Tempted By Fate
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*A boring chapter ahead. Please read the author's note, I have something to share with you all. Please let a comment and give the story an upvote if you haven't yet. It will motivate me to keep writing. I'm counting on you guys, please don't let me down. 




The air conditioner is blowing out cold and fresh air, making the room suitable for one's mind and body. It's dark and the night is quiet, but Sehun isn't. 


The man keeps rolling on his bed from time to time until he finally sits up with a disturbed expression written all over his face. He hasn't been himself ever since he last visited Jia about a month ago. He can't seem to even go a day without thinking about what the girl said.


"Dammit." He curses under his breath. He can't just seem to understand why Jia is still interested in a relationship where love doesn't even exist. All his life he has always loved Jia but he guessed his timing was wrong.


He lost his smile as well as mind the day he saw the news about Jia's marriage. He just couldn't accept it and he decided to see for himself if it was the same Jia he knows and that was his greatest mistake.


"You should have waited for me, Jia." He mutters under his breath as he runs his fingers into his hair. His heart is hurting and his body can't seem to be at peace either. He wasn't really going to push anything, but after he witnessed what Baekhyun said regarding the divorce and the way he took off to Sonia apartments made Sehun regret his actions of wanting to stay quiet in the first place.


"I can't let you go, Jia. You're in the wrong relationship all because of some silly soulmate thing. I will do all I can to save you from that hell-like marriage." The man muttered before stepping out of the bed. Sleep is the last thing he wants at the moment, moreover, he wasn't even sleepy, to begin with.


He glances at the wall clock, it's past 11:pm and he picked up his phone. He only spoke to Jia about a month ago, perhaps he should try getting closer to her if he really wants to make her his woman.


He called her line, knowing that Jia is more of a late sleeper than the early type. He wasn't shocked a bit when the woman's voice sounded from the other end of the phone.


"Sehun boo!" She says in excitement, making Sehun smile. "I missed you, why didn't you call me all this while?" Her voice is somewhat low, it's obvious that she's pouting and Sehun is aware of that. 


"I'm sorry bae, it's just that I've been busy, but that's a lame excuse. Honestly, I've missed you so much more than you can imagine, but please let me make it up to you." Sehun is determined to make Jia happy and make her feel special and he's going to do just that.


"Hmm, seems someone is missing me way too much huh?" Jia sounds amused and it makes Sehun smile. "So what do you have in mind?" Jia's question comes just at the appropriate time, luckily Sehun already has his plans all set out.


"How about I treat you to a fancy dinner this Friday? You get to eat whatever you want and your favorite meals will be provided. What do you say?" Sehun is biting his bottom lip in response to his suggestion. He doesn't want Jia to say no, he really wants to spend time with her.


"Sure! That is such a lovely idea, but make sure you come with your credit card because I have a large appetite." She giggles into the phone and Sehun chuckles before caressing his chest. He's so much in love with Jia that only her giggles make his heart excited.


"That won't be a problem bae. See you on Friday. Please take care of yourself and don't be sad, okay?"


"Sure, I'm your strong girl, so don't worry. Bye!" She giggles again before ending the call.


Sehun chuckles at the thought of having dinner with Jia. He goes back to his bed and climbs on it, grabs his laptop, and does some research about the expensive five-star hotel. He doesn't want to take Jia to some lame eatery, he wants to make sure she enjoys herself to the fullest.


"Got it!" He smiled when he saw the perfect hotel he's looking for. "Jia will surely like it here." He says and completes what's left to do and once he is done, he closes the laptop and lay on the bed, and like a baby, he drifts off to dreamland.




"I think this job is too stressful on you," Jiyong says in an unpleasant tone as he looks at Jia from head to toe but with a look of concern.


Jia is currently in Jiyong's mansion to finally fulfill her promise of visiting him. It's been over a month since she last saw her brother and she finally decides to pay him a visit since she's off the office early today.


"Why don't you just quit your job and rest at home? I'm sure Baekhyun won't have a problem with that, right?" The elder asks and Jia sighs. It's not that she's tired of her job, but the truth is that she's seriously tired of people complaining about how stressed out she looks when she's actually enjoying her job.


"I'm fine Jiyong, you don't have to worry about me. Besides I love what I'm doing and the event hall is not really keeping me that busy, so I prefer working instead of doing nothing." Jia tries to explain, but the elder isn't ready to give in to her explanation.


