Sweet Delight

Parenting 101
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"You are not going to the office today?" Taeyeon asked.

"Nope. I don't want Naeun to get caught up in the office every day."

"Just send her to Umma's or Daddy's house."

"I don't want to trouble Umma. And Daddy is not in Korea. Besides, I don't have much to do in the office. I can just work from home." Tiffany went inside the walk-in closet to get some clothes for Taeyeon to change into after her practise session.

"Okay." Taeyeon tied her hair up, put on a minimal amount of make up and took a gym bag from the wardrobe. She opened the zipper when Tiffany came back, bringing her clothes. She thanked her wife and put the clothes in the gym bag and zipped it back. "Don't do anything dangerous while I'm away." 

Tiffany chuckled. "What am I? Five?" she asked the smiling woman and gave her a quick peck on the lips. 

"Bye then. Call me if you need anything." Taeyeon shouldered her gym bag.

"Okay. Drive safely."

Taeyeon nodded and left the bedroom.

"Umma!" Naeun ran towards Taeyeon.

"Hi! Good morning." Taeyeon caught the girl that ran into her and kissed her cheek.

"I wanted to give this to you yesterday, but I slept too early." The girl showed Taeyeon the purple beaded bracelet in her hand.

"Aww... Do you make it yourself?"

The girl nodded. "Mommy helped."

"Really? It's pretty. I'm going to wear it to practice. Thank you, Naeun-ah. I will come back early today, okay?" she said and kissed the girl's cheek again.

The girl bid her mother goodbye, and when Taeyeon left the house, she ran towards her mothers' bedroom.

"Mommy!" The girl, who was still in her pajamas ran towards the bed, climbed it and crashed on top of the woman who was lying on the bed.


The little girl giggled. 

"You are heavy," Tiffany said and kissed the girl.

"I gave Umma the bracelet."

"Did she like it?" Tiffany hugged the girl.

The girl nodded. She giggled when Tiffany tightened the hug as she tried to sit down.

"What do you want to do today? Do you want to go out?" Tiffany asked.


"Nah. I took a day off."

"Stay home."

Tiffany chuckled at the expected answer. A homebody indeed. "What do you want to do then?" She finally let go of the girl and sat up.

"Watch Frozen?"

"No more Frozen. You need to do something productive."

The girl pouted. "Let's bake! I want to eat an apple pie like the one Aunty Yuri baked for me."

Tiffany widened her eyes. "You want to bake? But I don't--" She trailed off when she saw her daughter's face which was filled with expectations.

"I did tell you to be productive. Right. Let me ask for the recipe first." She took her phone from the bed and texted Yuri. About an hour later, Yuri texted her back with the recipe. She sighed when she read the lengthy message. "Naeun-ah, I got the recipe. Let's get started."

Tiffany took the aprons hanging beside the kitchen cabinet and wore it for Naeun and then for herself

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maemae08 #1
Chapter 17: I'm here again and I still want more😭
maemae08 #2
Chapter 17: Noooooo! I don't want this to end 😭😭
maemae08 #3
Chapter 15: Oh my gosh naeun, you're parents.
yung1316 #4
Chapter 17: Hello author, it's been a while for this fic, I don't remember if it's mentioned but it would be nice to read how Tiffany and Taeyeon met? Like how did they started to fall in love and everything on a flashback, I hope it's possible
NekoLS #5
Chapter 17: Parenting surely diff level of our living phase
But taeny surely slay it
NekoLS #6
Chapter 16: I laughed hard for this chapter hahahaha
Its so hilarious omg I could imagine Tae being scared by the sergeant Fany lol hahaha
1213 streak #7
Chapter 17: Awww that's so cute, at first i also thought that Nauen was being bullied at school because she have two women as her parents, ah yeah concert tickets especially kpop tickets are hard to get because 1) they are sold out quickly 2) too expensive for those poor/broke like me
674 streak #8
Chapter 17: I miss TaeNy huhu
Chapter 17: nicee