Wooyoung had been sitting on the bed across the room. His medium length hair was tied up with a long red ribbon and his ponytail stuck up above his red head scarf tied around his forehead. 


Unlike the other three, his shirt was open shamelessly revealing all of his neck, collarbone region and most of his middle chest. He was the darkest of the four, his sun kissed skin glowed in the lamp light. San envied how his dark skin highlighted his neck and pectorals. He cocked his head whimsically and smiled at San. He noted his left ear displayed 2 golden earrings, and one on the right; the opposite of Seonghwa.


His offwhiteshirt came down to his elbows and was not buttoned. It was barely held together by a makeshift corset around his lean waist. It was a hide waist band that was held together by an interwoven red string. Under his waistband was a long red sheet that wrapped around most of the back of his lower half. His trousers were rather loose and ended around his knees and paired with ankle height boots. He held no obvious weapons on his body but San couldn’t be too sure. 


“And the quiet one is Yeosang.” Hongjoong finished.


Yeosang stood besides Wooyoung. He was the only one who didn’t have dark hair. His almost platinum blond hair reached his shoulders, parted in the center in an elegant fashion, and his eyes glittered even in the dimly lit room, almost gold in color. His hair brushed behind his ears to display two golden rings on only his left ear.


His frame was covered in a long shawl that covered his upper body so San couldn’t really see what he wore. But noted that he wore light colored trousers that cuffed slightly above his ankle high boots. His face was indifferent and cold and his gold eyes fixated on San.


They were all dressed well from head to toe unlike many other pirates San had seen. They seemed out of place within the dingy tiny inn room they were situated in. San would’ve been amused if not for the menacing bloodthirsty aura they all gave off.


“And you?” Hongjoong voice was low and commanding. His face and demeanor was friendly, but all of San’s senses screamed he was the most dangerous of the four. 


“San..” He muttered.




“Jeong San.” He said slightly louder this time.


“Good. Nice to meet you San. We don’t mean any harm nor are we going to do anything to you. That I can promise. Right?” Hongjoong grinned at Seonghwa to which the other scoffed and looked away. “We just want to get to know you because, you see, we’re interested in you.”


San’s mind raced with a million thoughts a second. Had they found out his secret. No, there was no way. The last time he had transformed was four days ago in the evening in his room with his uncle standing guard. There was no way anyone could have seen him. He was still safe. But what do they want with a simple bar worker? The bar had no competition from what he knew…


“You say you grew up here, is that true?”


He nodded.


“Were you born here then?”




“And those people at the bar. They, your family? The people you mentioned who are dear to you?”


Another nervous nod.


“That’s good to know. A man needs to know to value his people. Only scum would sell out their own.” Hongjoong mused. “I like you.”


“I don’t” Seonghwa muttered under his breath.


“Shush.” Chided Hongjoong.


“What do you mean you want me?” San was confused about their intentions.


“We’re looking for people like you. We want you to join us.” Hongjoong responded.


“I said I wasn’t interested.” San hissed.


“That you did.” Hongjoong let out a hearty laugh. “It's refreshing to see a young lad such as yourself refusing us the way you did. I know you’re not ignorant.”


Seonghwa took a menacing step forward.


“You know exactly who we are, and yet you still refused us. You know the consequences of angering people of the likes of us.”


San took a defensive step backwards.


“We need people with eyes like yours. They understand fear but they do not cower. If you join us, you won’t need to live forever like this. We can give you power and strength. You….no we, we can be whatever we want, just follow us.”


“Hongjoong you can stop beating around the bush.” Yeosang announced. “If you keep delaying, you’ll only confuse him even further.”


Hongjoong shrugged his shoulders in a defeated motion and made a hand signal at Seonghwa.


