Chapter Two

The Measure of Loveliness

The next couple of days sped by.

The tailor finished a suit for a young man planning a 21st birthday celebration. The seamster began work on the third of five matching bridesmaid dresses for another wedding scheduled in the fall. Baekhyun diligently prepared sample pieces for the Park wedding dress, carefully stitching the embroidery on the tulle samples, and putting French seams on the satin samples. He included a couple of covered buttons and a sample of the boning, as well as pieces to be used for the underskirting, crinoline, and lining. 

Five days after meeting the man, Baekhyun pulled the CEO's business card back down off his corkboard. He flipped the card briefly in his fingers as he stared at his phone. Finally he sighed, opened the keypad, punched in the number on the card, and put the phone to his ear.

Two rings later the Head Secretary for the CEO of Park Industries answered the phone with a chipper yet business‐like tone. Baekhyun said his name and was quickly transferred, only having to wait another 2 rings before hearing the warm baritone of the man of his dreams.

"Mr. Byun!" the CEO said eagerly. "How are you today?"

Baekhyun was a little surprised by the question. The CEO should be asking about the dress. Maybe he was just being polite since he knew the designer had been flustered last time they spoke. Might as well indulge him.

"I am quite well thank you. And how are you today?"

"Me? I'm doing very well now.." the CEO responded. There was an awkward pause.

Baekhyun felt himself sweat. "Um.. so.. the full design of the wedding dress is completed and I have the sketch and samples ready to be reviewed."

"Oh! So soon..!"

"Yes, well.. the inspiration came easily with such a beautiful bride.."

"Ahh.. I understand."

The sound of the CEO's satisfaction at the designer's praise made Baekhyun feel good and yet miserable. This man belonged to someone. He had to remember that. The deep voice that sounded so warm in his ear..that came from the handsome face and that gorgeous body and the luscious hair and the heavenly eyes and-  Baekhyun whimpered.

"Mr. Byun?"

"A- I'm sorry, I know you're busy. Should I send this to your office, or the bride's home?"

"Oh no, just let me know what time I should be there and I will come pick it up." the CEO responded quickly.

This was surprising. "Are you sure? I know you are a very busy man Mr. Park. It's no trouble to send it-"

"No I will make time for this appointment. It's important."

Baekhyun looked at the schedule book on his desk. "It's short notice for today but if you're available, any time between 2pm and 4pm will be fine. But I can check other dates if that doesn't work for you."

"I am available. And I will see you during that time."

"Ok then..!"


Baekhyun was going to say goodbye but then the CEO added, "-and thank you so much for calling me..!"

The designer felt flustered again. The things this man did to him.. "I-its not a problem sir. I will see you this afternoon."

"Yes.." This time was much warmer.

"Goodbye Mr. Park."

"Goodbye Mr. Byun." Baekhyun hung up the phone then shook his head.

The last part of the conversation felt almost like when high school sweethearts don't want to get off the phone with each other and play the "no YOU hang up!" game.

So silly.  So impossible.


The designer and his assistants took lunch late, sharing a large platter of take-out sushi. They had only gotten back to work about 20 minutes when the little bell rang at the front of the shop. Jongdae put down the cuffed hem he was working on and went to greet the customer.

Within minutes he came back into the workroom. "B, you have a visitor.." the tailor said with a grin.

Baekhyun look up at the clock on the wall. 2:15pm. There was only one person he was expecting. The designer couldn't help running his hands nervously thru his hair. Jongdae stepped closer and quickly straightened Baekhyun's collar then smiled softer. "Go show him what he's missing.."

"What if he heard you?!" Baekhyun hissed quietly, batting the tailor's hands away. The designer ignored his friend's giggling as he walked to the front.

The tall form of the CEO was expected but still managed to catch the designer off guard. He'd have to get used to this not breathing thing around the handsome man.

Mr. Park smiled. Baekhyun squinted, smiling back. The lights seemed brighter. And who turned up the thermostat?

'OK get a grip.' The designer scolded himself internally.