"You need to take care of yourself. I know that the event hall is like that, contracts come once in a while, but that doesn't mean you have to work so hard." Jiyong pours a cup of tea for Jia and hands it over to her before sitting closer to her. "I don't like the way you look, Jia. You need to go out, receive fresh air and have fun. Go on dinner dates with your husband or friends, just make out time for yourself and be happy." Jiyong sighs sadly and Jia feels bad for making her brother worried.


She really loves her recent job, but then she can't always have her family worry so much about her. Jiyong is also right, she needs to make out time for herself, that's why she's actually glad she accepted Sehun's dinner invitation.


"Don't worry, I will make out quality time for myself from now onwards, I promise," Jia promises Jiyong before finishing her tea, but the elder still insists on making sure that Jia waits till what he's preparing is ready so she can have a taste of it.




"I see that the new project manager is off the office early again, could you happen to know about it?" The lady from the interview questions Baekhyun, her countenance isn't that pleasing. 


On hearing the question being thrown at him, Baekhyun lifts his eyes from the file he's working on to look at the lady wearing a red suit.


"Of course I do. Any problem Miss YooJin?" 


"Not at all, it's just a bit strange to me how you grant her favors despite your strict rules," YooJin states her point and the CEO chuckles softly.


"Let me correct your choice of word Miss YooJin, Jia is not being favored, she is only getting what she deserves. Jis is a hard-working person, and if she keeps impressing me with her accurate work, then I might even promote her."


"Accurate work? Jia hasn't even worked up to two months here and you're talking about promotion?" YooJin is getting angry and her tone is getting irritating to the CEO's ears. "This isn't the strict boss I know, you will never consider promoting some common employee because they're accurate in their work. Please don't cloud your judgment with your feelings, it will only ruin your and this company." YooJin makes her point clear and Baekhyun folds his fist in anger and he stares at her.


"Jia isn't a common employee, and I only suggested that I might end up promoting her if she keeps impressing me. Honestly speaking, I do not appreciate your choice of words and I will only pretend like nothing ever happened, but if you should talk to me in such a tone or question me regarding my personal life, then you will be responsible for the outcome. Please leave my office, I still have a lot to handle." Baekhyun picked up his pen and continued with his work.


Seeing the anger in Baekhyun's eyes, YooJin knew that she had made a big mistake. She sighs deeply before speaking to the CEO.


"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to offend you, I was just trying t-"


"You may leave now please, I don't want any disturbance at the moment." Baekhyun cuts her off and she nods before waking out of the office.


Once she gets to her office, she slams her hand on her table in anger with a hiss following. 


"I should have known that this was surely going to happen after seeing the way Baekhyun was looking at her during the interview. Oh, I hate that woman so much, I will never let her be my rival, she's a nobody and I will put her where she belongs very soon. Baekhyun should be looking at me with love and affection, and not that woman." YooJin hisses before glancing at Baekhyun's office.


YooJin, Baekhyun, and  Junmyeon are the only ones running the company,  Junmyeon is a simple-going man with so much love in his heart, but that doesn't stop him from being strict and observant with his work. He likes it when things go according to plan as well as an ordinance. He's also close to Baekhyun and the Byun family as well because of his parents' close relationship with Baekhyun's family.


He's also aware that Jia is Baekhyun's wife, but he decides to keep it to himself after Jia explains to him why she wants to keep her relationship status a secret.  Junmyeon is also very close to Jongin, and they mostly help Baekhyun out in his musical career.


YooJin is also highly placed and all she does is to impress Baekhyun. She also loves her job and she works with passion, but she mostly seeks praise and attention from the CEO. Baekhyun is one that is free with Junmyeon and YooJin, but his closeness with YooJin is limited due to the way she behaves at times.


YooJin is one to always find fault with people in the company, she focuses on seriousness and profession and never gives two cents about what people think about her. Once she finds fault at the job of any employee, she doesn't hesitate to get that employee fired.


"I know you feel nothing for me, but I won't let that woman steal your heart," YooJin mutters before looking away from Baekhyun's office to pick her ringing phone.




That evening when Baekhyun returned from the office, he was quite surprised to see his parents in his mansion. He wasn't expecting them and seeing them sitting in his living room kind of scared him. 


He quickly looked around, trying to find Jia since he's already worried about her wellbeing, but he hears her running down the staircase and he smiles. He stayed like that staring at Jia till she finally noticed his arrival.


"Baekhyun, welcome." She greets him when she reaches where he is standing. "Have you been here for a while?"


"No, I just arrived," Baekhyun replies, his eyes looking at her with so much love and admiration. "Have you had your dinner?"


"Nope, I was waiting for you before mom and dad showed up." She says as she retrieves his briefcase from his hand and they both walk further into the living room.


