topic of love

spring rain

Such a common name, was Yuna’s first initial thought when meeting the infamous Hwang Eunbi. She couldn’t deny that she thought the Hwang could be the pink-haired girl but then again: she has blonde hair. Part of her was disappointed — that Yuna was going to deny — but it was better than having to meet the stranger who used her as a water shield. 

“You can just call me SinB.” The girl’s eyes curved from behind her mask and cap.

”Right, SinB.” Yuna said simply.

“Did you order anything yet?” Yewon waved a waitress over, giving one of her bright smiles to her. “I was excited to eat bossam.”

Yuna questioned her hunger as a sound rumbled from below. However, an appetite was far from what she had. She was in no mood for eating even with her stomach growling the way it did. 

Lightly pushing the menu away, Yuna shook her head and smiled. “No I haven't ordered but eat all you want, I can pay.”

“I invited you though.” Yewon pouted. 

”It’s fine, really — I’ll pay for both of you guys.” Yuna suggested. It was only polite since Yewon brought SinB otherwise Yuna wouldn’t be seen paying for someone she barely knew.

Yewon still looked reluctant but she knew Yuna was stubborn when it came to herself. “Okay, if you insist.”

The two girls went on to order more food than they could bite. An assortment of meats, vegetables and soups were displayed in front of the three. Yuna couldn’t help but smile at how indulgent Yewon was.

Yuna took a peek at her own wallet, eyes glazing over the family sigil pasted on the leather. She knew there was more than enough money to pay for all the dishes they ordered — plus, Yuna was willing to buy things for Yewon. SinB, not so much but she didn’t mind. A sigh escaped her lips as she squeezed her wallet before stuffing it back in her pocket.

“Yuna-eonni, you’re spacing out again.” Yewon’s soft spoken and angelic voice made the girl snap her head up with the slight raise of her eyebrows.

“Sorry.” Yuna grinned as she sipped out of her water cup.

“No it's alright.” Yewon smiled. She froze midair, with food dangling on her chopsticks before it fell on to her plate. “You know, Sojung-eonni told me something."

In the midst of drinking water, Yuna coughed it down once she realized what Yewon had said. She slammed her glass on the table, water sloshing onto the table, and stared at the girl like she was crazy. When Sojung tells Yewon things, it's usually not good.

"And Yerin-eonni accidentally told me as well."

Yuna pressed her lips together and instinctively rolled her eyes. Looks like Yerin and Sojung had the same talkative mouths! She'd expect Sojung to tell Yewon — because they're basically sisters at this point — about whatever it is the girl is talking about, but Yerin? A small gasp escaped Yuna's lips, her eyes widening as big as saucers. They had the same majors; of course Yerin would tell Yewon something! The cogs in Yuna's brain creaked to a stop as she continued to think about Yerin being in the same class as Yewon and possibly making friends with her. All hell would break loose, especially for Yuna.

Letting out an awkward laugh, Yuna rubbed her nape. "Um... what did they exactly tell you?"

"Well... I might've invited SinB to meet you because... um," Yewon looked to the dancer next to her who was equally as shocked as Yuna. "Sojung-eonni told me to."

"What?!" SinB and Yuna yelled in unison.

A lump grew in Yuna's throat once she let the news sink in.

Sojung and Yerin. Asked about a girl named Eunbi. Told Yerin about girl who used her as water shield who happens to have the name: Eunbi. Yerin usually tells Sojung everything. Sojung friends with Yewon, who is friends with SinB and her real name is, guess what? Eunbi. The puzzle pieces were falling into place, quite obnoxiously, as Yuna's jaw dropped open. She wanted to slam the table and run back to the dorms to curse Yerin and Sojung out but the way Yewon looked at her was much more important than beating up her two friends.

"I'm sorry but Yewon I thought you said..." SinB's words trailed off in defeat once the girl responded with a cheeky smile.

"Well... at least we all know each other now?" Yewon laughed nervously.

