Chapter 4

Almost Perfect
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After eating their dinner in the party, Jinsoul asked her boyfriend if she can stroll around the place for awhile and catch some fresh air outside. Thankfully, Taeyong nodded his head and he gave her his slight smile before the young lady took off to make her trip.

Jinsoul admits she cares for the lad and she feel pity for him for being dragged to this mess. But that doesn't mean she'll let him enter her heart like what Jungeun did.

If it's not because of their mothers insists, she won't accept Taeyong. 

Both of them are being pushed by their own mothers even though they already know that Jinsoul is completely stone hearted now. Hoping that the two would end up marrying each other.

Pathetic. Jinsoul thought, thinking about her mother's obvious plan.

The raven let out a huge sigh while dodging other guests who are standing on her way out. 

The place suffocates her so much. But she must be present on this special night for Vivi. She must support the older girl for marrying someone she truly love, a girl who was named Jo Haseul.

Jinsoul silently wishes she's lucky as them. Accepted and receiving support by their parents as who they really are.

Useless. Everything is useless now if her wish will be granted. As she lost her lover already, she doesn't need acceptance now.

She lost everything she have, including her heart and soul. She's just breathing because she knows Jungeun would hate her if she give up and end her own life.

Jinsoul doesn't need anything now, but to survive and live for herself and for her beloved.

Maybe fate is playing with them. Making the two girls meet in a party again like the first time they did when they were still little. ㅡ is this what people call Déjà vu?

"Jinsoul, what are you doing here?" Turning her head to the owner of the voice, the raven saw Vivi's fiancee, Haseul.

"Oh hey Haseul. I'm just catching some fresh air and enjoying the garden." Jinsoul answered with slight smile.

"I see. I hope you're enjoying the view then. I'll go inside now. Excuse me." And with that, the younger left.

The lonely lass look at the ground, playing the small pebbles with her boots. She wonder how the small things on the ground make her enjoy.


First beat.

Second beat. 

"Hurry! It's past my bedtime now!"

Last beat of her loud pounding heart before Jinsoul finally looked up from the ground and search for the familiar voice she misses so much.

"It can't be." She whispered to herself.

But when she landed her eyes on the woman who's tilting her head towards Jinsoul, everything slowed down for the latter.


"Jungie!" "Babe."

Shifting her gaze to the approaching guy, Jinsoul ignored her boyfriend and she stared back at the woman in front of her, who's now surrounded by Sooyoung and Jiwoo.


Jinsoul's heart aches suddenly. Seeing the pair beside of the woman who looks like her past lover and looking at her with wide eyes. The raven feel betrayed.

"Jinsoul, let's go ho-"

Raising her hand infront of her boyfriend, which made Taeyong stopped from talking. Everything suddenly suffocates the young lady.

She must go to that woman.

Slowly moving her feet and all of a sudden Jinsoul felt herself running. She sprinted to the three women not far from her.


"Jinsoul unnie! Uhh.. we need to go now. Jungeun, let's go." Jiwoo said, starting to pull her confused friend.


"Jiwoo, bring Jungeun to the car. I'll follow in a few." Sooyoung interrupt, standing in front of the tearing raven and blocking her view for seeing the brunette.

The red head quickly dragged Jungen to the parking lot and Sooyoung gripped on Jinsoul's shoulders when the latter was about to follow the leaving women.

"Sooyoung! Let me go! I need to talk to her! Sooyoung please!" Jinsoul pleaded but the taller just keep her in her place and grabbed her right wrist.

"Jinsoul, I'm sorry but-"

A hard slap landed on the older's right cheek, cutting her apology.

"You ing hid her from me! you, Sooyoung!" Jinsoul screamed.

"That's because it was your mother's demand! Your mother warned Jungeun's parents to keep her away from you or else, she'll stop supporting Jungeun's medications and needs!" 

Bursting her anger and frustration, Sooyoung also lost her patience and shouted in Jinsoul's face. Completely silenced the now crying raven.

Again, it's her mother's evil plan. Why she felt so shock and clueless about it? That's too obvious. 

Her mother, making her life turning into miserable one by taking away her love. Why didn't she think about that first before accusing the couple?

"Jinsoul, we need to go home now."

"I think you need to go home now. Good evening, Jinsoul. Have a safe drive." And with that, Sooyoung left the sobbing raven with confused Taeyong.

He saw everything what happened and right now, he's pretty sure that the reason why Jinsoul is miserable right is because of her own mother. 

The scene made Taeyong decide that he will help his girlfriend and get the puzzle piece she lost. Even though it'll hurt him for letting go the girl he have learned to love in just a short period.

"Who's that girl, Jiwoo?" Asking her friend who's sitting beside her in the backseat of their car, Jungeun furrowed her eyebrows.

"I don't-"

"Jinsoul. She's Jinsoul, Jungeun." Sooyoung answered, joining the conversation while driving.

"Jinsoul? Why does she know me? Is she my friend too?" There's too many questions around the brunette's head right now. Questions that make her head throb because of pain.

"Jinsoul unnie... Uhm let's say that she was the biggest part of your past, Jungie." Jiwoo said carefully. Too scared that it may trigger her friend and ask fo

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