Pinky Promise

Of Penguin, Food, and A Certain Blonde

Momo peers out the window from the loud noise. 


There are students running and jumping around the open field, wearing their representative colors for the annual sports festival, doing loud cheers and funny synchronized dances to support their team. 


It’s funny that this college still organize a sports festival. Some were against the event, thinking it’s too childish and only suitable for school kids (and they have tons of assignments and quizzes to do), but most are totally on board with it, on the notion that they have beef with students from another year (mostly seniors) so what’s best way to settle their differences, rather than a deadly friendly match in the field? 


It seems like a fun thing to do too, unlike what she’s doing right now.


“Miss Hirai, are you listening to me?”


She lets out a silent sigh, slowly turning away from the window and facing the head of her department. The man is shaking his head, displeased with her nonchalant attitude. 


“This is the last warning, Miss Hirai.” He leans forward, sliding a red paper towards her. “With this result, I’m afraid you’re going to repeat a semester, or worse, be held back from joining the graduating batch this year.“ 


Momo picks up the letter, unbothered to even give it a read. It’s the same content as the previous one anyway.


“I hope you’re doing something to get your pointers up again. In the meantime, we will arrange the makeup tests for you.” Momo solemnly nods, before he gestures to the door. “I have high hopes for you, Miss Hirai, so please... heed my advice seriously.”


Momo almost slams the door closed, but decides not to. She’s already in trouble, better stay away from making another one. She did a quick skim through the warning letter, of her low grades, failed papers and poor attendance, before sighing deeply... Unaware of a pair of eyes watching her keenly from the couch.


“That is a really long sigh I’ve ever heard coming from you.”


The blonde’s head whipped to the voice, finding Mina's quizzical eyes staring back at her. She takes in her appearance, all clad in the college sweat-suit for the first time. She’s well-versed of Mina’s allergy to the sun (the penguin literally hates it, that’s why she prefers indoor activities more like camping inside the student council room for the whole day) so to see her all spirited with a blue headband tied over her forehead just seems… uncanny.


“Are you a gold medalist?” Momo starts, earning a strange look from the vice president.




“Well, your smile shines brighter than a gold medal, anyway.” 


The blonde grins, annoyingly wiggling her eyebrows, only to get hit on her head.




“Cut it out with the pickup lines, Hirai. It’s horrible.” 


Momo’s dissatisfied groan turned into a high-pitched yelp as she was met with Mrs Bo judging glare, a long wooden stick in her hand. She quickly hides behind Mina, not missing the subtle amused snort from the latter.


“These drinking water are the leftovers from last year’s sports festival.” The plump woman stacks the last box of five from the faculty store room onto a cart. “Are you sure you can carry these on your own, Mina?”


“It’s fine, Mrs Bo. The trolley cart you lend will suffice.”


The woman nods, before shooting her witch-like glare to the cowering blonde. “Hirai!” 




“Make yourself useful and help Mina with the boxes.” Mrs Bo points the wooden stick to the boxes neatly stacked over the trolley cart, before pointing two fingers towards Momo. “I’m watching you.”


“Y-Yes ma'am!”


And she’s already pushing the cart down the corridor, leaving Mina behind as the latter gives a bow to the plump lecturer before jogging her way to the retreating blonde. 


“Why are you always on the lecturer’s bad side?”


“Because I’m the notorious troublemaker.” Momo simply shrugs, her mood drastically drops as the discussion she had with the dean suddenly occupies her head again. 


She’s still holding the paper in her hand, now badly crumpled as she clutches it while holding the cart's handlebar. She notices a pair of eyes looking at the letter, and she quickly folds and slips it in her pant’s pocket, not minding the creases it will make. 


“So what did the troublemaker do this time?”


Momo doesn’t spare Mina a glance, only responding with a quiet hum while pretending to be cautious with the boxes. “Just the usual.”


A beat, and a quiet sigh.


“You can talk to me.”


Momo didn’t react to it, merely keeping her gaze in the distance. It seems rude of her, but the blonde doesn’t want to talk about it now - moreover to Mina. It makes her feel vulnerable, weak, like a total failure that doesn’t deserve another’s pity.


“There’s nothing to talk about.” She said in a small voice, “I’m already a lost cause.”


The conversation was left hanging when they reached the field, a flock of juniors came running towards them and picked up the boxes, as instructed by Jihyo. The small woman waves her hand to them in small jumps under the makeshift canopy, before turning back to her authoritative mode.


Not in the mood to join the event, Momo turns around to leave unnoticed. Unfortunately, Mina already has eyes on her as she grabs the latter's hand, stopping the blonde from leaving.


“Where are you going?”


“Back to my room.”


“You’re not joining?” Mina points her thumb to her back, eyes squinting from the glaring sun.


“Nah, I need some studying to do… as instructed by the dean.” She whispered the last words, but Mina’s keen hearing caught them nonetheless.


She thought Mina would be understanding at least, let her leave and go back to the comfort of her room. She expects her wrist to be released - instead, she feels the grip tighten.


“Not today.” Mina said, pulling her to the field. “You’re coming with me.”




“We’re playing, Hirai… whether you like it or not.”


Mina glances over her shoulder, shooting an excited grin to the fumbling blonde trying to keep her stance steady because Mina’s strength at the moment is no joke.


“E-Ehh?! But I’m not dressed up for the occasion!”


The vice president scoffs, “That sweatshirt and loose pants screams ready, Hirai.”


“B-But I don’t -”


“Oh, quit whining like a brat! Let’s get some sun on you!”


Momo was taken aback, before a light chuckle left her lips. She stops struggling and lets Mina drag her to the middle of the scorching hot field, joining in the crowd cheering for the teams of dodgeball, the most anticipated match between second years and the freshmen. 


Maybe Momo does need the sun, it’s been a while since she let herself loose too. But then her eyes fell on their joined hands, and Momo’s grin never left her face the whole day.




Momo groans loudly as the alarm of her phone blares aloud. She squints her eyes, trying to reach for the damn noisy device, but she can’t feel her hand. Hell, she can’t even feel her whole body, but the incessant ringing makes her head pound. Mustering her strength, she blindly touches the side drawer for the device, only for it to automatically snooze.


Her head falls back heavily on the pillow, the memory of yesterday appears in her mind again and she curses. 


Be damned to the last, most anticipated match of the year; the game of tug and war.


She was forced to join the team of women against the male seniors, courtesy of Jihyo’s enthusiastic sportsmanship that challenged them with her loud voice. Imagine the amount of brute strength they had to use against a horde of buffed jocks tugging the other end of the rope… her arms felt like they're almost on the verge of snapping in half just with the initial tug alone after the whistle blew. 


Momo makes sure to devise her plan of putting pieces of broccoli in Jihyo’s order for the next delivery.


The blonde had planned last night to skip her morning class because that’s the only schedule she has today and also - screw morning classes! She has some sleep to catch up and her body is begging for more rest. With a satisfied sigh and a big smile, Momo covers herself with the blanket, getting snugly under the warm cover as her mind slowly drifts into dreamland…


Only to be startled from the continuous rapping on the door.


“Ahhh go away…” She whines, pulling the blanket over head, wanting to ignore whoever the hell is outside. 


However, the knocking becomes louder with a certain rhythm, and that just ticks her off. Throwing away the blanket, she plods toward the door, incoherently grumbling to the person outside. She guesses it’s Sana because who else would be daring enough to mess with her this early in the morning other than that overly-attached squirrel. 


Her eyes squint in reflex as she opens the door, the morning sun almost blinding her vision, only to have them open as big as saucers from the figure before her.




The girl raised an eyebrow, “Why do you look like you’re seeing a ghost?”


“Because seeing you in front of my door is a false-belief understanding...?”


Mina blinks, before exhaling through her nose. “When will your brain ever make sense, Hirai?”


Momo pouts, “What’s that supposed to mean?”


“It means, you’re going to use your smartypants attitude in class instead of in bed.” The blonde opens to counter, but Mina already raises a finger, wagging it with a cluck of her tongue. “Nuh uh, I know what you’re planning.”


“But, Mina… My body is sore all over!” 


“Who was it that provoked the boys for another three rematch, just to end up in a tie?” The penguin shoots Momo a reprimand look, the latter sheepishly scratching her unitchy head in guilt.


"Uh, Jihyo?"


Mina's glare hardens, her eyebrow raised an inch, and Momo squeaks.


Maybe it wasn’t entirely Jihyo’s fault, because she did go over the top too yesterday, taunting and mocking the boys for their unfair win, just because they are jocks with brawns. She didn’t have beef with them, but the sight of Johnny flaunting his nonexistent muscles towards Mina irks her. She just had to scream at the dickhead for a rematch because according to her life philosophy - justice delayed, is justice denied - whatever that had to do with the match.


So in a way, Momo is partly to be blamed here.


