See you pt 2

Collection of JenSoo Short Stories

Hello! Medical AU pt 2 is ready (p.s. next one is the last part)! Happy Sundy and enjoy~


Jennie pokes her food, trying her best to keep to her promise to Jisoo. However, her mind is only filled with the diagnosis.

What is she going to do from now on? Is she going to see again? Is she going to die soon?

These thoughts keep torturing her. She is scared, scared for her life. She drops the fork onto the tray, hitting her head with her own hands in frustration, hoping that she would wake up from this supposed nightmare. Realising that she will never wake up from this nightmare, she lies down on her bed, devastated and crushed.

Amidst the thoughts of negativity and uncertainty, she remembers what Jisoo said.

 "At least you are brave enough."

This prompts Jennie to sit up and think about the time she was brave. She was really brave back in the days. She was brave enough to live abroad on her own without her parents at a young age. She was brave enough to live in the moment and spontaneity. She is brave enough to pursue her dreams. Why can't she be brave now? It's how ironic that she doesn't even that little ounce of braveness she had to fight the tumour.

Maybe, food would give her some energy and she hopes to become braver, to be as brave as Jisoo thought she is. She sighs before feeling for the fork and forcing herself to take a spoonful of food.


It has been a week since Jisoo's internal medicine rotation. Truth to be told, she hasn't been enjoying it. Going through the same routine, cases and patients. It has been mundane so far unlike Chaeyoung's exhilarating experience in general surgery. She wishes to be in Chaeyoung's position. On the bright side, at least Jennie has been her reason for continuing this medical journey. She swears that she would quit her medical career at this rate if it isn't for Jennie.

"Alright, we are done for the morning, go have your lunch. We will meet at the meeting room later," says Dr Gong as she dismisses the interns for a lunch break after a long session of case studies. While the interns were busy chattering away after thanking Dr Gong for the session, Jisoo mumbles a quick thanks before heading out of the conference room. She heads towards the locker room immediately to get her lunch box before proceeding to a certain patient's room.


"Hey there."

Jennie, who is sketching on a piece of paper, turns toward the source of the voice. Noticing a familiar blurry shadow figure by the door, she waves at her visitor, saying, "Jisoo, you are here."

Smiling at the sight that greets her, Jisoo closes the door gently behind her before walking towards Jennie, taking a seat next to the other girl. She sees Jennie blushing while pulling her sketchbook towards herself. She asks, "what are you working on?"

Jennie, who clearly doesn't want Jisoo to see her work quickly rambles a quick response, "oh nothing, just warming up to drawing again. Sketching something that came to mind."

Understanding that the other is not comfortable sharing, Jisoo is still glad that the other is coming to terms with the bad news earlier. She smiles while telling the other, "that's a good start. But I am hungry. Let's eat!"

Jisoo moves the lunch tray that is on the side table onto the overbed table. She opens the lid and sets the utensils before guiding Jennie to them. After making sure that Jennie is eating comfortably, she begins to have her meal too. While eating, Jisoo shares almost half of her kimbap lunch with Jennie. She takes each piece putting it in front of Jennie's mouth telling the other to take a bite. Jennie complies, eyes almost light up at the taste.

"Wow, this kimbap is good!"

"My mom made this."

"She's a great cook."

"She is. Tell me your favourite food. I will ask her to make them for us."

Although they have known each other for a week, Jisoo still doesn't know Jennie well. She is rather curious about everything that concerns Jennie and wants to know her genuinely. She also realises that she hasn't really seen or heard anyone else visit Jennie. Finding it weird, she asks carefully and also with some hesitation, "I haven't seen your family members around. Do they know that you are here?"

Jennie shakes her head before responding, "I am an only child. My parents... they are living in another city. I... I don't want to worry them. We call all the time but I usually tell them that I am still, you know, living life as before."

