Chapter 5

Knocked Out

Here she is. Standing by the front building waiting for Irene to arrive at the restaurant where they will have their dinner night. 

Seulgi offered to pick her up but Irene said she will meet her at the restaurant and it took Seulgi time to bought a bouqet of flower consist of baby breathe and tulips. 

Just look beautiful like Irene. She waited infront of the building patiently. Irene should be here any minutes. 

And when she was about to call her girlfriend, a hand wrap perfectly around her hand and a beautiful smile from her left side welcome her warmly. 

It never gets old everytime Irene does that to her. Smiling at her with those beautiful smile which always successfully made her heart beat three times harder than it should be. 

"Hi" said Seulgi excitedly.

"Hi! Is that for me?" said Irene pointing at the bouqet Seulgi is holding. 

Grinning, she give the bouqet to Irene and her girlfriend happily took it. 

Seulgi lean closer to capture those sweet lips that always managed to bring butterfly in her stomach everytime she kiss it. 

Irene gladly accept the kiss which is short since they are in public and they don't want to drag attention. Also noted that both of them are hungry since it's almost 7.

"Let's go inside" said Seulgi. 


Once they got inside, Seulgi told the receptionist about the reservation she made. The waitress lead them to their table which are located in a small balcony with one table and two chairs across each other. 

The table is set beautiful with two candle lights up on the center and rose petals are put around the table on the floor. From this balcony they can see the beautiful view of Seoul.

This restaurant located on the 10 floor of this building and since Seulgi want a privacy for both of them, she requested for a candle light dinner in the balcony. 

Which only Irene and Seulgi will be there. Also the menu for their three course are already booked by Seulgi from the phone call this afternoon. So all they have to do is sit on the chair and talk to each other. 

"This is your seats" said the waitress and then left as he knows the couple wants a privacy. 

Irene didn't let go of her hand from Seulgi. Her eyes still admiring the beautiful view of Seoul and how romantic the table setting is. 

"You prepared all this?" ask Irene.

But rather than answering, Seulgi direct Irene to her seat, pull the chair out and Irene sit there. Seulgi is a know. 

Seulgi take her seat and smile upon seeing her girlfriend sitting across her with a wide smile. 

"You like it?" 

"I love it, Seul. Thank you for the flower and all of this" 

"You're my girlfriend. This is the least thing I could do to make you happy" 

"You always make me happy in your own way, Seul. Even when you do nothing you always make me smile" Seulgi smile.

"So how was work?" 

It make Irene quiet for a second before she lean forward. Seulgi know this kind of body languange.

Something Irene always do when she wants to talk about something important. 

"I got suspended"

"What? Why?"

"Me, Jennie, and Jisoo got caught taking case file which beyond our skill. Well, they shouldn't suspended us because that case file was on my desk. So objectively, that case should belong to me" said Irene with her sad smile.

"For how long?" 

"Three days" 

"What was the case about?" 

Irene knew Seulgi will ask this and she plan not to say anything about it since she will spend her three days of punishment finding this Park Chanyeol guy with Jennie and Jisoo. 

She doesn't want Seulgi to know about it. 

And when she was about to say something, the waitress came with two appetizers and one bottle of red wine. 

Eventually, Irene is save.

They decided to dig in to the food and they continue to chat about Seulgi's new project. 

Seulgi talks about the upcoming concert for this artist and she need to study various of dance moves since the artist she currently working with has lots of songs. 

She had worked with this artist before. Her name is Kim Taeyeon. Sure everybody know who she is.

The famous soloist in Korea. 

And Seulgi is beyond honor to work with her. 

Today is just a warm up to remember the dance moves of two of her songs. 

For about a month she will practice and then all of the dancers will move to coordination with the stage movement. 

Where their position will be in this songs and everything they need to do during the concert later. 

Sounds really interesting to Irene and she remember how she used to be part of the hectic days. 

Performing for the events her univeristy were hosting. 

It was one of the most memorable memories she had. Especially when Mrs. Hyoyeon (sorry I forgot Hyoyeon was mention as their dance teacher during their university time. So, let's just pretend there are two different Hyoyeon. Sorry for the mistake, guys) told her how proud she was to finally saw her dancing on the stage. 

