See you pt 3

Collection of JenSoo Short Stories

A/N: Hey-yo, the last part of this mini-series, See you, is up. Enjoy!


Opening her eyes after a night's sleep, Jennie opens her eyes to find that everything is pitch black. She rubs both of her eyes, hoping to see some light as usual. But all can describe right now with her eyes wide open are black, darkness and nothing.

"Maybe it is just a dream."

She tries to convince herself that it is just a horrible dream and it will be alright once she wakes up again. She doesn't know how long she has been lying on the bed but the shuffling outside of her ward has got her wide awake and aware that it is almost time for the routine morning medical rounds. She gets up this time, opening her eyes slowly, hoping that she has indeed woken up from the nightmare. Realising that she is still surrounded by darkness, she starts to panic and only calms down when the medical team enters after a knock.

She calls out for Jisoo desperately and frantically gestures for that one doctor to be by her side.

"Jisoo, I can't see a thing!" Jennie almost screams in fear. Soon, with her outstretched hands, she feels a pair of familiar hands grabbing onto hers. The familiar firm and reassuring grip has allayed the fear in her heart.

"Don't worry, I am here," she hears Jisoo whispering into her ear with her calm and reassuring voice. Then a warm embrace around her small frame. She snuggles into Jisoo's chest, feeling reassured.

"Let's all move on to the next patient. See me later, Dr Kim," says Dr Gong. At this moment, Jennie knows that she has gotten Jisoo into trouble. However, the still reassuring voice of Jisoo tells her, "it's alright Jennie, everything is fine. It will be alright."


After what seems like almost half an hour of reassuring the young patient, Jennie seems to be alright.

"Go on, I am fine now. Sorry about that," says Jennie, pushing herself out of Jisoo's embrace and pushing the doctor away. Jisoo tells her that it will be fine and excuses herself to catch up with the team for the last few cases of the day's rounds. While she managed to join in, Dr Gong has decided to make her a target for endless questions and demonstrations, almost like a punishment for getting involved with a patient. Jisoo sighs but accepts any question and demonstration, answering and performing them flawlessly to show Dr Gong that she hasn't been slacking away. After what seems like the longest 30 minutes of her life, they are finally dismissed and she's asked to follow the resident to the conference room.

At the conference room, she finds Dr Lee sitting inside, reading a case file. Jisoo consoles herself that at least she isn't alone to suffer under Dr Gong's stern gaze and she hopes that Dr Lee's benevolence would lessen some tough scolding by the resident.

While bracing herself for Dr Gong's lecture, Dr Lee speaks up instead, "you will serve your punishment after the patient leaves. But for now, let's discuss her case. She said that she can't see anymore right?"

Rather than a lecture, they spend a huge portion of their time discussing the case and managed to link up with Dr Park even though it is almost wee hours in the morning over the other side. After the discussion, the three of them start to work on a few labs and imaging tests to determine the progress of cancer. They realise that the tumour has pressed on the optic chiasm fully which would most likely explain the total vision loss that Jennie has experienced. Dr Lee has already informed Jennie's parents and they are all in the conference room, discussing the next possible steps for the Kims to take.

"Is hope all lost, doctor?" asks Mrs Kim. Jisoo notices the disappointment in her tone. She wants to encourage Mrs Kim but Dr Gong gestures her not to speak. However, she insists on giving Mrs Kim encouragement, not as Jennie's doctor but as her partner, "Mrs Kim, please don't give up."

"Yes, like what Dr Kim had said, I believe that hope is not lost. This is a very aggressive tumour and we have to speed up Miss Kim's transfer. We have the paperwork ready and have sent it to Dr Park. Perhaps what we can do now is to have you book the earliest flight possible. We can assist with the temporary accommodation for the time being," says Dr Lee. Jisoo admires how calm Dr Lee is with the situation.

"Why, why doctor, why my daughter? She could still see something a week ago and now you are telling me that she can't see anything now!" Mr Kim finally speaks up after being far too silent all this while.

"We are very sorry, Mr Kim and Mrs Kim. We will do our very best to speed up the transfer and ensure that the patient is comfortable for the rest of the time here," says Dr Lee, offering a pat on both Mr and Mrs Kims' shoulders. Mr Kim shrugs off the pat, leaving the room in fury while Mrs Kim bows to the doctors to catch up with her husband.