Yuna forced a smile. It wasn't that she was angry with Yewon or even Yerin and Sojung at that fact. The way her two eldest friends acted was normal though she wished she kept the "Eunbi" thing to herself. First of all, Hwang Eunbi is definitely not the Eunbi she met at the convenience store — she didn't even have pink hair! So what were those two girls trying to achieve when Yewon isn't even friends with a pink-haired girl? Yuna sighed, the action slowly becoming a habit, as she rubbed her temples.

"Are you mad at me?"

Her chest clogged up at Yewon's innocent tone and immediately shook her head. "No! No, it's just that... I don't want my friendship with SinB to seem forced." Yuna rambled. "And now that I know Yerin and Sojung were up to this..." The girl grit her teeth, unconsciously clenching her fist.

How much did Yewon know? — was the real question. All faith was in Yerin's hands now (or was) and Yuna prayed to Sojung's mother that she didn't exagerrate the details of her story to Yewon. The worst outcome would be for Yewon to think she liked someone named Eunbi, when it's clearly not the case.

"I'm sorry, I mean I did want to invite you to eat and SinB is a good friend so you guys meeting is something good, right?"

Yuna and SinB made eye contact. Whilst the two looked at each other for a good two seconds, they both bursted out in laughter. Even Yuna couldn't help herself with the baffled expression on the dancer's face. As much as she depised Yerin and Sojung (at the moment), meeting SinB is going to be a good thing. She hopes anyway.

SinB nudged Yewon's shoulder, earning a soft whine from the girl and grinned. "Yewon, Yewon... You mischievious little brat! You're lucky Yuna-eonni is cool."

"Cool?!" Yewon gasped. "You just met her!"

"Yeah, but she offered to pay for our meal and that's best friend material right there."

Yuna could only laugh at the light-hearted situation. All in all, it wasn't that bad. Though it didn't stop the nervous churning in her stomach. She didn't feel it before but her chest was clogged up, like a weight was pressed against it.

"Appreciate your kind words, Hwang Eunbi." Yuna giggled.

SinB smiled toothily, leaning back in the cushioned booths and sighed. "Well, Yewon. What did Yerin and Sojung-sunbae tell you anyway?"

Uh oh. Yuna's eyes shot wide open, gesturing to Yewon with her face to keep shut but as always, Yewon wasn't paying attention to her.

"Yerin-eonni said Yuna was looking for an Eunbi." Yewon looked at the girl, a teasing smile creeping on her lips. Though, unexpectedly, Yewon didn't say anything along the words of "liking a girl named Eunbi". 

SinB blinked a couple of times before cracking up into another laughing fit. "Ahh so that's why you invited me and that shortie." Giving a small glance to Yuna, SinB smirked. "Does Yuna-eonni like someone that has the name Eunbi...?"

The bold question struck Yuna like a knife. In her brain, she was already thinking of ways to lock Yerin and Sojung out of the dorm. Those two could figure out other ways to sleep through the night.

"You got the wrong idea..." Yuna mumbled but SinB only leaned closer with her ear tilted towards the girl.

"What was that? You have an Eunbi right in front of you so what are you waiting for?"

Yuna's face burned up like a fire, turning red in merely a span of 1.5 seconds. Though her pride was stronger as Yuna glared into SinB's teasing eyes. Meanwhile, Yewon was laughing at the two girls once SinB sat up and leaned into Yuna's lips. The girl wasn't aware of the sudden movement so to see SinB in such close vicinity made her ears burn steam.

"Hey— Hey! Hwang SinB!" Yuna sputtered.

SinB threw her head back into a cackle. "You should've seen your face!" She proceeded to imitate Yuna's flustered expression, her eyes b with tears. 

"Not funny Hwang!"

"Are you worried you're going to fall in love with the great SinB-ssi?"

Yuna rolled her eyes. If only she wasn't already whipped for the girl next to SinB then maybe but that wasn't the case. Yewon was her one and only. Even if someone more beautiful and charming than Yewon confessed, Yuna would still like the girl (not that anyone else was more beautiful or charming than Yewon).

Putting her hands up into a shrug, Yuna ed a finger at SinB. "Love at first sight isn't real ~"

"Oh really?" The dancer quirked an eyebrow, glancing at Yewon for a split second before wrapping her arm around her waist. "I'm sure even Kim Yewon here fell for me at first sight!"

