(part of her...) troubles

spring rain

"Those ers woke me up!” Yuna shoved the blankets off of her legs, rising with a loud huff.

Ever since Sojung and Yerin caused a commotion in the living room, Yuna desperately retreated back to her room to sleep. But no—it just didn’t work like that, did it? She was having an amazing dream: one where she didn’t have to be afraid of confessing her love to Yewon. Yuna rolled her eyes and searched for her phone.

She didn't realize how much she actually thought of the younger girl—even in her dreams. It happened unconsciously yet it still left a heavy weight in her heart. Yuna stopped her search for a moment. Looking up at the ceiling, she was met with a blue sky, immediately sighing at the sight. A part of her expected it to rain, another part expected a storm to blow her off her feet... yet there was nothing. No rain. No storm, no tornado. Just the blue sky and it's ocean.

A ding snapped her out of the reality made up in her mind as Yuna glanced where it came from.  the area between the wall and her bed, she gasped as she pulled out her device. “How did it even get there?” Yuna mumbled, brushing off the little particles of dust.

Curious about the notification, she went into the message app: swiping past Sojung and Yerins names, shopping numbers, and numerous bots. Turns out, the notification was a bot. Yuna shook her head yet she still kept on scrolling down until she was met with a certain name. The girl cursed under her breath. She couldn't do this to herself but before Yuna could stop, she found her finger placed on Yewon's name.

"Don't get lost on the way here! I wouldn't want you to be late :((" Was the last text she'd sent. Yuna let out a swooned sigh, dropping on her mattress and read their past messages.

"Have you ever thought about writing songs?"

"One day, can you sing to me?"

"Be safe eonni! It's going to be cold out today and it's going to rain! Don't get sick or else! :(("

Yuna chuckled as she lingered on that particular message. That was day she'd gotten splashed by water and was used as a shield by Eunbi. The other messages, however, were old. To be honest: her and Yewon didn't text—the younger girl preferred to meet up and speak in person. Not that it happened often but Yuna never missed out when she wanted to hang out.

"One day, I want to help you write a song"

Glancing at her guitar case, Yewon's words whispered in her ears. She had played a song for the girl and ever since then, it was a tradition for Yewon to ask about the instrument and her work in progress songs—and occasionally chime in suggestions to lyrics. Yuna's eyes trailed to the folders on her desk, ignoring the broken pencil and stacked notebooks. She smiled at the thought. Yuna hadn't shown Yewon her new song yet.

As she stood and walked towards her desk and guitar, Yuna ran her calloused fingers against the leather casing. However, she still eyed her folders of old lyrics and random melodies.

"The clear rain drops
That fall on top of my hands
Like the warm spring day
When the flowers bloomed in my heart
You came to me
Came to me like the miraculous spring rain"

Slowly but surely, a pain in her chest occurred as pellets of water fell against it. Yuna paused. There it was.

The wind whispered in her ears, silent cries being carried in the air. She bit her lip and clenched her shirt where her heart was. A flash of lightning electrified the water in front of her, thunder spidering through her veins as it shocked the beating organ. But it doesn't hurt anymore: Yuna realized and released her shirt. The rain had stopped abruptly but the clouds were still grey and purple. Taking a step forward, the water splashed underneath her feet, echoing in the growing darkness. Before she could comprehend what was happening: Yuna was engulfed in a void. The girl shook her head madly, releasing herself from the cage of her mind and stared at her phone.

"Why...?" She inquired and placed a hand on her chest. Surprisingly, her heart beat was normal—not racing like it normally did.

She sighed. There used to be a rain cloud lingering in her heart waiting to burst... but this time it didn't happen.  Yuna looked down at her palms and tilted her head at the red crescents dug into her skin. All in all, she was glad to have had the pain finally disappear. Feeling nothing was better than feeling something.