"Mr. Park.. Thank you for taking time out of your busy day to come in person! Let me get the design storyboard and sampler for you." Baekhyun didn't give the CEO a chance to respond, running back to the work area.

He ran over to his work station and the small personal electric fan clipped to the top of the corkboard. Minseok and Jongdae exchanged amused glances as the designer stood with his face almost plastered to the fan as he gasped. "Damn. Am I menopausal or something??"

"I'm pretty sure that only happens to middle-aged women, B.." the tailor snorted as he tried to hold back his laughter.

"Yeah.. and since you told us your is fine, we know that's not what's going on" the seamster offered through his own chuckles. Baekhyun rolled his eyes.

He grabbed the Park wedding dress design and materials samples as he flicked off the fan. "Thanks for the support, guys" he said sarcastically over his shoulder before walking through the doorway to the front.

The two laughing men answered in unison. "ANYTIME!"

The designer came back out to the front of the shop and saw the CEO's eyebrows were furrowed as he looked down at his phone. His broad shoulders were hunched over slightly as well, and for some reason the image was endearingly cute and Baekhyun felt his heart clench once again. He was sure the poor muscle would soon jump out of his chest in protest over how much he was denying the attraction he felt for this man.

He watched as the tall CEO straightened up, smiling softly as he noticed the designer. Baekhyun returned the smile without thinking.

But he faltered when the CEO cleared his throat, slipping his phone in the inside pocket of his suit while Baekhyun tried not to swoon at the suave gesture. 'You're a professional - get a grip!' he slapped himself internally as he placed the design and samples on the countertop. 

"I don't want to take too much of your time.." he began.

The CEO shook his head, smiling. "Oh, no.. I have plenty of time for you."

Baekhyun gulped. The guy needed to quit doing that smiling thing. His poor heart wouldn't have the strength to jump out of his chest at this rate.

"OK then..." the designer's slender fingers removed the protective sheeting from the rendering, the CEO's eyes following the movement. Baekhyun began explaining the key points of his design, using the sample pieces to show the ideas he had included in the dress concept. The whole time he spoke, Baekhyun was aware of the tall handsome man beside him, watching his every gesture, following everywhere he indicated with his slender digits. The CEO's presence was strong and warm but not imposing as he stood at the designer's side.

It was torture.

Baekhyun paused "Did you have any questions, Mr. Park?"

The tall man startled at his name. "Oh! I'm so sorry. You explained it all so beautifully I got a little carried away.. I apologize. I don't have any questions on the dress, and I'm sure it will look wonderful on my Yoora."

Hearing the woman's name for the first time along with the possessive pronoun made Baekhyun's heart sink a little further. He couldn't forget. The man was taken. The man was taken. The man wa-

"But I've been thinking.." The handsome man looked directly at the designer. 

The designer felt his insides jump but he pulled a pencil from a side jar and looked down, ready to make changes on his rendering, determined to be professional.

The CEO stooped to try to make eye contact. "I want you to make me feel special too."

Baekhyun dropped the pencil.

"Eh-excuse me..?"  

The CEO smiled. "I want you to create a suit for me!" 

" Yeah, yeah we can do that!" Baekhyun stammered as he tried to regain his composure. "If you have the time we can go ahead and take your measurements today so that you don't have to come back in for that." 

The tall man smiled so brightly the designer almost needed to squint. Baekhyun turned away. "JONGDAE!" 

The tailor popped into the doorway. "You called?"

"Mr. Park would like to have an original suit, so we need his measurements taken." The designer turned back towards the CEO, noticing the smile on the tall man's face fell a little as the tailor walked over. 

"Certainly! If you will please stand over here Mr. Park..." Jongdae gestured to a short platform surrounded on three sides by tall mirrors. 

"Oh.. you're not the one taking the measurements, Mr. Byun?" the CEO asked.

"As the tailor in residence, Mr. Kim is the most qualified person here to take accurate measurements and assist with the design and creation of the suit you are wanting for the big day. He will make sure that you feel special, sir."  Baekhyun responded.