"Dr Kim, do your very best to keep Miss Kim comfortable before she leaves the hospital," instructs Dr Lee before leaving the room.

"Yes, Dr Lee," says Jisoo, bowing to both doctors as they take their leave but she can feel Dr Gong's disappointing gaze at her despite her still bowing down at 90 degrees angle. Hearing the door close shut, she takes a deep breath, plopping onto a chair next to her. She leans against the chair, head held high, eyes closed, replaying whatever that had occurred this morning. She can't believe that everything has happened too quickly.


Now, Jisoo's main priority is to make Jennie comfortable although she has other duties and patients to care for. She knows that her peers have been whispering behind her back after knowing that she is romantically involved with Jennie, she doesn't care about their opinions and is glad that her batchmates are at least professional enough to remain cordial and civil towards her when they need to work directly. After she is done with her duties, she looks at Jennie's schedule to find that she is scheduled for chemo. She decides to head over there to accompany her but is stopped by someone. Dr Gong.

"Dr Kim," she hears Dr Gong call for her. Instead of heading out, she heads to where Dr Gong is. She is handed a folder and hears a curt request, "please prepare the discharge papers for bed 16, Mr Son, for discharge."


For the remaining days, Jisoo has been spending any free pockets of time with Jennie whenever she can. At this point, even Jennie's parents know about their relationship but thankfully they didn't express any opposition. They are allowed to quietly spend the remaining time together.

"I will be leaving soon," says Jennie, after her parents left the ward.

"Aren't you excited? You are going to the States," says Jisoo, finally mastered the art of sounding hopeful and cheerful.

Jennie hesitates for a moment, "I..." and that made Jisoo perk her ears up, hoping to fulfil any request at this moment. The older girl probes, "what's on your mind?"

Jennie tries again, this time asking whatever is in her heart. All she wants is to spend time with Jisoo outside of the four walls of this hospital ward.

"I... well, can we spend the last night together, probably somewhere outside?"

Jisoo smiles at that request and will promise to herself that she will do whatever it takes to fulfil this request.

"Of course."


- Date night -

After a day of work, Jisoo is really excited to clock out on time. After dismissal from a debrief by Dr Gong, she heads out of the conference room almost immediately. She takes a quick shower first before dressing up for the date night. Instead of wearing her usual scrubs attire to meet Jennie, she is finally wearing some proper clothes. She decides to wear a black turtleneck blouse and denim skirt with a pair of white sneakers to complete the look for this special day. She also applies light make-up on her face and touches up her lips with her favourite peach pink lipstick. She looks at the mirror for the last time, seemingly satisfied with her looks before packing her bag and putting those that she doesn't need into the locker.

She heads off to Jennie's ward in high spirits. Entering the ward after a few knocks, she sees Jennie sitting on the bed, already dressed in a long-sleeved baby blue blazer over a white tank top and matching baby blue slacks. Jisoo is mesmerised by the look.

"Hey, looking great today," Jisoo compliments Jennie, taking a seat on the bed, holding onto Jennie's hand, then giving a kiss on the younger's forehead.

"So, where are we going, doctor?" asks Jennie, visibly excited with her eye smile and wide gummy smile.

"We will have dinner first and then we will go somewhere to feel the night breeze."

They only have 3 hours but these few hours are sufficient yet precious quality time. Jisoo has planned places to go that are near the hospital. First things first, food is a must. She brings Jennie to a nice Italian restaurant around the corner. Jisoo has already booked for private hire, aka one of her best friends, Lisa, who is waiting at the pick-up point. They make their way down to board the vehicle before heading off to their first destination.

On the way there, Lisa decides to give the couple some private time by drawing the curtains between the front and back seats. Jisoo silently thanks the other before telling Jennie of their plans for the night and also asking Jennie for her opinion on their plans. The young lady is pleased with the plan and is really excited to spend the date night with Jisoo.