The doctor frowns. However, she understands where Jennie is coming from. The young girl obviously doesn't want to worry her parents but Jisoo still strongly believes that the girl needs a support system to rely on, especially during the initial phase. She continues the conversation, "how about friends? You would need some support, it is tough going through this alone."

Again, the young patient shares with her doctor willing although she wouldn't be open to sharing in normal circumstances. She can tell that Jisoo genuinely cares for her and that she trusts the other. She naturally shares everything with the other openly, "I have been living abroad since I was young. I only came back two years ago. Also, I tend to work alone, I haven't meet any friends here."

Feeling touched at their relationship, Jisoo tells the other, "don't worry, I am your friend. Feel free to share with me your problems. I am here to listen. But promise me that you will at least inform your parents when you are ready, alright? Don't worry them even further."

Feeling touched by Jisoo's words and gestures, Jennie hugs Jisoo tightly, almost sobbing onto the doctor's right shoulder. Jisoo, who is slightly shocked by the sudden hug, nonetheless returns the hug while patting the younger's back. She tells the other, "we will take it slowly, one at a time and only when you are comfortable."

Jennie, who is feeling better after the hug and heart-to-heart talk, quickly releases the hug and sits up straight before mumbling a small apology. She then tries to wipe the tears on Jisoo's right shoulder.

"Don't worry. It will dry up in no time. Come to think of it, your cheeks are so full and fluffy, like mandu. I like mandu," says Jisoo in a cheery tone before assaulting Jennie's cheeks by pulling on them.

On the other hand, the younger girl tries to push the doctor's hands off her cheeks before telling the other frankly, "you are a weird doctor, Dr Kim!"

In response, the older replies with boisterous laughter, "oh, drop the formality, Miss Kim, we are way past that."


Now that it has been a month since Jisoo's internal medicine rotation, she finds that things are getting a little more interesting. She has been making the effort to change her mindset and has been actively discussing her thoughts with Chaeyoung since the other is also passionate about internal medicine. She has also dug out her textbook from medical school and begin to immerse herself into the content of the book to refresh on the concepts again. She begins to reconcile her love for medicine again, the field that encourages constant learning and improvement.

After her day-long shift, she heads to her favourite place, Jennie's ward.

"You look better today, more colour on your cheeks," comments Jisoo as soon as she enters after a few knocks. As usual, she sees Jennie sketching on her sketchbook. Her heart skips a beat at the beautiful sight, how Jennie is so focused on her craft. She sees the patient putting down her pencil before turning her body to face her with a huge grin.

"You are here," says the younger, welcoming her. Jennie then continues, "I am getting used to everything already."

The doctor walks towards the patient. Once she is in front of Jennie, she gives a pat on the younger's head, a pat that is no longer awkward and more natural after spending so much time together. She then takes a seat next to the other before returning the same smile, saying, "that's great."

She is glad that Jennie is alright and that Jennie no longer has a forced smile on her face. It has been awful seeing Jennie struggle with her treatments and the treatments were so harsh and intense that the other often look terrible and she has also witnessed a couple times of severe side effects that came from the treatments that were supposed to heal her. It has been a month but her vision is just like before, with no improvement. At least Jennie's eyesight isn't deteriorating as well.

Jisoo must have been lost in her thoughts for some time that she feels Jennie's gaze on her and also hearing the younger says, "you have been visiting a lot, Jisoo."

This comment suddenly makes her feel self-conscious. She begins to think, "have I been visiting too frequently?"

She then reasons with herself that she just wanted to spend time with Jennie and that the younger hasn't been complaining. Realising that she has indeed been visiting the other for far too much to use the friend card, she concedes to defeat, saying with awkward laughter at the end, "I should probably cut down on my visits."

"Don't," Jennie replies almost immediately at Jisoo's response and that catches the doctor off guard. Jisoo can't believe what she has heard. She asks, "I'm sorry?"

She sees the same blush that she has seen weeks ago and notice how the younger takes a deep breath before saying, "I enjoy your company." Soon, Jisoo feels Jennie's hands on her own, and that the younger is holding onto them so tightly that she almost can't control how hard her heart is beating.