Taking a peek at her phone, she continued to scroll through her and Yewon's messages. As much as felt like she should be smiling, she didn't. Yuna scratched the tip of her nose. Why wasn't she smiling? She should be smiling—it was Yewon she was thinking about.

"This is useless." She said as she put down her phone, a bit puzzled from what emotion she was exactly feeling. If rain wasn't present then what did she feel? Yuna shook her head. Perhaps she'd  gotten to used to the storm—the once sharp blades turned dull. However, unknowingly, those dull knifes struck her heart. 

“I guess... I'm happy?" Yuna forced a smile and in a few seconds, she felt just a little bit better. "Yeah... sure, happy."


A soft ding came from her phone causing her whip the device to her face. Excitement ran through her veins as the void in her chest was filled with rays of sun. Yuna giggled and tapped on the notification. A message from her.

 But of course she was wrong.

Scoffing, Yuna couldn't believe the fact she got excited over a text. It was pathetic, one moment a sense of loneliness filled her heart then a flash of hope came through only to be crushed in mere seconds. All by a text. And she didn't even have the number saved! Yuna's eyebrow twitched softly as she opened the message from the unknown sender.

"Maybe a bot—" Yuna read the message. "—oh."

“Yuna? It’s me Eunbi!!! I’m so sorry I forgot to text you last night :((“

The corners of her lips curved upwards, only the slightest bit. Her eyes lingered on the emoji solemnly—Yewon also had the tendency to also add two frowns or smiles. It was a specific detail but Yuna couldn't help and smile because of it.

“Who are you? And who is this Yuna?”

“Don’t play with me! You were the one who put your number in my phone!”

The girl chuckled to herself, tapping the side of her phone while thinking of a response. Last night: Yuna realized she had a strange impact on Eunbi. Maybe it was normal to blush... but the artist seemed red the whole 15 minutes they were together.

“Perhaps this “Yuna” put the wrong number?” 

The Yuna in question kicked her feet like a child, anticipating the latter’s response. Maybe it was also normal to press your face against someone’s chest and space out.

“Yuna~! >:(“

“I’m sorry, you are mistaken.”

Yuna laughed as she sent the message. Was it weird that she gave Eunbi her handkerchief? The royal purple fabric didn't mean much to her anyway, it gave her bad memories. Yuna clenched her jaw as her gold embroidered name flashed in her mind. She was lucky to not have been called after such a record time—it's been a month since they last called.

After that minute went by: there were no signs of the girl replying. Yuna pushed her thoughts to the back of her mind and hummed. Perhaps she took it a bit too far.

“Eunbi? I’m just kidding, it’s me Yuna the umbrella girl

Yuna bit her lip, anxiously waiting for a reply. One might say she was too worried for her own good; Yuna, at this point, already felt her heart drop into . What if she blocked her? How else would she contact Eunbi? A high pitch ring disrupted Yuna’s racing thoughts causing those worries to vanish.

“If you ever do that again, I’m never talking to you”

She couldn’t help but be relieved, heaving a deep sigh before typing a response.

“I’m sorry~ it’s cute when you’re worked up like that ^ ^”

“Fine! I won’t go with you to get your guitar fixed.”

Yuna shook her head. As much as Eunbi tried to brush her off, she knew very well that the artist had a sort of weakness for her. She added up all the details from last night and concluded:

Eunbi really wanted to be her friend, to the point where she was shy. 


No response.

“Eunbi-yah~ please~”

Still no response.

“Eunbi, I'm sorry ;; I’ll treat you to some food?”

“Meet me outside the dorms in ten minutes.”

Yuna made an “ah” sound and hopped from her bed. A laugh escaped her lips—the mention of food was enough for Eunbi to text her back. Taking a glimpse of herself in the mirror, the girl immediately sighed at the state her hair was in. She rolled the hair tie off and brushed the frizzy ends, the tangles quickly unknotting as Yuna kicked a tank-top from the ground and into her hands. 

Her phone buzzed, checking the device as she changed into a pair of shorts.

