Chapter 2

The fallen angel

Yujin slapped her cheeks with her palms and shook her head vigorously to clear her head. Was she hallucinating? Was what she’d just saw… real? No it can’t be… can it?

She slowly pushed herself up and dusted the back of her skirt before inching towards the door slowly.

Maybe it was just a doll.

She reasoned with herself. Maybe someone dropped it from a giant drone to play a prank on her or something. Right?


Once again, she twisted the knob and slowly pushed the door open. The figure was still laying on the exact same spot Yujin had saw her moments ago, unmoving.

Wondering if she’s making a big mistake, she stepped through the door, letting it close softly behind her. Breathing in deeply, she slowly approached the still figure, her hands clutching at the hem of her shirt. 

When she stood beside the figure, she peered over it. She scanned the figure from head to toe. It was laying by its side, its wing laid out behind it. It had long brunette hair scattered around and shielding its face.

Yujin crouched down to observe the figure more carefully. She tentatively reached out to touch one of the wings. One of the white wings was smeared with red blood at its joint. She yanked back her hand in reflex when her fingertips made contact with the soft feathers.

She gulped before reaching out to caress the soft fluffy wing. Her eyes drifted up to look at the body attached to the wings. The squinted her eyes and paid close attention. She gasped when she noticed its chest rising and falling.

This thing is alive!

She jumped back onto her feet.

This isn’t just a doll.

“.” She cussed under her breath. She walked around the figure, this time crouching in front of its face. Slowly, she reached out to part its hair away from her face. Breathing out loudly when she saw its flawless facial features. It has long and full eyelash, sharp nose, full lips and soft delicate skin. Yujin couldn’t help but reach out and probe its cheek.

She let out a strangled noise when the figure’s eyes shot open. In seconds, it was on its feet, her head snapping around as if she was confused with her surounding.

Yujin moved backwards until her back hit the fence, her eyes fixated on the winged creature. She gulped when its eyes halted on her.

“You…” The creature said while narrowing her eyes at her. Yujin was too busy being afraid of the creature to be surprised that it spoke. “Why am I…” She once again glanced around and furrowed her brows. She seemed like she was trying to extend its wings but one of it, the bloodied one, remained folded. Her face contorted into a pained expression as she seemingly tried again. Finally, she gave up and folded the healthy wing, the injured one slightly drooping.

“W-what are you?” Yujin managed to squeaked out when she finally found her voice. The creature looked at her for a full minute, head tilting to a side cutely before snorting.

“What do you think?” It turned around and gestured at its back. “Isn’t this a big enough clue?” It turned back and raised its eyebrow.

“W-what?” Yujin muttered dumbly. The creature rolled her eyes and sighed loudly.

“I’m an angel, dummy.” She said as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. Yujin’s eyes widened and her jaw dropped.

A what now?




Yujin found herself walking down the stairs with the angel trailing closely behind after she had gotten rid of her initial shock.


“I need a place to stay as my wings heal.”


Yujin most certainly didn’t volunteer her place or whatsoever but the angel shamelessly invited herself to her home.


“I’m staying with you for the time being.”


Yujin couldn’t refuse the angel, could she? After all she was a divine being.

“Don’t you have super healing power or anything?” Yujin said while glancing behind at the angel. The angel gave her a scoff.

“We angels aren’t indestructible, we are just servants of the Deities. Our weakness is our wings.” She pointed behind her with her thumb at where her pair of wings were supposed to be. She’d made them invisible to human eye moments ago when Yujin pointed out that if anyone were to see them, she’d be caught and cut alive by some mad scientist. “If it’s hurt, we lose most of our power.”  Yujin merely nodded and they continued in silence.

"So angels are real? God is real?" She muttered in bewilderment. Her head was spinning around and she had to hold out to clutch the railings to stop herself from stumbling down the stairs. She had so many questions she wanted to ask but she wasn't sure she was ready for them.

"Careful, you don't want to fall to your death now." The angel said while glancing at her through the corner of her eyes. 

