
Collection of JenSoo Short Stories

A/N: Hello! An update with a short one-shot fluff, college AU (fashion design major, Jennie and computer science major, Jisoo). Got a little inspired by the kdrama, Start-up, while I was working on the draft. Also, I had this as a draft for quite some time so I wanted to finish this up. Ok, enough said, enjoy!


Jennie is fortunate to have found love at college after being invited to watch a gaming competition. She met her girlfriend, Jisoo, at the gaming competition. Jisoo is a computer science senior and is a dorm mate and close friend of her best friend's girlfriend, Lisa. It was Lisa who invited her best friend, Chaeyoung, and her to the gaming competition to support the senior. Jennie was reluctant to go at first. She doesn't have much interest in gaming, but Chaeyoung managed to convince her to support Jisoo with the reason of meeting new friends. The fashion design major finally agreed. Although watching the competition didn't change her perception of gaming as she was bored out of her wits, watching Jisoo play had actually changed her mind about gaming competitions. The way the computer science major concentrated, moved her fingers on the keyboard and the smirk whenever she finds the blindspot of her opponent was a little too y for Jennie. Jennie likes y people. Period.

Although Jisoo isn't like what Jennie expects to be, the y and pretty goddess that she met at the gaming competition, the senior is a stereotypical computer science major and a super geek. Fast forward to the present moment, somehow, they still managed to get together, which make Chaeyoung and Lisa how they even get together as well. The JenSoo couple is happy together but sometimes, Jennie finds that Jisoo can be a little too clueless at times. Alright, maybe Jennie may have underplay that. A little too clueless may be an understatement.


Jennie comes back home after a date with Jisoo and is looking rather disappointed much to Chaeyeoung's liking since it is the former's birthday. She asks her roommate, "What got the birthday girl upset, unnie?"

"Guess what Jisoo had gotten me for my birthday?" says Jennie, after giving a long sigh as she plonks herself down onto the couch.

"Flowers?" Chaeyoung guesses but receives a shake of the head from Jennie. She tries again, "chocolates?"

In response to that, she gets another shake of the head.

"Oh my, is it a ring?" asks Chaeyoung, this time with twinkling eyes and Jennie swears that her best friend can be dense at times given how smart the law student is.

Jennie pulls out a 1 terabyte hard drive from the gift box and all Chaeyoung can do is to laugh. She catches her breath after the laughing fit, telling Jennie genuinely, "Jisoo unnie is so thoughtful. You would need to backup all your work in a safe storage space with the insane amount of coursework that you have."

Jennie hits her head onto the back of the couch a few times in frustration before lamenting to the other, "remind me how I got together with Jisoo unnie. At least Lisa is really sweet to you. She gets you your favourite items on your birthday."

"Jisoo unnie isn't that bad. She's just a little more practical," Chaeyoung cheers her bestie up as she looks at the hard drive from different angles.

"Let's switch partners," the slightly older one turns around, throwing a playful smirk to the other.

Chaeyoung scrunches up her nose, feeling slightly offended and becomes all protective over her girlfriend, "Lisa is mine."

"I know, I was just joking. Jisoo unnie is mine too."

The two of them laugh at their harmless joke and continues the night by catching up with one another and gossiping like typical college girls.


Jisoo is typing away, trying to update her game software after a complaint of some bugging issues. While working hard away, she hears footsteps and soon her best friend's voice that chimes in a sing-song voice, "A little bird told me that you gifted Jennie unnie a 1 terabyte hard drive on her birthday."

Lisa tries her best to hold back her laughter as she sits on the desk, looking at Jisoo while wiggling one of her brows.

"Yea?" Jisoo replies and gives a nod as she goes back to coding on her laptop.

"Unnie," Lisa calls out to catch Jisoo's attention.

"What?" The said girl looks up, making sure that her work is saved after closing her laptop.

Lisa puts her hands on Jisoo's shoulder before giving her a huge hint, "gosh, you should be a little more romantic."