San gasped as Seonghwa grabbed San and shoved him harshly into the wooden wall behind, knocking the wind out of him. With a low growl Seonghwa began letting notes flow out of his mouth, he spoke in a different language. One that San didn’t understand but he felt strangely familiar with. The strangely peaceful melody flooded San’s ears  for a few more seconds before Seonghwa stopped. San looked confused, his eyes meeting the taller man’s piercing glare.


“Ooo, doesn’t that confirm our suspicions then?” Wooyoung commented from the side.


“Yes, now let him go Seonghwa.” Hongjoong commanded and Seonghwa immediately let go, returning to his side. 


“What do you mean?” San choked as he gasped for air.


“That was a spell. And only three things in the world are immune to it. A human that has been granted a special blessing by the gods, one who has an anti-spell casted on them or…”  ” Yeosang walked forward to face San, 


“ of the merfolk species.” Seonghwa hissed. San could feel the daggers piercing him. 


“We know what you are, you don’t have to hide it anymore,” said Yeosang.


San felt his heart drop. He had been found out. His eyes flashed towards the door that was behind him. He could make a run for it if he really tried to. He’d have to flee the city. He couldn’t go back to the bar now. His identity had been found out and the guards would be knocking at his door as soon as they heard the news. 


He had tried his best to keep his appearance hidden. But he didn’t know there were other methods of finding out. And he internally cursed himself, he was stupid for being so naive. Of course he would be considered suspicious if spells didn’t work on him.


His hand clutched around the dagger in his pocket. If he ran, how fast would they be on him he wondered. Would he be able to fend them off? He had only ever received basic training with the dagger from his uncle. But even his uncle had never received proper fighting training before. He cursed his small weak body, he wasn’t even sure if he could outrun them much less fight them off. 


“We had an inkling since you didn’t react back at the bar…” Yeosang continued but San immediately pulled out his dagger. He rushed at Yeosang and pushed him back, sending him tumbling towards Seonghwa and Hongjoong. 


He dashed for the door and had managed to crack it open before it forcefully slammed shut again, as if by magic. San gasped and struggled against an invisible force that held the door closed. Seconds later he found his chin smashing into the floor with his arms pinned behind his back. 


Wooyoung had pinned him beneath, pressing a sharp blade against his neck. San could feel the blood pooling in his mouth from the impact of the floor. He held his breath as he felt a blade press slightly into his neck.


“Don’t move.” Wooyoung whispered from above him. He smiled but unlike earlier, his voice lacked any sweetness to it.


“Hey hey no bloodshed. We said we wouldn’t harm him.” Hongjoong complained as he helped Yeosang up. San felt the blade loosen pressure but he could sense that it was still pointed at his throat.


“The king of this land of yours is notorious for slaughtering your kind. Why do you stay here even when you understand the danger you’re in?” Yeosang raised his voice, but San’s mind was in overdrive.


“Are you going to turn me in?” Sam hissed.


“What? No! Weren’t you listening?” Hongjoong cocked his head.


“I don’t believe you for a second. People don’t just suddenly accept others, especially if they’re monsters.”


“Even if your kind are among our crew?”


San continued glaring. Hongjoong looked at Yeosang and sighed. He walked forward towards them.




Wooyoung removed himself from San and San sat up from the floor rubbing his neck. He felt a sting from where the Wooyoungs’s blade made contact with his neck. Wooyoung knelt next to San twirling an ornamental dagger in his hands, one San did not see on his body earlier.


“I don’t believe you. I’ve never heard of pirates teaming up with monsters.” San spat blood on the floor.


“You told us about yourself so I guess we can at least share a little,” Hongjoong chuckled. “Us four, you see, have a goal. We have a purpose we want to achieve. But simply having a purpose is no use without the means to pursue it. But we’re not ignorant. We can gauge ourselves and what we’re capable of. It's meaningless with our current force. We need more power. Together we can overcome anything and that’s why we need you.”


Hongjoong lifted San’s chin and looked into his eyes. His own black eyes wide with excitement and charisma. “We need people like you. Who are willing to fight for their life and their purpose.”


