Tempted By Fate
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So sorry for the delay, I've been so damn busy, but I'm free right now till January again. Please do drop a comment at the end of this chapter and so you know, I kinda change my writing style from the middle of this chapter, so you might probably notice it. Enjoy reading.



Baekhyun is already waiting in the car. It's actually their first time going shopping together after their marriage. It's not like Baekhyun doesn't want to go shopping or go out with Jia, it's just that he has been so busy with work since it's approaching the end of the year.


Baekhyun is slowly tapping his laps and he smiles into nothingness. His mind is apparently crowded with thoughts of Jia. It's still so new to him, he can't actually believe that he confessed his love to Jia. It was hard for him, he was scared of rejection, but he was also ready for the worse. However, it turned out that Jia has always been in love with him.


"What could be the reason for your amazing smile?" Jia asked. She's standing beside Baekhyun's car door, staring at him.


The CEO is suddenly pulled out of his thoughts by Jia's voice and he smiled at her the moment their eyes met.


"You." He says in a soft tone, "You're the reason behind my smile." Baekhyun coos and Jia blushes really hard. She playfully hit Baekhyun on his hand and walked off to the other side of the car, still smiling like a kid.


"Don't tease me like that," Jia says when she sits properly next to Baekhyun in the front seat.


"Well, I'm not teasing you, I mean what I just said. I've been thinking of you that's why I was smiling." Baekhyun leans closer to her to fix her seat belt and Jia's cheeks become redder, and in a swift second, Baekhyun's lips are already on hers.


He's kissing her passionately, while his hand is resting on her waist. Jia is melting effortlessly into the rock star's touch. Her heart is beating faster, she feels so excited and loved.


After the moment of bliss between the couple, Baekhyun is staring into Jia's eyes with so much love and affection. 


"I love you." He coos and caressed her face, he stared at her for a while before pulling away from her.


"I love you too, Baekhyun." 


That word alone was enough to make Baekhyun shoot Jia his angelic smile before starting the engine of the car and driving out of his compound. 


On their way to the mall, Baekhyun decided to engage Jia in a conversation. He turned over to Jia, staring at her for a while before turning his attention back to the road.


He has always wanted to ask Jia how her parents actually died after he read her diary on their wedding night. However, he's scared of reopening an old wound. He sighs and decides to still ask his question.


"There's something I really want to ask you, please don't take it the wrong way and don't be sad, please." Baekhyun pleaded and Jia tilted her head to the side to get a better view of Baekhyun's face.


"What do you want to ask me?" Her voice is low with a hint of fear and Baekhyun realized that if he asked her that very question it would definitely ruin her mood, so he decided to let it be and just smiled at her.


"Actually, I want to ask if you've spoken to Sehun recently? I mean he has to know that we're madly in love with each other." Baekhyun lied, and Jia smiled. She placed her hands on Baekhyun's hand and caressed it.


"To me, Sehun is just a friend so please let's not talk about that for now, and let's focus on us. I love you and you love me, that's all that matters to me." Jia's love for Baekhyun is all that matters to her. 


She has always been in love with Baekhyun, but honestly couldn't even tell what she's feeling because it's her first time falling in love.

All she wants at the moment is to cherish all her moments with Baekhyun and make the best out of them.


"You're right my love, I love you more than life itself and I will cherish our moments with so much love." Baekhyun smiled at her and decided to ask her about her period cramps.


"Does your stomach still hurt?" Baekhyun asks, he brings his free hand to her tummy and carefully massages the flat skin. Jia smiled and shut her eyes, enjoying her husband's hand on her tummy and it indeed feels better.


"Your tea works like magic, but your hands are way better. I feel so relaxed right now." Jia says with much relaxation written all over her face.


"Well, remind me to give you a massage when we get back home." Baekhyun deliberately made his voice low as he made his statement because Jia was just so relaxed and it looks like she could fall asleep anytime soon due to his hands on her tummy.




Baekhyun finally stopped the car and turned off the engine. He looked at Jia who's eyes were still close and he softly pulled his hand away from her tummy and Jia blinked her eyes open.


"Thank you for the massage." She says and Baekhyun smiled.


"It's nothing sweetheart. I thought you were sleeping."


"Nope, I fought so hard not to fall asleep because this is our first shopping together as lovers, and I don't want to miss any part of it." 


"I see." Baekhyun leans closer to her and presses a kiss on her forehead. "Then, I shall make it a memorable one for you." He pulls his car keys and steps out of the car and he walks over to Jia's side of the car and opens the door for her and stands in front of her.


He stares at her for a while and Jia even begins to blush at the way Baekhyun is looking at her so closely and lovingly.