Jongdae had been watching the CEO carefully ever since he came out from the back. When the tall man's smile fell even more upon hearing the designer's explanation, the tailor decided to test something out. "Hey B, can I get you to write these measurements down for me?" 

Baekhyun knew the tailor usually wrote the measurements down himself. But after having spoken so highly of the tailor, the designer didn't want to contradict him and make him look less competent in the CEO's eyes. He decided to act like this was normal and got a pad of paper and pencil, then looked over at the tailor.

Jongdae watched as the CEO stood a little straighter on the platform and puffed out his chest. The tailor smirked.

This was gonna be fun.

"OK if you don't mind taking off your suit jacket, please Mr. Park..?" Jongdae smiled politely.

The CEO complied, slipping his arms out then leaning over to place the jacket neatly over a hanging rack to the side of the mirrors. His broad shoulders flexed under the material of the Oxford shirt as he straightened back up to stand in his spot on the small platform. Baekhyun watched, almost dazed as the material around the muscular biceps stretched tightly.

The tailor smirked and raised an eyebrow as he caught the designer's eye in the mirror. Baekhyun guiltily looked down, busying himself with the notepad. Jongdae covered his chuckle by clearing his throat as he stepped around to the back of the tall man then stretched out the tape measure. "Let's see.. Shoulders.. 19-and-a-quarter.. So broad! Impressive, Mr. Park!" 

The CEO preened under the praise, watching in the mirror as the designer nodded in agreement while writing down the information.

Jongdae slipped the tape measure around the tall man's throat. "Neck.. 18 inches.." The tape measure was moved to his shoulder and down to his wrist. "Arms.. 37 inches.. Waist.." The tailor slid the tape measure around the man's middle. "Sorry if it seems like I'm hugging you sir."

The CEO returned the short laugh, his arms held out to the sides. "Oh no, it's ok. I like hugs." he smiled.

Baekhyun looked up from the notepad. He couldn't help giving a long appreciative glance to the reflection of the tall man. His eyes followed the long legs up, seeing the tailor's arms circling the thin waist, then on up, admiring the broad chest and shoulders. He startled when Jongdae gave a deliberate cough.

"You dropped your pencil." the tailor smirked at the designer.

"That's twice in the last half-hour.." the CEO remarked. "Are you feeling alright?"

Baekhyun scrambled to pick up the pencil. " I mean- yes! I'm fine! It's just.. slippery." he explained with a weak smile. 

"Hmmm.." the tall man leaned over and pulled his phone out from the jacket still hanging on the rack. He quickly typed in a message then slipped the phone back into the jacket and stood back up. "Sorry about that. Proceed." He lifted his arms back up and looked at the tailor. 

"Oh, no worries..!" Jongdae smiled at the CEO, now facing him, and slid the tape measure around his upper torso. "Chest.. 46, 47 inches. Well! With your good looks and impressive measurements you could easily step into a modeling career, Mr. Park! Don't you think so B?" 

Baekhyun eyed the tape measure circling the handsome man's broad chest in the mirror. "Definitely.." he said, his gaze never dropping.

The CEO watched the designer watching him thru the mirror.

Jongdae pointedly looked back and forth between the two oblivious men. "Uh huh... Let's get the lower measurements now, shall we..?"

The tailor's bright comment made Baekhyun startle a little and he looked back down at the notepad. He could not watch. It would be hard enough for him finding out the handsome man's measurements. He didn't need to see Jongdae's hands pressed against the CEO's hips, crotch, thighs, calves, ankles, inseam... Baekhyun tried not to think about the words as he jotted down the locations on the list ahead of time, his fingers carefully gripping the pencil. He would die of embarrassment if he dropped it again.

The tailor made quick work of taking the measurements, calling out numbers for the designer to write down. Just as they were finishing, the bell rang on the door. All three men looked up to see a thin young man with blonde hair, bent over in the entrance, huffing for breath. 

Baekhyun and Jongdae exchanged a look but before either could say anything, the CEO spoke. "Sehun! That was quick.. Did you bring them?"

The designer and tailor exchanged another glance before looking back at the blonde man. The man said nothing, but held up a small package. 