Jisoo clearly doesn't get it, replying, "I think I am at least romantic. I remembered her birthday and got her a gift and bought her dinner. I am planning to celebrate our monthsary, which is exactly 16 days later."

"Unnie, pay attention to her likes and dislikes. Do something that makes her really happy," The taller Thai girl decides to explicitly tell her what she should do for Jennie.

"I will try," replies Jisoo, opening her laptop again, ready to continue her work after the conversation with Lisa.

Lisa frowns, pulling the laptop away from Jisoo before telling the other, "come on, let's head to the playroom. I wanna play pool. Stop typing anymore, this is giving me a headache."

"Says the one who is pestering me to update the game," the older teases before taking the laptop back to put it into her bag before heading to the playroom down the corridor.

- Pool -

"So, what do you usually get for Chaeyoung?" asks Jisoo, leaning over the pool stick, ready to shoot the next goal. The white ball hits against the side of a border and is reflected, hitting a black ball that falls into the pocket. Lisa claps at the wonderful shot. She then replies, "things that she likes."

"Which is?" asks Jisoo, this time aiming for an easy goal.


Jisoo frowns at the response then replies, "there is no use for it." She then continues to aim for easy goals as she thinks about what she should get for Jennie.

Lisa continues the next item on her list, "couple item."

"I don't see a need for it. She is clearly yours."

Again, Jisoo continues playing after she responding to Lisa. The taller girl takes a deep breath before continuing her list, even though she knows that it would be rebutted again.


"A few bites and they are gone."


"You can just use the same effort into writing by saying it out. Besides, there are lesser steps. Saying it is definitely a more efficient task."

Jisoo misses a goal, frowns at how bad she is playing today. She then hands the game over to Lisa.

"Seriously, you should stop debunking whatever I said." Lisa sighs before continuing, "you know software developer Jisoo is not the same as the real Jisoo."

"What are you talking about? I am real!" Jisoo pulls her flesh to indicate that she is the one and only Kim Jisoo and that she is real, whether she is the software developer Jisoo or the 21-year-old Kim Jisoo.

"How does Jennie unnie have the patience to deal with you?" questions Lisa, then aiming for the purple ball that Jisoo missed, scoring a goal.


It is finally the long-awaited lunchtime. Jennie puts down her drawing pen before stretching lightly by raising her arms and twisting her waist left and right slightly. She has worked on her coursework for the entire morning. Knowing that she has already spent hours in the workshop, she picks up her phone to catch up on some social life. As soon as she turns on her phone, she notices a particular message, smiling at it as she clicks on it. After being brought to the KKT application page, she clicks on the play button of the audio clip, hearing the voice that she has been missing for the entire morning.

"I am boarding the bus to your department. Will be at the cafeteria in 10." She hears Jisoo's deep and charming voice through the speaker. She looks at the time and sees that it is almost about time that Jisoo will be at the cafeteria. She gives a quick reply, packing her bag in lighting speed before rushing to the said place.

- Cafeteria -

Noticing a certain brunette out of the sea of people, she tiptoes to the other before covering the older's eyes, whispering into her right ear, "guess who?"

"It's my Jenduekie, of course."

Jennie melts at the response. She is then offered to sit down by the older. Instead of getting food, Jennie leans over and says excitedly, "so, it is our monthsary in a week. Do you have anything planned?"

"Of course. The entire plan is in my head. I've got this," replies Jisoo, tapping on the side of her forehead. In fact, she hasn't but is still confident in pulling something off that is "Jennie-worthy" as quoted by Lisa. After the short discussion, they head off to purchase their food.

While eating, Jennie is on her phone playing a video that she had seen on Instagram yesterday. She holds her phone up, showing the video clip to Jisoo. It is a video of her favourite celebrity proposing to his partner.

"It's cute right?" asks Jennie, feeling slightly envious and wishes that Jisoo could at least get the clue. Jisoo frowns at how elaborate it is, replying, "I guess so?" With such a response, she earns an unfavourable expression from Jennie that makes her quickly take back her words, flashing her brightest smile ever, while exclaiming, "yes, so cute!"