San glared at him, gritting his teeth defensively. Hongjoong laughed and took his hand away. 


“We won’t sell you out. Do not worry about that. And we will not force you to join us as well. We want you to come with us out of your own will. Forcing you will do us no good, doesn’t make for a very loyal subordinate.”


“What makes you think I have these powers you seek?” San growled.


“We don’t know. But we’re willing to take that bet.”


“How will I know if you haven’t sold me out. How can I trust pirates?”


Hongjoong looked up and pondered for a moment before replying. 


“There is no way to trust pirates. Pirates aren’t trustworthy at all. But if you believe our word then you best pray no guards show up knocking at your bedroom.” He laughed.


“There isn’t any guarantee I’ll join you...rather there is no benefit for me at all.”


“As for benefits, I’ll allow you to come up with that list. But if you’re curious…” Hongjoong looked towards Yeosang. “If you’re curious about yourself, then we’ll be staying here until tomorrow night. I hope you make your decision by then.”


San stood and looked warily at the four of them. Wooyoung shrugged and hopped back towards the bed. Yeosang looking inquisitively at him. Seonghwa continued glaring and Hongjoong waved. 


“You’re free to go. But if you want to find us, ask for ATEEZ. You’ll find your way back to us.” He smiled.


San didn’t wait as he grabbed the door handle. He yanked the door open as hard as he could and dashed out of the building. 



San’s heart thundered as he sprinted his way home in the darkness. His lantern shook wildly as he ran, the candle inside already long spent and gone. He needed to pack immediately. He needed to flee by tonight before the morning sun rose. That would be his best chance to escape through the wood if they did betray and report him. 


The horses wouldn’t be able to follow him into the woods. The sea was no good, he didn’t have experience on a ship and his form would be immediately given away if he were to fall overboard into the saltwater. Navy ships would also chase him down immediately when the morning came. San had no confidence to escape by sea by then. He needed to gather rations, enough to escape to the next town over at the very least. He’d be able to hide out for a while. He could find an abandoned cave to hide out in near the sea. He couldn’t escape into the mountains as he still needed saltwater to survive.


He reached the front door of the bar and struggled to put the key in. His hands were shaking uncontrollably. What would he tell Yunho and his uncle? They had protected him so far and they finally started to have peace again after so long. He couldn’t force them into pain again, he treasured them too much for that. 


He forced the key in and locked it behind him. He needed to sneak out secretly without alarming them. That was the only way. He knew they would disagree with him and would never let him leave without a fight. He tried his best to silently sneak upstairs without waking the others, slowly creeping into his shared room with Yunho.


He was too busy formulating a list of items he needed to pack, he didn’t notice the long pair of arms until they had already wrapped around his frame. 


“There you are!” Yunho cheered as he lifted San into the air. 


San let out a silent shriek as his eyes spun to find a point of focus.


“You were away for quite a while weren’t you? San?” Yunho set the younger down on the floor, frowning as he noticed the smaller was shaking. “San, speak to me. What happened?” Yunho urged, holding him by the shoulders.


San felt his chest rack as he struggled to keep back emotions from flowing forward. He shouldn’t. He can’t. It would only put Yunho and uncle in danger, raced through his mind and before he knew it his eyes let tears fall forward. 



After what felt like a long time, San finally relaxed onto the bed. Yunho forced it all out of San, the younger too emotionally weak to keep everything after everything that had just happened. He told him the events of earlier this evening, and his meeting with the pirates. He told them they found out his identity and wanted to take him with them for their own agenda. Yunho took it all in, his face set in an uncharacteristic serious fashion. San felt bad honestly, he shouldn’t have gotten him involved.


“They called themselves ATEEZ. Whatever that means.” 


Yunho nodded. “And they said you have until tomorrow to decide?”


San shot him an incredulous look. “Yunho? What are you talking about? I have to leave, we can’t trust them.”