"Good! Give them to Mr. Byun please.." the tall man on the platform gestured to the designer, still clutching the notepad. Baekhyun gave a half smile in curiosity as he reached out to accept what the young man was handing him. As he turned the small packet over his eyes widened. 

The CEO grinned. "Since the pencil is slippery..."

Jongdae cocked his head in question.

Baekhyun couldn't help a wry smile. "Yes.. thank you Mr. Park.."

The tailor's loud cackle startled the blonde man and made the designer blush as he held up the package of pencil grippers.




Later that afternoon Baekhyun sat at his desk. Three of the pencils in the decorative jar now had bright colored foam sleeves, distracting him. He was trying to count up how much material was needed for the Park wedding dress and suit, but his eyes and his mind kept wandering. 

The designer couldn't keep his mind off the handsome CEO.

With his measurements completed, the man said he gave {BHouse} complete control of the colors, style, material, and design of his suit. Then the CEO had smiled brightly, thanked everyone, and left with his assistant. 

The rest of the afternoon Baekhyun had listened as Jongdae and Minseok talked about the handsome CEO and his equally handsome assistant. Evidently after the tailor finished laughing about the item the assistant had rushed to bring, he had realized the blonde was staring at him. 

Minseok asked questions, encouraging Jongdae to explain and even act out what had gone on while the seamster had been stuck in the back stitching beading onto bridesmaid dresses. Baekhyun enjoyed his friends debating possibilities of the assistant being attracted to the tailor. 

But now, as the two were cleaning up their work stations to go home, the designer was distracted. The sketch of the CEO's suit laid on his desk, pulling his gaze.

The tailor had designed a suit that would show off the tall man's generous height, broad shoulders, and built chest. The wool suit with silk jacquard lining would be crafted in a navy blue color so deep it appeared black in some light. The double-ed jacket would have deep pleats so it could flex and breathe with the muscular man's movements, perfect for the late spring wedding. A powerful statement suit. Perfect for the powerful, handsome CEO.

Baekhyun felt hot just thinking about how good the tall man would look in it.

But when he thought of the reason for the suit, it was like a bucket of cold water was poured on his head.

Right. The man was taken. 

It wasn't fair.

But he had to accept the reality check.

"Hey B, you ok?" Jongdae asked from the doorway. He and Minseok had started to leave but the seamster pointed at Baekhyun who was sitting at his desk and staring at nothing while absent-mindedly twirling a pencil. 

The designer looked up. "Huh? Oh, yeah..! I'm fine. Have a good night guys!"

The two friends looked at each other with a knowing glance, then turned back to the designer. "Well, ok.. don't stay too late tonight. The work will keep until tomorrow." Minseok said affectionately. 

"Yes, MOTHER.." Baekhyun said with a cheeky grin. The two men in the doorway laughed and waved, then turned and left the shop.

Baekhyun thought about going to lock the door but the phone rang and he chose to answer it. ".. Mr. Byun speaking.." he answered politely. 

"Oh hello! Mr. Byun! The dress design is absolutely breathtaking!" the woman's voice was familiar, and the designer smiled happily.

"I'm so glad you like it Miss Yoora! I see that Mr. Park didn't waste any time getting the design proposal to you..."

"Yes he was so excited!" 

"So is there anything you wanted to change in the design?" the designer asked.

"Oh, no! It's absolutely perfect!"

"That's good to hear! So the next step would be to get your measurements. When could you be available to do that?" Baekhyun flipped thru the planner on his desk. 

"I have some time tomorrow after 4pm if that's not too late in the day.." the lady offered.

"Actually that will work perfectly Miss Yoora.. I will put you down for 4:30, if that's alright."

"Yes! And I'll be sure to tell my brother! He told me he wants a suit made too.." 

"Oh! We'll be happy to make his suit too then! It can compliment your groom's suit we're making.." the designer said.

"Oh? My fiancé told me he plans to wear his late father's suit.."