Jennie says, "to be honest, I have thought about it. I am ready."

Jisoo doesn't understand what Jennie means, then clarifies, "ready?"

"To tell my parents about it," replies the younger and she lets go of Jisoo's hands before reaching out to the side table to feel her phone. She presses on her mom's number that is saved on speed dial. While waiting for the call, she takes a few deep breaths to calm herself before reality strikes.

Jisoo, who has stopped feeling disappointed and realised what happened after Jennie had let go of her hand quickly moved closer to the young girl. She sits next to Jennie on the bed, left-hand side hugging the other to give the support that she needs. Hearing the beep sound signalling that the call has gone through, she gives Jennie a reassuring squeeze on her left elbow.

"Hi Omma," says Jennie, trying to sound positive but the squeak at the end has betrayed her. Although Jennie wants to break the bad news immediately, she begins to sidetrack and asks her mother without choking on her words, "how have you been, Omma?"

Hearing her mother's weary voice as a result of ageing and hard work, she tries her best to break the most important message "I...", she then tries again but tears start to form, "I... I am in the hospital. I have been diagnosed with cancer."

Jennie hears silence and she can't do it anymore. She quickly tells her location before hanging up the call, "Seoul Medical Hospital, ward 10, bed 01. I'm sorry, Omma."

After hanging up the call, Jennie burst into tears almost immediately and leans onto Jisoo hoping to gain strength from the other. Jisoo, on the other hand, aches at the sight but tries her best to be strong for Jennie. She pats on the younger's head trying to soothe the other. She encourages the other with light kisses on the side of the younger girl's head, saying, "it was difficult but you've done it."

Realising what she has done, Jisoo doesn't care anymore and decides to do whatever she deems is appropriate just to make Jennie feel better. She pulls Jennie closer into her embrace, whispering encouraging messages and giving the other some peace after the girl has calmed down.

After a few moments, Jennie receives a text, asking Jisoo to read it for her.

"It is your mom. She said that she is coming over to Seoul now," says Jisoo as she reads the message. Knowing that she can't leave the other alone, she tells Jennie, "I will stay here until they come."

Even though Jennie doesn't want to bother Jisoo, she feels as though she needs the older one there. Instead of pushing Jisoo away, she agrees, telling the other, "thank you." Jennie then leans onto Jisoo's shoulder while holding onto the doctor's warm hands. For Jisoo, it feels so right with how their hands fit perfectly with each other although she clearly knows that it is a huge mistake but she doesn't care. They continue to remain in the position until Jennie's parents arrive.


After many hours, Jennie's parents arrive and rushes into Jennie's private ward to be by their daughter's side. Given how frantic they've barged their way into the ward, this gives Jisoo and Jennie more than enough time to let go of their hands and assume a more appropriate position. Jennie lies down on her bed while Jisoo jumps onto the chair next to the bed, pulling out a random medical book from her bag.

The first thing that Jennie's parents do as soon as they enter is to hug Jennie tightly and tell her how much they love her. They didn't reprimand her for keeping her condition given how they insist on Jennie to be independent as a young child. No wonder the other manages to keep her condition from them for God knows how long.

Knowing that Jisoo is still in the ward, Jennie decides to introduce her to them as one of her physicians in charge although she knows how she feels for Jisoo current exceeds beyond patient-doctor relationship.

 "Appa, Omma, Dr Kim is here, she is the medical intern in charge of my case."

Jisoo gives the older Kims a formal bow before informing them of Jennie's condition. Although it was hard to do it especially for a patient that is close and dear to her heart, she manages to give a detailed and clear explanation, omitting the professional judgement, which she will leave to Dr Lee, who has the clearest picture of Jennie's case. After making sure that Jennie's parents are aware of their daughter's condition and that they do not have any more questions, she excuses herself politely so that the family can catch up and spend more quality time together.

