Tempted By Fate
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I have just posted a new chapter, and I am expecting to get feedback. that's all I ask for. Enjoy reading.




It's the day of the family shopping for the wedding, and Jia can't seem to focus on the whole process.


She feels all by herself that morning or had she always felt like that ever since she got to know about her arranged marriage to Baekhyun.


She sits on her bed, staring at a blank space, probably lost in thoughts. There's a lot going on in her life at the moment, and it's all so new to her.


Sojin is really a nice woman. She's so caring and sweet, almost like a mother. She can't imagine hurting the woman, not after what she went through weeks ago.


Mr. Byun isn't bad as well. He's a nice man, more like a father to her. He always whispers a good night to her over the phone every night he calls. He makes sure to always ask her to feel free around him, to the extent of calling him, dad.


He's such a sweet man despite his reputation in Korea. He didn't let his position and reputation get into his personal relationship with his family, and Jia really admires him for that.


"Looks like you didn't sleep at all," Jiyong says softly as he walks into the room.


"Hmm." Jia hums in response. "Should I be insulted by that?" She asks, giving her brother a small smile, and the elder smiles before shaking his head.


"No, I love that face. You always look stunning and beautiful." He moves closer to Jia and settles beside her on the bed. "You look disturbed though," he mutters but Jia catches his words immediately. She looks at him and sighs. 


"Do you mind sharing?" 


"It's nothing, really." She trails off, thinking about everything that has been giving her sleepless nights. 


"You can't lie to me, you know. I can't say that we're the closest, but I can tell that you're disturbed."


Jia has always been away from the rest of her family members because she lives far away and she's the type that keeps to herself. But she shares a very lovely relationship with Jiyong ever since he first knew him as her cousin.


"I'm just adjusting to everything. It's all new to me." She sighs.


"The wedding?" Jiyong asks, giving the younger his full attention.


"Yes. The wedding, the preparations, the new family. Everything is just so new to me."


"I understand you, Jia. It will be new to you now because it's all part of life. We all get to leave our family at one point in our lives to create a family of our own." 


"Is it really important?" Jia asks, giving Jiyong a flat look. "Should everyone always live with their family?"


Jiyong stares at his cousin for a while, a smile suddenly gracing his lips as he thinks about the first time he laid his eyes on Dara.


"It's important." He says softly and Jia can relate to his word. He's still smiling and the younger one knows that Jiyong only smiles when he thinks about Dara. She also smiles, loving the look on her cousin's face.


She opens to speak, but Jiyong gets up and glances at the wall clock, then back to Jia.


"You should get dressed, mom Sojin just called." He says with a soft smile. For some reason, Jiyong always ends up smiling whenever he sees Sojin or receives her call. He feels so feeling with the woman that he shares his happiness and sadness with her. 


He can still recall that soft look in Sojin's eyes when he told her about Dara. She was so supportive and blessed him. He loves the woman so much.


"Oh." Jia turned her face to the clock before getting off the bed. "I will be down in 30 minutes."


"Great." Jiyong smiles as he walks out of the room. He's also going family shopping, so he should also get ready.


Once the door to her room was shut, Jia blew out a soft sigh. There's so much to be done that day. The first thing is family shopping, then the pre-wedding pictures and selection of the rings.


She really doesn't hold these things so dearly, but the Byun family does and she can relate to it. It's more like a family tradition to them but to Jia, it's nothing so serious.


Jia shakes her head to get the thought of her mind slowly. She walks straight to the bathroom for a nice warm bath since it's going to be a long day.




"You have to see Sonia and clear things up with her," Sunhee says firmly the moment she steps into Baekhyun's room.


The rock star lifts his eyes from his phone and stares at his sister for a while before speaking. 


"What's wrong?" 


"Sonia is madly angry. She's more obsessed with you and if you don't see her and speak to her very soon, then I think Jia will be in danger." Sunhee looks worried as she speaks to her brother. She knows Sonia very well and what she's capable of doing if things fail to go her way.


"What do you mean by Jia might be in danger? Did something happen?" Baekhyun became curious and wanted to know what happened.


"Yes. Sonia came to me this morning, she was sad that you refused to pick her calls, but when she heard about your wedding to Jia she totally changed. She was so furious and she said she won't let the wedding happen." Sunhee sighs and sits beside Baekhyun on the bed.


"You and I don't get along pretty well, but I love you and I don't want anything bad to happen to you and also Jia. Please meet up with her and fix things, please." Her voice is low and Baekhyun seems to notice that it's a serious issue with the way his younger sister is sounding.