Upon arrival, Jisoo gets out of the car, heading over to the other side to open the door. Her left hand is over Jennie's head to protect her from bumping against the frame of the car while her right hand holding onto Jennie's left elbow securely to help her out. She continues to hold onto Jennie's elbow, guiding the other as Jennie uses the probing cane to guide herself too. They are then directed to the reserved table by the server once they enter the restaurant. They are comfortably seated and this prompts Jisoo to tell Jennie what's on the menu and the recommendations. Jennie decides on a simple chicken ravioli and Jisoo chooses a spaghetti bolognese and they also decide to share a Margherita pizza. While waiting for their food, their drinks are served and they start to chat over a warm cup of decaffeinated coffee. Deep down, Jisoo wants to ask if Jennie is ready or whether she is afraid of plane rides or receiving treatment under Dr Park's practice. Instead of spoiling the nice atmosphere, she talks about their hobbies, hoping to get to know Jennie a little more, just like being on an official date. It is not long before the food is served and they happily tuck in while enjoying their date. While eating, they are still asking questions, like on speed dating.

"Morning or night person?"

"None. Med schools screwed up my body clock."

With that response, Jennie laughs, taking a while to calm down before Jisoo asks the next question.

"What is something you're passionate about other than art?"

Jennie takes the time to think, knowing what answer Jisoo is expecting but then decides to respond, "animals, dogs in particular. I have two dogs back home and I miss them."

"I was hoping that it is me. Never mind, dogs are cute and I accept that answer," replies Jisoo and they continue their question as the night passes.

After dinner, they head off to the next location, a neighbourhood park that is just a block away. They take their time to walk there, enjoying the cool night breeze caressing their faces. Instead of holding onto Jennie's elbow, Jisoo instead holds onto Jennie's hands, with the fingers interlaced tightly together, walking hand in hand, footsteps in sync.

"Where are we going now?" asks Jennie curiously.

"To a park nearby. We will reach there in 5," replies Jisoo and is leading the way, not letting go of their hands. She would always have her head turn to her right once every few minutes to make sure that Jennie is alright and following along. After countless light and slow footsteps, they reach the park. The view is amazing with the midnight blue sky peppered with white clouds. Bright yellow stars dazzling under the dark backdrop and the huge yellow moon dazzling in its own right.

"The view must be beautiful," says Jennie. Jisoo then quickly tells Jennie what she sees.

"I see the night sky with many white clouds, many stars twinkling brightly, a moon shining brightly. Most importantly, a beautiful girl in front of me that shines so brightly, even brighter than the street lamp, the stars and the moon. You, Jennie Kim, light up my world."

"Oh, Jisoo... I..."

"Why are you crying? It is a happy day for us."

Jennie lunges forward to embrace Jisoo and says, "you are also the light of my life, Jisoo."

"I will always be your light. I will also be your eyes for the time being." Jisoo takes a deep breath before telling Jennie, "I have decided to quit medicine. I am going with you to the States tomorrow."

"No! You can't throw away your future for me. You've worked hard for this and you want to be a surgeon right?" Jennie almost exclaims.

"This job doesn't give me any meaning. I am just chasing for paper qualification and success. You give me meaning in my life. Would you just let me be with you?" says Jisoo as she holds onto both of Jennie's forearms, looking straight into her eyes, hoping that Jennie would feel her sincerity and understand where she is coming from.

"Jisoo, no. I won't accept this, please," replies Jennie, pushing Jisoo away to turn away before taking a few steps away from the other.

Seeing Jennie in distress hurts Jisoo's heart and she decides to not make rash decisions, "Alright, I won't quit medicine, ok?"

The older girl cautiously approaches Jennie before back hugging her. Seeing that Jennie has calmed down a bit, she continues, "It is my fault for making you sad. Come on, let's do something fun. Do you know how to dance? Let's dance the night away."

Jisoo turns the other girl around before holding onto her hands. She tells Jennie to take a step forward with her right foot, then left and then backwards then to the sides, left and right. Though Jennie did step on Jisoo's feet a couple of times while doing what Jisoo told her to do, she manages to dance with ease after getting the sequence and rhythm right.

"You are enjoying yourself," comments Jisoo as she sees Jennie smiling genuinely. She smiles at the sight, taking it in as if she is taking a picture.

