Chapter 8

The Kiss

"I...I...I" Bomi stuttered.

"She will give you answer tomorrow." Namjoo said and Bomi pinche her arm.

"What?" Namjoo asked.Bomi widen her eyes.

"Okay.I will wait." Hoya smiled.



Bomi put her books in the locker and when she close the locker's door,Hoya appered.

"Oh my God!Hoya!" Bomi shocked.

"You shocked?" Hoya asked.

"Yes.I am!" Bomi yell.

"Sorry." Hoya said.

"It's okay." Bomi said "Hoya-ah,about yesterday....I have think about it." 

"You do?" Hoya get excited.

"I want to know just one thing.Why you want to go to the prom with me?" Bomi asked.

"It's because...I suddenly feel different when we fought other day.I feel something." Hoya said.

"Like what?" Bomi asked.

"I don't know...I think I like you." Hoya said.

" must be kidding." Bomi laughed.

"No!Really.I really feel like that." Hoya said.

"I don't trust boys easily." Bomi said.Hoya hold Bomi's hand and pin her body at the wall.

"Trust me.I really like you.I can't stop thinking about you." Hoya said.

"I don't know what should I do." Bomi said.

"It's okay if you're not ready yet." Hoya said and walked away.

"Because I feel the same way." Bomi continued."Don't go."

"You feel the same way?" Hoya hold her shoulders.

"Deh." Bomi nodded.

"I like you." Hoya hug her.

"Like?" Bomi whispered.


"Hey,hey!Where's my girl?" Sunggyu smiled and sit beside Eunji.

"I'm here." Eunji flashed her eye smile.

"Your eye smile still cute." Sunggyu said.

"How did you know I'm here?" Eunji asked.

"Because, I still remember.This place is our secret place." Sunggyu said.

"Glad to hear that you still remember." Eunji said.

"I'll never forget." Sunggyu said.

"And this place is where our first kiss happen." Eunji said.

"I miss that time." Sunggyu put his hand around Eunji's shoulder.

"Bwoya..." Eunji hit his hand.

"It's cold here and you're not wearing your blazer." Sunggyu said.

"Here." Eunji held Sunggyu a necklace.

"What is this?" Sunggyu asked.

"I bought it." Eunji said.

"Where's the other half?" Sunggyu asked.

"Here.I wear the other half and you wear the other half" Eunji explained."Let me help you."

"Our heart are together now." Sunggyu put it together.Eunji laughed.

"Can we skip our class?I want to be with you." Eunji lean her head on Sunggyu's shoulder.

"It's okay for me." Sunggyu her hair and give a peck her forehead.

"Can we be like this forever?" Eunji asked.

"I know we can." Sunggyu close his eyes and take a deep breath.


"Hi.What are you doing?" Myungsoo asked.

"Drawing." Naeun said.

"What are you draw?" Myungsoo asked.

"Me and prince charming." Naeun said.

"Let me take a look." Myungsoo move closer to her."It's lovely." 

"Thanks." Naeun smiled.

"I would love to have it." Myungsoo said.

"But I'm not color it yet." Naeun said.

"No need.It's looks perfect now." Myungsoo said "Anyway,who is the prince charming?"

"Molla." Naeun shrugged.

"Eyy...I thought it was me." Myungsoo pout.

"Why should be you?" Naeun asked.

"Because we're together." Myungsoo said.

"Together?We're just a partner." Naeun laughed.

"Hmm....I want to be more than a partner." Myungsoo said.

"What do you mean?" Naeun asked.

"You know..." Myungsoo grinned.

"What?" Naeun pretend that she don't know.

"BF,GF." Myungsoo said.

"You mean couple?" Naeun asked.Myungsoo nodded.

"I want you." Myungsoo whined.

"Man-child." Naeun push him.


"So thirsty." Woohyun thought."I need water."

"You need water?" Chorong asked.

"Yes,please." Woohyun said.

"Here.But I have drink it." Chorong said.

"It's okay.We can have our indirect kiss again." Woohyun said and drink the water.

"Why you always want to have an indirect kiss?" Chorong asked.

"Cause I know you will refuse to kiss me." Woohyun said.

"We're too young to have a kiss." Chorong said.

"We're 18 now." Woohyun said.

"I bet you already have a first kiss." Chorong said.

"Yes.You're right." Woohyun smiled and Chorong give a death glare to him."With you." 

"Me?" Chorong asked.

"Yes.Indirectly." Woohyun nodded.

"Seriously.You're so naughty!" Chorong hit him.