Yuna~ I’ll be waiting, don’t leave me outside by myself !!!”

The girl laughed for a moment. “I won’t.” She said under her breath.

Before leaving, Yuna threw on a three-tone windbreaker. Her hand reached to grab the doorknob but her phone vibrated in her jacket pocket before she could do so.

“Also don’t forget to bring your guitar!”

She chuckled before grabbing said guitar and finally left her dorm. Someone was going to think she, Choi Yuna: a business major, was weird for walking around with a guitar on her back. Ah but when has she ever cared?

“Ah.” Yuna muttered. Beads of sweat rolled down her forehead, not from the nonexistent heat but something she couldn’t identify. “Maybe I’m nervous.” She said to herself and pressed the button to close the elevator doors.

Deep inside: she knew that familiar pit, she knew the soft echo of water as it drips down and the roots in her mind twisting, turning until it broke.

“I’m just hot... I think." Yuna convinced her, mostly to forget the silhouette crawling up her stomach.

“Yah! Keep the door open!”

“What?” She looked up from the ground. As the girl was still dazed: Yuna stood like a mannequin to the shouts were being yelled at her. The next thing she could comprehend was the head of pink-hair bobbing towards her.

Eunbi yelled another halt, screaming with her hand reached out. “Yuna! Keep that stupid door—!”


The doors closed.

“Uh—“ Yuna hovered a few fingers over as the elevator bounced and slowly rode down. “—um… oops?”


“Yah Yuna!” 

The concrete rumbled underneath the said girl’s feet, an awkward smile forming on her lips as Eunbi clenched her tiny hands into a fist. Yuna shuddered. There were definitely flames behind the girl and no one could convince her otherwise. If she really wanted to, she would say Eunbi looked like a little bunny who was mad, obviously failing to portray that anger because they were so cute.

Yuna paused. Oops, sorry Eunbi. I just called you cute without consent. She thought to herself.

“You!” Eunbi raised her fist, debating whether or not to hit the girl and ultimately caused Yuna to flinch. “I can’t believe you!” She ended up dropping her hand and resorted to a soft huff.

Yuna let out a soft whine. “I’m sorry! I didn’t see you!”

Eunbi’s jaw dropped, clearly exasperated by her answer. “Didn’t see me?! You were looking right at me!”


That, Yuna couldn't deny.

She crossed her arms, cheeks puffed out in a pout. To Yuna: the girl looked less than angry. Somehow, she looked almost cute with her eyebrows furrowed and lips pressed together. Yuna smiled. Eunbi really did resemble a bunny... yet she looked somewhat familiar. Looking down at the girl's clothes, Yuna opened in confirmation.

It was the green shirt... (that reminded her too much of that strange bunny in her dreams)

“Hey! What’re you smiling at?” Eunbi frowned, nudging Yuna—who began pulling her along to the bus stop.

The girl shrugged. How long was halloween away? It was only May—Yuna frowned. The idea of dressing Eunbi up in a cute bunny costume... may have flashed through her mind but that's not important.

“You remind me of a bunny.” The guitarist said bluntly, aware of the growing blush on Eunbi's face. “Plus, you're kinda cute so it just... makes sense—" Yuna slapped a hand over . 

! I did not mean to say that!

"Wha—Eh?! Huh?! Yu—Yuna??!"

A series of sputters and nonsense left Eunbi just as her soul did. Looking at her dazed reactions, Yuna mentally slapped herself. Why would she call her cute?! That’s one of the worst things you could say to someone who wants to be your friend! Yuna turned away, blood rushing up to her face and avoided Eunbi’s eye-contact.

Lucky for her, they arrived at the bus stop... however unlucky for both of them, the vehicle had not shown up yet. They sat in tense silence, the air heavy as Yuna coughed awkwardly. That was until Eunbi snapped her head at Yuna (and tried her best holding in that annoying blush).