"You are so beautiful," Jisoo thinks to herself, soon feeling arms around her shoulders and Jennie moving closer to embrace her. They dance under the moonlight, prolonging the rhythm of the dance hoping to delay the arrival of the new day.


Noticing that Jennie is tired, Jisoo decides that it is time to send Jennie back to the hospital to rest. With no intentions of leaving for the night, She helps Jennie to wash up and puts her to sleep. Jennie, who notices this tells Jisoo to go home immediately before she falls asleep, reasoning that Jisoo should rest for her morning shift the next day.

"Alright, I will go. Just close your eyes and think of me. Good night," says Jisoo, giving a peck on the forehead and light on Jennie's head.

Jennie, who already has her eyes shut, replies, "good night." Jisoo takes a last longing and loving look before leaving. She gently closes the door and unwilling leaves the hospital. Jennie on the other hand makes sure that Jisoo is out of the ward before sitting up on the bed. With less than a few hours left at this hospital, she recalls the day spend with Jisoo earlier. It was one of the best memory she had after getting cancer but what scares her is that Jisoo almost gave up her career for her. The guilt for making Jisoo almost quit her career really haunts her.

"Only if I didn't fall in love with a doctor."

She reaches out for the drawer next to her, pulling the drawing that had been working on ever since she was admitted to the hospital. Though she can never see her artwork, she knows what it is like in her mind. Jisoo, the person that had given her hope once again, with her beautiful smile. She feels tears rolling down her right cheek but smiling as she grateful to have met Jisoo and experience what it is like to love someone. She takes out a piece of paper and a pen to write a letter to Jisoo, thinking that it might be her final words to the person that she truly loves. After she is done, she puts the letter on the table before calling her parents to pick her up before dawn breaks.


Jisoo didn't really manage to sleep well. After leaving Jennie's ward, she heads home as promised even though is more than willing to spend the entire night next to the girl she loves. However, all she did was toss and turn, feeling the weird feelings in her chest, as if something is preventing her from sleeping. She has tried her very best to ignore and keep her promise. As soon as the alarm rings at 5 am, she jumps out of the bed immediately to prepare for her day and to get to the hospital as quickly as possible.

Upon arrival, she is flustered that Jennie isn't there and decides to ask the nurse aide that is tidying up the room.

"Where is the patient?"

"Oh the patient has left in the middle of the night," replies the nurse aide as he continues to clean up the room. Jisoo frowns at the response as she looks at her watch. Realising that Jennie has left without informing her, she knows that she wouldn't be able to make it to the airport at this rate.

Looking at how familiar Jisoo looks, the nurse aide remembers the drawing almost immediately. He turns around to pick up the drawing and letter that is on the table, passing them to Jisoo carefully.

"Oh, the patient left this and I believe it is for you."

Jisoo receives the items with care, leaving the room after thanking the staff. She heads to a chair nearby to look at what Jennie has left for her.

She smiles at the drawing. It is beautiful and more complete than the last time she has seen it. Even though Jennie only has less than 50% of eyesight while working on this drawing, Jisoo is impressed that it looks so much like her, almost like a carbon copy. The eyes, lips and smile are definitely the highlights of the drawing. She touches those features lightly. All the emotions are stirring in her heart and they start to form tears around her doe eyes. After spending time to appreciate and admire the drawing, she takes out the letter, dreadfully pulling the letter out of the envelope.

She opens the letter that is folded, taking a deep breath to muster the courage to read its content.

To: Jichu

By the time you've read this letter, I would have already boarded the plane. I just want to let you know that the 3 months that I have spent with you are the best times of my life. You are the one that gave me hope ever since the diagnosis. Thank you for being my light, my eyes and my hope. I am sorry for not waiting for you, for not letting you come with me and for walking away from you. I really don't want you to be a distraction and I don't want you to give up your future because of me. I know that you will keep your promise to me and I promise you that I will fight cancer and see you again. I am sure that you will look as beautiful as I imagine. Even if I don't win the fight, I promise that I will see you again in another lifetime. Jisoo, follow your heart on whatever you have committed yourself to. Be the best doctor that you can ever be. I know you can do it. I love you, forever and always.