"Mom, dad, good evening." He greets when he reaches where his parents are. "It's a bit surprising to have you here this evening. Hope all is fine?" Thank CEO asked and his mom chuckled softly before caressing his hand.


"Look at you, all grown up. A few months ago you were used to your dad and I always visit, but now you're only used to coming home to meet your wife." She chuckles softly as she concludes her words.


Sojin seems happier and so is Byun. The fact that Baekhyun is becoming a gentleman is something his parents have always wished for, and seeing it becoming a reality makes the parents happy.


"No mom, it's not like that. This is also your house, you and dad are always welcome here. Let me quickly freshen up then I will join you all for dinner." Baekhyun says before looking at Jia who seems to be smiling softly. He looked at her carefully and he could feel that she's feeling extra happy tonight and he smiled. He can already tell that she's happy because his parents are around.


He walks closer to her and whispers into her ears slowly. "I guess I will see you smiling a lot tonight." He asks and Jia beams happily before looking at him. 


"Of course, so you better get ready to see my ugly smile." She says jokingly and Baekhyun chuckles before shaking his head.


"Your smile is beautiful, it can never be addressed as ugly. I will be back shortly." Baekhyun coos into her ears, he collects his briefcase from Jia and walks off to his bedroom, and he doesn't notice the light blush on Jia's cheeks.


The family is all seated at the fancy dining table having their dinner. Baekhyun kind of misses having a family dinner, but he can't quite call it a family dinner since Sunhee isn't around.


"So whe

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Tempted By Fate Chapter 25 which is also the last chapter is finally out! Go check it out.


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Chapter 1: Woah Baekhyun seems to be a little bit vulgar here💀😳 I liked his aura tho! I wonder how he's gonna fall in love with her?! Let me dig in more yum!😩
35 streak #3
Chapter 31: Wow.. finally got to finish another amazing story from authornim's collection... it was indeed so catchy, interesting and mysterious... full of love, suspense and secrets... I really loved Jia's strong, bold but still soft and lovely character... I also became her fan after her first acts.. hehe..even though baekhyun's character at first really shocked me and left me totally speechless but the drastic changes made things more interesting...but really enjoyed their bickering and enemy episodes... that woman sonia and het whole evil acts really made me want to slap her real hard... served her right for the evil deed she did to everyone specially Jia and baekhyun..loved the way Jia ans baekhyun's character and relationship developed from strangers to slight enemies to lovers...that was a whole long journey and of course a Rollercoaster ride.. but loved the ups and downs in their relationship cause that made their relationship more stronger and opened so many new secrets to them... the fact that I'm in love the lovely soulmate couple... the revelation one by one revealed and that was both shocking and heartbreaking but still heartwarming and sweetest... so happy for dara and jiyong, also sehun and sunhee.. sunhee's that part really broke my heart... but loved the way sehun helped, comforted, supported and saved her from that situation... so sweet of him.. glad that all these amazing people were with Jia all along with her throughout all these good and bad situations... felt so bad for her but loved the way baekhyun understood his mistakes and corrected it.. embraced her so lovingly and warmly... so happy for them... their confession part was one of the best thing... the love, care, support, trust, understanding, respect and commitment between them made things more sweet and loveable than before... also shin and her evil deed made me so angry.. served her right...didn't expect she could be these much evil and pathetic crazy woman... baekhyun's parents were one of my favorite characters here... aww..so lovely and heartwarming people..so happy for Jia that she got all the happiness at the end of the story.. also uww... baby and the new couple...Jia and baekhyun deserved that happiness.. glad that they got their deserved happy ending... so excited to read more bonus chapters... I'm deeply in love with the story and the couple..also the side characters... really enjoyed reading the whole story from beginning till end..indeed another best work from authornim..you really did well... well written everything.. the plot, plot twists, the characters, events, secrets, suspense, mystery, character development, love blossom, heartbreak and lovey-dovey couple moments all too good and incredible...thank you authornim for writing and sharing such an interesting, catchy and lovely story.. really loved the story so much...take care of yourself and stay hydrated... have a wonderful day and fighting authornim.. will patiently wait for the bonus chapters to read more about them...
morphine007 #4
Chapter 32: Followed ❤️
Chapter 31: It was a lovely story ❣️❣️
congratulations on getting featured!
Chapter 31: Why are you so talented author-nim??🥺🥺 Your all stories are amazing..
Chapter 32: Yey! I am excited to read the bonus chapters. Fighting!
Chapter 32: Yeah! I can't wait to see the bonus chapters Author-nim! 💗