While heading off towards the exit, Jisoo hears Mrs Kim calls out for her. She stops to turn, tending to Jennie's mother.

"My daughter... is the treatment going to work?"

"We are still in the initial phases so we can't give a definitive answer but Dr Lee will be in tomorrow morning. She will be able to give you a more detailed explanation of Jennie's condition and treatment process and progress," says Jisoo professionally. Afterwards, giving a deep bow as an apology. Given that she is a junior doctor, there are some things that she can't say with certainty. Although there isn't anything she can do, this makes her mad and wishes that she can be a little more competent.

Jennie's mother gives her a pat on the shoulder after Jisoo gets up from the bow, saying, "I understand. Thank you, Dr Kim, for taking good care of Jennie."

"This is our job, Mrs Kim. Goodnight."


The next day, Jisoo walks past the ward before rounds and is heartened by the sight. Jennie's parents are sleeping by the girl's side. Finally, Jennie has the support that she needs. It is also a touching sight to see the family reunite, fighting for a common cause. She brings this positive energy with her throughout the entire day. While at the nurses' station to wait for rounds to start, it is obvious that she is in a really good mood while working on the paperwork that the head nurse comments that she is no longer looking so serious.

"Who isn't looking so serious?" asks Dr Lee, who reports for work with a cup of coffee in one hand and a briefcase on the other.

"Dr Kim is looking so positive today," comments the head nurse. She passes the file to the senior consultant.

"Oh, why is that so?" asks Dr Lee as she looks into Jisoo's eyes. Jisoo shakes her head then changes the topic, "Dr Lee, Jennie Kim's parents are here."

"Thank you, Dr Kim, I will meet the patient's parents later."

Jisoo has been working all day and hasn't spent much alone time with Jennie since her parents have been by the younger's side all the time. She definitely misses Jennie. She decides to see Jennie for the last time of the day before heading home. Upon reaching just right outside of the ward, she notices that the girl is alone and decides to quickly enter to have a quick chat.

"Hey there," she greets her favourite patient with obvious enthusiasm that cannot be missed by Jennie herself. This leads to Jennie greeting her with an obvious tease undertone, "Jisoo, you are here." Then, a sincere bright gummy smile is flashed at her and this makes Jisoo fall the other even harder, day by day.

To distract herself from these inappropriate thoughts and feelings that start to manifest within her, she asks, "where are your parents?"

In response to that, Jennie says, "oh, they left to rearrange some work matters but they will be back tomorrow."

Jisoo is glad that she can change her plans and accompany the girl a little longer. Some silence has engulfed them but she breaks them, asking, "how have you been?"

Jennie says truthfully, "I am feeling so much better. I did feel bad hearing them cry, especially my Appa."

Jisoo reaches out, cupping Jennie's right cheek, her thumb caressing on the spot lightly saying, "you don't have to feel bad. Nobody wanted this to happen. It just happens and no one is to be blamed for it."


Feeling touched by her words, Jennie then continues, "can I touch your face?"

With such a random request, Jisoo gives a laugh before letting go of Jennie's cheeks. She sits on the bed, moving closer towards the other then places the younger's two hands such that the small and soft hands are cupping her cheeks. Jennie slowly and lightly touches Jisoo's cheeks, ears and jaws. She then lets go of them before patting lightly in an upward direction. She first traces along the forehead, then the eyebrows and slowly patted Jisoo's closed eyes. Next, feeling the tall and seemingly perfect nose bridge. Lastly, her lips. Jennie first pats on them lightly before tracing them along the outline.

"Although I can't really see well, you are just as beautiful as what I have imagined. You have a really small face, a defined nose, sharp and tall. Your lips, they are like..." says Jennie then she stumbles to find the right word to describe Jisoo's perfect pairs of lips.

