
Trial and Error

So yeah. As expected of me, the second chapter is um.. late :') But! At least there's a second chapter :D I hope you'll like it and thank you so much for clicking to the next chapter after the first! owo 



Baekhyun doesn’t want to think back, doesn’t want to relive seeing his father’s face, but he can’t help it. It’s so similar to the way Mr. Park looks at him right now. Like he’s the biggest failure in the world. And he is, it’s not a lie, it’s not a mistake. Baekhyun can’t even properly make someone else’s bed, because it’s large and he’s not tall enough. Yet his father could do it – easily, he does everything easily – while they’re similar in height.

His heart is still pounding in his chest because he was grabbed so roughly and made to fall backwards on the bed. It’s better than falling on the floor, which would have happened had Mr. Park not stepped in… but that’s precisely the point. Baekhyun can’t do anything without someone else stepping in and saving his .

When he came back from butler school, because he didn’t fit in and he couldn’t properly focus to get the simplest of tasks done, his father was there to save him. Not in the loving kind of way that Baekhyun wished for, but by providing a roof over his head and food on his plate every night. Baekho was furious – and no doubt still is. Not because he doesn’t love his son, but because he loves his son. Him and his late wife tried everything, but Baekhyun… never seemed to find his way. So maybe, his father thought, maybe if he just dropped him off at Park’s house, told him that he had to get this right, this time, maybe Baekhyun would feel the push to do something.

The old man probably didn’t think about a few obvious consequences.

“I’m sorry,” Baekhyun says eventually, scrambling up from the bed. “I don’t know what my dad was thinking but obviously I can’t do it,” he continues, making sure to keep his eyes trained on the door, but realizes the duvet and pillows are all on the floor. He made such a terrible mess, he can’t just escape like that.

Because Mr. Park doesn’t respond right away, Baekhyun gathers his unease to quickly stuff the pillows inside their fresh cases and, with more aggression than he would have liked, flings the duvet back on the bed.

“I’m sorry I caused trouble,” he tells the taller man and then finally decides to look him in the eyes again. He can’t read Mr. Park very well, but at least he doesn’t show that disappointed, angry look anymore.

“What’s your name?” he asks instead and Baekhyun blanks, drawing a sudden smile from Mr. Park. “You didn’t seem to like honey very much,” he jokes and abashedly, Baekhyun laughs.




It’s a sweet sound, Chanyeol decides. The blond before him finally looks to calm down a bit and that slight bit of stress sliding of his face, helps clear it up instantly. Chanyeol isn’t mad anymore – and really, how could he be? This isn’t his doing, but that pig from work, screwing up all his chances at a healthy business relationship with Mr. Zhang.

“Baekhyun,” the guy introduces himself and although Chanyeol nods in acknowledgement – familiarity? –, he also sees the young man revert back into himself. Now that he thinks about it, those baggy clothes suit him to a t – if only because they hide him completely. Baekhyun doesn’t seem to want to be seen, he’s reserved, maybe a little shy. And judging from his mumbling earlier, Chanyeol can only believe he’s insecure. Sure enough, Baekhyun verifies. “I’m not good at this, I shouldn’t even be here,” he tells Chanyeol and the businessman finally asks that question he should have asked before letting a stranger look around his house.

“Then how come you’re here?” he asks and although he has every right to know, Baekhyun seems reluctant to tell him. Fiddling with his fingers, smiling nervously and trying to look away. “Why did Baekho send you as his replacement?” he pries, sitting down calmly on the poorly made bed and as soon as the name of his head butler rolls off his lips, he hears the similarity.

“He’s my dad. He thought this would push me to do the best I can, because I at everything. Again I’m sorry for intruding, I didn’t mean to cause you trouble.” The insecure, self-loathing words leave Chanyeol silent for a while. And he’d frown, because who talks about themselves in this manner? The man seems to be in his mid-twenties, he’s not a rebelling, anxious teen anymore. And while Chanyeol thinks, Baekhyun is on his way out, head hung low.

“Nobody at everything,” he says, voice coming out a bit rougher than he wanted it to, but he can’t help it. He hears Baekhyun mumble that he does, but he doesn’t reply to that. “What are you going to do now?” Baekhyun only stops shortly to reply, turning his head, but never quite looking Chanyeol in the face.