“So… I’m not cute but kind of cute?” Eunbi muttered, a bit ashamed to say it herself. "Me... Jung Eunbi is kind of cute?"

Yuna blinked rapidly, a bit puzzled from Eunbi’s reaction, and filled the air with an awkward laugh.

She heard that name somewhere: Jung Eunbi. Staring into her sparkling pupils, Yuna couldn’t help but gape in awe. Her eyes really were pretty. Yuna shook her head. She knew that from the first time they met—actually that’s not the point; what was she doing again?

“What?” Yuna ended up blurting out.


Before she could get another scolding, the bus screeched just in time and Eunbi entered while Yuna followed behind. However: the pink-haired girl made sure she could do everything except see her face. As the latter placed her guitar in front of her, Yuna glanced at Eunbi and smiled softly. It wasn’t like she couldn’t see it either, her pink strands of hair did a terrible job of blocking Eunbi’s suppressed smile.

The bus shrieked, jerking the two girls forward before they settled. Only a few people were occupying the bus, seemingly deep into a quiet conversation or having music blast in their ears. Yuna looked around before sighing. She hadn’t been on the bus for such a long time—Sojung always drove her to places or she simply walked across campus.


 She raised an eyebrow. “Eunbi?” Yuna hummed, poking the girl on her shoulder yet she didn’t move a single inch. “Eunbi~ are you mad at me?” She pouted.

Before she could poke her again, she turned towards Yuna with her hand pressed against her cheek and a flushed face. 

Pressing her lips together, Yuna smiled at the girl. For a second: her heart fluttered. Eunbi really did resemble a bunny—her short height just made the fact cuter—no! She fidgeted lightly, a flame igniting on the girl's face while Eunbi questioned her in confusion.

“Why are you looking at me like that?” Eunbi mumbled, continuing to avoid eye-contact with the latter.

The small strand of words followed in one ear and out the other. Yuna couldn't but think: the longer she stared into Eunbi's eyes, the more she lost herself. They still looked the same, ever since that one day in the rain, with added sparkles. Her eyes trailed down to her petite nose. An urge suddenly took over to poke it but Yuna knew that'd be too out of line. Her eyes continued to move to her chubby cheeks then down to her lips where she stopped.

“You’re…” Yuna leaned her forehead on Eunbi’s shoulder to cover the mad smile that spread ear to ear.“...really cute.”

She almost wished she didn't say that. Yuna refrained from clasping a hand over , mostly from embarrassment and kept her head low against Eunbi's shoulder....and just from that single touch (or maybe her words) made Eunbi tense up! For once: Yuna didn’t feel that fist punching her—she didn’t feel a sense of downpour chasing after her. A lingering thought flew in her mind: one as to why would she say such a thing to Eunbi? She had a bit of a hunch why actually. Yuna giggled to herself. When was the last time she smiled so hard that her cheeks hurt?

When the tension on Eunbi’s shoulders vanished, Yuna (if possible) smiled even harder. It was because being next to the pink-haired girl made her calm—she put the storm swirling inside of her at ease. Yuna hummed a random tune in satisfaction.

The skies were blue and no clouds were in sight nor was it that deep void she was in earlier. She stood in the sparkling water, reaching up for the clouds with her palm wide open. As Yuna shut her palm: a hand landed on her head, back and forth like she was a newborn puppy. Yuna hid her smile and let herself be held just this once.

“I know.” Eunbi said with pursed lips.

She was warm like the spring as oppose to Yuna being cold like the autumn rain. Flowers bloomed from buds and blades of grass were bright green—wind blowing past her as she relaxed against the girl. Although Eunbi carried the stench of paint thinner around, she could learn to get used to it. Resisting the urge to pull the shorter girl into a hug; Yuna continued humming whilst Eunbi her head hesitantly but softly.

And she didn’t think twice about the thrashing in her chest.


“Hm?” She removed her head from Eunbi’s shoulder. Much disappointment on her end but it’d gone on for long enough.