Jisoo knows that this will be the hardest code she has to decode ever.


After having lunch with Jennie, Jisoo walks Jennie back to her workshop. Afterwards, she heads back to her dorm as she doesn't have any classes scheduled after lunch. As she enters the dorm, she is glad that her best friend is lazing on the couch. She quickly makes her way to Lisa, hoping that the self-declared romanticist can help her with her problem.

"Help me."

"What is it?" says Lisa, who was lying on the couch makes some space for the shorter senior.

Jisoo takes a deep breath before telling her problem, almost at super speed, "Jennie showed me a video of someone proposing. I have a feeling that she was hinting about the monthsary."

The taller girl gives a smirk before speaking in a posh accent, "You called the right person. I shall teach you everything I know. But in 1 condition."

"What is it," The older said, hoping that the other can help her quickly, whatever the conditions are.

"Stop being so logical and stop rebutting whatever I say."


"It starts now."


Jisoo folds her arm, sulking like a kid as she listens to whatever teacher Lisa has to speak at the moment.


Jennie comes home after a long day of coursework, greeting her best friend as she enters the dorm. The first thing she tells the other is that she managed to give Jisoo a huge clue for their monthsary earlier during lunch. She excitedly tells the Chaeyoung, "I showed Jisoo the video."

"Hope it works," says Chaeyoung, giving Jennie a huge smile and thumbs up for executing her plan.

"I bet it would work," replies the older with her gummy smile, confident that her very smart girlfriend would have gotten the hint.


- D-Day -

It is finally D-day and Jisoo is preparing for her monthsary. She has invited Jennie over to her dorm to celebrate their first month together. Waking up really early, she decides to start her preparation. Although Lisa has offered to help, Jisoo finds that the other is just getting in the way of her perfect set-up. Instead, she decides to chase the tall girl out of their shared dorm.

"Alright, you can work on your own but do let me know if you need help," says Lisa, as she goes to her room to change into something presentable.

"Where will you be going?" asks Jisoo.

"To Chaeyoung's place of course," replies Lisa, in a louder tone as she is in the room, with the door closed, to change.

"Don't reveal anything to Jennie," replies the other strictly. Soon, Lisa comes out, replying, "of course I won't. Fighting!"

After sending Lisa out of the dorm, she closes the door, turning around to look at what progress she has made so far. It seems a little messy right now but things are starting to look like what she has envisioned. She continues to decorate the place then move on to cooking. After working away for 3 hours, she is almost finally done. Although Jisoo regrets kicking Lisa out of the dorm whenever she felt the need for those extra pair of hands, everything turns out alright after going through the repetitive sets of actions to completing each task, just like a computer following a set of instructions to execute a program. After the short break, she finally finishes up her task by drizzling maple syrup and putting a few fresh berries on the plate to decorate the french toast. Although her amateur cooking skills, she smiles at her masterpiece, thinking to herself, "not bad, Jisoo, not bad."

She then looks at the time, 15 more minutes. She decides to take a quick shower and change into her outfit. After the shower, she looks through her wardrobe, pulling out something more presentable than a sweater and sweatpants. Soon, she hears the doorbell ring, quickly attending to it, not forgetting to take the bouquet of flowers that are on the table.

"Welcome to my humble abode, milady," says Jisoo, opening the door and presents the flower.

"Wow, thank you." Jennie thanks the other, seemingly very impressed by Jisoo's effort. She notices that the other is not in her usual wear. Jisoo is wearing a pretty white blouse and checkered trousers and has ditched the round-framed spectacles as well. She praises the other's appearance, "you look really pretty today."

This compliment sends Jisoo smiling like a lovesick person then replying cooly although cheeks are showing pinkish hue, "of course, it is a special occasion."