"Heart-shaped?" asks Jisoo, completing Jennie's sentence for her. She has heard of this many times however when Jennie says it, "they are heart-shaped," it made her feel differently as if it is the first time someone has told her and complimented the unique feature of her pair of lips. As usual, Jisoo breaks the seemingly "romantic" atmosphere by saying, "I get that a lot. Even a plastic surgeon mentioned it openly in class."

Soon, Jisoo feels a pair of lips against her and she likes it. Registering what has happened, she has zero intention of pushing Jennie away and gladly immerse herself into this hot passionate mess called love, not caring of its consequences.

"Not happy that someone talk about my lips?" asked Jisoo after they break the kiss just to gasp for some air. Jennie becomes all flustered and shyly hits the doctor's chest, albeit a little too hard. Jisoo laughs at the cute side, then abruptly confesses, "be mine?"

Soon, her favourite pairs of lips meet her pair of heart-shaped lips. They lock lips, perfectly moulding and moving in sync and enjoying the quiet moment that they have.


Jennie's medical team, Dr Lee, Dr Gong and Jisoo, are at Jennie's ward to give an update to the parents. Dr Lee is breaking bad news and there are obvious changes in the parents and Jennie's faces although the young patient tries hard to conceal it.

Jennie has been experiencing severe side effects one month into aggressive treatment. She would throw up after each chemotherapy and experience major headaches after radiation therapy. She has completely lost appetite and would feel nauseated when she smells food. However, with each treatment, there is no improvement in her condition. Jennie's parents are heartbroken at the sight. Jisoo, included, feels really terrible to see Jennie go through everything.

"Doctor, what is going on? My daughter is suffering from these terrible side effects and now you are telling me that the tumour isn't shrinking?" asks Mr Kim, almost shouting at the consultant after the terrible news. Mrs Kim holds onto her husband's right arm, trying to soothe the other by holding onto his hand.

"The treatment is rather aggressive but at least the tumour hasn't grown in size," Dr Lee reassures the parents but Mr Kim isn't buying the justification and is rather sceptical of the doctor's competence.

"Doctor, we all want the tumour to disappear. We don't want it to stick around. If this hospital can't help our daughter, I would rather find a better option than torture our daughter!"

Dr Lee keeps her cool before providing an alternative for the Kims, "Mr Kim, I understand how you feel. Miss Kim is a strong girl. We do not want her to go through any pain. I can refer you to my mentor, Dr Park, at 21NE Medical Centre but it is based in the States. I will pass some relevant information to you later in the afternoon and arrange a teleconference for you to meet her. If the discussion with Dr Park is favourable, we can arrange for Miss Kim to be transferred there for treatment as soon as possible. Still, the radiation therapy and chemotherapy cannot stop at the moment."

"Jennie, we are sorry for the pain that you are going through but you have been really strong in your fight." Dr Lee continues, putting her hand on Jennie's shoulder before concluding the consultation. After the consultation, the doctors leave the room. Jisoo, who is the last to leave, turns around with her gaze lingering on Jennie for a moment longer before exiting. Something is telling her that her time with Jennie left will be shortened.


After what seems like an eternity (hearing that her parents are keen to have her seek treatment abroad), Jennie hears the voice of someone she misses terribly. Upon hearing Jisoo's voice, she gets up on her bed almost instantly, sitting up to greet the other almost too cheerfully for her current situation.

"You look cheery for once."

She hears Jisoo say sincerely and within seconds, she feels the bed dip a little and sees a shadow next to her. She wraps her arms around Jisoo, leaning against the other's arm, telling Jisoo how much she misses her, "I miss you."

Jisoo mumbles a soft but sincere, "I miss you too." But then she speaks up right after, "regarding what Dr Lee had said, are you all planning to move to the States for treatment?"

There is an evident hint of sadness while she was asking although she had tried her very best to practice in the bathroom earlier. Moreover, the sadness doesn't go unnoticed by Jennie. Jisoo continues, even though her heart has betrayed her, "actually, it's good for you to go there. Their technology and expertise are definitely better than what we have here. You will recover even faster."

