Chapter 01

Nanny Affair

" Please Haehae, help me find a suitable clothing to wear for my interview later on " Yuna pleaded. 

Yuna and Haeun had been living together since they were eighteen years old ever since both of them graduated from college. Then, people might be wondering where are their parents. Good catch. Yuna also known as Kim Yuna was adopted since she was young. She lives with her step parents and her elder sister Kim Yeri whom she despise since young. Yuna would always get bullied or beaten up by her own sister and parents even though she didn't do anything wrong. She thought that if having a family would be fun but her thought proved her wrong. She knew about her adoption when she was nearly being a teenager. She will always get mistreat by both parents as they thought that she brings nothing but poor to the family.  

When she turns 17 years old, she decided to leave the house for good because she cannot take in their brutality anymore. She works part time in any stores available and save up her money not until her step sister knew about it and told their parents. They got so furious that they search her whole bedroom for her savings. They took her money and hide it somewhere , where she couldn't find it. Yuna got home and to her surprised, her bedroom was in a mess.

She run out of her room and asked her family why is her room messy. No one answered her. She shouted at them. It took them by surprise because it's their first time hearing her shouting. 

" I don't know , I just came home " her sister says while chewing her gum.

Yuna looked at her parents. " Don't you dare accuse us, how would we know , we were out just now and came home 10 min ago " while watching the tv.

She was out of words. She couldnt take it, she packed her things and left the house. Dialing Haeun number, she cried. Spent her night at Haeun house till she finds somewhere to stay. Good thing is Haeun mother allows her to stay with them as she also knew about her current family status.

Meanwhile, Haeun also knwon as Lee Haeun ,  well they met during first year of college. Haeun was always there for her no matter what. She was the one helping Yuna get out from the hell hole of her family. Well to put in a good way, Haeun is Yuna bestfriend and so called sister and from there, they work part time together and save up so that they can rent a apartment. 

" You have plenty of clothes just choose a suitable one. FYI you're twenty-one years old Yuna , don't tell me you don't know how to dressed up " she reply while picking up her laundry.

Yuna sigh to Haeun reply and scoff off because she was out of idea. She needs to impress her son-to-be-boss. It would be an embarrasment for her if she dresses up so unprofessional. Furthermore, the companuy she going to have interview is at the famous fashion company ever ' The Bleuming'. No time to waste, she just pick any random clothe mix and match it and style up her hair. She's late.

" I'm going out ! '' Yuna shouted while choosing her shoes.

" Don't forget to tell me everything A-Z because duuh ! It's ' The Blueming ' company " Haeun laugh.

" Sure ! Don't worry I won't forget. Bye ! " she hurried and closed the door.

" Yah ! Your - " before she could finish her sentence, the door closed. " breakfast.. " Haeun chuckles and have her own breakfast instead.

Haeun is grateful to her Yuna as her best friend.

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