To her curiosity, pink dusted the latter’s cheeks and fascination in the form of sparkles swirled in her eyes. Yuna puffed her lips out, tilting her head as Eunbi scrunched her nose and pressed her eyebrows together.

“Now why are you looking at me like that?”

Eunbi frowned. “What look?”

Smiling, Yuna poked Eunbi’s cheek. “Like you were looking at stars,” she laughed. “but you also looked constipated.”

“You!” It took all of her courage to not smack Yuna right then and now. Though Eunbi didn’t need to as the girl jerked forward, a strangled yelp coming from the depths of while Yuna’s face slammed into the leather guitar case 

“Oh oh! Yuna—!”


The taste of metal touched her tongue delicately, causing Yuna to whimper. She rubbed her cheek, in an attempt to relieve the pain, although it only seemed to make her skin redder than before.

“Why is the world like this to me?” The girl growled. She removed her hand and pressed her tongue against the inside of her cheek, minding the slight taste of blood. “This is our stop.” Yuna mumbled with a slight lisp and stomped off the rumbling bus.

“Yah Yuna! Wa—Wait!” Eunbi let out a small “eep” as she chased after the girl; the bus screeching before leaving them in an plaza. 

She flailed her hand in the air and sped up. “C’mon! Let’s go, slow poke!”

“Hey!” Eunbi used all her strength to run forward, reaching to slam into Yuna’s back. The two girls lunged forward; with the younger almost falling on the concrete and Eunbi barely slipping off of her. "Not my fault you're so fast!"

“What was that for?!” Yuna cried out. Almost the second time she got hurt today...

The latter only giggled as Yuna tilted her head. “I wanted to be next to you.”

A butterfly fluttered in her stomach. A light green one, to be specific, similar to the translucent color of the bunny in her dreams. It flapped its wings until it reach Yuna's heart... however before it could touch the organ, it dissipated into dust.

“You’re so weird.” She said simply, ignoring the settling wings of the butterfly.

Eyeing Eunbi, Yuna couldn't help but sigh. That didn't mean it wasn't going to be in the back of her mind because it definitely will be. She, deciding to ignore Eunbi's blatant arms around her waist, guided her to the music store. Yuna didn't get how Eunbi could literally hug her but couldn't last a second under her gaze without blushing.

The sight of a blinking neon sign made Yuna hold her breath. A shudder trembled her body from the inside out as a bee buzzed by her ear. Yuna briefly swatted the air but of course the little bug was too fast. However, the buzzing turned to static. It was that same distorted radio in the distance that overpowered any chatter or noise Yuna was hearing.

Yuna stepped into the shadows, the static turning louder and louder until it burned her eardrums. It whirred, like lightning was coming closer and closer. The once calm static turned into a high frequency as Yuna moved to grasp her left ear. It hurt. She grit her teeth; if only she could rip her whole ear off then she wouldn't have to—

“Yuna?” Eunbi inquired. “Is something wrong?”

The state of zoning out was immediately halted. And the static melted away.

She’d forgotten where she was—Yuna pressed her palm against her forehead, wincing silently as sweat touched her skin. Daydreams were a normal occurrence but it was happening too often for her to relax.

Brushing her thoughts aside, Yuna gave Eunbi a masked smile. “Nothing’s wrong, let’s just go inside.”

“...we are inside?"

Breifly, Yuna let out an ‘oh’ and turned forward only for her eyes to meet with a confused worker. She’d placed her guitar on the counter, while completely unconscious, and already had her finger around the zipper as if she was going to open her case. How did this happen without her knowledge?

“Did... you need help?” The old worker, seemingly in his late 30’s, asked—his voice calm despite Yuna’s odd behavior.

Lagging a few seconds behind, she nodded. “Yeah um…” Yuna paused with a laugh. “...my guitar was out in the rain and I was wondering if it could have a little check up.”

As the worker gave her a warm smile, Yuna let out a breath she didn’t know she was holding.