"I've never seen you this bright and happy since I met you." He says with all sincerity and Jia blinks her eyes severally as she finds his words a bit funny.


She turns around and faces him properly and slowly wraps her hands around his neck.


"I'm in love Baekhyun. I'm deeply in love with you, my husband, so you should get used to this bright and happy side of me from now on." She chuckles while looking at Baekhyun's face and then his lips, and she slowly presses a kiss on his lips.


Jia simply doesn't care if people are staring at them at the moment or whatsoever, all that matters to her is the fact that she's happy and with her husband.


Baekhyun wraps his hand around her waist and deepens the kiss, kissing his wife with so much love and passion. He also doesn't care about the passers-by staring at them, all that matters to him at that moment is his wife in his arms.


After kissing Jia as if his life depends on the kiss, Baekhyun pulls away and they both catch their breath for a while before Baekhyun cups Jia's face.


"I promise to do just anything in this world to make sure you're happy and bright all the time." He kisses her forehead and helps her out of the car and they walk straight into the mall.




"Why are you this moody?" Minwoo asked his daughter, but the lady simply looked at him and shook her head.


It's been over a week now and Sunhee has been behaving strangely. She no longer goes for photoshoots, she hardly eats or talks to anyone and the worst thing is that she now locks herself in her bedroom and it is noticeable.


Her parents are getting worried over her strange behavior, they've always known Sunhee to be a carefree person with a jovial personality, but over the past week, she has totally changed and it's really a thing of great worry to Sojin and Minwoo.


"It's nothing, dad." She mutters softly with her head bowed low and Sojin frowns in annoyance.


"It's nothing? You keep on saying it's nothing, but we can clearly see that something isn't right here. Talk to us sweetie, we are your parents, please." Sojin says softly while caressing her face and Sunhee leans into her mother's touch.


She sighs deeply and smiles at her parents. "I'm fine mom and dad, it's just that I'm not feeling well, that's all."


"No, that's all lies. I'm your father Sunhee, and even though I barely spend time with you, I still know everything about you. You're not fine, something is definitely going on and I know that for sure. Your brother is having a good time with his wife, don't make me involve him in this, you know what the outcome will be." Minwoo isn't happy at all and Sunhee notices it and folds her fist in anger.


"How do I make you believe that I'm fine? You keep on saying that something is wrong when everything is actually fine." She picks up her phone and walks out on her parents and leaves the mansion.


She didn't bother to go out with any of the cars or drivers, rather she decided to just leave everything and take a taxi to her favorite coffee shop just to relax and calm down her mind.


In the past, she would come to the coffee shop with Sonia and just pour out her heart and in the end, she would feel better, although Sonia wasn't one to always make her happy, it was still okay because there was someone to talk to.


"Welcome Miss Sunhee, should I get you your regular coffee?" The waiter asks, and Sunhee nods.


"Yes please." She sighs deeply and stares down at her ringing phone, and the moment she saw the caller ID, tears streamed down her eyes. She suddenly looked pale and more tears began to fall from her eyes as she sobs weakly.


Sehun who happens to be sitting at the next table recognizes Sunhee immediately and watches her closely. It's true that he doesn't like Baekhyun, but he doesn't hate Baekhyun's family members. 


He furrowed his brows as he watched Sunhee closely. She looks so sad and pale and Sehun being a detective can tell that something is definitely wrong. He picks up his phone so that he can approach her, but a man wearing a blue jean, and red long sleeve shirt walked over to Sunhee and sat down beside her.


On seeing this, Sehun decides to mind his business. Maybe Sunhee is having relationship issues and it will be wrong of him to interfere in their personal matters. He watches them carefully, and he notices that the man's behavior towards Sunhee is inappropriate.


He's touching her thighs beneath the table and Sehun can clearly see how uncomfortable Sunhee is at the moment.


"How disgusting." Sehun mutters but he keeps his eyes on them, and just then, the man stands up and grabs Sunhee by the hand, and he drags her out of the coffee shop.


Seeing the look of panic in Sunhee's eyes, Sehun decides to follow the man and find out what's going on. As far as he knows, lovers are meant to be happy and not scared or sad. Besides, that man is nothing but a disgusting man to Sehun.


He followed them outside, but he was quite shocked to see the man forcing Sunhee into his car despite the pleading and tears of the girl.


" this ." Sehun frowned and walked over to the man. He grabbed the man's hand and forcefully pulled him away from Sunhee who seemed so busy crying.


The moment she saw Sehun, she quickly ran over to him and hid behind him. Sehun said nothing but carefully observed her body, and hopefully, she looks fine and unharmed.