"When did I get dragged in?!" Yewon bellowed. "I don't even like girls!"

"Oh yeah, I forgot you were straight as hell."

"Hwang Eunbi!"

As the two girls kept on bickering about Yewon being painfully straight, Yuna was still caught up on SinB's words. The butterflies Yewon previously gave her were crushed to dust. Sure, even with Yewon being straight and all, she could still think SinB's pretty. But there was a difference to that and attraction. Yuna mentally groaned. Why was she so bothered about the slightly idea of Yewon liking SinB? 

(spoiler: she did know but Yuna was not going to admit she was jealous of Yewon's best friend)

"That's because the only thing you're in love is dancing!"

Yuna was released back to the real world. A sense of emptiness filled her — not sure whether she should even be there or not. There was a hollow area in her heart, anxiety creeping up her arms as SinB and Yewon continued to joke. Skies were turned grey; the color of emptiness. Maybe meeting SinB wasn't a good thing.

"Choi Yuna!"

"Huh?" The girl immediately responded with.

Yewon frowned. That's when Yuna knew to stop letting her emotions take over. She couldn't let Yewon worry or even suspect an ounce of love towards her.

"You didn't answer my question." Yewon placed her chin in her two palms. "Since you don't believe in love at first sight, what makes you love someone anyway?"

Yuna refrained from scoffing. She knew all too well the pains of loving but it wasn't all just storms and rain. As much as painful it is to know Yewon will never love her back, Yuna still found comfort in the girl's presence. To her, love just happens — there's nothing else to say about it.

"To me, love is blossomed. It has to ferment, like kimchi." Yuna laughed. "I don't think true love could be gained after looking at someone for the first time." She said truthfully.

"Wow, I need to go to Yuna-eonni to talk instead of you Yewon." SinB's eyes lit up. The gesture was small but Yuna did appreciate SinB's words and smiled at her.

Yewon nodded in agreement whilst nudging SinB by the shoulder. "Yuna-eonni gives the best advice."

"Then let me ask her."

A drop of cold sweat ran down Yuna's temple as SinB looked at her intently. The silent moment arose between the three girls with Yuna nervous about SinB's question and the girl herself trying to think about one.

"What would you say to someone who was in love with their friend?"

Yuna froze. The question hit too close to home. So much in fact that the steam from the food stopped and chatters lowered in a haste. went dry even with Yewon's curious look, waiting for an answer to come out. 

"Um..." Yuna breathed out as time resumed.

A loud laugh came from the dancer. "Chill eonni, you look like you saw a ghost."

Smiling, Yuna leaned her elbows on the table. What would she say? She didn't even know where to start — there were so many things she wished she told Yewon before but they never happened. What would she tell herself back then? 

"I guess I say... tell them your feelings." She sighed. "It hurts a lot more to hold in love for someone so dear, that's why I think it's better to say it."

A noticeable frown formed on SinB's lips, taking a small glance at Yewon before looking back at Yuna.

"What if they don't like you back?"

"Then they don't." Yuna said simply. Her eyes shifted from SinB to Yewon, staring at the girl unknowingly. A sense of longing was visible in her pupils and Yewon could see that — it only made her worry for Yuna.


"Well enough of that!" Yuna intentionally cut off Yewon and clapped her hands excitedly. The youngest opened but immediately closed it after observing Yuna's eyes. They had lost their shine, the sparkles and purity.

"Ehhh? I have one more question though~!" SinB whined. "Just one more question, Choi Yuna-ssi."

Well, it wasn't like Yuna could refuse to that. She heaved a sigh, gently nodding so SinB could get on with it.

"Okay Choi, now..." SinB let the tension rise in the room, pausing for dramatic effect.

"Have you ever liked someone?"

"Of course, I like Yewon, Sojung, Yerin and now you." Yuna said as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. And yes, she was being completely serious.

Both SinB and Yewon slumped in disappointment. Clearly that was not the answer they were looking for. As SinB shook her head, Yewon puffed air into her cheeks and pointed to Yuna's heart; her finger pressed against the girl's chest.