“Is that so? I happen to be the best checker there is!” He chirped. “Go on and open the case, I’ll take a look for ya.”

Yuna pressed the zipper hard, creating a small indent in her finger. The tip of her finger fell to a pale color. She was unbeknownst to the claws scratching against her back and the hand hovering . A strange shudder took over her being, feeling like a punch to her stomach. She pressed her lips together. The girl didn’t want to see the current state her precious guitar was in. Was it wrong to be scared? Was it wrong to just... not want to open it? She hadn't seen it once after that day in the rain and honestly, she didn't want to. Yuna finally clenched her jaw as she mustered up the courage.

Breath. It’s all going to be…

She opened the case.


A rocket. Then a crater. Yuna placed a hand over to hide the shameful grimace on her face.

Her precious... beauty of a guitar was now scarred. Matte spots freckled the once glossy surface. The wood itself of the body and neck had swelled up with water; the neck wasn't even straight. Yuna let out a soft whimper as the rocket drilled deeper into her stomach. Her eyes trailed from the body to the strings. Yuna ran her finger along the metal, holding her breath as it moved along the tiny grooves. 

A wave of sadness washed over her. A guitar was an inanimate object yet it was her friend. The instrument served as a greater mediator than her real people—it calmed her emotions in the darkness of a storm, it brought her out of that void she was finding herself it.

Now it's gone.

Yuna glanced at Eunbi. For a second she couldn't help but think: it's because of you. She sighed. It wasn't that at all. The real culprit was herself.

So many memories down the drain. Yuna hummed to herself as her heart cried an unruly sob.


“Can I play a song for you?”

The girl looked from behind her phone with a smile present on her face. The action made Yuna giddy, causing a chuckle to escape her lips. As the girl placed her phone down, she nodded.

"Of course."

Yuna blushed. Her eyes were glassy, like marbles, and when light hit it: sparkles appeared in them. That’s what she saw at that moment. Sparkles in her eyes. Butterflies danced around the two girls as Yuna looked down at her guitar, gently strumming chords and began the song. 

It touches your heart. Like a piano melody.”

She swayed side to side.

"Outside the window is filled with sounds of a faraway spring rain.”


“Would you mind playing a chord or two?” His voice echoed like waves crashing in the distance. 

Tearing her eyes away from the bent neck, she frowned as the memory vanished. Yes, she did mind. In fact, Yuna could already imagine the dead tone springing from the strings.

Reluctantly, she strummed the strings: an eerie whimper springing out of the guitar, seemingly lasting less than a second.

“Oh wow.” The worker pressed his teeth together and hissed.

Yuna bit her bottom lip. She couldn't help but want to run away at that moment—did it even matter anymore?

“Can it be fixed?” Eunbi interrupted.

The man hummed for a few seconds, staring at the couple before moving to the computer. It seemed as if his fingers were hammers to the keyboard causing a deep ravine to grow in Yuna’s stomach. She looked over the edge curiously and was aghast to see a figure climbing up the walls at an insane speed. Yuna gasped, the shadow-like figure creeping from the edge of the ravine. Its red eyes peered at her, tilted its head almost as if it was reading her like an open book. However, a smile formed on the worker's face and the figure was knocked down and the ravine closed at an immense speed.

“I’ll have to take it in for a few weeks, will that be fine?”

Yuna let out a relieved sigh. Finally, at least something went right. “Of course! It’s more than fine!” She grinned and looked over at Eunbi: the girl having the same excited expression as she did.

“Ah that scared me!” Eunbi laughed. “I didn’t want it to be broken.”

The worker waved his hand with a light chuckle. “It’s definitely not broken but the water damage is a bit more severe than most cases—I’m thinking that it must’ve been humid inside the case, allowing it not to dry.” He looked inside the velvety case before confirming his suspicions.

“Ah yes, when it gets wet you have to remember to let it dry fully."

