
Falling You

The gods had played a cruel joke on her when she and her group was on the way to success. She hated this event for making her parents and sister worry, pausing the group’s flying career, disappointing her fans, burdening her members and making her feel so idle, like now.

More often than she liked to admit, she blamed herself for going through that could-be-fatal rehearsal without even the slightest hesitation. She was too timid and reluctant to upset the crew for complaining the lack of lighting on the stage. Though she knew it is unhealthy to think this way, she couldn’t help the what-would-have-been-if-I-didn’t trend of thought creeping into her mind every time she’s alone. It even caused her occasional nightmares and waking up with cold sweats.

Before being pulled once again into her self blaming cycle, the door bell rang and she went up immediately to open the door. And there he is, a giant wearing black from head to toe with pink containers in his hands.

He sneaked in to the half open door with his Tupperware and Thermos. And found her tiny figure behind the door in comfy home attire and a bed head.
“Am I too early?” he asked.
“Not at all.” she replied closing the door behind her and then reaching for the two Tupperware from his hand.
“Don’t trouble yourself.” he carried all the stuff to the kitchen island with ease.
“I am not crippled you know.” she complained following him to the breakfast bar area.
“Have you eaten? Where is the soup bowl again?” he asked while looking for the bowl in the overhead cabinet. “Ahh here it is.”
“My cousin and I had breakfast before she went out for work this morning. And you?” she helped setting the table with utensils thinking how domestic this looks.
“Steal a few bites when I was cooking in the morning. I want to eat with you.” he brought two soup bowls to the table and reached for the thermos.
“Thank you, Yeol oppa,” she smiled and wondered which of the dishes is his masterpiece as he opened the three containers. The soup is steaming hot, the egg roll still warm and the cold side looks delicious.
“Let’s eat,” he gestured her to sit next to him and poured some soups for both of them.
“You’ve been busy,” she observed the black circle under his eyes while putting a piece of egg roll in his plate.
“Just some photo shootings for the magazine and some clips for the YouTube channel. Have you watched the latest one?” he prompted with food in his mouth.
“Wouldn’t miss it for the world,” she nodded and felt proud of him, “Yeol oppa is a real producer now. But I love it more when you play chef.”
“And you can decide what I am going to cook in the next clip,” he promised.

She felt the uselessness on her part deeply as people around her have been progressing. Her members’ instagram gaining more followers, Seulgi and Irene practicing for the new subunit, chanyeol oppa’s OST breaking new record in Spotify, his YouTube channel listed silver...

“What is it? Are you feeling unwell?” he anxiously noticed the sudden drop of her countenance.
“Everybody is progressing and I just feel so useless and frustrated,” she confessed her insecurity.
“It’s alright,” he took her hand for comfort, “you are recovering well. You will soon be on your track again. Your members don’t have much to do until June either. You didn’t lose much opportunity.”
Sensing her objection, he continued, “It’s not about you. It’s the whole pandemic affecting the economy and overseas travel. I’d say the world has stopped for Seungwan Xi. It has all turnt out exceedingly well for your situation.”

She laughed because he said it as if she is the center of the world. Maybe because of his religion, he always made her think that things happened for a purpose and would turn out good if you endeavor and with prayers. If there is any gain from her injury, it would be having this happy virus on her side. She knew she should be more grateful.

“Seriously if I got to choose, it maybe better for me to be enlisted in the military service earlier this year,” he injected suddenly.
“Why? Did the company say anything?” she remembered Suho intended to be enlisted by the end of May, just one month later.
“I haven’t talked to the company yet. But my members thought this year would be the best timing. The economy will continue to drop for the next two years. We should do the duty now and make money later when the economy shows signs of recovery,” he explained, “I think the company would agree. It is good publicity for us later. And it would help focus the company’s resources and market’s spending power for NCT.”
“Oh my god, this adult talk can only be from Suho oppa, isn’t it?” she was surprised at the maturity in this conversation.
“Why? Can’t I think this through on my own?” he pouted at her for not giving him enough credit.
“I just think you are fully occupied on your studio and keeping me company. So you wouldn’t have time to think about anything else,” she said sweetly leaning into his embrace.
“You are right. These are my priorities now,” he admitted without shame, “so tell me. Number one, two or three?” he pointed one by one at the dishes they had finished.
“Number two,” she selected the egg roll.
“Really? Was it that good?” he beamed with pride for he is the one making the egg roll.
“I mean Yeol oppa definitely made number two. The deliciousness though is ranked by number one, three then two,” she grinned mischievously.
“Don’t tease,” he pinched lightly her left cheek and scowled at the empty plate, “why? Is it because of the carrot?”

As they seek comfort from each other’s embrace, she couldn’t help but think: they are counting down their days together.

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A reveluv’s very first fanfic
I have been obsessed with wenyeol couple for a few weeks now and become an exo-l in the process. But there just aren’t enough fanfics about wenyeol in the internet to satisfy my fantasy about these two. Maybe I should just start one to preach this precious fandom.


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Noelle25 #1
Chapter 5: please update miss author
HMRiosa #2
Chapter 5: Please update soon author-nim! ❤️
handsomefish #3
Chapter 5: (๑>ᴗ<๑)
Loey61-1485 #4
Chapter 4: it is so good! I'll be waiting for more!
Thank you for this?♥️
hoolee #5
Chapter 2: So warm
6joyiah #6
Chapter 1: This is cute!!!! ♥️