“Do you have to rub it in my face…” She mutters with a frown, but Mina was undeterred. Instead, the penguin crosses her arms and tilts her head to the bathroom.


“I need to stop by Jihyo’s room too because you both regrettably share the same attitude with morning classes.” Mina steps away from the entrance, but peeks her head back again before the door shuts. 


“I don’t tolerate tardiness so you better be ready when I return, Hirai.”


“Geez… Okay, mum.”


Momo sighs as she grabs the towel, making her way to the shower while scratching her bum and releasing a loud yawn, her fuzzy brain still unable to process the event that just happened.


Mina coming to her room? Yeah, right… Maybe she’s still dreaming.


Oh, how wrong she was because everything turns out to be real when she leaves the bathroom all fresh and clean, only to see Mina sitting on her chair with a book in her lap. 


Just Mina’s presence in her room alone made her heart thumping, but to see the penguin look-alike concentrating on the book, the tip of her tongue protruding between pointed lips and fingers elegantly pushing stray locks behind her ear - Momo feels her soul about to ascend to heaven. 


But her spazzing didn’t last very long, her eyebrows knitted together at the familiar content of the pages.


“Oh, you're into nutrition now?”


“I’m not… but this warning letter seems interesting.”


Momo’s face falls when Mina draws out the red paper slipped between the pages of her thick nutrition book. 


Damn, why the heck did she put it there instead of the trash can? She quickly snatches the paper away, crumpling it in her hands before throwing it in the air without a care.


“I can sue you for touching my things without permission.” Momo warns, eyes twinkling with mirth. “But you can watch me change instead - no restrictions applied.”


The blonde winks with a bite of her lip, only for a notebook to hit her square on the face.


“I’m waiting outside so hurry up.”


“Ehh, are you sure? This is an exclusive content, babe... only for penguin - ACK!“


An array of notebooks flew her way, and Momo raised a white flag (which was accidentally her white ), prompting the red-faced penguin to slam the door behind her.




Momo cracks her neck left and right, trying to keep herself awake in the secluded corner of the library but it seems like her eyes had a mind of their own. She did a lot of self-hypnosis and self-reflection, but they only made her eyes droopy by the second. It didn’t help that her stomach began to weep, growling for attention since her last meal was hours ago.


It’s a shocker that Momo is actually attempting to make a revision on her own, after successfully finishing her final year paper last night. She loves that bit - experimenting and testing new things, creating and altering a trial invention to achieve a feasible end-product, before proudly stamping her name on it. All of that, she can handle them.


It’s the ‘studying’ part that Momo despises, a lot. 


She slouches forward on the table, burying her face on her arms to take a small nap. Just to get her strained eyes well-rested before she goes on another spree of revising another mind-cracking topic. In a matter of seconds, she’s out cold. 


It wasn’t until Momo felt movement on the table that she was jolted awake. Rubbing her eyes to rid off the sleepiness, she sees a well-known figure sitting across the square table. 


“Uhh, Mina?” She yawns with a closed mouth.


“You sound tired.”


“The book was boring, so... ” Her voice came out groggy so she clears , feeling it parched after her short nap. 


“No kidding, you were loudly snoring.” The vice president snorts, getting an offended look from the blonde. “I can hear it from the entrance, even the librarian was grumbling from the disturbing sound.”


Momo frowns, “Why do you like to bully me a lot these days?”


But Mina merely shrugs (the infuriating one she learned from Sana), before pushing a paper bag in front of her. 


“Oh, for me?”


Momo grins excitedly as she checks the content. A pink tupperware greets her, with a can of Monster energy drink (she made a small coo sound, touched that Mina remembers she can't drink coffee, but Monster though?) and a packet of peach gummies. She peeks inside the container, taking a sniff of the weird-looking white mass before making a face.


“What’s this?”


“Food, in case you haven’t eaten yet… and it’s edible.” She glares at Momo when the latter cautiously holds the tupperware.


“I get that Mr Myoui is a renowned chef, but I’m rather skeptical when it comes to his daughter.”


Mina's hand immediately reaches the container. “I’m taking that back.”


“Ehh? Chotto, chotto, chotto - that’s mine!” Momo successfully grabs the bag after a small wrestle, a wide grin appears on her face. “Thank you for the food, Miss Penguin!”


"Wait, you're eating here? We're going to get chased out -"


"Pshh! It's almost time for the library to close, anyway." She offers Mina the spoon, while she picks the fork. "You're eating with me. In case the food is spoiled, we'll be suffering together."


Mina rolled her eyes, grabbed the offered spoon and picked up a generous amount of the porridge she made before shoving it inside . Momo watches her with a lopsided grin, before mirroring her actions. 


Surprisingly, the plain-looking porridge does taste good. Most of the students don’t have the liberty to use a proper kitchen, like the cooking lab used by Momo and her course mates, so they make do with using a rice cooker to make all sorts of food, which is illegal in the first place. 


Such unreasonable rules made by the dorm management is also one of the things being fought for by the student council. So she’s rather delighted to acknowledge that the vice president is like them too - using Sana's burnt-to-crisp rice cooker to make food and surviving like how normal students are supposed to.


The tupperware is empty within minutes and her stomach is already full from the simple yet satisfying meal. But then her eyes trails the penguin’s hand covered under the long sleeves - a frown forming.


“You’re really horrible at this.” 


Mina was taken aback, thinking Momo was commenting about her cooking. A visible pout appears on her face, only for it to morph into shock when the blonde pulls her hands, exposing her fingers covered in band-aids.


Momo examines her hands, before rummaging through her bag for a small medkit. She gently peels off the badly taped plasters, replacing them with the cartoon-designed ones made for kids that she owns. 


“The porridge is really delicious, by the way. I was actually hungry earlier so thank you for being a lifesaver.”


“You’re welcome.”


Momo smiled from Mina’s small whisper and reddened cheeks, before giving the delicate fingers full of small cuts the attention they needed. 


They spend the remaining time in silence, discreetly enjoying each other's presence before being kicked out by the librarian - both of them getting caught sneaking food inside.




Momo had been called to the dean’s room that morning, her schedule for resitting the failed papers already discussed and to be held in a week. 


So here she is camping in the library on her favourite spot, the secluded corner in the back area, away from any source of disturbances that will sway her determination to study. She was turning her phone to silence mode when she stumbled upon the chatroom of her dance club, all of them giving words of encouragement so she can join them one last time before graduating.


Momo really misses dancing, even more so with cooking.


Now that is something she can't get her mind off. She can’t believe she was ignored by Shindong and the whole crew of the restaurant, the front entrance and backdoor being guarded heavily by the usual slackers in the kitchen with a poster pasted - her face is printed with a crossed mark and beware sign. The owner forbids her presence inside the establishment until she finishes her exam, and Momo almost loses her mind for being separated from her beloved kitchen and ingredients.


She didn’t even get to wonder who the hell mentioned about her repeated papers to Shindong because her mind is worrying about something else, or rather, someone else who's been invading her solitary confinement for the past few days.


Momo leans back on her chair, nibbling on the back of a pen as she watches the penguin concentrating on her laptop, her cute beak lips unconsciously pouting. 


She never invited Mina to sit there. The vice president suddenly showed up and wordlessly took a seat, placing her laptop and piles of notes on the other end of the long table before giving her a smile in greeting.


That smile almost made Momo choke on her spit - well, Mina’s presence itself made her disturbed.


Perhaps Mina is thinking of getting a double degree, something related to professional stalking, because it does seems like the penguin knows her schedule by now - knocking on her door in the morning every day, making her endless porridge that taste the same each time, and also, making her presence known in the library by occupying Momo’s table, uninvited.




The girl glances up from her laptop, “Yes? Is there something you don’t understand?”


“Yeah, your intention.” Momo says straightforwardly, her eyes unwavering as she keeps her stare at the startled penguin.




The blonde leans forward while pointing her pen between them. “You over there, here with me - what’s going on?”


There was a hesitant pause before Mina inhales softly, their gaze meeting in a light impalpable tension


“Trying to make you remember the main purpose you enroll in this college.” Mina stated matter-of-factly, but the blonde merely snorts at her lame reason.


“Please, even my late grandma's soul wouldn’t go to this extent.” 


She sees the contemplation in Mina’s behaviour - fingers picking the end of a paper, jaw tightening from the protruding jawline. But Momo knows just the way to get Mina to talk and expose her real intention - by vexing the usually composed vice president. 


Momo maintains eye contact, fingers lightly drumming against the table, hoping it will tick off the already distressed penguin. She doesn’t know where she’s going with this, or what she’s expecting from the latter, but Momo wants to know what’s going on in Mina’s head for her to behave randomly like this. 


She’s hopeful, no doubt about it. She just hopes Mina would be honest with her, for once.




It was barely above a whisper, but Momo caught it. Her movement stops, Mina’s pair of shining dark brown orbs striking a chord in her chest, her heart skipping a beat. 


