Mornings and You

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Groaning, Seulgi pushed herself to stand from her very cozy bed to the person who was incessantly ringing their doorbell. She walked blearily while rubbing the sleep off her eyes and grumbled under her breath from being disturb from her sleep.

She checked their wall clock in the living room and stopped herself from spitting curses when she saw that it was only 9 o'clock in the morning. Her class wouldn't start until 1 so she wanted to sleep as much as she could. Despite being elated for some of the things that happened, she couldn't deny that the past days took a toll on her body.

"Please wait!" She shouted when the ringing wouldn't stop. She sighed when the person behind their door seemed insistent to ruin their doorbell. She finally reached their door and pulled it open without thinking about her appearance.

"Good morning. What do y-" the words died on Seulgi's throat the moment her eyes trained on shining jer black hair pale face, grinning at her while looking at her from head to toe.

Her eyes widened at the sight of the unexpected visitor and without thinking properly, her hands moved to close the door again, almost slightly smacking the visitor squarely in the face. She heard a shout of "YAH!" outside but she paid it no mind and fixed herself as fast as she could.

Wiping her eyes any traces of rheum and   of dried saliva, she opened the door again with a hesitant smile.

"Yah! Kang Seulgi!" Irene pushed her inside and scowled. "I almost got hit by the door!"

She only answered with a sheepish grin before turning her back. Seulgi couldn't speak anything since she didn't check if her breath smelled when she was fixing herself behind the door. 

"Wait." Irene stopped her from walking away by holding on to her oversized shirt. She turned without opening .

"I forgot to greet you." Irene moved closer to her and invaded her breathing space. Irene smiled chekily. "Good morning, Seulgi-ah." 

Not wanting she be rude, she used her hand to cover . "Good morning."

Seeing the weird act, Irene's brow twitched. "What are you doing?"

"I haven't brushed my teeth."

Irene chuckled while shaking her head before reaching for Seulgi's hair and fixing some wild strands and tucking them behind her ear.

"Thank you for being considerate." The older said before cupping her cheeks and placed a chaste kiss on her cheeks. 

Feeling the warm lips on her skin, she took a step back and cleared . When Seulgi was sure she was far enough, she dropped her hand and spoke under he breath. "Be comfortable. I'll just... wash up."

She didn't wait for Irene's approval and dashed towards her room. Locking her room for safety measures, she stared at herself in the mirror and noted the burning of her cheeks. She shook her head but found herself smiling.

Irene's fondness of skinship was something to get used to but she was open to welcome it. Her mind still couldn't process the 360 shift in their dynamics; from wanting to rip each other's throat and the burning hate in the pits of their stomachs to chaste kisses and sweet gestures... it was a lot too take in but her heart, on the other hand, was ecstatic with the change. It was what she wanted from the very beginning and being able to finally grasp the older and hold her near was exhalirating.

She was still grinning even she was brushing her teeth or even after she finished washing her face because Irene was finally with her and she could feel the overflowing sincerity from her eyes and gestures.

A knock on her door pulled her back to reality and she wiped her face clean. She also changed to something more acceptable before opening the door.

"Why'd you lock it?" Irene asked, eyes glinting in mischief. Seulgi shrugged and went to her dresser to pick a comb. From her peripheral, she saw how Irene took her time exploring her room and peeking at her vinyl records.

"So... what are you doing here?"

Irene halted her steps and pivoted on her heels. Soon she was behind Seulgi, eyes meeting hers in the reflection of the mirror. Arms wrapped themselves around Seulgi and cheeks pressed beside her own as Irene rested her chin on her shoulders.

"How could you be like this?" Irene murmured.

"Like what?"

"I didn't know it was possible for you to be prettier." Irene spoke low as her eyes stayed on Seulgi's face. "But seeing you in your disheveled state and the sun hitting your caramel orbs making them glow like embers of a starting flame, I wish I could see you in your simplest every morning."

Seulgi's breathing hitched, her heart quickening its pace as she took all of Irene's words. She bit her lips to stop herself from crumbling infront of the older and just held on to the arms securely placed on her waist.

She could feel her breath leaving her lungs the longer they stare at each other because as much as Irene broke her all those years ago, she was also the reason why Seulgi was feeling she could rebuild herself with Irene's words.

Was it possible that the one who made her question her worth was also the one who could make her feel like she's the rarest gem on earth?

Was it possible that the one who pulled the rug under her feet will also be the one who could sweep her off her feet?

Her past and her present fought inside her head, conflicting emotions battled their way but one thing was evident despite the waging war inside her mind.

