RPG: TWICE Edition


Three people were rushing down the stairs, heading outside the Guild HQ. One of them was Chaeyoung, who has way too many questions in her head at the moment. She glanced over at her two current…stairs companions, Im Nayeon, the Headmaster, and Dahyun…her long lost friend.


What in the world is happening today, one strange event after another…Chaeyoung thought to herself. First I wake up in the forest all beat up, then I meet a strange girl who seem to know nothing about this world, now I’m running down the stairs with Dubu who suddenly disappeared years ago.


“Ahhhhh! Damn it, none of this makes any sense. Whatever. Thinking hard was never my strong suit. I’ll just face this head on.” Chaeyoung yelled out of nowhere, alerting Nayeon and Dahyun.


“What the-“ Nayeon was surprised. “Don’t suddenly start being loud all of a sudden, it’s not good for my old heart”


Dahyun looked over at Chaeyoung for a second, then turned back towards the door. They were at the exit, and all three rushed outside.


Before them was a huge crowd, and in the middle were multiple armored guards, much like the full metal gatekeepers at the edge of town. “Maam, we cannot let you pass unless you show us some identification!” One of the guards exclaimed.


“GET OUT OF MY WAY” A familiar voice screamed.

Suddenly, a gust of wind rose from the center of the crowd, pushing everyone back slightly. Then, within no one’s expectation, a single bolt of lightning struck down straight above Mina.

“NO!” Chaeyoung pushed past towards the crowd, thinking of nothing but the girl she had just met this morning…the girl who also happened to save her life.

But Chaeyoung’s concern were unwarranted. The lightning bolt did not harm Mina, not as much as a scratch on her. Instead, the lightning split up and surrounded the slender girl, engulfing her in a ball of wind and lightning. “What…the…”

“Heh. So this is our last and final member.” Im Nayeon smiled secretly, while whispering to herself.

“MINA, ARE YOU OKAY?” Chaeyoung hoped that Mina could hear her amongst all the commotion.


Mina opened her eyes and looked over in the direction of Chaeyoung, her azure eyes were now glowing brightly. Mina raised her hand forward, and a powerful tailwind knocked all the heavy armored guard aside. It was now clear to everyone that the girl in the middle was more powerful than anything they have ever encountered in their lives. “Chaeyoung…I came to get you…Let’s…go…hom-” Mina muttered before suddenly collapsing.


“GUARDS. BRING THAT GIRL TO MY OFFICE IMMEDIATELY!” Im Nayeon commanded, and all the guards who were on the ground immediately stood up and carried Mina inside the Guild HQ. “Don’t you worry Chaeyoung, I think I’m starting to understand your situation a little bit more now.”

Chaeyoung, who already had too many questions in her head, was now met with even more mystery. “I’m not worried, in fact, I’m starting to think all of this shenanigans is going to be one hell of an adventure”

“Heh. Let’s hope you can keep that positivity all along the way. We all will need it. Now, let’s head back to my office and continue where we left off, shall we?” Nayeon told Chaeyoung. “Oh, Dahyun my dear, please clean up this mess then join us in my office as well.”

“As you wish.” Dahyun answered, while raising her hand towards the broken tiles on the ground and all the scattered leaves and broken trees from Mina’s wind and lightning.

“Aquazius Íss!” Water flowed from every direction towards the broken tiles, then replaced the tiles as if they were a natural river, flowing back into the ocean. Then, the water floated back up in the air, carrying all the scattered leaves and tree branches with them, and flew off into a distance. The broken tiles were now frozen with ice, and as soon as the ice melted, it looked like the ground was never broken in the first place.

“HOLY. DUBU YOU’RE AMAZING! WHAT WAS THAT????” Chaeyoung couldn’t believe her eyes. Her best friend used to be happy at being able to create a single bubble of water, but this was something completely different. Chaeyoung was so surprised that she did not even realize she said Dubu instead of Dahyun.

“…Dubu…” Dahyun whispered lightly.

“Eh hem. Are you done watching? I’m getting cold. Let us head upstairs.” Nayeon interrupted, and they all headed upstairs while the crowd dispersed.



Mina was lying on the couch, resting. “She seems to be okay now. So, let us talk. I will now tell you about your friend Dahyun here, as you have already just seen what she is capable of. In return, even if you do not choose to join us, would you tell me what you know about this girl right here…I assume she’s the Mina you accidentally mentioned earlier?”

“…Alright.” Chaeyoung hesitantly replied. Although she did not really know much about Mina, any information she can get will prove to be valuable right now, as she has too many things she does not understand.


“As you know, three years ago Dahyun was called here to have her ‘Class Determination Ritual’, much like everyone else. However, I was the one to personally oversee her ritual, as our usual workers were busy that day.” Im Nayeon turned deadly serious. “But I would have never expected what would happen next...Let us begin with what started it all"



“Alright, now tell me your name, and your abilities please.” A slightly younger Nayeon demanded.

“Kim Dahyun, and I’ve always been better at controlling water and freezing it…”

“So like…ice?”


“Hahahahaha. You’re a funny one. Alright, would you please demonstrate this ice control of yours so I can rate your strength?”

“…Aquazius Íss!” A small shard of ice appeared and flew straight past Nayeon, the shockwave from it blowing her hair upwards.

“…That was pretty amazing, but could you try to not headshot me while you’re at it?” Nayeon joked.

“I-I’m sorry!” Dahyun wasn’t very good at controlling her powers yet.

“It was just a joke, I’m the Headmaster, you know. Something like that couldn’t hurt me. Now, I shall register you as an apprentice Ice Wizard. It’s a common Class, but with time I’m sure you can be something special.” Nayeon begun to enchant the blank ID Card with Dahyun’s name and Class. However, as the words Kim Dahyun were printed on the card, it flew straight up in the air and rushed straight towards Dahyun, entering her body through her heart. A blast of energy bursted out from Dahyun, strong enough to knock even the self-proclaimed greatest Headmaster, Im Nayeon back.

“WHAT?!?” Nayeon was beyond confused, this is not something that has ever happened, not in her lifetime, nor in any of the history books she read.

Dahyun’s entire body suddenly started glowing, and she floated, her eyes and hair both starting to turn purple.

A bright figure suddenly appeared behind Dahyun, raising her body upright.



The shining deity seemed to possess Dahyun, telling Nayeon words that went straight into her mind instead of her ears.


Then, everything stopped for a second, and the light disappeared as Dahyun fell back on the ground from her floating state. Beside her is a golden ID Card, and on it, only said two things.

ID Card: Kim Dahyun – Class: GODDESS – The Aqua Aspect

“W-What is this? I have never seen a class like this before…” Nayeon was in complete shock from what she just experienced. She held Dahyun up and brought her to the couch.


Then, a few hours later...


“Ugh…Where am I?” Dahyun opened her eyes, her head aching. She looked over at a worried Nayeon. “Who are you?"

"...Dahyun, you're Kim Dahyun. Here, have some water, you might not be completely recovered yet. I'm Im Nayeon, the Headmaster in charge of your 'Class Determination Ritual', do you remember?"

"...No..." Dahyun took a sip of water. As soon as the first drop of water touched Dahyun's lips, her entire body glowed bright blue and purple. She felt completely revitalized, her mind now clearer than ever before, and the tiredness vanished. "But...who am I?"

"...oh no..." Nayeon thought to herself. "There's only one person who would know what to do in this situation..."


Some time later...Somewhere far away


"Heh. So that Im Nayeon has finally learned that she needs me after all. Alright. I guess it's time for your hero, Yoo Jeongyeon to come to the rescue."

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Chapter 4: This is interesting. Can't wait to read more.