“Let’s graduate together, Momo.”


Mina gives her an encouraging look with a glint of determination, gaze undeterred. It was Momo who averted her eyes away, an indescribable feeling surfacing over her chest, immersing her heart in a drowning emotion.


The blonde doesn’t know what’s wrong, but her vision suddenly becomes blurry. Without a word, she gives Mina a nod, her attention returning to the papers scattered over the table - a pathetic pretense to blink back the tears forming in her eyes.


Mina’s words keep repeating in her head, and she understands one thing - she’s not alone, not anymore.




The week for Momo to re-sit her papers arrived, and she struggled day and night to revise every topic she’s bad at - and by every, it literally means each chapter in the syllabus for the past semester's course. So when she exited the exam hall for the last paper, Momo thought she could finally be at ease.


Unfortunately, life is a biatch.


Momo has been having sleepless nights awaiting the day they announce her results, she’s getting fidgety and restless to the point her friends wonder if she’s high on drugs.


“Did you sniff the potted plant in the corridor?” Sana asked, eyeing her childhood friend weirdly.


“What potted plant?” 


“The one by the staircase.” The squirrel’s voice lowers into a whisper, “Rumor has it that the plastic plant is actually weed!”


“Mwoh...? What does that have to do with me?”


Sana gives her a quick look over with a knowing smirk, “Your whole presence shows just how stoned you are, dude.”


“Sana, I think your phone is ringing.” Mina calls out, making her roommate perk up, her invisible tail wagging excitedly as she runs off to answer the expected call from the tall yoda. 


Mina takes Sana’s previous spot on her bed with an apologetic look, the blonde sitting on the other end.


“Did you get enough sleep last night?”


“I couldn’t sleep a wink.” A frown appears, and Momo wants to wipe it off Mina’s face immediately. “But I’m good! Still in one piece, see?”


Mina gives her a look, before passing the pink Monster energy drink she requested. It's not the best taste, Momo is still getting used to it, but it's better than coffee. At least, it can keep her going throughout the day.


“You did well, so don’t fret too much about it.”


“How would you know?” The blonde raised an eyebrow, her tone playful. 


“I just do.” Mina responded with a shrug, a smile playing on her lips. “I mean, I was there with you for the whole torturing two weeks, so...”


And Momo’s face softens, a chuckle bubbling up as she rolls the can in her palm.


“You can take a nap, if you want. It's best to get yourself rested than taking those energy drinks.” 


“Can I?” She wears her puppy-eyed look with a pout, making Mina giggle from her exaggerated action.


“Here,” Mina placed a dog plushy on her lap, a bold RAY stitched on the tag collar. “In case you miss your blankie.”


“I do not have a blankie!” Momo pouts, but hugs the plushy anyway. She makes herself comfortable on Mina’s bed, before staring at the retreating back of the vice president.






“Will you be here when I wake up?”


“What? Scared of ghosts?” Her lips dip from Mina’s teasing smirk, only for it to change into a smile.


“I’m not going anywhere, Hirai. I’ll wake you up if I do, so just sleep, okay?”


And that’s a good enough reason for Momo’s droopy eyes to shut, instantly drifting into a deep sleep. 


It wasn’t until moments later that she woke up from a sudden screeching yelp from the shiba-inu. But a smile quickly takes over her frown at the sight of Mina sitting on her table, typing away on the laptop. 


Momo’s fatigue immediately subsided, arms tightly squeezing Mina’s fluffy dog plushy she hugged to sleep - the short nap felt more refreshing than ever. 


Maybe she did get a sniff of the rumored plant in her absentminded state because Momo is smiling like an idiot now, despite her inability to keep herself calm (her legs keep bouncing, the bench she’s sitting on lets out a rattling sound from the uncontrollable movement) as she waits for the result of her makeup tests from the examination unit.


“Hirai Momo?”


She shot up in reflex and leaps to the counter, making the officer startled from her sudden appearance. “H-Here…” He warily slips a brown envelope under the small opening of the glass window. “Good luck and have a nice day!”


Momo mutters a small thank you, walking to a corner before taking a few deep breaths through . Mouthing a silent cheer to herself, she tears open the envelope and carefully reads the letters and percentage on each line.


She tilts her head upwards, letting out a deep sigh with closed eyes. Her feet brought her outside of the office, the paper gripped tightly in her hand. As she looks up, a pleasant surprise awaits her.


There, in the open courtyard of the administration building, is the most beautiful senior in campus, staring at the fallen leaves of the trees lining up the wide courtyard, standing all by herself as the gentle breeze blows against her dark tresses.


God, did one of your goddess fell from heaven? Because I just found one!


“Mina!” The blonde shouts her name, but damn, it was such a fatal move.


The way Mina spun around towards her, hair swaying softly against the wind and that expectant soft look she exudes… and then she smiles, oh that one killer shy smile, and Momo feels her lungs tightening. 


She’s caught breathless with every inch of movement Mina made, she can’t even count how many times her heart had skipped a beat just by looking at Mina. There’s a high probability that she will be diagnosed with a heart disease at an early age, but she wouldn’t mind one bit.


Mina is worth everything.


“How was it?” The vice president approaches her with a worried look, weight shifting from one heel to another with hands on her back - and Momo feels like she’s in love again by the adorable gestures.


Instead of answering, Momo gives her the paper. Mina hesitantly takes it, her eyes asking the blonde if she’s sure about it. Momo responded with an assured nod, her face indifferent. 


Mina unfolds the paper, and Momo waits eagerly as she bit her lip, trying to suppress a smile.


“You did it?”


“I did it.”


“You really did it!” 


“Yes, like I said I did - OOFF!”


Momo is taken by surprise when Mina hugs her, arms squeezing the life out of her with a soft squeal. She bursts out in laughter when she feels Mina swaying them together, and her hands automatically hold Mina closer.


But the happy bubble they live in was short lived - a student passed them with a low whistle, and both ended up in a blushing mess, realizing what they just did. Momo creates some distance between them, eyes looking everywhere but Mina. 


“Well,” The blonde steals a glance, finding Mina’s eyes crinkling back at her. Cute... “Congratulations!”


“Yeah, thanks to you.” Momo mumbles with a sheepish shrug. “I mean, I would still be the hopeless, pathetic excuse of a failed human being if you weren’t there.”


“You’re not.” Mina cuts her off, “You’re never a failure so stop thinking like that.”


A disdainful snort escaped her lips as she raised the result paper. “Mina, you see it yourself - I barely made it!”


“But you did! You went through the excruciating two weeks studying a four-months course, and it wasn’t in vain… because I know you can do it.”


Mina’s lips curl up, eyes softly looking at the contemplating blonde.  “I believe in you, Momo. That’s all that matters.”


It’s as if a new resolve suddenly bursts out from within, and the suffocative bind that holds herself from seeing the light was broken, setting Momo free from the shackles of her own insecurities. She can finally breathe again, her chest light, her eyes gleaming in recognition.


Then she remembers, the person pushing her to go through studying and revising the hellishly complicated topics again, camping in the library after class until closing hours, staying up late with endless stock of Monster energy drink prepared for her.


All the time, there was always someone beside her... It was Mina.


“Thank you.” Momo expressed sincerely, a warm smile on her face. “For having that faith in me.”




Their eyes didn’t waver this time as they looked at each other, and Momo can feel her face heating up again when Mina shyly dips her head from staring too long.


Then, Mina’s pinky finger appeared in her view. 


“Eh?” Momo’s forehead furrows from the abrupt gesture, only to get an eye-roll from the vice president.


“I can’t believe you already forgot the deal.”


Her eyes widened instantly, followed by a gasp. “You mean…?”


When Mina texted her the details for the dinner, Momo almost turned her small wardrobe upside down trying to find a good set of clothes to wear. Thankfully she still has Chaeyoung’s jacket that was borrowed last month. But the only problem she has is the tatty-looking sneakers; the only footwear she owns. She can’t show up in front of Mina’s sophisticated parents with that.


"No offense, buddy… but I need to look good tomorrow night."


She mutters a small apology to the sneakers laying sadly in the corner, before running off to her childhood friend’s room.


“Oh, I have a pair for you! Hadn't used it yet when I bought it last year.”


“Eh, you’re letting me wear your new shoes? For real?!”


“Not really.”


Just as her hand is about to touch the leather ankle boots, Sana pulls it away. A nerve appears on her forehead from Sana’s smirk, hand swinging the shoes that had never seen daylight by the brand new smell.


Momo groans from the familiar twinkle in Sana’s cunning eyes, “What is it?”


“Give me Tzuyu’s address.”


“And you’re asking me because…?”


Sana rolled her eyes, “Because you’re her favorite unnie.”


“That’s,” The blonde tilts her head, “exactly true. But still... why would you need Tzu’s address in the first place?”


“For research purpose.”


Momo shoots the nonchalant squirrel a suspicious look, “You’re not trying to stalk Tzuyu through google maps, are you?”