She was sure that Irene was the one for her... and no matter what happens, Irene will always have her wrapped on her fingers because she has already ingrained herself in Seulgi's DNA. A part of her will always belong to Irene.

Sensing the gears shifting inside her head, Irene turned her around and held her face. "What's wrong?"

"I don't know." Seulgi lied, burying her face on Irene's neck. She couldn't tell her about her fears; how Irene hold so much power over her that she could be built and destroyed by a mere touch and a simple utterance of compliment or insult. Or how Irene could lift her up as much as she could bring her down with a simple smile or a glare. She couldn't admit that. Not when she still don't know where she places in Irene's heart.

"Seulgi-ah." Her voice was soft as her fingers tangled on Seulgi's tresses, massaging her scalp slightly. "Don't overthink, okay?"

Seulgi could only hum and place a chaste kiss on the exposed flesh. Irene shivered when she ran her hands on both arm and felt the goosebumps that trailed after her touch.

"Are you cold?"

Chuckling, Irene took a step back and shook her head, a smile plastered on her face yet her face was red. "Sometimes I forgot how innocent you are but I'm fine. Change your clothes, okay? I'll wait for you outside."

Without explaining why or where they were going, Irene disappeared from her sight but not before she tiptoed to stand a little taller and placed a lingering kiss on her forehead.  

She suddenly missed the warmth the older exudes so without wasting another minute, she went straight to fixing herself. Pulling her denim pants, a black shirt and her white canvass shoes, she stared herself infront of the mirror and thought that she looked too plain. Her eyes roamed around her room, looking for something that would complete her outfit. The red velvet box caught her sight and Seulgi smiled.

Despite having Irene beside her, she wanted to remember what made her hold on to the feelings that bloomed when she was a teenager and so, she attached the ring again to the gold chain, clasped it behind her neck and thumbed the ring that was given to her by Irene.

"Hey," she greeted when she saw Irene sitting on their couch, her eyes looking blankly at the unplugged television.

Irene looked up and trained her eyes on the accessory Seulgi was wearing. She stood up and again, invaded Seulgi’s personal space. Lithe fingers held on to the gold chain and thumbed the pendant ring. 

"Why didn't you throw this before?"

"Because I promised I'd keep it."

Looking up, Irene asked, "Even with what I did to you?"

She shrugged, eyes couldn't meet Irene's own. "I thought... I thought I couldn't throw it because it served as a reminder of those. Then I realized I kept it because it was from you."

Seulgi took a shaky breath and smiled timidly. "I was so close throwing it... that day when you asked- no, begged me to help you but then I realized that I couldn't. Do you know why?"

Shaking her head, Irene prompted her to continue. "Because aside from the memories and the sketches I made for you, it was the only thing I have left of you."

They both smiled sadly at each other, their minds traveling back to the past where things were much simpler; where they only would fret on how to give a fake ring because your card was frozen for disobeying your parents or how you'd never expect the one who bullied you to give such gift were the most of their worries. 

Irene took her by the arm and picked up her coat along with the black one on the couch and pulled her towards the door.

"Let's go." She grinned.

"Where are we going?" Seulgi asked, trying to reach for her coat. The air has gotten colder again and her shirt wasn't enough to protect her from it.

"To the mall."


"To give you something you truly deserve."


"Something that will signify that I belong to you and this time, it will be real."




"Do you wanna hold hands?" Irene bashfully a

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Well, there's that! I'm sorry for disappearing since I'm focusing on what's more important in my life now but I hope this is enough for now. I need to dip once again so keep safe everyone!😄😄


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Renebaechu #1
Chapter 39: still thinking about this i hope u will update this one day authorr
Yoonchoding07 #2
Chapter 39: Reread everything. Hope you're doing ok authornim. Please update
You are missed, hope we get to see you again someday
Oct_13_wen_03 #4
hope u doing great author nim
Kylie_123 #5
Chapter 23: Siri play anywhere but home by seulgi
Kylie_123 #6
Chapter 21: Yun pala yun !!! Pero bakit nasasaktan ako para kay Irene kasi parang may reason din sya 😭😭 pero ano nya ba kasi si wendy 😭😭 kawawa naman pala si eun ae 😔😔😔
AnneTokki #7
Chapter 39: Waiting for new update 🥺
Chapter 39: Irene being all mysterious.
Yoonchoding07 #9
Chapter 39: welcome back authornim. thank you for the update.

really curious as to why Joohyun reacted like that after meeting Mr. Song, plus what transfer might he be referring to. 🤔
Chapter 38: They need to fix their communication skills with each other because they are still so secretive from each other and that’s not a very good sign of a healthy relationship.