"Yuna-eonni... like attraction and you want to see that person all the time or hold their hand — do the most simple of things just to make them happy."

The girl in front of her immediately came to mind. A deep frown etched on Yuna's lips as she looked downwards to avoid eye contact. She never realized how much things she would do for Yewon until she heard that from the girl. There weren't enough words in the world to describe how Yewon could make her feel with just her smile — the way her heart soared or the hours that Yewon stayed on her mind before falling asleep. How pathetic.

"Yeah, I did. Last year." She mustered up the courage to say the words. Yuna wanted to stop her feelings for Yewon — she didn't care if she had to rip out her heart but she wanted it all to stop. 

"I did but now I don't." Melancholy was laced between Yuna's ominous words, the girl finding herself not wanting to talk about it anymore.

SinB and Yewon nodded like they understood but in all reality, they didn't. Yuna was confusing, she knew that herself though how to fix it was unknown to her. Scratching her head awkwardly, Yuna began to poke at the food with her chopsticks. At the same time: Yewon's phone buzzed obnoxiously. 

"Ah, eonni just said she won't be able to come." 

The dancer shrugged simply, checking her own phone for notifications. "How come she didn't text me?" SinB pouted.

"Dunno, she said she was finishing up a project and she'll come next time."

For once, Yuna found her attention on someone else other than Yewon. Her eyes bored into the red flakes of the kimchi as her curiosity grew about Yewon's other friend. What if it was the pink-haired girl? Yuna almost laughed to herself. No way Yewon could know two girls with the same name — although SinB does go by a nickname so it wouldn't be too weird. Still, the chances were low and Yuna wasn't going to waste her hope to give back the pink-haired girl's pencil.

"Are you curious Yuna-eonni?"

SinB's snarky voice snapped the said girl out of her, a sour expression forming on her face.

"I mean, I guess I'm curious but I don't really care." Yuna propped her elbows on the table. "Why? Are you going to tell me who this mystery girl is?"

She opened but before SinB could talk, Yewon stood up, looking at the girls with an apologetic look.

"Um, be right back. I have to go... to the um, bathroom. Yeah."

In a blink of an eye, Yewon was gone leaving SinB and Yuna alone. Not that Yuna would ever hate Yewon in any shape or form but she will admit, the girl left them in an awkward position. SinB shrugged, continuing her feast from earlier while Yuna watched silently. She would start a conversation, she really would; but how does one actually start a conversation? Yuna's stomach growled greedily, the sound going unnoticed by SinB. Well that would've been awkward.

Yuna scratched her nose and waited for SinB to finish chewing before talking.

"How long have you known Yewon?" Damn it! Yuna cursed herself for the random ice-breaker about Yewon. Her mind groaned in response to her question — the words just came out without any thinking. A blush rose on Yuna's cheeks as SinB looked at her curiously.

“For a few years now.” SinB tapped her chin. “What about you?”

“I met her last year.”

It seemed as if SinB went through a moment of realization like she knew something Yuna didn't. Her eyes lingered on the girl, longer than she was comfortable with. She tilted her head and raised an eyebrow, questioning SinB's small grin that grew into something more mischievious.

Yuna frowned. “What’s so funny?”

“Nothing… nothing.” SinB whistled.

"What's happening?" Yewon came walking back, smoothing her hands together like there was lotion on it.

SinB opened her arms to hug but Yewon simply shrugged the girl off and sat next to her. "Yewon! Our straight buddy is back!"

The difference from when it was just Yuna and SinB alone was so clear that Yuna couldn’t help but feel slightly offended. Though she understood the awkward situation Yewon put them in. Yuna shook her head at Yewon’s attempt to try to get them to know each other. Don't think she didn't notice Yewon lurking around the corner after going to the bathroom. All in all, Yewon was cute to let her and SinB... try and talk.

Aside from that, Yuna still couldn’t help but be damn curious about the girl who was supposed to come. The sudden thought of Yerin coming to dinner with them made Yuna laugh to herself. Hopefully, the girl wasn't Yerin or else she'd be in for a show.

“What’s so funny?” SinB deliberately repeated Yuna’s past words with a small smile on her lips.