He reaches his hand to her hair and caresses it softly.

"Thank you Sunhee, I will fix things up with Sonia and make sure everything ends well."


Sunhee is right about Sonia, and he knows exactly what to do to make her calm down, moreover, he still loves her very much, so his arranged marriage with Jia isn't going to end his love for her.


He gets up and picks up his car keys and phone before looking down at his sister who's staring at him.


"I'm going to see Sonia, I will be back soon." He says and walks out of his room. He really needs to see Sonia and make things right with her. It's true that she didn't pay his mother a visit to the hospital, but there must be an explanation for that right.


"Hey, watch out young man." Mr. Jinho says softly as Baekhyun bumps into him when rushing out.


Baekhyun stops and bows to the elder quickly. "I'm so sorry."


"It's okay. Seems you're in a hurry?" The word draws the attention of everyone including Jia who just walked into the living room.


Baekhyun looks at everyone, and Jia as well. He stares at her for a while before looking away.


"Of course I am. I need to attend to something first, it's very urgent. Please you all should go ahead, I will join you in the mall in an hour's time."


"But can't it wait? I mean the urgent issue, can't it wait?" His mother asks while hugging Jia to her chest. She wants them all to go to the mall together and she doesn't like the idea of Baekhyun leaving at the moment.


"It's okay mom, don't be sad." Jia rubs Sojin's hand softly as she speaks. "Let him go if it's that important, he will join us once he's done." She says and the woman nods with a smile following.


"Alright, but be there on time."


"I will mom," Baekhyun says and walks out of his mansion in a hurry.




Baekhyun stops his car in front of Sonia's apartments. It's very big and classic. She's the type that loves expensive things, no matter what they will cost her.


Baekhyun blows out a heavy sigh before putting on his dark glasses and face cap, also his nose mask. He can't afford to be seen by his fans no matter what. He steps out of his car and makes his way to the front door. 

He presses the doorbell once he reaches the front of the apartment. It only takes a few moments before the door is pulled open from behind the other end.


Sonia is a mess. She looks sad, and her hair is very messy. Baekhyun is shocked at the sight in front of him. He didn't expect that Sonia would be so devastated. Without any more time, he pushes her back into the house and shuts the door behind him.


Sonia isn't saying anything, she's just staring at Baekhyun with tears in her eyes. It's true that she doesn't love Baekhyun and that she's only after his money, but the thought of losing in the game, the only game that could get her all that Baekhyun has, his wealth, everything is killing her from the inside.


Baekhyun doesn't know what to say. He stares at Sonia, not knowing what to say to her. She's hurting so much because of him and it's not right. He pulls her into his embrace and slowly caresses her back.


Sonia didn't expect the hug. She's totally surprised at the sudden action and she quickly hugs him in return.


"Please don't marry Jia. You said you won't marry her, so why are you doing this to me?" Sonia mutters softly and Baekhyun blinks his eyes closed, trying to keep himself together. He doesn't hate Jia but he doesn't love her either. He loves Sonia and that's all that matters.


"Baekhyun if I lose you I will kill myself. I can't stand seeing you with another woman, I can't." Sonia says and pulls away from the hug to look at Baekhyun in the eyes.


The man is taken aback by his lover's word. He can't imagine Sonia dying because of him. That's just not right. He reaches his hand to her face and cups her face gently.


"I will marry Jia, and after six months, I will ask for a divorce. Jia and I don't love each other and I'm sure she will be fine with that." Baekhyun says while looking at Sonia. He knows that Jia is a very good person, but having her live together with him in a loveless marriage is something Baekhyun can't imagine.


"But I don't believe you. What about your mother, will she support that?" 


"I know she's not going to support it, but I know what to do when the time comes. So please just play along with and trust me." Baekhyun says, but he suddenly furrows his brows at Sonia, recalling Sonia's attitude weeks back when his mother was admitted.


"Why didn't you pay my mother a visit? I waited for you, your calls, but nothing. Why?" Baekhyun asks without breaking eye contact.


Knowing that she's in trouble at the way Baekhyun's eyes are staring at her, Sonia lowers her eyes, thinking about a lie to convince the rock star.


"I had a fever, so I was also admitted. It was after recovering that I called you but you didn't pick my calls." She looks sad and Baekhyun blows out a sigh.


He leans closer to her and kisses her, enjoying her lips, but Sonia wants something else. Yes, she's in a love relationship with her lover JungWoo, but she wants more. She wants to get Baekhyun to have with her and that is all she needs to trap him in her evil claws.