“I-I’m not that dumb! Just give me the address or you can say goodbye to this shoes!” 


“Fine, fine! Geez, why can’t you just ask her directly...” 


The blonde mumbles, searching through her chat with Tzuyu for the address and forwards it to the waiting Sana. The girl squeals excitedly when her phone dings before she hurls the boots towards Momo without a care.


She grins at the sight of shiny black leather boots still with the store smell, only to fumble with them when she sees Mina at the end of the corridor. She was about to turn around and leave through the opposite staircase, only to halt her steps when Mina called her name. 


Momo walks back to the door she came from, hands hiding the boots on her back.


“Yes, Miss Penguin?” She grins, trying to act innocent. “Miss me already?”


Mina didn’t react to her tease, but there was a slight frown on her face, eyes avoiding contact with Momo’s curious pair.


“I was just wondering.” She started, fingers playing with the keys in her hands. “When you agreed to go to dinner… what’s the request?”


Momo was clearly taken aback by the question, already forgetting about the request she blurted out of nowhere. She hadn’t thought about it at all, because her mind suddenly decided to work in a mysterious way whenever she’s with Mina. Maybe, tonight is going to be the same too because without warning, had chosen to spew out the first thing that crossed her mind.


“Be my date for Gala Night!” Momo exclaimed, her upper body bending forward. 


Hearing nothing, she tilts her head up, peeking from the messy locks of yellow hair, only to find Mina’s face unreadable.


The latter sighs, “I don’t know… I might be busy since I’m in the organizing committee.”




Momo can’t hide the dejection she felt, her head nodding back with a tight-lipped smile. “It’s fine then! It was just a spur of the moment - I’ll still go to dinner tomorrow anyway so, yeah…”


Not wanting to make a fool of herself, Momo hastily excused herself and her heel, her feet moving in haste before she ended up in a jog. She reached her room all sweaty and breathless, but rather than tired, she was more disappointed.  


She was upset with herself for still hoping for the impossible. She had hurt Mina badly, there’s no way the latter would agree to it. 


Her head leaned on the door, back sliding down the rough surface before landing on the cold cemented floor. She regains her breath again, all the while chastising herself for still acting like an idiot in front of Mina.


An idiot still in love with her. 


She swallowed, parched from the short run. Just as she was about to stand on her feet to get a drink, her bum vibrated. She took out the phone from her jean's pocket, her eyebrows lifted from the new chat.


Miss Penguin: I wasn’t done talking, why did you leave?

Miss Penguin: I might be busy

Miss Penguin: But I can make some time for you


Momo bit her lip, quickly typing a reply despite the faint trembling of her fingers.


FoodRaccoon: Sorry, bad stomach

FoodRaccoon: Needed the loo

FoodRaccoon: You don’t have to tho...


Miss Penguin: Under one condition.

FoodRaccoon: ??

Miss Penguin: Do well on your makeup tests

FoodRaccoon: What make up tests?

Miss Penguin: You failed a few papers, I know.

FoodRaccoon: How…?

Miss Penguin: I’m the VP, I have my ways

FoodRaccoon: Would be awesome if you could use “your ways” for my failing grades too


Then her phone rings, and Momo accidentally answers it from her jumpy state.


“You’re better than that, Hirai.”


“Geez, thanks…” The blonde sneered, before clearing to appear nonchalant. “So let me get this straight… you’ll be my date if I do well on the resit papers, right?”


“And the final exams, yes.”


Momo sighed, rubbing her tired eyes. It’s a far-fetched hope, but she can’t give up now. It’s not just a date with Mina that is at stake here - her future is too.


She gulped, voice barely a whisper. “Promise you won’t back out?”


“I promise.”


“Pinky promise?”


A grin formed on her face from Mina’s light giggle, imagining the girl rolling her eyes back at her. 


“Pinky promise.”


The memory flashes vividly in her head, now that she has nothing study-related to think about. Her jaws hanging, eyes blinking back in disbelief, before they crinkle into a smile.


“So, the pinky promise?”


“The pinky promise.” Mina stated with a nod, returning Momo’s smile. 


“But I still have the final exams to worry about.”


“I know, but I believe you can do it too.”


And Momo’s chest feels light again, a giggle bubbling up . “You’re putting too much hope in me, Mina.”


“You’re Hirai Momo.” Her fist lightly bumps Momo’s chest. “Anything will go your way, eventually.”


And the words make so much sense all of a sudden, because she’s already feeling it. Passing the make-up tests, meeting Mina’s parents, earning Mina’s trust, both of them starting again as friends… everything is, indeed, going her way. 


“You’re going to be my date, Mina.” She grins, chin lifted in a challenging manner. “Mark my words!”


A silent chuckle leaves Mina’s lips, her expression mirroring Momo with a smug smile. “We’ll see about that, Hirai.”




Momo got accepted again inside the restaurant, the posters of her banned face now disappeared from the doors. She steps inside the kitchen with a smug, flaunting a copy of her result on Shindong’s face just because she wanted to.


“You’re on dishwashing duty tonight.”


“Whaaaat?” She whines, her nasal voice getting annoyingly higher a note. “I don't deserve this kind of mistreatment, oppa! Wasn't I your best cook?”


“That’s exactly why I put you there.” The stout man said as he smacks his wiping cloth on a few heads watching the stove, making them wince in pain. “These slackers need to learn to do their job properly so they can replace your spot later.”


The information slowly sinks in and Momo understands what he’s implying. She still has roughly a week left before finals and after that, the seniors are going to graduate and take their own path and leave this place; Momo included. 


"I know I owe you a lot - just getting this place up and running was a lot of hard work for a part-timer like you." Shindong chortles, recalling the first time Momo appeared in his small shop a few years back, asking for a job. 


The man was cynical of the japanese freshman of course because his shop isn't selling sushi, and the restaurant was on the verge of closing down from the lack of customers. But then Momo made the simple Korean dish "budaejjigae", and Shindong was blown away. 


The menu immediately became a favourite, and his shop was thriving again. If it wasn't for Momo, the place would have already gone under and he would probably be a beggar by the street while running from loan sharks. 


He knows Momo would agree to be his permanent cook if offered, no doubt. But deep in his heart, he always believes Momo's talent doesn't just belong here.


"I can't keep you in this place forever. There's a lot of things for you to explore out there, kid. You need to take a step out of your comfort zone and start learning new things." He pats Momo on the shoulder, giving her a forlorn smile. "It saddens me to say this, but you're not meant to be in this shabby, dingy shop, Momo. Your talents are worth more than that."


It wasn't the first time she heard this from Shindong, but it always gets to her whenever he gets emotional and deep like this. Perhaps, it is one of the reasons why Momo stayed after all these years; because Shindong always appreciates her talent and advice, and puts it to good use. 


He wasn't like any other restaurant owner she had worked with in the past who didn't even bat an eye at the dish she made, or even listened to her suggestions and critics. She's there to work, to cook, and that's it. 


But with Shindong, it was the total opposite. There weren't any restrictions and she's free to create and modify any dish to her own liking. And it wasn't just her, everyone who works there is given the chance to improvise and make themselves better.


So maybe he is right. She can't keep hogging the kitchen to herself. She needs to step aside and let the apprentices take over because sooner or later, she needs to pack up and leave.


“No hard feelings, kid."


"None taken, oppa. I hope things will be better for this shop in the future." She grins, giving the working station a quick look over. "I'm gonna miss this place for sure."


The owner snorts, letting out a big laugh. "You're not leaving today so stop getting emotional. We still have to think about the refreshment list for your gala night, whatever that is…"


Shindong gives Momo a long list of snacks and beverages with their quotations, "Since you know the organizers, I'll be putting you in charge of this."


"Eh? Are you sure...?"


"I'm not gonna let you be jobless, so that's your assignment until that gala dinner. Just make sure to get the slackers to help you." 


"Yes, sir!"


She playfully salutes, laughing to herself as Shindong shots his workers a glare while walking out of the kitchen. She scans the list again, imagining the ingredients needed to make the simple, most affordable but scrumptious snacks they can make, and her brain starts gearing up to work.




Momo rushes out to the restaurant despite having just exited the exam hall for her last paper that morning. It that her final exam schedule is a little behind than other courses, and it didn't help that the Gala dinner is tonight too. Of course her classmates wouldn’t mind about it, they just need to worry about getting dressed and letting those tensions loose, because they’re finally free!


But it’s not the same case for the blonde.


She almost crashes onto a waiter carrying dirty plates when she enters from the back door. After muttering an apology and a deep bow to the senior staff, she makes a beeline to the changing room, tossing her belongings into her personal locker and plucking the apron from its hanger. She makes her way back to the kitchen, noticing the preparation for refreshments already on the way.  