Irene miss being on the stage. 

But now it's all in the past. She have case to solve. 

Once they finish their dinner night, they decided to go home and rest. 

Since it's been a long day for the both of them, they went to sleep faster than they use to be and drifted to dreamland so quick. Until morning comes and wake them up to get ready for work.

As for Irene, she have secret mission to do with her friends. 


Waiting for Jennie to pick her up, she sit on the bar chair, supporting her head with her hand. 

Thinking about this guy name Park Chanyeol. 

What the hell they want with Seulgi? Or maybe with her?

He should be in jail by now even if he is not then how?

This various of questions giving her a headache and after awhile yesterday, she didn't took her sleeping pills.

But weirdly, she didn't dream anything.

She slept peacefully. 

It's good news actually. But still. She need to find help to really cure herself from this traumatic event. 

It may stop last night but it may happen again. No one knows when, even Irene herself. 

Then her phone rings. Jennie said she's waiting for her downstairs. 

And so she gets out from her apartment and go downstairs only to meet Jennie's car parked infornt of the lobby apartment. 

"Get in"


Dressing all casual, Jennie, Jisoo, and Irene stick to their plan. Going to the court to meet the staff. 

They sure is suspended from doing their works but the court doesn't know that. But to minimalize the risk, they decided to use their internal source to help them with this one. 

And right now they are one their way to meet that person. 

On the road to the court, Irene doesn't know why but she feel so nervous. 

What if they get caught for this?

No. They won't and they certainly won't.

She need to think positive. 

Soon Jennie's car arrive at the court house. Big building with four pillars welcome them in the front lobby. Everything look so honorable and the building itself has it charms.

This place is where clients receive their penalty, their hearing. Might ended up bad or the other way around. Mostly bad. 

The three girls got out from the car and walk inside the court. 

Jisoo came to the receptionist and told the staff they want to see Miss Sunny. 

Meanwhile, Jennie and Irene stand not far from the receptionist, looking around the court. Actually they are looking at the schedule board. Showing them about the time and how many cases for today. 

"I feel like we're not a lawyer. More like a detective" said Jennie.

"In some case we need to act like a license detective. Finding out the truth, lying even" said Irene and Jennie totally know that. It just, she never do anything like this before. 

"Hey, guys" Jisoo called.

Moments later, they were directed to Miss Sunny office room. 

Which are located in the second floor of the building. 

Miss Sunny had worked together with Jisoo before and ever since then they help each other through some cases. 

Yes. Miss Sunny is their internall source. 

The wooden door open, revealing a neat office room with bookshelve welcoming them the first time they went inside. 

To the left side is where Sunny is sitting on her chair, typing through her laptop, didn't notice her guessts is here. 


The girl with short blonde hair, wearing black blazer and white tank top beneath it, raise her head, looking up tot the person who called her. 

Her eyes wide open and see the clock.

"Oh my god, Jisoo. I'm so sorry. There's a case I need to settle. Sorry I can't meet you in the lobby" said the short girl who walk towards Jisoo. 

"It's okay" Jisoo gave her a warm hug as a friend and smile.

"This is my girlfriend, Jennie Kim and this is my best friend, Irene Bae" 

Sunny shake hands with both of the girls with a warm smile on her face. Irene thought she will be scary but it appears it only her make up made her looked like that.

With heavy make up around her eyes, she look so fierce and scary.

"So, do you find anything?" 

"Right. The profile you sent to me yesterday. He never work for us" 

Jennie tilted her head and look at Irene. This is interesting. 

"So who was supposed to sent the case files to our firm two days ago?" asked Irene.

"His name is Baekhyun. He had work with us for several years now but since two days ago, he never cameback to the office. We thought maybe he wet somewhere but clearly with this sudden news you gave me yesterday, I'm sure something bad happened to him" 

Irene biting her lips. Sure she agree with Sunny. 

But she isn't ready with what coming next in this conversation.

She doesn't like it at all. After all she just a advocate. Not a trial lawyer.

"Where is he now?" 

"No one knows"

"Have you search for him?"

"Not yet. We thought he might go somewhere since nothing really suspicious since two days ago" Sunny explain. 