Baekhyun was puzzled as he had never heard any news about the father of the famous CEO dying. But he wasn't going to be the cause of any discomfort for the lovely lady. "Oh no.. I may have told a secret that he wanted to surprise you with. My apologies ma'am."

The lady giggled. "That's alright. I'm sure it will be gorgeous, so I'll have no problem acting surprised." 

The designer grinned. "I am really glad you turned to {BHouse} for your wedding attire. We'll see you tomorrow afternoon!"

"Yes! See you then!" the bride agreed, and hung up the phone.

As Baekhyun was putting the phone down, the bell at the door chimed.

"Hello..? Mr. Byun?" 

The designer pursed his lips, eyeing the time on the clock. "I'm sorry.. we're closed for the evening." he called out in response. Not hearing the bell again, Baekhyun looked around the corner to the front of the store. A tall familiar man was fidgiting at the front counter. "Did you..need something sir?"

The man seemed nervous but he nodded his head slightly. "Yes. I was wondering if- about your tailor- would he- I mean- umm.."

Baekhyun chuckled inwardly but kept his professional tone. "I'm sure our Mr. Kim would be happy to make you a suit." 

The blonde looked surprised. "Oh, um. Actually I didn't- I wanted- um.. yeah that'd be great."

The designer bit back a smile. "Would you like to leave your contact information for Mr. Kim to call you? Or would you rather call back at your convenience during working hours?" 

The blonde man blinked in realization. "Oh I'm sorry about the time. I just got off work myself and ran right over here without thinking."

Baekhyun had to smile. "We appreciate your eagerness to give us your business, mister..."



The blonde smiled. "Oh Sehun." 

"Ah! Mr. Oh." Baekhyun smiled. "I will tell Mr. Kim to expect your call sometime in the next day or so to arrange with him to when you can come in for a design consultation and to be measured."

The blonde man smiled. "Boss was right."

The designer cocked his head in question. 

Mr. Park's assistant continued. "He said you are really cute when you're being professional."

Baekhyun spluttered. "Excu-I-I'm sorry what??"

The blonde grinned sneakily. "And he'll probably kill me for telling you, but he thinks you're beautiful."

Baekhyun was speechless. 

Mr. Oh reached for the business cards stacked on the front desk. "I'll take one of these for the number to call Mr. Kim tomorrow then. Have a good evening Mr. Byun!" The blonde smiled as he turned and walked out the door, waving at the still stunned designer as the bell chimed. 

Baekhyun had just enough sense to wave back weakly then slumped over the front counter, letting his head drop with a thunk. "Great.." he groaned. "The hot groom that I can't have thinks I'm beautiful. What the hell am I supposed to do with this information??" he whined out loud. 

The designer allowed himself a few seconds to wiggle in frustration, then straightened up and walked over to the front door. He sighed as he turned off the store lights, turned over the "open" plaque to the "closed" side and locked the door.

"Always alone... Why change now?"



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Chapter 5: This is so underated!!
Chapter 5: This was adorable
gzbishh #3
Chapter 4: i’m suprised yoora didn’t tell baek about the husband changing the suit as misunderstanding cause he thought it was chanyeol- she probably already asked the groom why the sudden change and left baek be in misery 💀
gzbishh #4
Chapter 2: ayo if i see someone treated their siblings like the way they did with lovers usually do i would assume they’re in a relationship too cause ain’t no way siblings acted like that !! 💀💀🏃🏽‍♀️🏃🏽‍♀️🏃🏽‍♀️
Chapter 5: lovely story
963 streak #6
Chapter 5: This is fun. I love the misunderstanding.
Baekhyun is so oblivious to the situation. He didn't even read the invitation. It is good that Chanyeol was direct, though nervous.
I was happy abiut the epilogue after the epilogue.
Thank you so much for sharing.
Beau1996 1374 streak #7
Chapter 5: Fluffy sweet happy ending!!!
efiana #8
Chapter 5: Hueeee.. why end... please contine with baek n chan being together.. it would be lovely
Chapter 5: That was so awkward and funny lol
174 streak #10
Chapter 5: Hahhhhahaha, they're so cute 💕