“Nothing, Hwang Eunbi.”

Yewon eyed at the two girls suspiciously. For now, she decided to brush this strangely intimate moment to the back of her mind and address Yuna’s laughing. “Wait, seriously why did you laugh?”

A flash of pink appeared in Yuna's eyes. It was weird — a part of her silently wished for Yewon to indeed be friends with the girl she met on that day but Yuna knew she wouldn't be disappointed if she wasn't. Yuna smiled unconsciously, remembering back to how Eunbi was so panicked about her guitar.

Meanwhile, SinB and Yewon shared curious looks before turning back to Yuna in an almost comedic way. Yuna knew why — it was strange for her to be interested in someone. As rumors go around, Choi Yuna isn’t exactly one to ask about people. Much less being curious about someone else (other than Yewon). Though by the looks of it, neither girls were that surprised.

"I was curious about your friend that's supposed to come —" Yuna put her hands up in defense. "— it better not be Yerin-eonni."

Giggles escaped the girl's lips. "No it's not Yerin-eonni. Her name is Jung Eunbi."

“And apparently, she had to finish her painting or something so she couldn’t come.” SinB added in. The girl checked her phone, eyes bulging out at the late time and grabbed Yewon’s arm. “Holy . It’s getting late.”

More than likely, a vein popped out on Yuna’s forehead as SinB moved her grip from Yewon's arm to her hands — their fingers playing with each other before fully clasping together. Yuna couldn’t help but think: what kind of relationship did they have? Still, Yewon was straight. Really straight and she didn’t think SinB could change that. That wouldn’t stop her jealousy from firing her up even more. Though when SinB finds the audacity to poke Yewon’s cheeks and smiling at her like that, it fueled Yuna's fume.

Yuna mentally slapped herself. No! She was not supposed to like Yewon anymore, she told herself that. Looks like that plan was going off to a great start.

“Let’s hang out again, Yuna-eonni.” SinB tore her eyes away from the youngest, smiling like the definition of sunshine. “Bring your other friends too, it’ll be fun to meet them.”

“Yeah.” Yuna followed them out of the building. “Bye.” She mouthed and waved, watching SinB and Yewon skip away into the distance.

Her waving hand dropped to her side before Yuna stuffed them into her jacket pockets. Night was falling upon the sky. A wind shivered Yuna’s spine to a rattle as she cursed her luck. The clouds covered the moon, full of grey and slate as thunder rumbled beneath them. Lately, it always seemed like it was raining — especially for the past few days when in fact, it was two days ago that it rained. However, Yuna let the raindrops trickle on her head. The sight of SinB and Yewon were something far worse than a few drops of rain. She couldn’t but stop to think if SinB had any romantic feelings for Yewon just as she did. But it was quite obvious that it wasn’t the case.

Yuna sighed. At least she didn’t have competition.

“Competition? Ah! What the hell am I talking about?” She laughed aloud. Yuna looked down at the concrete, silently mocking herself for even thinking such. “I don’t even like her anymore…” 

Lies flowed like a river out of , feeding herself the words she wanted to hear. It was better than admitting it.

As she walked mindlessly back to her dorm, Yuna looked upwards to see an unfamiliar building. Her eyebrows furrowed. She hadn't been here before. Nothing about the area was recognizable, not even the big fancy-looking building towering over her. Yuna shrugged and walked closer to inspect. It doesn't hurt to know more of the campus, right? Plus she was directionally challenged so maybe it'll help her case.

That was until, water pooled on top of Yuna's head. Raindrops hit her skin like dull blades. Her jaw dropped open until she realized the rain wasn’t going to wait for her any longer — closing , Yuna sprinted underneath the tall verandah of the building. Well ! Just another day of Yuna's bad luck with rain. 

The rain turned to downpour in a matter of seconds. Long droplets of water pounding against the concrete, creating large puddles of dirty water. As Yuna looked at the dark and foggy sky, purple lightning struck between the clouds. It churned her stomach to even see lightning. She wasn’t scared — however, Yuna did receive strange headaches whenever rainstorms seemed to occur. It pained her heart in a way. No matter how beautiful the rain looked, Yuna was reminded of the cloudburst Yewon constantly gave her. Her vision went hazy while fog rose in the air and rain streamed down from the skies harder.