"Do you have his address?" ask Jisoo. 


"Have you find anything yet?" 

"Not yet. But I saw your car in the CCTV and got the plate from the black SUV you said yesterday"

"Great. Tell me if you got anything"

"Will do" 

Seulgi ended the call and sigh. 

This thing making her anxious of what will come next. 

Sure she hope nothing serious waiting for her in the future. She doesn't want anything bad happen again like a year ago.

For years she finally got her freedom and right now she living a perfect like with her perfect girlfriend.

She couldn't ask more of it.

The faster she get the culprit who wants to kill her, the faster she will get peace. 

For sure, she doesn't want anyone to disturb her and Irene.

Her girlfriend been through a lot and she doesn't want to bring that burden back to her. 

"Hey, Seul! Want to grab lunch together?" ask Chung Ah.

"Oh, no thanks"

"Oh, come on. Someone made you lunch box again?" Seulgi grinned and nodded cutely. 

"Okay. I gave up" said Chung Ah raising her hand before going out from the practice room. 

Sitting inside the practice all alone while enjoying her lunch box made by Irene, she listen to musics.

Sometimes playing back the music she was practicing awhile ago and try to practice the dance move again. 

Looking through her reflection in the mirror, she practice the move which she still feel not right. Going to detail even more deeper.

When she is busy watching her movement in the mirror, she feels like someone is watching her.

She stop. Feeling the weird sensation from the back of her. Like someone is watching her from outside the practice room. Who could it be? 

Without feeling scared, she walk towards the door, open it only to find empty corridor. 

She is sure someone was watching her but the empty corridor just prove her nonsense.

Trying to ignore her paranoid, she went back inside and begin to practice again. 


Going up from the stairs to the third floor of the building, they finallly arrive to the apartment.

This address belongs to Baekhyun.

The one they asked to Sunny. 

Yes. They look more like detectives in action rather than lawyers. 

Standing infront of the apartment door, written 310, Jennie, Jisoo, and Irene decided to knock.

Hoping someone will open the door from the other side. Not wanting anything bad they had thought back in the car really happen. 

"What if it's true?" ask Jennie.


"Jisoo, seriously. What if he's dead already?" 

Okay. Isn't the one who supposed to be scared is Irene in this situation? Sure Irene is scared but maybe because she been through it last year, she gotten use to scary thing.

But not to hide any possibilities that there will be time where Irene really collapse in certain situation and this one could possibly be one of them. 

Here Jisoo holding on two girls who both are fragile. One can hold it up for awhile, one can't. 

Jennie never been through this and for Jisoo herself, she's a lawyer in training for become a trial lawyer. 

Yes. She been to several crime scenes and she puked at the first crime scene. Her senior wasn't mad because that's exactly what happened to her too. 

But after several inspection to the crime scene and doing a react for what happened during the murderer time, she gotten use to it. 

And right now, Jennie being all paranoid is completely fine. She just need to be guided. After all, Jennie sign herself to become a 'normal' lawyer. Dealing with cases like relationship status, child custody.

She sure never sign up for this kind of case. 

Jennie need her guid on this and that's exactly what Jisoo do. 

She wrapped her hands around Jennie, pulling her into a hug and patted her. 

"I'm a lawyer in training to become a trial lawyer. I can asure you that I'm not an expert in this but base on my experience and what I learn, what you are doing right now is completely fine. But you need to minimalize it. Be strong. You know I'm always here for you and we get through this together. You said it yourself. You want to help Irene. This is how you help her" said Jisoo in her ear.

Jennie completely understand that. This is what she wants and Jisoo is right.

But she just can't help herself being so paranoid. After all, she's the second straight A student in class after Irene. 

She stick to the rules like a robot. And doing this completely out of the book, really make her feel anxious and worried. Meanwhile for Jisoo, she never scared to obey rules.

She's that kind of disobedient girl ever since she was a kid. So she never felt wrong for disobeying rules. 

That's not the point.

Here Jisoo and Jennie standing together with Irene. They both had talked about this before and Jennie should keep that promise. A promise to help Irene got out from this life. 

This is just a small step at the beginning to get to the truth.

Find the culprit. 