By the time Jisoo has read the letter, all the tears that were b around her eyes have already fallen onto her lap, staining her dark-blue jeans. All the memories with Jennie, the first she saw the girl at the cafeteria, the first encouragement and the first time all started to play in her head. Next, the daily visits, first kiss and first dance start to play and that made her cry emotionally. She relives those memories that formed the best times in her life. She thanked the Divine for letting her live this experience and prays to the Divine to protect Jennie. She then makes a promise to herself and Jennie, with the Divine as the witness.

"I promise to be the best medical oncologist and I am sure that you will recover Jennie. We will see each other again, but in this lifetime."


A/N: Wanted to end this here but I'm a er for happy endings...


- 5 years later -

Throughout the 5 years, Jisoo has lost touch with Jennie and has been wondering how the younger is. Even though the lack of news from the younger, her parents and the senior doctors, she has never forgotten about Jennie and prayed to the Divine diligently to protect the younger.

Jisoo also manages to live up to her promises. After a gruelling 5 years internal medicine residency, Jisoo has finally completed it and decides to apply for an oncology fellowship in the States. Given the strong relationship she has built with Dr Gong and Dr Lee over the years, they have recommended her to study under Dr Park. She has already received the acceptance letter and is ecstatic to study under the renowned doctor and to start her new life at the oncology clinic.

The day has gone really well and it is already late afternoon where she would be able to roam around freely to interact with patients and the staff before clocking out. She first makes her to the nurses' station to pass some important documents for Dr Park. On the way there, she passes a section of the ward but stops in her tracks immediately after hearing a familiar voice. She takes a few steps backwards, entering the ward with hope in her heart.

She can't believe what she is seeing.

Jennie. Jennie is sitting next to a patient with a pencil and drawing pad in her hands. All Jisoo can do is to stand there, nothing processing in her mind. It is as if her smart brain has given up on her at this moment.


Jisoo immediately snaps out of the trance as she hears her name rolling off from her favourite person.

Jisoo takes a good look at Jennie, realising that Jennie looks healthy again, she can see her and is calling out for her. All Jisoo can do is to walk towards Jennie to give her a long, warm and tight hug. She is glad that Jennie is alright. She doesn't want to say anything, hoping to savour this precious moment.

She then manages to say the words that she has been longing to say. "I miss you so much. I am glad that you are alright and you can see now."

"Yes, the treatment works. I can see you now," replies Jennie, patting the older girl on her back, snuggling closer into the hug. Jisoo holds onto the other tightly, seemingly not wanting to let go until an awkward throat-clearing from the patient beside them. Jisoo immediately lets go of the hug, pulling Jennie along with her to the corridor outside of the ward.

"What are you doing here?" asks Jisoo, eagerly catching up with the younger after the touching reunion.

"I volunteer here. What about you?" asks Jennie.

"I am studying under Dr Park as a medical oncologist fellow," replies Jisoo, with a huge grin.

Jennie thinks for a moment before asking curiously, "didn't you say you wanted to be a surgeon?"

Jisoo cheekily responds, "change of plans because of someone."

Jennie then replies with a coy smile, saying, "do I know that someone?"

Jisoo smiles instead of replying since is confident that Jennie knows the answer. Soon, their brief interaction is disturbed by a nurse that calls for Jisoo. The older then excuses herself politely but has no intentions to stop the interaction. She pulls out her name card, passing it to Jennie.

"You know I love to chat but I got to run some errands. Text me, let's catch up soon."

"Sure thing," says Jennie, with a slightly flirtatious smile, taking the name card.


After work, she looks at her phone, noticing a text from an unknown number. She smiles while reading it:

From: unknown number

Hey Jichu, it's Jenduekie. Let's meet at 7 pm, at BP cafe, which is next to the hospital. I will be there waiting.

Jisoo wasted no time and makes sure that she will be there. She types a quick response.

To: unknown number

See you.


- End -

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wywhere #1
Jensoo4everlove #2
Chapter 17: awww this was so sweet
1124 streak #3
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Ash-LaoSiow #4
Chapter 1: This is litttttttt
1124 streak #5
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1124 streak #6
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that was so adorable 😖🥺 thank you 🥰 how about like a 2nd shot for this? 😬
1124 streak #9
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