“I know I know, but I can’t help but think that if they really meant to cause harm for you they would’ve done it already.”


“You can’t be serious! I’m not joining pirates!” San hissed.


“I get that. I wouldn’t want you to either. It's just that...ever since you know. You’ve been raised among us...humans. But you’re special. And sometimes aren’t you ever curious know...your other side?”


San chest felt like it was being torn into pieces. A brief moment of panic flashed through San’s mind of whether Yunho truly accepted him. Would anyone really truly accept a monster like him as family. Maybe Yunho was like all the other humans who feared him, like the ones who killed his mother. 


He shook his head mentally. No Yunho would never be like that. Yunho was his family. They had grown up together since birth and Yunho never showed any signs of hating San for who he was. He had seen San in his true form multiple times and was never repulsed or anything. His mind was just overreacting, he reasoned. And yet deep down he understood what Yunho was saying. He knew because of his identity that he would never truly be able to fit in with humans, he was a monster. One that ought to be killed. Ever since he was a child he was curious about his lineage, his family, his own self. But after the death of his mother he was scared to ever associate with this other half of him. He squashed that selfish desire to ever find out more about himself. In fear of distancing himself from the humans, from the people, from his family that he loved so dearly.


San shook his head. “No Yunho. I’m not going to potentially risk you or uncle for a mere chance of self satisfaction that could very well be a trap. That would be crazy, I can’t.” He felt Yunho wrap his arms around him.


“San, it’ll be okay. Stop freaking out. I have a feeling...I have a feeling that it’ll be okay. Nothing’s going to happen tonight.” San hated how Yunho always relied on his lucky senses and rolled his eyes.  




“Lets just...let's pack a bag but I think we...should see how it plays out tonight. I’ll keep guard downstairs to make sure no one comes. And even if they do come they can’t do anything without proof of you being in your real form.”


San looked at him incredulously. “Yunho are you being serious right now. I need to leave tonight!”


“No San, just stay here for tonight. I promise it’ll be okay. I love you, and I would never let anything happen to my little brother. I swear on my life. We’ll explain everything to uncle tomorrow morning and we’ll discuss it then okay?” The brown haired man chuckled as he stood up and patted at his knees. 


“I’ll be downstairs guarding. Tomorrow morning is your soak day right? Uncle and I will stand guard and make sure nothing goes wrong. If you do need to escape you’ll need to do it tomorrow anyway, you can’t be on the run for days if you dry out by day one. And if something happens tonight I want you to have legs to be able to run for it immediately. Trust me; we can make it through this. Got it?”


San could only nod weakly.


“I’ll signal if anything happens.” And with that Yunho left the bedroom and San was left in the room struggling with his inner thoughts.


“I sure hope your feeling is right…”


Chapter 2/36

Published 10/1/2020

Both the story and art are by me

Please no copying anywhere without credit

Am planning on updating weekly, hope you all enjoy ^^

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nrd0894 #1
Chapter 8: I genuinely love your writing style, it pulls me in chapter by chapter and leaves me wanting more. The way you conveyed the inner conflicts and emotions San goes through every chapter was so easily empathised. And the way you give each character time, and a distinct presence and personality, it makes me fall in love with this world you're writing and your version of the boys. It has been a long time since i have thoroughly enjoyed a plot this much, so Thank you so much for this. Really looking forward to the rest of this story ♡
Chapter 6: Authornim I cannot emphasize how much I love your story jahdghdjs I love your writing style it's so vivid I almost feel like I'm watching a movie😍 Thank you so much for writing this masterpiece, so far I am enjoying the plot very much!!!
Chapter 8: This is really, really good! The action and the way you write every scene is so enjoyable and I just want to keep reading and reading. Your writing is so beautiful and every scene, I'm on my toes, waiting for something to happen. The scenes are immaculate; everything about this story is everything I've wanted to read and more.
I enjoyed it immensely. Stay safe, healthy and happy! :)