"Who the hell are you to pull her away from me?" The man yells in anger while glaring at Sehun.


"I'm detective Oh Sehun, and also a lawyer." Sehun pulled out his card and the man's eyes doubled in size. He looked at Sunhee and nodded his head in anger.


"You've just outdone yourself Sunhee. I will make sure you never show your face to anyone ever again, and no man will ever marry you. Just wait and see." The man turns around to walk away and Sunhee quickly rushes over to him, but Sehun stops her in time and pulls her to himself.


"Don't follow him, I can see that he's blackmailing you, right?" Sehun's voice is soft and calm and Sunhee nods her head with more tears streaming down her cheeks.


She hugs Sehun and sobs helplessly into his chest. She's so scared and it's so clear to Sehun. He pulled her closer to himself and gently caressed her back.


"It's okay Sunhee, stop crying now else you will fall sick. Let me take you home to your parents first then we can talk." Sehun says, but she pulls away from his body and folds her hand in front of him.


"Please Sehun, don't take me to my parents, please. I don't want to bother them, it will end them." She pleads and Sehun nods his head.


"It's alright, I will take you to my place and then you can tell me everything. Is that alright with you?" Sehun asks and Sunhee nods in response and she follows Sehun to his car.


It's obvious that she has no knowledge about who Sehun actually is, but she surely knows him to be a friend of Jia and that's just about enough for her.


Throughout the ride to Sehun's place, Sunhee kept her eyes outside the window. She seems lost in thought and of course, it didn't go unnoticed by Sehun. He doesn't know exactly what's going on with her, but he

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Tempted By Fate Chapter 25 which is also the last chapter is finally out! Go check it out.


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Chapter 1: Woah Baekhyun seems to be a little bit vulgar here💀😳 I liked his aura tho! I wonder how he's gonna fall in love with her?! Let me dig in more yum!😩
34 streak #3
Chapter 31: Wow.. finally got to finish another amazing story from authornim's collection... it was indeed so catchy, interesting and mysterious... full of love, suspense and secrets... I really loved Jia's strong, bold but still soft and lovely character... I also became her fan after her first acts.. hehe..even though baekhyun's character at first really shocked me and left me totally speechless but the drastic changes made things more interesting...but really enjoyed their bickering and enemy episodes... that woman sonia and het whole evil acts really made me want to slap her real hard... served her right for the evil deed she did to everyone specially Jia and baekhyun..loved the way Jia ans baekhyun's character and relationship developed from strangers to slight enemies to lovers...that was a whole long journey and of course a Rollercoaster ride.. but loved the ups and downs in their relationship cause that made their relationship more stronger and opened so many new secrets to them... the fact that I'm in love the lovely soulmate couple... the revelation one by one revealed and that was both shocking and heartbreaking but still heartwarming and sweetest... so happy for dara and jiyong, also sehun and sunhee.. sunhee's that part really broke my heart... but loved the way sehun helped, comforted, supported and saved her from that situation... so sweet of him.. glad that all these amazing people were with Jia all along with her throughout all these good and bad situations... felt so bad for her but loved the way baekhyun understood his mistakes and corrected it.. embraced her so lovingly and warmly... so happy for them... their confession part was one of the best thing... the love, care, support, trust, understanding, respect and commitment between them made things more sweet and loveable than before... also shin and her evil deed made me so angry.. served her right...didn't expect she could be these much evil and pathetic crazy woman... baekhyun's parents were one of my favorite characters here... aww..so lovely and heartwarming people..so happy for Jia that she got all the happiness at the end of the story.. also uww... baby and the new couple...Jia and baekhyun deserved that happiness.. glad that they got their deserved happy ending... so excited to read more bonus chapters... I'm deeply in love with the story and the couple..also the side characters... really enjoyed reading the whole story from beginning till end..indeed another best work from authornim..you really did well... well written everything.. the plot, plot twists, the characters, events, secrets, suspense, mystery, character development, love blossom, heartbreak and lovey-dovey couple moments all too good and incredible...thank you authornim for writing and sharing such an interesting, catchy and lovely story.. really loved the story so much...take care of yourself and stay hydrated... have a wonderful day and fighting authornim.. will patiently wait for the bonus chapters to read more about them...
morphine007 #4
Chapter 32: Followed ❤️
Chapter 31: It was a lovely story ❣️❣️
congratulations on getting featured!
Chapter 31: Why are you so talented author-nim??🥺🥺 Your all stories are amazing..
Chapter 32: Yey! I am excited to read the bonus chapters. Fighting!
Chapter 32: Yeah! I can't wait to see the bonus chapters Author-nim! 💗