The Silver Spider of Seoul


As if being a college student or a superhero isn't hard enough in and of themselves, Baekhyun is both and also trying to work up the courage to ask out his crush, Do Kyungsoo.


His plan had just been to pick up some snacks from the convenience store and go right back home to study for his English test, so his phone is still on his desk, although he’s not even sure whom to call for a stuck cat. TV always stereotypes firefighters saving cats from trees and helping little old ladies cross the street; neither seem emergent enough to warrant a call, in his opinion, but his mother didn’t raise helpless children.

As his mind whirls and wonders and his arms begin to go numb from being held up so long, someone calls to him.

“Need a hand?”

They look ridiculous, wearing a white, head-to-toe catsuit with silvery accents that are only noticeable in the light. The mask has no mouth or visible nose, and the eyes are a stark black angled to sharp points at the outside corners. Kyungsoo recognizes the spider sprawled across their chest.


“Silver Spider, actually…”


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Chapter 1: I really like the concept. It's refreshing to read something new and different.
melly-pop #2
Chapter 1: Great read as always. I like your light hearted stories. Thanks for sharing!
bookworm514 #3
Chapter 1: Awww this is so cute. And lol love how he just casually naps in a hammock between buildings. Oh the life superheroes XD