With that, Jennie exhale and nodded. Once Jisoo is sure, Jennie had calm herself down, she pull away and kiss her girlfriend forehead. 

Irene on the back, raise her hand to reach Jennie's shoulder. An act to encourage Jennie. 

Therefore, Jisoo try to open the door since there was no answer when they knocked. 

And as soon as they open the door, they can smell of dead body and dry blood filling the small apartment. 

Closing their mouth and nose with their own hand, Jennie can't deny that she realy want to puke now but she need to hold it in order to keep the crime scene untouch.

Irene on the other hand remain silent as she process everything. something bigger than she thought it would be. 

And Jisoo thought the same.

"I think we need some help with this" said Jisoo.

And both Jennie and Irene know what Jisoo meant by that. 


Walking to her apartment after practicing until dark, Seulgi went home with tired body. 

She wanted to pick Irene up from wherever she is but the latter told her, she's on her way back home and told her they need to talk. 

Right now she's right infront of her apartment door, open the key to her apartment.

Once she got inside, she went to the kitchen to grab something for her to eat. 

After that, as always, she take off her t-shirt. It's been a habit of her ever since Irene told her she have a nice body. 

Yes. She want to brag about her nice body to Irene and everyone else who come to her house. 

But mostly she want to make Irene drool over her once she come home later. 

So only with her bra and jogger, she sits on the couch in the living room. Eating a piece of bread and a glass of milk. 

Waiting patiently for her girlfriend to come home. 

She was about to have her second bite when the bell to her apartment rings. 

"She's fast" said Seulgi.

Walking towards the door without being suspicious, she open the door only to get her eyes wide open with the sudden surprise. 

What she is seeing right now is not a scene she want to witness. 

Blonde hair girl, short height, Canadian look, her ing best friend, Wendy.

Cover with blood. Don't know if it's hers or someone else blood.

And she thought Wendy was busy with her work because the girl haven't answer any of her calls or message since two days ago.

Right now she's standing weakly infont of her door, cover with blood, her right eyes is black, a sign someone had punched her before. 

Lips were cut. Bruises covering her body skin.

Jesus, what happened to her?


"Ya Son Seungwan" 

But before Wendy could speak. the latter drop her body to the ground but Seulgi manage to catch her before her body touch the ground. 

". Wendy what happened?" 

With that, Seulgi bring Wendy's body inside, carrying her bridal style, put her on the couch in the living room.

She grab her phone, calling the person who completely knows about this. 



After she called Sunmi, she went to her bedroom, searching for the first aid kit. 

Which is inside the drawer in the nightstand beside her bed. 

She grabbed the box but stop when she saw something.

A bottle written melatonin. 

First she is sure those pills didn't belong to her.

And the only person who live here beside her is none other than her girlfriend.


It's a sleeping pills. 

Does Irene have a sleeping problem?

Why is this pills in here?


"Oh my god. Wendy!" 

Seulgi decided to take those pills and put it inside her pocket. Since her girlfriend is back, she probably confuse with Wendy on the couch. Cover with blood.

But once she arrive in the living room, she see her girlfriend on the ground, both knees touching her chest. 

She's hugging them with fear show through her eyes. 

Her body is shaking looking at Wendy with horror. 

What the is happening here? 





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919 streak #1
Chapter 4: Rereading this now, because I missed my parents 🐻🐰
Chapter 44: How they were held hostage twice🤣
Chapter 16: u seulgi. you're a fighter but you're a coward just to tell the truth. I hate this. I hate both useless police and the detective of course.
Sir_Loin #4
Chapter 18: I know is good to get to the plots. But everyone EXCEPT each protagonists’ best friends are dumb. Irene - established. Seulgi - idk why she thinks her Bae is safer apart than close. She got it right for Sunmi & Yeri. The police? Incompetent. XD
Sir_Loin #5
Chapter 3: For a nerd, straight A student, majoring in CRIMINAL law…. To walk through an alley. In the middle of the night. In a shady neighbourhood. …… she’s…. Not street smart i guess.
Oct_13_wen_03 #6
Aejoo_ #7
This fic is really intense
Chapter 46: It's really really the end. Thank you for writing this story again author nim
Chapter 46: Aw thank you for this
Chapter 46: Aw thank you for this