Their moment

A Night that Changes 360 Degrees of My Life


Myungsoo POV

I suddenly woke up when I hear someone falls. I don’t know since when my sense becoming more better but I really did hear someone falls. I opened my eyes and saw no Jiyeon beside me. I immediately stood up and called her name. “ Jiyeon-ah “ I walk slowly to the bathroom and push the door lightly. “ Myungsoo-shi “ I heard a weak voice coming out from the bathroom.

I push the door until it’s all opened and I saw Jiyeon laying on the floor with a very painful face. I ran to her. “ Yah ! What’s wrong with you ? “ I ask her. Oh God ! I am so in a clumsy mode right now. “ I- I … ARGHHHHH !!! “ she was trying to explain but then she scream because of the pain, I think. I immediately lift her to the bed and lay her there.

“ Wait here “ I ran to the kitchen and took a plain water with a pain killer. I don’t know whether this helps. Because I only took this when I got into headache. I ran back to the room. “ Here take this “ I give the pain killer to her. She took and eat it with the plain water. “ Are you feeling better now ? “ I ask her. She didn’t answer me. Didn’t nods or shook.

“ Myungsoo-shi “ I heard her call my name, whispering. “ Hmm “ I kneel in front of her. “ Send me home “ I heard her said. I don’t know why I don’t feel like sending her home. It feels so calm when I’m with her although she trouble me a lot. I don’t think this is love *denying my own feelings* yeah, but it’s true. It’s impossible for me to fall in love with a girl like her.

“ I will “ I put my hand on her forehead to but then I feel her forehead so hot. I mean it, like so damn hot ! “ Yah !! Are you getting on fever ? “ I ask her, shockedly. She didn’t replied me. I immediately lift her and position her body on the bed correctly. I pull the blanket up to her body. I ran to the kitchen, took a basin and pour some warm water in it. And I took a small towel.

I get back into the room and wet the towel. I squeeze it and put it on Jiyeon’s forehead. “ I’m cold “ she slowly said. Her eyes isn’t opened, but I think she didn’t sleep. “ You cold ? “ I ask her. She nodded slowly. I look at the clock beside the bed. It’s 3.30 in the morning. No wonder she’s cold and got a fever. I open the drawer and look for another blanket, but it isn’t there.

I walk back to the bed and lay beside her. I pull the blanket covered me and her body. Then, I pull her into a hug and rub her back. “ Are you still cold ? “ I look at her and ask. She look up to me and put a small smile. “ You’re so warm “ she said. She moves her body closer to me and hug me tightly. “ Get some sleep. You must be tired taking care of me “ she said after a few moment.

I her hair. “ Just go to sleep. I’m fine “ I told her.


Jiyeon POV

The next morning, I realize when the clock shows 10 am. Oh my God ! I woke up so late. But I’m feeling better than yesterday. I think my fever has gone. I look at Myungsoo-shi. I’m feeling so guilty towards him. He took care of me the whole night. I think he must be very tired. Hmm, what should I do to repay him ? Should I make him breakfast, lunch and dinner ?

I walk off the bed and pull the blanket, covering Myungsoo’s body. I walk to the kitchen and look for something that I can cook. Hmm, there’s rice, chicken, etc. Should I make him porridge ? Since I don’t really know how to cook the others. Hehehe :3 So, I took out the chicken from the freezer and put it in the sink. I clean the chicken and started to cook.

After finished, I arrange the table. Then, I walk back to the bedroom to wake him up. I push his body lightly. “ Myungsoo-shi, wake up “ I said to his ears. He didn’t respond. I push him again, “ Myungsoo-shi “ he slowly opened his eyes. I smile to him. He stood up slowly. When he get to sit still, suddenly he fall to the bed again. “ Myungsoo-shi !!! “ I shout his name.

I sit beside him and touch his forehead. Oh my God ! Did I just passed my fever to him ?! Oh my God ! What have I done ?!! I pull him to me and let his head rest on my shoulder. “ I’m sorry “ I apologize to him. “ Are you feeling better now ? “ he ask and tried to feel my forehead. I took his hand. “ Yah ! How can you ask about me if you are the one who sick ? “ I scold him. He chuckled.

“ I’m okay. I’m a strong guy “he shows me his arm muscle. I smirk. “ If you strong, why did you lean on me ? “ I ask him a superb question. “ First, because you pull me. Second, because … “ he pull up his head and look at me, smiling. “ Because I want to hug my baby girl !!! “ he shout and hug me tightly. “ YAHH !! “ I shout and hit his arm.