"I'm not!" Woohyun hold her hand.

"Let me go!" Chorong fight him back.

"Shireo!" Woohyun shout until Chorong fall on Woohyun's lap.

"Let me go now." Chorong push him.

"Aniyo...come here." Woohyun pull her.

"Nam Woohyun,i'm warning you!" Chorong warned.

"You're so light." Woohyun said.

"Yah,teacher will come in here in anytime." Chorong said.

"They will is a free day." Woohyun said.

"Let me go!!!" Chorong shouted.

"Fine." Woohyun let her go.

"You are naughty!!!" Chorong yell.

"Me?" Woohyun get up and go closer to Chorong.

"W-w-what are you doing?" Chorong stuttered.

"You're pretty," Woohyun said.

"Don't do this." Chorong push him.

"Just joking." Woohyun said.

"I want to go now." Chorong open the door.

"I will come with you." Woohyun follow her.



"Aish!" Dongwoo shout.

"Come here...." Namjoo sang.Dongwoo come closer and she flicked his forehead.

"Ouch!" Dongwoo groaned.


"I win!" Dongwoo smiled.

"Please don't too harsh to me." Namjoo said.

"Yeah right.My forehead are reddened now." Dongwoo said."Close your eyes."

"Jebal..." Namjoo whispered.

"Get ready..." Dongwoo said and he tickled her.

"Dongwoo,stop it!" Namjoo laughed.

"No way.." Dongwoo smiled.

"It's tickling!" Namjoo eyes get watery.

"Okay.I'll stop now." Dongwoo said.

"Why you're tickle me?!" Namjoo shout.

"You said I should go easy on you." Dongwoo replied.

"I should get revenge." Namjoo get up.

"Wo,wo,wo..." Dongwoo back off and run.

"Yah!Don't run!" Namjoo chased him.


"Sungyeol.." Sungjong shook his head.

"Come on." Sungyeol pull him."Hi,Yookyung,Hayoung."

"Hi,Sungyeol." Yookyung and Hayoung said.

"Hi,Sungjong." Yookyung greet cheerfully.

"Hi." Sungjong hide behind Sungyeol.

"Can we sit with you?We're so boring now.All of our friends are missing now." Sungyeol said.

"Sure.Our friends too." Yookyung said.

"Hey." Hayoung greet.

"What?" Sungjong asked.

"What's wrong with you?" Hayoung make a weird face.

"I know you will hit me." Sungjong said.

"I didn't do anything!" Hayoung yell.

"You will.I'll watch you." Sungjong said.

"Would you stop it?I'm not in mood to fight with you," Hayoung said.

"Seriously?I didn't know that Sunggyu and Eunji are back together." Yookyung shocked.

"She didn't tell you?" Sungyeol asked.

"No." Yookyung shook her head.

"Maybe she will tell you later." Sungyeol said.

"Don't you call me witch!" Hayoung shout.

"But you're a real witch!" Sungjong teased.

"I'm not!" Hayoung shouted.

"Liar!" Sungjong stuck his tongue out.

"You!" Hayoung chased him.

"Bye,Sungyeol!" Sungjong run.

"They're too violent." Yookyung said.

"I know right." Sungyeol said and stared at her."Your cheeks."

"Why?" Yookyung rubbed her cheeks.

"It's chubby and cute." Sungyeol pinch it.

"You too." Yookyung pinch his cheeks too.

"Cute couple." Minhyun raise his eyebrow.

"Shut up." Sungyeol blushed.


Done!I think this is the longest chapter i ever wrote!

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Chapter 1: I'm glad you always wrote about GyuJi. I really love your works. Especially when there's GyuJi <3 :)
geaseokyu #2
Chapter 21: Awww gyuji couple is so sweet >. <
I like all of them ^^
Chapter 5: To the writer, I really hope that you can ereaser the line that you make. That line make me can't read this story. Thank you.
Chapter 21: i love y0u . , . fanfics . .
but i want myungeun n hoji n w00r00ng more . .
it'll list in my favourite fanfics . . .
daeyoung_homi #5
wah daebak!
I very like your fanfics.
HoMi saranghae
Chapter 21: Throughout the story I really loved HaJong and HoMi <3 And MyungEun and my fav was WooRong! ^^ AWESOME STORY!!!
-SNSD- #7
Chapter 21: ( : Always awesome (:
i really like HOMI couple & im glad you wrote them :)
TiaraPinkFinite2002 #9
Chapter 1: This is the second time I read your story and it is still AWOSME
Sorry for not commenting the first time I read it!^^