Noticing that the other is still standing by the door, Jisoo invites the other in, "come on in. I will help you with that." She gestures to the younger to pass the bouquet back to her. The younger inhales the light scent before passing it to Jisoo and passes her handbag as well, which Jisoo gladly takes before placing both items on the couch.

"You must be hungry," says Jisoo, who is feeling really excited and nervous at the same time. She holds onto Jennie's hand leading the other to the dining area. While making their way to the dining area, Jennie is really impressed by the decorations, which can't be missed with her facial expressions. Jisoo internally gives herself a pat on the back and tries to hold back the grin whenever she has successfully debugged or coded a program.

Jennie replies enthusiastically, "starving. Lisa said that you were preparing something nice."

Jisoo helps Jennie by pulling out the chair, gesturing her to sit before making her way to the other side.

"It looks really fancy. Thank goodness you didn't burn down your dorm," says the younger as she looks at the decent brunch in front of her, knowing that the other hardly cook at home. Nonetheless, decent might be an understatement as the french toast is nicely plated and the aroma of coffee smells amazing.

"I practised a lot for this," says the older, as she gestures to the other to start eating. The younger smiles touched at the amount of effort that Jisoo has put in and remembers what Lisa had told her earlier about Jisoo really putting in her best effort for today.

After brunch, Jisoo goes to the speaker, playing romantic music before pulling out her gift and getting down on one knee.

"I don't have any fancy ring but I hope this would do. Happy monthsary, my dear," Jisoo confesses her love on their special day, showing the simple necklace that she has gotten. She promises to herself that once they become working adults, she would get something even more fanciful.

"Thank you," says Jennie, as she takes the box, admiring the simple necklace. On that cue, Jisoo stands, getting up and takes the necklace from the box, putting it around Jennie. The younger admires the gift she gets from the other before making her way to the couch, grabbing her gift for the older as well. She pulls out a really huge box and that got Jisoo wondering.

Jennie says with a huge smile, knowing that Jisoo would like it, "I got you a VR gaming set."

"Gosh, you are the best. Thank you. May I open it?" Jisoo opens the gift after getting a nod from Jennie, she is in awe with what she has received. It is the latest model with awesome features that she can't wait to play it later.

"Now that we have exchanged the gift, let's watch a movie," says Jisoo, leading the other to the living hall. As they sit on the couch, Jisoo passes the TV remote control to Jennie, so that she can pick a movie. They settle on the Notebook and are watching it. Although it is a great film, Jisoo feels her eyelids starting to close, feeling exhausted from the long day of preparation. She holds onto Jennie's waist, rubbing her cheek on the younger's right shoulder slightly, hoping to keep herself awake. However, sleepiness kicks in and she starts to fall asleep, snoring lightly.

Jennie hears light snores, turning her head to see Jisoo already falling asleep, her head resting comfortably on her shoulder. She chuckles at the sight, giving a kiss on the side of the older's head, remembering the amount of effort the other has put in and has certainly fulfilled all expectations. Maybe Jisoo isn't that clueless after all. She reminds herself to give Jisoo 100 marks for today and embrace the nerdy and dorky side of her.

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wywhere #1
Jensoo4everlove #2
Chapter 17: awww this was so sweet
1123 streak #3
Chapter 1: After 6mns here I am again rereading it hehehe🤣
Ash-LaoSiow #4
Chapter 1: This is litttttttt
1123 streak #5
Chapter 30: I wonder from who's pov is this authy? Ah welcome back 😁😁😁
1123 streak #6
Chapter 22: happy birthday Queen Jisoo and advance happy birthday Queen Jennie and a happy new year to all of us
Erika1987 #7
Chapter 22: Sooo cute
bp_blunt #8
Chapter 18: <span class='smalltext text--lighter'>Comment on <a href='/story/view/1451693/18'>Fallen Kitty Angel and Th...</a></span>
that was so adorable 😖🥺 thank you 🥰 how about like a 2nd shot for this? 😬
1123 streak #9
Chapter 21: merry xmas and a happy new year for us
Chapter 21: geh very geh ☺️ merry christmas yall