

You and the man walked along the long hallways with many turns and twists and having to dodge the random items being thrown all over the place.
Finally, you two made it to the big, towering door leading to Mr.Kang's office. You gulped and the door was opened leading to many other doors lined with servants and maids. 
You slowly shuffled your way through the many doors until you stood in front of the last one. Inhaling a deep breath, you walked into the lightly painted room with sunshine beaming through the stained glass windows. 
Mr. Kang sat in his gold throne, smiling at the sight of you, "Take a seat anywhere you would like." 
You sat in the seat near the back and close to the door.
"Hello, JiHae. How was your day?" Mr. Kang said as he sipped his morning tea.
"Fairly pleasant so far, sir." You couldn't look him straight in the eye, afraid of doing something that did not please him and set him off like a bomb. 
"Good, good. It's nice to hear that." Mr.Kang put down his cup with ever so much grace, "I called you down here because I need you to do me a favor." 
"What is it, sir?" You finally found the courage to look up but you quickly had your eyes quickly drawn to the floor again at the sight of his smiling eyes staring right at you. 
"I want you to bring me here this special guy who has been managing to escape our grasp for about 2 years now. He is quite a hard catch." He stared off into the distance as if he had just seen a bird fly through the window. 
"Most of the people I send, they," he paused for a little while and continued his sentence, "..they, failed... All the girls fell in love with him, all the guys became too fond of him and couldn't kill him. They led me to no choice." 
Even though he didn't say anything more, I knew what he meant. He had killed them. 
"Now, I want you to bring him here, where he belongs and where he is supposed to be." His face grew stern as he stared at you once more," You must not fall in love withhim, pity him, or even get in any kind of relationship with him or else you'll end up with the others. Am I clear?"
"Yes, sir." You totally hated the idea, but you couldn't find yourself to say no. 
"Okay then, good. You have 2 months and all you need to work on is this. No need to care about the other peope because they'll be taking care of them. Now go, shoo." He swayed his arms in a swaying motion as his workers opened the door. 
On the way back to your office, you wondered about your special job. 
*Will I be able to make it? Why do I have to do this anyway?* 
Every step you took made you furious and worry about the job. 
"Hey, JiHae. What's wrong? Did Mr.Kang punish you for something?" Zico said as he was looking up from the screen of his computer.
"No. I just got this... job." you dragged your feet across the floor as you plopped yourself on the bed.
"A promotion?!?!?" Taeil said with excitement smeared all over his face. 
"No. You know the guy we were talking about earlier. The one who is supposed to be here 2 years ago but is still on Earth. I am assigned to bring him over here." You said as you sat up in your bed, legs crossed, facing BlockB while they faced you. 
"Really?" Everyone looked at each other as if they didn'thear what I said. Ukwon frowned in disappointment. 
*What if she falls for him? What if she gets killed because of that? What if-*
He was interupted by the sudden window that popped up on their screens. A video played  and you guys huddled up against the screen trying to see what it was all about. 
"Hello. You may be wondering who this is but I have an important annoucement to make." All of you stared at the guy on the screen that wore a mask over his face so you couldn't see who it was. 
"You have 2 months until Paradise will be destroyed. Only three people can stop me, but time is ticking. One day, one dead. Two days, two dead. Brace yourselves." And with that, the video closed and left us with mouths wide open unable to take our eyes off the screen.
"What was that?" BBomb asked as he stepped away from screen and scratched the back of his head.
The room fell quiet and we looked all around the room, scared that at any moment he could pop up and kill us, or hear what we were going to say. 
JaeHyo whispered, "Who do you think the three people are?" All of us scanned each other seeing if they could be the one.
"Maybe it's just me or something but he seemed kinda fimiliar, don't you think?" PO said as he tried to remember if he ever saw that face anywhere before.
"I don't know, but I think we should get going. I have to get, what was his name again? Oh ya, that DaeHyun kid so I can't help you guys out with this situation.
"Okay then, let's go!" You guys piled out the door to finish your jobs. 
This kind of situation happened a long time ago, way before you came to Paradise. There was this one guy who destroyed Paradise, but they managed to fix it back up. 
The guy was untrained so that was good, but this guy seemed to be knowing something, like he was one of us. He had to be one of us.
You worried that Paradise may be destroyed forever because without Paradise, no one goes anywhere when they die. They would be crawling everywhere like ghosts. 
You tried to throw those thoughts away and focus on the main plan, but it kept creeping up, crawling back into your mind.
*Will we make it?"
I hoped you liked my second chapter.
I tried to make them long... 
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I'm so sorry for not updating! I was on a mini hiatus! I'll update as soon as I can.


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i cant wait anymore...
please update soon...
i'm crazy over this story....
btw, what that's mean by chunji's girlfrenz?
Omg Bang hit you!!! Well we all knew Bang was a bad driver... Which explains that in Badads Oppas by: dbskgirl4ever
OMG~! this is awesome~!
lolol last chapter... Well chapter 3... Yhu seem like Zelo..."im hungry hyung!" Thats all he says... Oh and when it said 20 cent. Taller I thought it was Junhong... Lolol... UPDATE SOON UNNIE!
Update soon unnie!