“What happened?” Yujin asked once they reached the ground floor. “How’d you hurt your wing?”

“I hit a something and lost control.” She huffed while placing her hand on her waist. “I hate flying here this century. All the planes and flying objects. Not to mention there are cameras everywhere. We angels have to remain fully invisible at all time. Do you have any idea how draining that is?” She said in exasperation while Yujin suppressed a grin at her cuteness. The angel looked like a normal girl without her wings. A gorgeous girl that is. “What?” She arched an eyebrow at her when she noticed her staring.

“Nothing.” Yujin snapped her head forward and cleared . “Oh no.” Yujin frowned and fastened her pace until she’d reached the exit. The doors were locked. Yujin tried to push them open but they wouldn’t budge. She turned and looked at the angel helplessly.

The angel let out a strangled sound and annoyed frown before pushing past Yujin and placed her palms against the doors. She took in a huge breath and closed her eyes. It took a few seconds before Yujin could hear the small distant click before the angel pushed the doors open.

Yujin eyes widened while the angel merely shot her a smug smile.

“Come on, what are you waiting for?” The angel walked out while Yujin stayed behind looking at her dumbfounded. She took a few seconds to recollect herself before following after the angel hastily.

“This way.” She called out when the angel started walking the opposite way.  The angel twirled back and followed after her as they walked quietly back to Yujin’s home.




When they’d arrived at Yujin’s home, the human awkwardly showed the angel around.

“Your house is beautiful.” The angel bounced around, peeking into different rooms and poking at every object she could find. “You live alone in this huge house?” She asked when she realized that the house was void of any people.

"My parents are working abroad for a couple of months.” Yujin explained while rubbing the back of her neck.

“Oh.” The angel looked at her, her eyes searching hers as if to find something in them. Yujin looked away first. “Are you lonely?” She asked after a few seconds.

“No, not really.” Yujin cleared and shook her head and try to appear as nonchalant as she could. “It’s pretty rad honestly, having the house all to yourself. Besides, my parents are only away for a couple of months and there’s usually a housekeeper around. She had to go back to her hometown for a couple of days because her mother fell ill.” She said, wondering if she could keep Eunbi, her housekeeper, from coming back since she wouldn’t know how to explain the new guest to her.

When they’d reached the kitchen, the angel took a seat at the dining table and crossed her arms around on top of the table.

“I’m tired from walking. It’s especially tiring when you have your heavy wings dragging behind.” 

Yujin went to grab some saline, gauze pad and bandage from one of the cabinets. She placed the items on the table before the angel. The angel glanced up at her with a questioning gaze.

“Aren’t you going to clean and bandage your wound?” She explained while gesturing at her own back.

“You’ll have to help me. I can’t reach them myself.” The angel made her wings visible, almost knocking Yujin off her feet. She’d almost forget how the wings looked. Under the bright lights, her white wings looked almost translucent as it gleamed majestically.  “Earth to.” She waved her hands in front of Yujin when the girl was openly gawking at her wings.

“Right. Yeah.” Yujin cleared and went behind the angel. She carefully dabbed the wound with the pad soaked with saline, feeling the wing twitched slightly every time it made contact. When she was done cleaning the wound, she started wrapping the bandage all around the wing. “Done.”

“Thanks.” The angel smile gratefully at her, displaying her Indian dimples that Yujin couldn’t help staring. “You’re staring again.” The angel teased while propping her head against a hand, looking at Yujin playfully. Yujin felt her cheeks heating up and she immediately looked away.

“No I’m not.” She rolled her eyes and collected the bloodied gauze pads to toss them into the bins.

“It’s not unusual.” The angel shrugged her shoulder. “We angels are often pleasing to the human eye.” She said with her smirk. Yujin scoffed loudly. “What? Don’t you think I’m attractive?” The angel raised an eyebrow while throwing her hair behind her shoulder and fluttering her eyes up at her.

Yujin would be lying if she didn’t admit that the angel is indeed very, very pleasing to her eyes. Yujin chose to ignore her question and proceeded to reach for a packet of instant noodle from her cupboard.