Yuna groaned. Never before in her life she’d been so stressed—excluding the times she was late to classes, forgot to turn an assignment in before it’s due date, coming back late with Yerin's cold chicken or being a mile next to Yewon… and... that's off topic.

“Um,” Yuna bowed down with a suppressed smile. “thank you.”

“Ah it’s nothing! Though I do have to set a price for this baby,” he proceeded to close the guitar case. “probably about ₩315,212.” (roughly $288)

“Oh that’s better than I expected.” Yuna confessed,  taking out her wallet but before she could take out money, Eunbi stopped her.

“Let me pay.” Before Yuna could refuse, Eunbi was already pulling out her own wallet.

Smiling, she pushed the smaller girl's hands down. “It’s okay, I can pay for it.”

“But—“ Eunbi pressed her lips together, frustrated by Yuna’s innocent smile and puppy-like eyes. “—I was responsible for getting your guitar wet, let me.” To think a part of her was going to let Yuna get away with paying because of how cute she looked.

“No.” With a poker face, Yuna felt successful as she turned so her shoulder was in the way of Eunbi.

Well... Eunbi couldn’t do much, with her height and all, and gave in to the younger girl. Yuna won over her as she pulled out her credit card. 

Taking out a void-like card, Eunbi’s, along with the worker's jaw, dropped at the sight. A good 10 seconds passed before the young girl got confused.

"Um...do you take it or...?" 

The air grew silent. Yuna waited for the worker to grab her card but he only stood there frozen like a statue. Was she just dumb and had to swipe the card?

Eunbi broke the ice by slapping her hand against . “Yuna, you have a ing black card?!”


"Oh yeah, I guess I didn't mention it...?" Yuna hummed as the worker took her card, his hands trembling while the money went through the machine. He returned her card with an expression of awe plastered across his face. "Thank you."

I can't believe I forgot about it. She slapped her forehead mentally.

A black card meant a sign of wealth—not only that but there were requirements Yuna qualified for to be able to earn such a delicacy. The girl's eyebrow twitched. She hated it, to be blunt. Waving that card around made people, as much as she hated to admit it, bow down to her. One look at it and money signs flashed in their eyes. Obviously that was apparent with that music worker.

“Does it change anything?" Yuna silently hoped Eunbi didn't have an answer for it. Some questions were better off not answered.

Eunbi looked away from her, a pout growing on her face as she pushed the door open to exit the store. “I mean no but… who… how do you…” she stuttered, fiddling with her fingers.

Briefly, Yuna shrugged.

“I did some things, that’s all.”

If possible, her jaw fell even further while Yuna hummed to the tune of her work in progress.

"Wow..." Eunbi’s eyes lingered on her longer than she would’ve liked, causing the younger girl to scratch her nape awkwardly. “Well you can use that to buy me food then.”

“What?” Yuna blurted out.

The latter nodded excitedly. “Yes! I actually didn’t bring money so…”

"Hey! Weren't you just offering to pay?!"

"Well I had a feeling you were rich anyway so—I mean I would've paid you back!" Eunbi retorted as Yuna huffed at the girl, exasperated with the artist's antics.

Nudging her shoulder, Yuna's heart clenched as their fingers brushed together. "Well what did you want to eat?"

Eunbi her chin. "Well since I'm kinda poor, let's eat tripe."

"Tripe it is! Lead the way Jung Eunbi!" Yuna grinned, happy that the said girl laughed at her words. She shook her head. Rather than happy, she felt more satisfied about the outcome. Yeah, that's what it was... right? Yuna watched as Eunbi smiled brightly, in the midst of slapping her shoulder which cause little to no pain to the girl. It was definitely satisfying but she had a feeling that wasn't it.

Brushing off her thoughts, Yuna conveniently found herself in front of a restaurant that sold tripe. She'd been here about a dozen times (maybe more) with Sojung and Yerin—drool was already accumulating in as they entered the restaurant.