She starts moving one of her hands around Baekhyun's chest, deepening the kiss while her other hand grabs his belt. She has always wanted to have with Baekhyun ever since she came back, but the rock star was just too busy to notice it.


Baekhyun slowly pulls away from the kiss, looking at Sonia with warm eyes and he chuckles softly.


"Sonia I really don't understand you sometimes. We've been together for seven years in a -free relationship as per your request. We never had and I was totally okay with that because I never liked the idea of getting intimate without marriage, so why the sudden change of mind?" Baekhyun asks, holding Sonia's hand on his belt as he stares at her.


Baekhyun and Sonia were good friends for two years until they developed feelings for each other. Mostly Baekhyun developed feelings for Sonia because Sonia has always had a plan of her own. They started off their love relationship, but Sonia made a funny rule of no , and funny enough, Baekhyun was just as fine with that. 


They dated for five years without having , so it was totally new to Baekhyun with the way Sonia is acting at the moment.


Sonia didn't say a word but kissed Baekhyun hardly, her whole actions asking for . She reaches for his and touches it, but Baekhyun pulls away and furrows his brows at her.


"I don't want this, Sonia. I only came here to clear all the misunderstanding, so let's end it here." Baekhyun gives a small smile and walks over to the door, but makes a halt before pulling the doorknob. He lo

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Tempted By Fate Chapter 25 which is also the last chapter is finally out! Go check it out.


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Chapter 1: Woah Baekhyun seems to be a little bit vulgar here💀😳 I liked his aura tho! I wonder how he's gonna fall in love with her?! Let me dig in more yum!😩
34 streak #3
Chapter 31: Wow.. finally got to finish another amazing story from authornim's collection... it was indeed so catchy, interesting and mysterious... full of love, suspense and secrets... I really loved Jia's strong, bold but still soft and lovely character... I also became her fan after her first acts.. hehe..even though baekhyun's character at first really shocked me and left me totally speechless but the drastic changes made things more interesting...but really enjoyed their bickering and enemy episodes... that woman sonia and het whole evil acts really made me want to slap her real hard... served her right for the evil deed she did to everyone specially Jia and baekhyun..loved the way Jia ans baekhyun's character and relationship developed from strangers to slight enemies to lovers...that was a whole long journey and of course a Rollercoaster ride.. but loved the ups and downs in their relationship cause that made their relationship more stronger and opened so many new secrets to them... the fact that I'm in love the lovely soulmate couple... the revelation one by one revealed and that was both shocking and heartbreaking but still heartwarming and sweetest... so happy for dara and jiyong, also sehun and sunhee.. sunhee's that part really broke my heart... but loved the way sehun helped, comforted, supported and saved her from that situation... so sweet of him.. glad that all these amazing people were with Jia all along with her throughout all these good and bad situations... felt so bad for her but loved the way baekhyun understood his mistakes and corrected it.. embraced her so lovingly and warmly... so happy for them... their confession part was one of the best thing... the love, care, support, trust, understanding, respect and commitment between them made things more sweet and loveable than before... also shin and her evil deed made me so angry.. served her right...didn't expect she could be these much evil and pathetic crazy woman... baekhyun's parents were one of my favorite characters here... aww..so lovely and heartwarming people..so happy for Jia that she got all the happiness at the end of the story.. also uww... baby and the new couple...Jia and baekhyun deserved that happiness.. glad that they got their deserved happy ending... so excited to read more bonus chapters... I'm deeply in love with the story and the couple..also the side characters... really enjoyed reading the whole story from beginning till end..indeed another best work from authornim..you really did well... well written everything.. the plot, plot twists, the characters, events, secrets, suspense, mystery, character development, love blossom, heartbreak and lovey-dovey couple moments all too good and incredible...thank you authornim for writing and sharing such an interesting, catchy and lovely story.. really loved the story so much...take care of yourself and stay hydrated... have a wonderful day and fighting authornim.. will patiently wait for the bonus chapters to read more about them...
morphine007 #4
Chapter 32: Followed ❤️
Chapter 31: It was a lovely story ❣️❣️
congratulations on getting featured!
Chapter 31: Why are you so talented author-nim??🥺🥺 Your all stories are amazing..
Chapter 32: Yey! I am excited to read the bonus chapters. Fighting!
Chapter 32: Yeah! I can't wait to see the bonus chapters Author-nim! 💗