I’m sure I’ll fall in love again. Like this unstoppable love rain.


In another world, rain fell just as it did there. A radio crackled in Yuna’s ears — singing a silent love song that Yuna could not yet comprehend. The skies were dark, gloomy much like the real world. In a blink of an eye, Yuna was stuck between reality and her mind. The green bunny appeared in her hands, bouncing up and down happily. This time, there was no conversation. Just their presences comforting one another as they waited out this storm.

Yuna checked the clouds again but there were no intentions of stopping any time sooner. Then there it was: paranoia tugging at her head to look at the water beneath her. She could see her reflection. That wasn’t what she was supposed to be looking for. It was the answer that lurked in the deep sea of her mind, ribbons of shimmering silver in the water as it waited to be touched.

She didn’t reach out to it nor even see it. In the future, she will.

Just not now.


“What do you know? You’ve never been in love.”






a/n: hello hello, i just wanted to say hi to whoever is reading this and have an amazing day! :)
i just wanted to say some parts will definitely be answered later on (like really later on) 
also i feel like i dont post that much so i wrote an extra long(?) chapter to satisfy any needs!

stay safe and get ready for C:ON and walpurgis night! :D

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SahyoForLife #1
Chapter 12: will this ever be updated 😭😭😭😭
SahyoForLife #2
Chapter 3: its been 4 years and im still waiting for an update 😭 😭 😭
germsrocket #3
Chapter 18: comeback that I need in this life is Gfriend's and this fanfic 😭🫰
Chapter 18: Hi, author-nim. From time to time I check to see if you have updated. I understand you are busy though or maybe just don't feel like it, because, as a writer, it happens the same to me sometimes. However I just wanted to tell you that I'm still patiently waiting for an update because this story is simply so good and I really want to keep reading. Seriously your writing style is beautiful and the plot makes me be so invested. So I hope everything is alright and you're taking care of yourself. Also, happy 7th GFRIEND anniversary!
Chapter 18: i just found this piece of art just now, i can't say im happy because this is just so heartbreaking but so lovely at the same time? i laughed and teared up with every chapter, i really hope you can come back and write the end to this beautiful story, ill be waiting patiently!
germsrocket #6
Chapter 18: Waaaah Go for Sowrin !!!
Yuna Serenading Eunha can't wait yeheeey!!!
_NightDrive #7
Chapter 17: Still so heartbroken by this chapter's last part.. ༼ಢ_ಢ༽
Chapter 17: Omg I feel so bad for both Yuna and Eunbi. I understand Yuna and how her feelings appeared and why they are so strong because it's perfectly portrayed how it all just happened. But i think sometimes we have to free ourselves from certain feelings if they will never be reciprocated. Of course it's not easy, but she shouldn't lose the chance to meet love in another way just because she can't let go of the one she feels now. Though sometimes after confessing you might be ready to really move on. Idk, it's honestly hard, and Yujuna are just so precious and they seem to be made for each other so I'm rooting for them while I cry because this writing is so emotional.

I hope you're doing well, author-nim, I'm sure you know about the news... It's being hard on all of us, buddies. So I just want to say, stay strong and come back whenever you want. I'll be waiting for a next chapter if you ever decide to continue. I'll support you! Thank you so much for this story, fighting!
Chapter 16: It's been some time since the last time I read a chapter of this fic (because... Life) and now that I'm reading again I wanted to say a few things.
First, thank you so much for writing so beautifully and in a way that makes the reader feel so many things. I don't know how to explain it, but I really like your way of writing, and somehow it gets to make me emotional every time. Like, I don't know, especially with Yujuna, they're making my heart soft and sad at the same time. I really want them to be happy together because please they are so preocupes and this story just screams for them. Like, I will suffer a lot if they don't end up together. But it's obviously your choice hahaha.
Anyways, thank you for writing, I really want to keep reading this fic till the end because it's simply so good.
marclr #10
Chapter 17: my yujuna heart😭😭😭😭