Momo glances at the clock on the wall, a few hours left till the event. Prepping herself up, she joins the slackers team and starts working. A few hours had gone by and she almost got lost in time if it wasn’t for Shindong barging in the kitchen and screaming her name.




Momo wipes the chocolate smudge on her cheeks, blinking innocently. “There’s still a few more left to do. We still have time, don’t worry.”


“What nonsense are you talking about? Can’t you see what time it is now?”


She looks up to the clock, and her eyes widen as big as saucers. “Shoot! It’s already 6?”


“You have a couple of hours to get ready so move! These lads can handle the rest, right?”


The slackers raise their thumbs up with a matching set of grins on their faces. Seeing as everything is near completion, she excused herself and jogs back to the dorm. The whole day was tiring for her, but the excited smile plastered on her face doesn't falter even an inch all the way back.


Instead of using her car, she hitches a ride with the restaurant van, making sure the slackers wouldn’t cause any trouble during delivery because they once had gone off-road to a secluded mountain when the location was only a five-minutes ride from the shop. These people are going to be a handful. She already predicted they’re not gonna last another month from Shindong’s wrath.


She leaps out of the passenger seat when they arrive, fixing her attire of white collared buttoned-up shirt paired with black slacks and a new pair of sneakers (a congratulatory gift from Shindong because one of his loyal customers actually made a rude comment about her shoes once!), her wavy blonde hair tied in a high ponytail with messy bangs. She leaves the brown blend suit vest hanging by the passenger door, not wanting to ruin it when they’re unloading the refreshments.


It is still early and the Gala night wouldn’t start for another hour. She looks around for a familiar face, hoping she can get a few helping hands to bring the food inside. Her eyes gleam in recognition when Jihyo appears from the entrance, waving at the brunette with blue high-knee dress in greeting.


“Momo, how do I look?” Jihyo asks with an excited smile, twirling around in her flowy one-piece. 


“It’s nice.”


The brunette frowns, “Yah, just nice? Tch, I wonder what Mina sees in you.”


Momo responded with a shrug, before motioning to the trunk of the van. Jihyo instructs a few male committees to help them, and just as Momo is rolling up her sleeves, she catches a figure from the corner of her eyes.


Their eyes met, and a smile slowly made its way on Momo's face, her hand making a small wave. She looks ridiculous with the stupid lop-sided grin, but who wouldn't when Mina greets her back with the trademark shy gummy smile.


She notices Mina's attire is still the same as when they met this morning, the vice president giving words of encouragement before running off to the administration building.


Jihyo leans to her, probably sensing her curiosity. "We're taking turns changing in the dressing room right now so don't worry… you'll get to see your girl in her glory soon."


She receives a wink from Jihyo, before the girl scurries off to attend to a junior asking for her presence. Momo too returns to her task in hand, the grin not leaving her lips.




Momo is amazed.


The decorations for the huge hall are simple but it manages to retain its theme as a prestigious Gala Night. She couldn't help but clap the loudest during the opening ceremony, receiving the stink eye from Sana as she whistled aloud from their table. The montages they used in the video are worth to be cheered for, but most especially when the face of the event director appears on the wide screen.


Call her weak or whatever, because Momo is undeniably whipped for the vice president.


She wants to shout Mina's name, tell the penguin that she's proud of her, that she's the best vice president ever… but Momo knows her place. Even if Mina agreed to be her date tonight, they're nothing more than just friends; she shouldn't go overboard.


"This gala night ."


Momo turns to her childhood friend, the girl sipping on her sparkling lemonade with a grimace. 


"Tell me again why this is non-alcoholic?"


"To stop sad people like you from abusing it."


"Yah, I'm not sad! I just… want Tzuyu to be here." Her lips pout, quivering in an ugly way. "I’m a single woman wanting to get drunk! Can’t you feel me, Momo??"


She shrugs, "Yeah I can’t, sorry."


"Speak that to yourself!" Sana raised her glass in the air, tilting it to the blonde's bored-looking face. "Your date doesn't even acknowledge your presence!"


"Oh, she will be." Jihyo suddenly appears on their table, only to snatch Sana's glass and empty the contents in one gulp. "Thanks, bestie. Needed that."


Sana exchanges looks between her empty glass and Jihyo's grinning face, her jaws hanging wide in disbelief.


"Yah! Why is everyone so rude to me?"


“You’re just an easy target.” The god-imposter nonchalantly said before slipping beside Momo, poking the blonde's shoulder for her attention. Momo raised an eyebrow as Jihyo excitedly points to a small group in a corner.


"She's taking a break, you should steal her!"


Momo follows Jihyo's line of view, finding a certain penguin in the middle of talking to her juniors. She takes in Mina's appearance, clad in a one-piece off shoulder lilac dress that ends on her knee, her silky shoulder-length hair now dyed a shade of brown swept to the side exposing her milky white neck.


She couldn't see the vice president properly before, her table is situated pretty far at the back. But now that she did, her heart couldn't stop beating erratically.


Momo sits frozen on her chair, not budging even an inch by Jihyo's continuous poking as the latter keeps on pushing her to make a move.


“But I don’t -“


“Oh you do, Momo! Stop hesitating and just act on it!”


“I gotta agree with my bestie," Sana cuts in, her face actually becoming serious this time. "This is a once in a lifetime chance, Momo. She agreed to be your date tonight - your date, Momo-yah! Get that fact buried in your head and stop being a coward!”


“That's right, Hirai! Go get your girl and don't disappoint us!” 


They shove Momo away from the table, making her stumble forward. She fixes her vest while casting a glance over her shoulder, still contemplating, only to see Sana and Jihyo hugging each other with a big heart over their head.




Bewildered by the embarrassing view, Momo ducks her head, avoiding the judging eyes directed to her loud friends full of shenanigans as she creates a distance from the shameless duo. Just as she passes by the refreshment table, her slackers team that is standing by on duty stops her with two glasses of cider.


"Good luck, sunbae!" 


She accepts them awkwardly, returning their bows in a confusing manner before shooing them back to their previous spots. The group surrounding Mina slowly disperse one by one, leaving the vice president standing all by herself.


It’s now or never, Momo. Fighting!


Taking a deep breath, Momo marches forward. 


Only for her steps to falter when a tall hunky guy in a horribly tight sequin tuxedo with an old-fashioned English name suddenly went past her, stopping before the visibly surprised Mina with a glass being offered.


Refuse it refuse it refuse it don’t take it please don't take it don’t you dare take it i swear to god-


Her shoulders slump when Mina takes the glass, flashing Johnny a smile. But then she saw the discomfort shown on Mina’s face from his close proximity, and her feet started moving again.


Taking a big gulp of the drink, Momo bumps onto his tall stature.


“What the -"


Just as he spins around, Momo 'accidentally' splashes the glasses full of cider over his expensive-looking sequin suit. Before he can have a look at Momo's face, she sprays the content in over his face to make him temporarily blind.


“THE ?!”


Momo quickly takes the hand of the shocked penguin and makes a run to the backdoor, leading both of them to the open courtyard of the hall. Momo takes cover behind a pillar, frantically peering if Johnny is running after them, only to hear a loud laughter booming from behind.


She turns around, eyes wide in horror. “Yah! Why are you laughing? Stop that, he might hear us!”


But Mina ignores her heed, her body hunched over still cackling over the incident that just happened. “Sorry, that was just - hahaha! So funny, I can’t help it!”


Momo’s face softens into a grin, seeing the infamous gummy smile making a comeback once more. She’s not gonna lie, it was worth the risk of getting her kicked by the furious Johnny.


“That was a really bold move, Hirai.”


The blonde shrugs, trying to act cool. “He was trying his luck with my date, I just had to show him that you’re taken.”


“And here I thought you’re going to stood me up for the night.”


“Well, you thought wrong then.” Momo smirks, before presenting a slightly crumpled red rose to Mina. “A flower for my lovely date.”


Mina shots her a funny look, inspecting the familiar flower in her hand.  “Where did you get this?”


“Uh, from Johnny’s pocket?”


“Figures.” A melodious giggle escapes her lips from Momo’s flustered look. 


As if it was on cue, the music in the background changes into a mellow tune of violin and piano; a perfect song for a dance. Their eyes met, before both of them realizing how close they are with each other as they turn away, cheeks painted red.


Momo rubs her nape, still thinking if it’s appropriate to ask Mina’s hand for a dance, only to feel her arm being pulled to the middle of the courtyard. She is mesmerized, watching dumbly as Mina’s brown hair bounces with every step they take. Then the girl glances over her shoulder, and Momo is rendered breathless. 


The way Mina’s eyes crinkle into an eye-smile, her soft gummy grin showing a perfect set of white teeth, her whole face being illuminated by the warm light as they run through the rows of lamp posts.


Everything screams perfection.


They stop in the center of the courtyard, Momo’s hand being guided to the crevices of Mina’s lean waist while the latter’s arms wrap over her shoulders. Momo’s pulse rate begins to spike from the close distance, throat gulping despite being dry.