“I don’t know.”


Chanyeol doesn’t sleep well that night. Too many problems piling up and additionally, a man showing up at his place, inadequate, but somehow difficult to let go. And Chanyeol knows he’s seen him before, knows he’s heard that name before… and that’s maybe not surprising, considering he’s the son of a man who’s been in his life more than Chanyeol’s own father has been.




Of course Minseok has taken care of Baekhyun before and it wasn’t a problem then. Now… it’s a bit different and he hates that. Not just because he can’t invite the younger man into his apartment like he used to, but because his entire marriage is at risk at the moment. A two-year-old screaming in the background and a grumpy wife on her way to the boy’s room – Minseok isn’t in a good place right now.

“I’m sorry Baek…” he says, apologetically and he sounds tired. He dreads the moment Chaeyeong will come back into the living room and somehow make this his fault again… He needs to make the phone-call quick if he doesn’t want Baekhyun to know all that’s actually going on here. “I’ve got a friend, he might have a room to spare,” he says, a bit in a rush when he hears the screaming turn into a wailing sob and a few frustrated words from Chaeyeong sound shortly after. He really doesn’t have much time. Before Baekhyun can say anything to it, he adds, “I’ll text you his number, I’m in a hurry.”

Minseok!” his wife yells and Minseok sighs when he gets up, searching through his contacts until he finds Sehun’s name. Then he copies the number and sends it to Baekhyun.

“Coming, sweetheart.” Dejected, maybe sarcastic, but sad most of all.



I'm so sorry for the incredibly short chapter after such a long wait >< :c I just didn't want to make you wait even longer, because I'm going on a two-week holiday ^^ I hope you enjoyed it, even a little ^^' 

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18 streak #1
Chapter 2: Ohmygosh (/⊙o⊙\) I don't know how I missed this when you posted it! I'm so sorry!!

I feel so so bad for Baekhyun (╥.╥) feeling like a disappointment is the worst!! I hope Chanyeol doesn't let him leave (⌒ヮ⌒;)
Beau1996 1373 streak #2
Chapter 2: I like the set up so far - butler school a real thing?? Can't wait for next chapter ☺️
sara_gg_xol #3
Chapter 2: hi and thanks for the update. baekhyun's insecurities and how he thinks he can't do anything right is a awful feeling and is so harsh making breathing hard sometimes. I hope he find himself and his own value and ability.
this story is going to an interesting direction. chanyeol is thinking about baekhyun and I hope he will become a source of good change in baekhyun's life. hopefully the problematic intern in chanyeol's company who caused trouble isn't baekhyun, if he perhaps worked there previously. it would be oh, so bad :D
minseok and sehun coming to story is going to make it more interesting and I can't wait to read more.
thanks for the new chapter and wish you all the best.
take care <3<3<3
Aishafatma0909 #4
Will be looking forward for u to continue this. It's interesting so far
Chapter 1: Looking forward to the next chapter
sara_gg_xol #6
Chapter 1: Hi. Chanyeol seems to be a fun character, with a teasing personality and smirk. I liked he called Baekhyun honey without even knowing what he was doing there... It's weird but funny. And Baekhyun is clumsy and pretty and adorable. His smiling and asking where your things are was so funny but so unprofessional. Doest Chanyeol's head butler hired Baek as his replacement?!! Baek doesn't know his way around but chanbaek interactions will be fun and intense... Can't wait.
All the best
18 streak #7
Chapter 1: Ohmygosh \(♥ヮ♥)/ I love it already!!! Your writing is so good! It's like you didn't take a break at all (O.o)

I love Chanyeol calling Baekhyun honey ヽ(*⌒∇⌒*)ノ It's cute!

And I can't wait to see how Baekhyun responds to Chanyeol yelling at him (´・_・`;) poor baby!
Sehunieemaknae94 #8
Looking forward to your story....
OMG hi welcome back!!!! I can't wait for you to post this story, it sounds amazing ?
18 streak #10
Oooo (O.O) Chanyeol seems so complex and interesting! And your descriptions and world building!! (╥.╥)-❤ Sooooo good!!! I can't wait to see where this goes *super duper excited*