Chapter four

The train girl
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I think it's been a while since the last update... Well, life gets on the way :( Also, my priorities for the last two weeks have been streaming and voting (I've never used Twitter so much in my life). I hope you're also streaming, let's give our girls the awards they deserve. Now, I'll be sincere with whoever is still reading this short fic: I never planned the ending of this story. I wrote chapter three back in February or so and then completely forgot about it. This last chapter is kinda... Rushed? It deviated a bit from the main idea? idk, but I cannot be completely satisfied with it. However I just want to finish this up and use this space to remind you to stream.

Anyway, enjoy. Suscribe, leave a comment and most important, go and watch Dingga and Aya, pls.

There was a very awkward tension surrounding them. Yongsun and Byul stood next to each other, averting eyes and fidgeting in their places while Hyejin reasoned with a drunk Wheein that she shouldn’t be drinking anymore. Their banter reminded her of her own parents, married for almost thirty years. The blonde snorted loudly when the fashion mayor flicked her dancing partner’s forehead and the shorter girl shook her head like a dog with wet fur.

“Sometimes I don’t know if they are only best friends or if they are married in secret.” Byul’s remark made the graduated student laugh.

“I bet on the marriage.” She answered, casting a motherly glance at the younger girls. Hwasa was pampering a pouting Wheein, who had reluctantly accepted not to drink anymore.

“Hey... Do you wanna dance?” The blonde pointed to the crowded dance-floor behind them. Feeling rather shy, she decided to add some explanation. “The music is great.”

“Sure. Let’s go.”

The older led the way, avoiding the students that came from all directions. Byul placed a hand on Hyejin’s bare shoulder before following Yongsun, and the young brunette responded back with wiggling eyebrows. She swam across the dancing bodies and met the train girl, standing before her and locking eyes for a second before showing her a smile. After she returned the gesture, both let the music crawl under their skin and into their veins, allowing the rhythm to rule over their bodies, not a single thought on how they moved but rather on searching each other eyes from time to time, as if they were playing peek-a-boo.

Over the time, the dance floor got more crowded, forcing them to take one step closer, not that they minded. With the reduced distance, some small talk was born. They chattered about trivial things, like their age, their majors, the music they liked and so on. When their hands brushed for a millisecond and they realized how close they’ve gotten, they blame it on the loud music but didn't make any effort to go back to a respectable personal-space distance. With Yongsun staring at the ground, Byulyi started to get self-conscious about their weird encounter. Suddenly the whole place felt hot and closed, making her dizzy with the stagnant smell of human heat, sweat and alcohol.


Byul also remembered her two younger friends, whose existence had been pushed to the back of her mind due to her excitement of dancing and getting to know better the girl in front of her. Swaying arrhythmical from side to side, she fished her phone out of her pocket and read the messages on the screen.


I took Wheein to the benches outside. Fighting!



Don’t forget to get her number. If you don’t, I won’t give it to you :)



Unnie, we’re back inside






Stop ignoring me



When you remember that life is more than Yongsun unnie’s eyes, I suggest you take her outside

It stinks in here



Ignore me, whatever. I’ll make sure you suffer



:) :) :)



When had she received all of these messages? She didn’t even remember her cellphone buzzing at all. But alas, she knew Hyejin was upset and bound to make a big fuzz of her unattended messages. It was two minutes to midnight, ten minutes after the last message and she had no doubt Hyejin had already mapped a revenge that would take place anytime, whenever she was less expecting it. Those dammed smiley faces gave her goosebumps.


“Yongsun-sshi,” she called, tapping her left shoulder. Big, round eyes looked at her and she had to ignore the shiver running all over her body “would you like to go outside? It’s really hot in here.”

The graduated student nodded and they made their way to the main doors. Byulyi scanned the place as they moved, but couldn’t find her friends.

Outside the venue there was a wide plaza with benches on the left hand and the provisional tents and lockers on the right side. The humid air of the summer night hindered the heat from dissipating, which caused the tropical warmth to wrap around their bodies and leave a thin layer of sweat on their skins. However, a slow breeze blew from between the tall school-buildings, easing the usually suffocating temperatures. It was a more breathable atmosphere that the one inside. There were some students here and there, most of them smoking and talking in small groups. They made their way to the benches.


Yongsun sat elegantly, almost like a well-educated princes from a movie. Her left leg crossed over the other, both hands resting on her knee. Byul sat cross-legged and facing the graduated student, silently appreciating her features for the hundredth time that day. She noticed how perfectly rounded her nails were, how the deep wine color of her nail polish contrasted with the immaculate white of her chinos. She smiled when the wind blew harder, ruffling Yonsgun’s hair and leading some strands to . She looked like a cat who had its nose tickled. She laughed while evoking all kind of cat memes she had seen over the internet.


“What’s so funny?” The older asked, tilting her head to one side and raising one eyebrow.