“Do you eat?” She turned to the angel and asked uncertainly.

“What kind of question is that?” The angel shook her head incredulously. “Of course I eat dummy.”

“Okay ma’am.” Yujin shook her head and fished out another packet. “Like I’m supposed to know that.”

“Your name is Ahn Yujin right?” Yujin lifted her head and looked at the angel with her brows raised.

“How do you know that?” The angel simple lifted her one of her notebooks laying on top of her dining table with her name written on it lazily. “Don’t go snooping into people’s stuff.” She reprimanded good naturedly.

“Sorry.” The angel said, not sounding sorry at all.

“What about you?” Yujin asked while raising an eyebrow.

“What about me?” the angel mirrored her expression.

“What’s your name?” Yujin asked while stirring the noodles inside the pot. The angel was silent for a few minutes as she continued flipping through one of Yujin’s books. Yujin thought the angel wasn’t going to answer her question but she replied minutes later.

“Kim Minju.” She uttered nonchalantly. Yujin drew her brows together. Kim Minju was the name of one of her classmates. She squinted her eyes at the book Minju was holding, noticing that it was said classmate’s notebook she’d borrowed to copy off her answers from. She looked at the angel questioningly for a few minutes but decided to let it slide. She’d call her Kim Minju if that is what she wishes to be called.

“Here.” She placed the bowl of noodles in front of the Kim Minju. The angel turned the bowl around and examined it as if it was some strange object. Yujin looked at her strangely before passing her a pair of chopsticks and spoon. Minju took them tentatively and fiddled with them for a few seconds before setting them aside.

She palmed the bowl and lifted it to her nose, sniffing it before setting back down. She lifted the each of the chopsticks with two hands, with one each and tried to fish the noodle out with them. Yujin burst out laughing at her fail attempts where she opened but the noodles kept slipping away. She puffed her cheeks and glared at Yujin who was holding her tummy from laughing too hard.

“I thought you eat?”

“I don’t mean mortal food.” She said while crossing her arms. “I have no knowledge on how to use these… equipments.” She nudged the chopsticks.

“What do you eat then?” Yujin asked curiously.

“You wouldn’t know even if I explain it to you.” The angel said with a shrug. “It is not something mortals have ever seen or touched.”

“Okay.” Yujin pursed her lips, wanting to know more but choosing to let it slide. “Since you’re in the human world, you’ll have to learn to eat like us. That is, assuming that you can stomach human food.” Yujin hoped the angel wouldn’t throw up or drop dead from eating human food.  She dropped down onto the seat beside the angel. “Pick up the chopsticks.” She said pointing at the utensils on the table. The angel reached out with both hands but Yujin shook her head. “One hand.”

The angel obeyed and picked up both chopsticks with one hand. She looked at Yujin expectantly. Yujin reached out and held Minju’s fingers in her own to position them around the chopsticks correctly. Her fingers felt very soft and warm, Yujin noted.

“Now open and close your fingers like that to grab ahold of food.” She wrapped her hand around the angel’s and guiding her to pick up a strand of noodle. “See, this is how you do it.” She turned to look at the angel once she’d picked up the noodle. Their eyes met and Yujin’s breath hitched when she realized how close they were. She blinked and immediately pull her hand away and shifted back to her own space. “Do you get it?” She said after she’d calmed herself down.

“Yeah.” The angel said before trying to pick up the noodles herself. When she’d succeeded slurping her first mouthful of noodles, she squealed happily. She turned to look at Yujin with her huge gleaming eyes. “This is delicious!” Minju exclaimed before going back to digging into her food with those chopsticks as if she’d used them for her whole life.

Yujin chuckled and watched the angel eating happily, completely forgetting her own bowl of noodles until her stomach groaned unhappily.


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Chapter 2: ahhhhh. can’t we at least have the ending? 🥹
Chapter 2: such a shame we only have until chapter two 😭
Kailoverexol #3
Chapter 2: Cuteee
Plz next chapter
Chapter 2: ASHDJGSJKL I like Minju’s character here XD