Unexpected Relationship

Love Me Too

=Donghae's POV=

  -Hm. Let me introduce myself, My name is Lee Donghae. I'am popular in school, But I don't really like being a popular guy in our school.

I'm just the simple and handsome guy. I encountered a beautiful lady, She is the President of our school. I do have this kind of feelings for her. 

I never wanted to tell anyone, besides I'm the one who doesn't let anyone know what my feelings are even my childhood friend. I'am a nice guy after all.

I will never forget this day, because she was my first kiss. I don't know why I did that to her, Really I can't control myself.

=At Jessica's House=

Donghae: Will she be okay if I leave her sleeping on the floor?

Tiffany: No! She'll catch a cold.

Donghae: Hm, Okay. Then what will I do?

Tiffany: I have to finish some files for her. Will you stay tonight? Her mom is on an outing and her dad is working in their compny. So, it means

you will have to wait until her father comes home.

Donghae: Why would I do that? I'm not her boyfriend.

Tiffany: Do you want me to die? Go help her. It's just an hour.

Donghae: Aiiiisssssh! I really really regret coming with you.

  -Tiffany went home. I will be waiting for Sica's father. Her house is really boring. It's a mansion full of books. She's sleeping on my

shoulder. Is she okay?  I will be sleeping too.... *yawn* Haah. What a day.. I feel tired. Goodnight my princess~

=After an hour, someone slammed the door=

Donghae: *Surprise*  HUH!! What was that?

Jessica: *Wakes Up* Oh!! Appa! Donghae?

Mr. Jung: SICA!! Who is this guy? *angry*

Jessica: Appa! I can explain, his just a friend. *hiccups*

Mr. Jung: Explain? Friend? what? Are you drunk?

Jessica: Appi, No I'm not *smile*

Mr.Jung: Is this guy force you to drink? Aigoo! Yah! Who are you? And why did you let Sica drink?

Donghae: Ah! It wasn't me who did that, It was her friends.

Jessica: They weren't my friends. They are bullies.

Mr.Jung: Someone is bullying you at school? Why didn't you tell me? No more explanations, You are

grounded. No cellphones, computer, no meeting friends including this guy and no more staying late at nighjt. Do you understand?

Jessica: Huh?! Appa! You can't do that! You can't decide for my life!

Mr.Jung: It's final! You don't have to tell me what I will do. And if this guy can't explain well. You will be grounded!!

Jessica: Eh? Appa! Why?

Mr.Jung: You are really a pabo kid. Don't you understand, They will just influence you with that. Drinking and everything~

Jessica: But he wasn't the one who let me drink. It was my friends. FRIENDSSS!! *cried*

Mr.Jung: Whatever. My decisions are final!

 -I don't have something to tell to her dad. But I wanted to tell a lie. I really don't need to tell all the truth that happened lately. So I~

Donghae: Appa!

Jessica: Appa?

Mr.Jung: Who? Me? Don't even call me appa because I'm not your father!

Donghae: I love your daughter please lend me her hand! For I will promise to love her forever!

Mr.Jung: So, The truth is this. You are dating this guy? Is he your boyfriend now?

Donghae: Yes! I waited for you because I wanted to tell you the truth.. I'm sorry, I just saw her drinking

because she was too happy being the president. Don't worry Appa, the liquor is safe for her.Yes, She is definitely okay. Appa you are worrying too much. That's bad for you. You're too old to be angry.

Mr.Jung: Aiisssh! What the? You little kid. Is this why you don't want to tell me the truth it's because you are dating.

Donghae: Yes. So are you okay with it Appa?

Mr.Jung: Well. I've been a bad appa to Sica. But  I know how you love him too. So it's okay.

Jessica: Did we date? When was that?

Donghae: SSSSSSSH! Yes have you not remembered?

Mr.Jung: I know she was just drunk.

Donghae: *laughs* Yeah. Yeah. I will go home now. Bye!~

Mr.Jung: Thank you for taking care of Sica.

Donghae: No problem, Sir.

 -I started to go home. I called Tiffany and told her that Mr.Jung is really a terrible dad.

Tiffany: *answered her phone* Hello?

Donghae: Hey.

Tiffany: Why?

Donghae: Ahm, You know her dad is really scary.

Tiffany: Yes I know that. So, What did you tell him?

Donghae: I told him that Jessica is my girlfriend.

Tiffany: Huh?! You told him that? Uh-oh. Sounds trouble.

Donghae: But. Jessica agree with it. Well, It's just a fake relationship. Will just do it for her dad.

Tiffany: Hm. That's okay. At least Sica's father is okay with you too.

Donghae: Yes, Really happy *smiles*

  - I called Jessica... Just wanted to know if she is okay.

Donghae: Hello.

Jessica: Hi. What is it?

Donghae: Can I ask you something?

Jessica: Yes.

Donghae: Are you okay?

Jessica: Yes. Ahm, Are you free on monday?

Donghae: Me? Yes, Why?

Jessica: Appa was just asking me.

Donghae: Is that so. i'm always free.

Jessica: Haha! Thank You!

Donghae: No problem. It's just for you. Aah. Lately I told your father that you are my girlfriend.

Jessica: *silent*

Donghae: Huh? Jessica still there?

Jessica: Yes. It's okay, I know it's just fake. *laughs* I won't be fooled by it.

Donghae: *Laughs* Thank You. Don't worry I know we are just friends.

Jessica: Yeah. Thank you again. hmm. I have to go appa's calling me.

Donghae: Bye. Take care.

Jessica: Okay. Bye!

   - We end up talking with each other. This is just a fake relationship it would be more better if I will let it official.


=End of Donghae's POV=

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