"This place is really good, I swear." Yuna reassured the girl. Much to her disappointment, Eunbi didn't answer. Glancing down at her, Yuna raised an eyebrow  at the sight of Eunbi using her as a... shield?

...this isn't the first time she's done that...


"Yah shush!" The girl pressed a finger against Yuna's lips, cautiously peeking from her shoulder. "I recognize those people!"


"Oh , she literally trampled over me like I was a pebble!"

"Hey, what—"

"Oh !" Eunbi cried out and desperately turned away, her pink locks flying into Yuna's mouth as she sputtered awkwardly. "Look away Yuna, look—"


"Yuna! You came after all!"

Oh. What a coincidence.



hello I am back again. I want to note that we still don't know all of the details in yunas life and I am slowly revealing information about it as the story continues. so apologies if things may seem randomly placed but I assure you, it's there for a reason. I like to write with a lot of intention hehe ^^ but I do make a lot of mistakes so... (which probably explains the long update times ;;)

and i actually don't know if this even makes sense ;;;: I'm sorry, this is the only way I know how to portray emotions.. 

 anyway remember to stay safe and stream mago <3

happy holidays :D


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SahyoForLife #1
Chapter 12: will this ever be updated 😭😭😭😭
SahyoForLife #2
Chapter 3: its been 4 years and im still waiting for an update 😭 😭 😭
germsrocket #3
Chapter 18: comeback that I need in this life is Gfriend's and this fanfic 😭🫰
Chapter 18: Hi, author-nim. From time to time I check to see if you have updated. I understand you are busy though or maybe just don't feel like it, because, as a writer, it happens the same to me sometimes. However I just wanted to tell you that I'm still patiently waiting for an update because this story is simply so good and I really want to keep reading. Seriously your writing style is beautiful and the plot makes me be so invested. So I hope everything is alright and you're taking care of yourself. Also, happy 7th GFRIEND anniversary!
Chapter 18: i just found this piece of art just now, i can't say im happy because this is just so heartbreaking but so lovely at the same time? i laughed and teared up with every chapter, i really hope you can come back and write the end to this beautiful story, ill be waiting patiently!
germsrocket #6
Chapter 18: Waaaah Go for Sowrin !!!
Yuna Serenading Eunha can't wait yeheeey!!!
_NightDrive #7
Chapter 17: Still so heartbroken by this chapter's last part.. ༼ಢ_ಢ༽
Chapter 17: Omg I feel so bad for both Yuna and Eunbi. I understand Yuna and how her feelings appeared and why they are so strong because it's perfectly portrayed how it all just happened. But i think sometimes we have to free ourselves from certain feelings if they will never be reciprocated. Of course it's not easy, but she shouldn't lose the chance to meet love in another way just because she can't let go of the one she feels now. Though sometimes after confessing you might be ready to really move on. Idk, it's honestly hard, and Yujuna are just so precious and they seem to be made for each other so I'm rooting for them while I cry because this writing is so emotional.

I hope you're doing well, author-nim, I'm sure you know about the news... It's being hard on all of us, buddies. So I just want to say, stay strong and come back whenever you want. I'll be waiting for a next chapter if you ever decide to continue. I'll support you! Thank you so much for this story, fighting!
Chapter 16: It's been some time since the last time I read a chapter of this fic (because... Life) and now that I'm reading again I wanted to say a few things.
First, thank you so much for writing so beautifully and in a way that makes the reader feel so many things. I don't know how to explain it, but I really like your way of writing, and somehow it gets to make me emotional every time. Like, I don't know, especially with Yujuna, they're making my heart soft and sad at the same time. I really want them to be happy together because please they are so preocupes and this story just screams for them. Like, I will suffer a lot if they don't end up together. But it's obviously your choice hahaha.
Anyways, thank you for writing, I really want to keep reading this fic till the end because it's simply so good.
marclr #10
Chapter 17: my yujuna heart😭😭😭😭