Mina glances up to her, gently staring into Momo’s eyes as a smile makes its way on her face. She keeps her gaze on Mina, studying the various sweet moles decorating the latter’s face. It feels like a universe full of stars, and Mina’s pair of gleaming brown orbs is the window to a galaxy full of wonders and mystery.


Momo feels like drowning in Mina’s eyes, swimming in an endless space that speaks of nothing but admiration and longing.


“Beautiful.” She blurts out, and Mina is quick to duck her head, ears turning red. Momo frowns when the pair of eyes disappear from her line of view. “Look at me.”


Mina slowly lifts her head when a finger guides her chin, and Momo smiles again, satisfied. 


“I miss this.”


There’s a gentle squeeze on Momo's shoulder, before a head lands on a spot just above her collarbone.


“I’m sorry.”


Momo’s chest clenches from the small whisper. It’s the first time Mina apologized to her since their fight, and she knows it took a lot of strength to utter it. So she pulls Mina tighter, hoping the action would provide comfort.


There’s nothing for Mina to apologize for. They weren’t at fault; no one is at fault. It was the timing. They were at the wrong time in the wrong place, falling in love at the wrong moment.


But the blonde doesn’t need to say it. She knows Mina would understand from her gesture alone, that she doesn’t blame anyone. That things happened for a reason, and perhaps the reason was because it’s too soon for them.


They silently wallow in each other’s presence, appeasing their heartaches with the warmth of their hearts beating in tandem, getting lost in the moment where there’s only two of them in this world… just them swaying together to the beat of the sentimental ballad.


But the gratifying bubble they live in was short-lived when Jihyo appears. 


The wide-eyed girl wears an apologetic look as she approaches the dancing couple, both of them slightly pulling away.


“I’m sorry for interrupting but they need you Mina. It’s the closing speech.”


The vice president responds with a nod, and Jihyo is quick to catch the look Mina cast at her. As Jihyo leaves them, Mina turns to face Momo again, hands now hanging at their sides. There’s a lot of unspoken words between them, Momo realized, but she doesn’t want to ruin the night with awkwardness.


The night should end on a good note between them.


“It was short, but I enjoyed tonight, Mina.” The blonde smiled, an honest one. “Thank you... for agreeing to be my date tonight.”


Mina nods, wearing a gummy smile as she takes a step forward. “I had a good night too, Momoring.”


It was so sudden, but something soft landed on Momo’s cheek. Her eyes flutter close from the warm sensation, her breath hitching to a halt. However, when she opens her eyes a minute later, Mina is already walking towards the door, but not before flashing a shy glance in her direction, and disappears inside.


Standing there in the middle of the courtyard, is a blonde touching the wet spot on her cheek, stupidly grinning all by herself for the remainder of the night.




It’s finally graduation day, and Momo is hyped up to stand on the stage and get her scroll.


Almost all the lecturers were surprised that her name was included in the graduation list. It’s still vivid in her face how shocked Mrs Bo was to know she’s in the graduating list this year, the blonde wearing a smug face as she waves the result slip right on the witch's face, before running off from the plump professor. 


Not that she’s being arrogant or anything, but it really feels good to prove to these people that she can make it too. It’s all thanks to the vice president as well, for having faith in her. 


Speaking of the devil, she found her two japanese friends stranded by the roadside with a flat tire as she drove towards campus with her lovely second-hand car. 


“Hello there, beautiful!”


Mina and Sana turn to her, the frowns on their faces exchange with grateful smiles. 


“Did you just call me beautiful?” Sana beams, fluttering her eyelashes.


“No, I was talking to Mina.” She blatantly ignores the pouting squirrel, turning her attention to Mina. “Need a ride?”


Seeing as they are already late, Mina is quick to accept her invitation, shoving their things in the trunk before zooming off to the college. 


“Looks like my old car just saved the day, huh?”


Mina gives her the stink eye. “Are you picking up a fight with my car, Hirai?”


“Nope, I’m just stating my car still works, even if it’s old.”


“You’re really gonna do this right now?”


“If it gives my car a good reputation,” She shrugs, turning to the penguin with a challenging smirk. “Then I am.”


“Oh my god! What is this radiating in here?!” Sana calls out from the backseat, her head appearing between the two. “You guys should just get together already, geez!”


Momo exchanges looks with Mina, before the car stops on the curb. They almost kick Sana out of the car, if not for the squirrel's incessant apologies and promise to zip shut until they reach the campus. As soon as they reach the parking lot, a pissed off Jihyo greets them with her deadly glare, whining about them being late before taking off with Mina towards their designated place, one as the top achiever of the year while the penguin as the valedictorian of their batch.


When Mina’s name was called, Momo couldn't help the swelling sensation in her chest, proud to see the girl getting up the stage for her speech as valedictorian with summa laude achievement both in academics and extracurricular activities. 


Mina is an amazing person inside out, she deserves the recognition after all of the hard work she went through the whole year as a vice president of the student council. If people asked Momo what Mina did to get this award, she would gladly set up a storytelling booth for a day just to gush about Mina’s inspiring behind-the-scenes contribution to the campus and the students.


The memories flashed in the back of her mind, and Momo feels nostalgic all of a sudden, eyes tearing up. So when Mina ends her speech, Momo stands up out of whim, hands circling as she shouts to the podium.




Momo makes a loud whoop while clapping her hands, laughter escaping her lips. To see the usually-composed Mina being flustered and red as a tomato on stage was worth it.


Then, her name was called, and Momo had never been so nervous and proud at the same time. She raises the proof of her 4-years degree up in the air, another hand pointing at the rows of lecturers with a big grin on her face. Just holding that scroll, and hearing the juniors and classmates shouting her names from the audience… It feels surreal and melancholic at the same time.


But there’s another person she wants to dedicate this scroll to, so before going down the narrow makeshift stairs, she shoots a heart bullet towards the spectators. The crowd went wild again, but her eyes were directed to the valedictorian, the target of her heart bullet now blushing as red as a Heinz ketchup. The blonde flashes a wink towards the blushing penguin, before being chased back to her previous seat.


As the ceremony ends, the flocks of crowd begin to scatter all over the place with their family and friends. Momo decides to join Sana to take a selca together because apparently, their parents took the same flight but it was delayed for tomorrow. As she nears Sana, a grin appears on her face from a familiar tall presence taking cover behind the two shorties, a bouquet of pink flowers hidden behind the former.


The tall girl notices her presence, giving a small wave before signalling with a finger over her lips. Momo gives her a thumbs up, rerouting her path to a large tree by the parking lot. However, her arm was suddenly yanked with a force and she was lurched into a tight embrace.


“Momo-yah, congratulations!”


She blinks from the japanese words and familiar voice, “M-Miss Myoui?”


“Ah, mou... how many times do I need to tell you to just call me Mama.”


Momo scratches her cheek with a finger, letting out a desperate laugh from Ms Myoui’s expectant look. “M-Mama… Myoui?”


“That’s better!” The woman hugs her again, and Momo takes in Mr Myoui’s presence standing beside the flustered Mina, holding out a small bouquet of colorful flowers.


“Congratulations for your graduation, Hirai Momo. That was a surprising move you pulled up there on the stage!” Mr Myoui laughs goodnaturedly as he hands Momo the flowers. “Why don’t we take some pictures together, since Momo is already with us.” 


“Oh, that’s a great idea! Come, Momo-yah… let’s take a picture over there!”


Momo gives Mina a confused look, the penguin responds with an apologetic look and mouthing to the blonde to just go with it. Hence, she ends up huddled in between Mr and Mrs Myoui with Mina beside her as they ask a passerby to snap some shots of their “family portraits”. It was, by far, the most awkward moment Momo had with the family, but she braced herself throughout the whole photo session with the most sincere smile she could muster.


All for Mina, so fighting Momo-yah!


The blonde heaves a sigh of relief when Sana runs towards them, stealing Mrs Myoui’s attention from her as she excitedly greets the woman with her fast-paced japanese. She can never reach Sana's level in the language, to be honest. 


Then, Mr Myoui appears beside her, handing out a white envelope.




“What’s this, sir?” Momo takes it, eyes falling shortly on the address printed on the top left corner.


“A graduation gift from me.”


Her eyes immediately shot up to the man wearing a warm smile. “But, this is - you don’t have to, sir!”


“Please, I insist, Momo-yah... I’m giving this not as Mina’s father, but as Chef Myoui.” The man pats her back before she is joined by Jeongyeon. “You should thank Miss Yoo instead.”




“I’ll be expecting a lot more from you, Hirai Momo!” He shoots his pointed fingers at the dumbfounded blonde as he backtracks from them.


Jeongyeon gives the chef a polite bow as he walks away, only to receive a puzzled look from Momo.


“What did he mean by that? Yah, Jeongyeon what did you do??”