“ Aish, you ! Come. Let’s go and eat your porridge “ I pull his hand. He lazily walk up and followed me to the dining table. “ Sit there “ I order him. He sit on the chair in front of his porridge that I made for him. I took a sit beside him. I took the porridge bowl and blow a bit to the hot porridge to make it warmer. “ Open your mouth “ I ask him and push him the spoon.

“ Come on. I feed you “ I said to him when he’s not responding. He smile and open his mouth, eating the porridge. “ Is it taste good ? “ I ask him. He nods. “ Aren’t you eating ? “ he ask me. I shook. “ I’ll wait until you finished eating “ I said and continue feeding him. But then, he took the bowl on my hand and push the spoon to feed me.

“ You have to eat too “ he said to me. I open my mouth and eat the porridge. Then, I took back the bowl and continued feeding him. “ You are more important. You need to eat since you’re sick “ I told him while feeding him. He just chuckle when he heard me talking a lot about him sick. I’m taking a big baby boy right now ! So, he needs to understand what I’m saying.

After the whole bowl finished, I put it on the table and give him some drink. “ I was about to choke than only you give me drinks “ he said and drink his water. I just smile towards his complain. After finished drinking, I put the dirty bowl on the sink and washed it. Then, I walk back to the dining table to clear up. But then, he pull me to him.

“ I want to see you eat “ he said and pull me to sit. “ I don’t want to “ I told him. He made and angry face and pinch my nose, “ Yah ! “ I shout to him. “ You have to eat “ he push my porridge bowl to me. I sigh and eat slowly. He just look at me eating, silently. While I’m eating, suddenly he my hair. I look at him. “ Your hair is so beautiful “ he said.

I chuckled. “ I know you’re sick but, could you please behave like a normal people ? “ I ask him. He look at me with a cool expression. He took my bowl and put it on the table. But then, he pull me into a hug. “ I’m behaving like a normal people right now “ he said. But then, he broke the hug. He put his hand on my shoulder.

“ We are getting married. Are you ready ? “ he suddenly ask me. I stop and think for a while. “ I think … “ I didn’t get to finish my sentence when he pull me closer and plant his kiss for me. I was shocked at first, but I can feel that he is sincere planting the kiss. I wrap my hands around his neck and kiss him back. He hug me tight. We have a very passionate kiss together.

After a few moments, I broke the kiss. I look down, not dare to look into his eyes. “ You taste chicken “ he said with a chuckle. I move backwards, pulling my hand away from his neck and widened my eyes. “ You too “ I said to him and look away. He chuckle and ruffle my hair.



Aww this is so sweet … for me. Taking care of each other !! I don’t know for the readers ~ Please keep commenting okay ! I love all my readers and subscribers ~ So, now you satisfied with this chapter. For me, I’m feeling so happy !!! They are so sweet. I want to know your opinion okay !

Sorry for the super duper late update !! I’m in the middle of examination now since I’m still a high school students. Yuckss okay, I hate it since I got a lot of homeworks too~ Lol, k stop about me !


By any chance, will you check out my one-shot of A Pink. I hope I will get support for this too ~

A Pink One-Shot Request Shop !

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Vyeon_ #1
Chapter 56: Yeyy i finally finished your story. It's so great and interesting <3 you know many suffer of their life makes me pale but of course i know at the end that they would have been an happy ending so I'm happy for your ending. ^^
Chapter 9: Hello! I just wanna tell you that somebody plagiarized and copied this chapter here

You might wanna have a talk with her
NamWoomin #3
Chapter 9: Maybe it'll be more interesting of you add scene? hehehe xD But so far, I love your story
moon_babydino #4
Chapter 55: so fast to forgive jiyeon :/
moon_babydino #5
Chapter 54: yeah ! he deserve that punishment !!!! 6 years is not enough to you myungsoo compare to all you have done to her >.< still hate you :P
moon_babydino #6
Chapter 51: stupid myungsooo youre really stupid

sorry but i can't stop crying here HUHUHUHUHUHUHUHUHUHUHUHUHUHU ! T____________T
moon_babydino #7
Chapter 50: WHAT THE ! -________-
moon_babydino #8
moon_babydino #9
Chapter 41: indeed! while reading this i really want to kill myungsoo. he's so violent and harsh !!!! felt sorry to jiyeonie :(
moon_babydino #10
Chapter 30: my feeling right now is sooooooooo heavy ! T___________T

wae? wae? *sob