“You looked like a meme.”Byul had to stretch her arms to not lose balance after Yongsun pushed her.

“Are you making fun of me?”She grunted.

“It seems like a good hobby.”

“Ugh, you’re just like Hyejin.”

“No, I’m different.” Yongsun turned around to face her, arms crossed over her chest and a expression of clear disbelief on her face. Moon Byul let a loop-side grin form in her lips. “She just likes to be annoying, I like to annoy you.”


The way fire almost sparked from her eyes was enough for Byul to laugh uncontrollably. Joking around with a stranger was a big heap of faith, but she had the feeling Yongsun like to banter. If she was friends with the childhood-friends duo, she was absolutely prepared and capable of keeping up with any kind of jest. Those two were professional teasers.


“Unbelievable,” scoffed the young lady. Leaning slightly back, she uncrossed her legs. “You two share the same brain cell.”


Byul snorted. Of course, she wasn’t offended, and even if she was, the victorious smiles and smug expression in Yongsun’s face was worth anything. The way her eyes shinned, electricity running behind them, had something so pure to it Byul felt as if she had been told a secret. That sparkle was a hint of her personality, a little taste of what was there to be discovered. Maybe she was playful? Or perhaps, competitive? The Economics student was curious about it.


“Have you always been so witty?” The fashion major rolled her eyes.

“Nah, they’ve taught me well.” Both laughed. “Hyejinie looked so calm when I first met her...”

“Wheeinie was the shyest new recruit.” Byul commented, almost as if she was narrating a tragic story, and she dried false tears from her eyes.

“It feels like were talking about our kids.” Said Yongsun, laughing louder this time.


They started then sharing the stories of how they met the childhood friends, their first impressions of them and some other stories revolving around those two mischievous beagles. After some minutes of chat, Byul stopped mid-sentence.


“Speaking of the devil...”The blonde took her ringing cellphone out of the pocket and showed the caller name. She accepted the call. “Wheenie...”

“Unnie, I sent you a dozen of messages and you don’t even read them. I call you from Wheein’s cellphone and you answer immediately. How’s that called? Let me think. Oh, right, favoritism. You , unnie.” Was Hyejin being serious? Maybe. Was she joking? Possibly. Did she really mean the last part? Absolutely. “Whatever, I also have my favorite unnie.”

“Why don’t call her, then?” She tempted. Yongsun had come closer to listen the call, definitely picking up Hyejin’s last words. Her chest was puffing with pride.

“Do you know what time is it? How could I call Na-rae unnie at this hour?” The graduated student face expression went through such a violent change Byul couldn’t restrain her laughter. “Put the speaker on.” She obeyed, pressing the said button. “I also phoned Yongsun unnie but you both ignored me. Nice. Great. Amazing.”


“Hyejinnie, I left my phone in the lockers.”

“No, you’re ignoring me. I bring you together and this is how you pay me? Ah, unnies these days are so ungrateful.”

“Nobody asked you to do it.” Tempted Byul.

“If I didn’t you two would have never exchanged a word. You owe your magical night to me.”

“It hasn’t been exactly magical...” trailed off Yongsun. Byul turned her face to look at her.

“It hasn’t?”

“I mean, no... Ugh, don’t look at me like that!”

“Like what?”

“You know how...” The younger tilted her head a little bit more, chasing Yongsun’s eyes. Her grin grew smugger when she got a glimpse of the blush spreading on the graduated student cheeks.

“I’m gonna throw out if you keep this rom-com. It’s gross.” Said Wheein this time. By the clear sound of her voice, her intoxication had diminished considerably. “By the way, you two look like kissing from here. ”


Realizing how ridiculously close their faces had gotten, Byul leaped backwards to the edge of the bench, not falling to the ground thanks to a miracle. She whipped her head in

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Jscl38 #1
Chapter 4: This was really cute
MaiFtw #2
Chapter 4: This was very cute, all their little pranks and bickering were so adorable and funny. You did an amazing job with your description of the scenery and everything. Can’t wait to see what you come up with next. Hope your staying safe and doing well. Keep up the great work author nim!! ❤️❤️
DragonKingYeba #3
Chapter 4: Lmao byul 2 years! Hahahaah that’s a heck of a long time to notice someone lol
Chapter 4: Hyejin and her sandwich was the most strange scene I can figure lol but this was so funny, tysm for this work. Was really good, I liked it so much!!
TheFanficHunter #5
Chapter 4: Eyy it’s finish!! Good story line author-nim! Looking forward to the next stories you come up with ^-^
Chapter 2: Hyegi and Wheenie are indeed top tier cupids! The story is very interesting, cant wait to read more.
Chapter 3: Omg I love this story so much... I'm going to recommend it!!
TheFanficHunter #8
Chapter 3: Can’t wait for the next update ^-^
Chapter 3: yeah hyejin you little brat
well at least you got them together haha
I really like this story so far, author! Can't wait to read more XD