Jeongyeon shrugs, an amused smile on her face. “Let’s just say he was extremely impressed by your cooking.”


“But I never cook for him.” The blonde blinks quizzically, earning a loud laugh from the taller woman.


“Oh, you sure did.”


“What? When?”


“Two words, Momo.” Jeongyeon raised her two fingers with each word, “Brined. Salmon.”


Eh, nani…?”


Another set of laughter greets her, before Nayeon appears with the group. Momo lights up when she sees Tzuyu, getting herself ready to plummet the tall yoda but then she catches the latter let out a small gasp as her eyes fall on Jeongyeon.


“Momo-unnie, who’s that?” She asked discreetly, eyes not budging from the woman with green hair. 


“She’s Jeongyeon, Chae’s sister.”


“Oh. She’s really my style.”


Momo smirks from the small mumble. Sana got some competition, huh?


By the looks of it, seems like our yoda is awestruck from Chaeyoung’s older sister. Momo stifles a laugh when Sana was blatantly ignored, still unaware of Tzuyu’s bedazzled state. But then she gets startled when Nayeon clings to her, ruffling her blonde hair with a squeal.


“Can’t believe you actually made it!” Only for Nayeon to flip hair, the end hitting Momo square on the face. “Well, of course. I am her mentor.”


“You weren’t even there…” Momo side-glared the oldest, brushing away Nayeon's annoying hair.


“Of course I am! I’m always in your heart, right Momo-yah?” Nayeon leaves a smack on Momo’s cheek, and Sana’s eyes widen in horror as she points at them accusingly.


“Yah! I’m gonna report to Mina about that kiss!” Sana bellowed, only to receive a snort from Jihyo. 


“Please, you were just asking everyone for a kiss.”


“Y-You did…?” Tzuyu is suddenly snapped out of her trance state, her lower lip jutting outwards in a hurt expression. The upset look made Sana overwhelmed with panic.


“Tzuyu, no! It’s just - ON THE CHEEK!” She frantically points to her puffy cheek, “I was asking Chaeng for an INNOCENT kiss on the cheek! Isn’t that right, Chae??”


“Wait, Sana-unnie! You asked Chaeyoung for a kiss too?” Dahyun’s eyes, nostrils and mouth open wide in disbelief, her chest heaving in shallow breaths. “How could you... I told you Chaeyoung’s mine, unnie!”


“Ohmygod - stop embarrassing me, Kim Dahyun! I never agreed to be your girlfriend!”


“But, but - I really like you, Chaeyoung-ah!”


Nayeon suddenly comes in between them, exuding her “older sister” aura as she shields Chaeyoung from the desperate-looking Dahyun, taking her fists out in front of the tofu.


“Is she hurting you, our Chaengie? Should I fight her with my bare fists?”


Jeongyeon deeply sighs, “Yah, Nayeon… stop making things -"


“Nayeon-unnieee! Save meeee~!”


Jeongyeon’s mouth hangs open in disbelief seeing her sister taking cover behind her girlfriend, her lips slowly frowning at the offending sight. “But I’m your sister though…”  


“Oh hush... Quit hogging Chae to yourself. She’s my baby sister too, right our Chaengieee?”


Momo watches the scene with a grimace, only to flinch when she feels sparks of lightning and a dark cloud hovering over Dahyun. 


“Uh, Dahyun? A-Are you okay?”


“I’m fine, unnie. Just… fine.” The pale girl said through gritted teeth, a fake smile plastered on her face.


“Oh, this is the first time I see Dahyun like this.” Sana comments, only for the raging Dahyun to snap her head to the squirrel.


“You’re the first to face my wrath, unnie...” Dahyun seethes, creepily grinning with killing eyes. “All of you better run.”


“ACK! Save me, Tzuyu-yah!”


“Eh? Wait, hold on - OOFFF!”


Sana jumps on the back of the tallest of them all for an escape. But because Tzuyu wasn’t ready and because Sana ate a whole bowl of watermelon in the morning, the body underneath couldn’t withstand the sudden weight falling over her.


Hence, a loud sound is heard.




Every mouth instantly turns silent as Tzuyu becomes unresponsive, her body unmoving.


“Oh no.”


“Yah Sana-unnie you broke Tzuyu’s back!”


Followed by a collective gasp.


“Jihyo, we need you! Fix her ASAP!”


“Mwoh?! I’m no jesus!”


“Oh my useless godjihyo - call 119!”


“Wait, I’m calling MiMo!”


“Why the hell would you call MiMo?”


“Because, ambulance....?”


However, before they can act faster than the way they unnecessarily react, Tzuyu stands upright with a small stretch, swinging her hips left and right before they hear another loud pop.


“Ahh, that’s better.”


They watch Tzuyu with jaws hanging, utterly speechless and shocked. But then Jeongyeon starts laughing uncontrollably from Tzuyu’s nonchalant face, and each of them slowly get infected with her laughter, the place filled with cackles and clapping of hands from the small group of people. 


Momo shakes her head amusedly from her friend’s antics, only to remember the envelope she’s holding. She reads the name of the company and address on the upper corner again, properly this time, and her eyes widen. 


She peers in the distance for the small family of three, her chest getting heavy all of a sudden.




Mina exhales from , the last box finally getting taped.


She makes one last scan of the almost-empty room, patting off her pants from sitting on the floor. There’s just a few small things here and there, she can shove them in the duffel bag later. Picking up the box, she placed them on the corner together with her other belongings. 


She cast a glance to the opposite bed, Sana’s side already vacant. Her roommate had packed up a few days earlier for clearance, probably on her way to the airport right now with Tzuyu. No, she’s not flying back to Japan because she wants to spend some time reconciling with the tall yoda, now that they are back together again.


Mina chose to stay back a few days to settle a few administration matters. Surprisingly, she had rejected the internship program in America; she was contemplating a lot but decided against it because it wasn’t the direction she wanted. She even refused her father’s offer for an open spot in one of his company branches in the country. She reasoned it wasn’t the right moment for her.


Sana had told her that a certain blonde is going to extend her stay, and Mina’s indecisive mind abruptly made a decision to delay her flight back to her hometown instead of joining her parents. She wasn’t sure what prompted her to have this reckless judgement, it was the first time she ever made such an abrupt decision. 


Because Mina’s instinct is telling her she has unfinished business here.


Mina offered to drive her parents to the airport instead of letting them ride the cab. It’s the least she could do for them since it will be a while before she can return to her hometown. As she helps Mr Myoui with the luggage, she notices her father’s knowing look directed to her; the look that always screams bad news.


“What is it, Papa? Did you forget something?”


“Yes.” Mina lets out a small sigh, only to feel her face heating up when her father continues with a playful smile. “I forgot to bring along a certain blonde.”




“Awww, honey… look how flustered she is!” Her mother clings to her side, letting out a giggle. “It’s so sweet of Momo to prepare this packed lunch for us. It’s unfortunate she can’t come along to say goodbye.”


Mrs Myoui hugs the paper bag in her hand, frowning at the missing presence of the blonde she comes to favour in a span of a couple times they met. Mina responded with a tight-lipped smile, before her father pats her back a few times.


“You sure about this?”


Mina takes a deep breath, nodding assuredly to her father. “Yes, Papa.”


“Even about Momo?”


Mina was taken aback, her breath hitching up from the unexpected question. His father stands before her as Mrs Myoui steps away to give them some privacy. The parents had noticed Mina's awkwardness with Momo during the graduation day. It was a surprise to them when Sana accidentally blurted out that Mina and Momo are just friends, but they know better that those two had a history together, a deep history that was left unresolved by Mina. Leave it to her husband to put some sense into Mina’s strong-headed mind because Momo is clearly head over heels for their daughter, no doubt.


“I know you have a lot of unanswered questions and uncertainties, but you need to be honest to yourself, Mina.” He fixes Mina’s lock, catching his daughter’s quivering eyes. “Don’t hesitate to speak out your true feelings, or you will miss the opportunity.” 


He casts Mina an understanding look, tears welling up in her eyes. He pulls Mina for a side hug, leaving a kiss on her crown.


“Ganbatte, our Mitang!”


She relished in his embrace, pulling away with a sniffle as she too pecks him on the cheek, a gummy smile on her face. Her mother joins in, the small family huddled together in a warm embrace of love, understanding and security. 


She bids them goodbye as they enter the departure lobby, but not before laughing at her mother’s shout.


“I’m expecting Momo as your luggage when you come back home, okay?”


She smiled solemnly, recollecting the last few months she spent together with Momo. Things had been better between them, so far. Mina would be lying if she did not wish that they could be more than what they are right now. But she knows it’s not as easy as that. Her stubborn heart still can’t express what it wants. Her selfish self still wants to deny Momo’s presence that brings a whole lot of new meanings to her life.


Just being with Momo, she forgot that things already ended between them.