Jennie stays silent. Half of her wishes to lie but the other half is nudging her to be honest. Even if she tries to convince her parents that she doesn't want to receive treatment abroad, her parents would eventually force her and she has to leave the hospital and Jisoo.

"My parents... they talked to Dr Park and they are keen to send me there. They are looking at the end of the month but I am not sure how's their talk with Dr Lee so far."

"That's great," Jisoo sounded almost too forced. She looks at her watch. Just three more weeks.


Given that there isn't much Jisoo can do to help Jennie since mutual agreement among Dr Park, Dr Lee and Jennie's parents have led to the decision to seek treatment abroad is final, all she can do is to ensure the proper transition. She is currently in the office collating all the labs, imaging results and treatments into proper documentation so that Dr Park's team would be able to understand Jennie's case better. While working on the paperwork, she goes through the document again, checking each data and information to ensure that nothing is missing or wrongly transcribed. She is also hoping to spot any loopholes in Jennie's condition or their treatment to improve their clinical care before Jennie's discharge and departure. While busying away for hours, it is already well into the night that she decides to take a break and eventually her workday.

Looking at how late she has been working, she decides to head to Jennie's ward to check on the other, just for a while. She hopes that Jennie is asleep by this time. Looking through the two-way glass window, Jennie isn't sleeping but drawing. Curious as to what the girl is up to late at night, instead of knocking on the door, she quietly opens the door and enters as quietly as possible too. She walks to the patient's bed on tiptoes then taking a glimpse at what the other is drawing from a comfortable distance afar. Forgetting that she was trying to be discrete, she asks, "Hey, have you been drawing me?"

Jennie almost got the shock of her life, pulling the drawing immediately after recognising the voice, not minding that Jisoo came in without notice. She exclaims, "gosh, Jisoo! You've scared me!"

"Sorry about that, it was my fault. I didn't knock on the door," says Jisoo, embarrassed of her actions. "You know, it is a great drawing. May I take a look?" the doctor asks.

"It isn't done yet..." says Jennie unwillingly but willingly pulls the drawing out from under the table to show Jisoo. Jisoo gasps at how beautiful the drawing is and says, "it's perfect, gosh. It looks like me, 100%. Are you planning to give it to me or is that for your safekeeping?"

"Both, I planned to keep a digital copy and give you this," Jennie replies, then continue to work on it openly since Jisoo has already seen it. There is no point hiding it anymore.

At this moment, both of them know that time is running out. Jisoo decides that she is ready to confess her heart.


"Yes, Jisoo?"

Jisoo fidgets at her position, seemingly to have lost her usual calm composure. She then starts off with a stutter but every word that rolls off afterwards come out natural, even without practice.

"I... I know this is long overdue but I like you a lot. I don't care if I am a doctor or that you are a patient. I just know that I like you as a person. I really hope that you would go out with me."

Hearing no response, she continues, "I know that it is abrupt but that kiss, it meant something right?"

Again, Jisoo is hopeful but what comes as a response isn't what she is expecting, "Jisoo, I like you too, but I am a cancer patient. I may not live long enough to get through this."

She brings herself next to Jennie, putting her arm over the other to pull the younger into a side hug. That also comes naturally for them. Jennie leans against her, listening to Jisoo's heart beating and whatever she is going to say, "cancer doesn't define you, Jennie. I like you for who you are. All I see is an amazing girl that is so beautiful, so kind-hearted, so brave and mature. You stole my heart from day one. Not asking you to return my heart but since it is mutual, let's give this a try?"

Jennie thinks for a moment before nodding. Jisoo smiles, coming closer, giving a peck on the forehead before kissing Jennie on the lips.


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wywhere #1
Jensoo4everlove #2
Chapter 17: awww this was so sweet
1123 streak #3
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1123 streak #6
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that was so adorable 😖🥺 thank you 🥰 how about like a 2nd shot for this? 😬
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