It feels natural to act the way she did around the blonde. She doesn’t have to put up a front, no need for pretense. Momo brings out the best in her, she makes Mina feel like herself, and she needs that purpose in life. 


The alarm in her phone rings, reminding Mina of her meeting with Momo later, as requested by the blonde.


She stops herself from dwelling deeper about it, an exhausted breath escapes her lips. She grabs her phone, unlocking the screen to see the time. She still has an hour left, might as well get herself freshen up and ready. 


She waits for the blonde down in the parking lot and just a few minutes later, Momo arrives in her car. The latter parks her car beside Mina’s convertible, the striking contrast between the two vehicles are rather marked. Momo’s second-hand car is sticking out like an eyesore between the two, with obvious scratches and dents, added with the Piplup sticker. Mina chuckles at the improvised ‘bandage’ Momo put to cover the dent on the front bumper.


“Got a soft spot on my car now, aren’t you?”


Mina snorts, “You wish.” 


Momo laughs at that, before fetching something on the passenger seat. She hands out a small black paper bag, and Mina peeks inside the content first before accepting it.


“What’s this?”


“A parting gift.” Momo rubs her nape, “I just thought this suits you.”


Just the word ‘parting’ alone made Mina feel things; unpleasant ones. She fishes out a black rectangular box, a well-known brand stamped over the lid in golden italic writings. A soft gasp escaped her lips as she saw the content - a star-shaped stud decorated with a single scarlet Swarovski crystal in the middle. 


“I think red suits you best,” Momo said with a sheepish grin, “and also because you’re like a star. That one that stays hidden in the dark but when you really look carefully, it's the one that shines the brightest among others.”.


Mina bit her lower lip, her chest clenching in a weird way. But then the sensation subsides, her heart starts beating loudly when Momo’s words reach her ears.


“You’re my one and only star, Mitang.”


It’s unfair. 


It’s really unfair how effortless Momo made her heart react, made her heart yearn for the blonde. 


“Thank you.” She whispered, trying to control her erratic heart.


“There’s another thing I want you to know.” Mina looks up, but the blonde is avoiding her eyes, hesitating for a second. “I’m flying to France next month.”




“I was offered a spot in a renowned cooking academy over there. It’s just for a year, but yeah… I couldn’t turn down the offer.”


Mina searches through Momo’s hesitant eyes and she swears she saw it. It was a familiar glint, one Mina is so used to when she peers into her own reflection on the mirror. Momo doesn’t want to go; she wants Mina to stop her.


But she can’t. 


Momo needs this. It’s a once in a lifetime opportunity for the blonde. They’re friends, right? Friends should support each other, push them towards their dreams, let them see their worth… 


But what if they are more than that? What if… both of them want to be something more than friends?


No, Mina… stop being selfish! This is not about you!


“Y-You’re going to be great, Momo.” Mina swallowed, mustering up a cheery smile. “I believe you will… You’re Hirai Momo, right?


She gives a light punch on Momo’s chest, wanting to cheer up the forlorn-looking girl. Only for the blonde to grab her wrist, prying her fist open and placing her palm over beating chest.


“Can you feel it?” 


Mina stands still, not daring herself to look up into Momo’s eyes because her voice alone sounds sincere, sounds heart-breaking.


“It still beats your name, Mitang…” Mina squeezes her eyes shut from the name, the pounding under her palm getting louder. “A chance is all I need, but that’s too much to ask for. It won’t be fair for you… for both of us.”


The blonde pulls away, creating a distance between them. There’s a warm smile on her face, but Mina knows it was forced; she spent enought time to understand Momo’s cryptic body language and subtle expression.


“Thank you for everything, Mina. The memories of our time together, the fights we had, the food we shared, the times you stood by me and had faith in me… Hontouni arigatou!” 


The blonde bends forward for a deep bow, and when she straightens up, Mina can see the tears welling in her eyes despite the smile adorning her forlorn face. She doesn’t want to see Momo’s sad face… no, she doesn’t want this day to end like this. 


She still has unfinished business with the blonde.


“May you live a good life in the future, Miss Penguin.”


Without sparing her another glance, Momo turns on her heel and starts walking back to her car. Then, her father’s words begin to ring in her ears.


“Don’t hesitate to speak out your true feelings, or you will miss the opportunity.” 


Her eyes widened, her vision focusing over Momo’s retreating figure, slowly disappearing in a blur.


No… I don’t want this to end.


Mina takes a step forward.


I don’t want this to be a memory.


Her feet gain more speed, running after the disappearing figure with yellow, blonde hair.


I don’t want us to only be a memory, Momoring!


Her arms reach out, her body crashing over the blonde’s back, arms slipping over slender waist for a backhug.


“I want to live in this memory!”


“E-Eh? Mina…?


She buries her face deeper into Momo’s back, squeezing the body tighter, afraid if the blonde will escape her grasp again… because she doesn’t want Momo to leave her. Mina wants to relive the memory she had with Momo, once again, and maybe forever


She won’t let the blonde go again.


“A second chance.” Her voice muffled, “I want us to try again, Momo.”


There is a pause, before Momo attempts to pry her arms away. She struggled against it, only to hear a chuckle coming from the blonde.


"I'm not even leaving yet and you're already this clingy. How am I supposed to leave for France later?"


Mina blushes heavily, slowly retracting her arms around Momo's waist. But the latter is quick to grab her hands as she spun around, facing Mina with the widest smile she had ever seen.


"So… a second chance?"


Mina gives a timid nod. 


"But I'm leaving for the whole year…" Momo’s smile falters a bit, "I don't know if it's going to work out, Mina."


"I will wait." She squeezes their joined hands, staring back with a determined gaze. "I still love you, Momoring… I'm willing to wait for you."


"Wait, did you just -"


Momo's words were muffled when Mina leaned in, their lips meeting in a tender kiss. Mina’s ears turn deaf from the loud pounding in her chest, her senses only focusing on the feeling of their lips meshing perfectly together... soft, and peachy. It was the first for them, the feeling is similar to the first time they professed their love to each other, maybe a bit better.


Well, she can’t properly describe it… they need to try this more, obviously.


Mina slowly pulls away as Momo flutters her eyes open, cheeks flushing red.


"You did it again." 


"What?" Mina breathed out, pleased at the adorable sight of the flustered blonde.


"You stole a kiss on my cheek, and now on my lips." Momo clicks her tongue, "Never in my life would I regard you as a thief, Miss Penguin."


A merry giggle erupts from , "I intend to steal a lot more from you in the future, just so you know."


"Oh, please do so! I'm baring my whole soul for you to take!" 


Her giggle grows to a hearty laugh from Momo's lame and corny jokes. Indeed, just being with Momo makes her calm, vulnerable… and in love. Momo stares into her eyes, and Mina can feel it already; the sincerity and love shimmering from the blonde's pair of glossy brown orbs.


There’s no one else she would rather be with, than her one and only blonde… the only Momoring to her Mitang.


"Will you really wait for me?"


"I will, I promise."


Momo raised a pinky, and Mina instantly attached her little finger, grinning widely from the blonde's knowing smirk.


"Pinky promise?"


"Pinky promise."







A/N: Glad (and sad) to say this story has finally come to an end! I know the ending is half-assed and not that good, but I hope I can make it up with a short epilogue (for it's 1 year anniversary later!) Are you guys up for it? OR should I make a season 2 of this???

I really want to thank my avid readers who patiently waits for the completion, the endless words of encouragement and support you wrote in twitter and comments really made my day and keep me going to write this. I wish I could show my appreciation to you guys, because all of you are really awesome people!!! <3

If there's anything you're not satisfied with, just drop in the comment below. BUT! If you like this story, do show your support by clicking the UPVOTE button. Who knows, I might resuscitate another collection of MiMo multi-shots in my dead folders in the future, ehh? *winkwink*

Thank you again for reading this and I hope all of you have a really wonderful day and do stay safe! ^^ I'll miss you guys... *cries in ugly face*

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Another one of my MiMo works completed!!!! *pats my back proudly*


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Mimowhipped #1
Chapter 10: More mimo 🐧🍑🐧🍑🐧🍑🧣🚨
Mimowhipped #2
Chapter 8: and i felt bad to momo like her bestfriend sana?? didn't even ask her what happen and throw her like that!!!
Mimowhipped #3
Chapter 8: both of them at fault though.. why its become a big deal? because mina never listen to momos explanation!! i dont understand why They blaming Momo!
like shes cheating??? naaaa
Yupup04 #4
Chapter 12: Eh? Then???
Chapter 12: Ehhhhhhh????
1521 streak #6
Chapter 12: Happy Ever After for all of them I see
1521 streak #7
Chapter 11: A french what?? Hahahahaha I wanna try it... Mwehehehe
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Chapter 10: Her parents are so supportive
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Chapter 9: The DubChaeng scene is hilarious! I love every scene in this chapter
1521 streak #10
Chapter 8: Damn, I'm proud of Momo