Chapter 9

Having My EX as a Roommate (Seulrene)
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9. They can serve an outlet for your stress. Without fear of being judged on acting passively or aggressively.


I was doing one of my projects outside our balcony. Unlike, Joohyun I prefer the outdoors. I don’t feel comfortable staying too long inside the house especially when I’m working.

I looked at the time and noticed that it’s already past noon. I forgot to eat lunch because I was focused on editing the photos I took for this lifestyle magazine.

One of the girls I met at the club actually recommended me. I emailed them a soft copy of my portfolio and they hired me part-time.

I was about to put my laptop on sleep mode when I heard the front door slamming loudly.


“I hate this! Augh! How dare they embarrass me and underestimate me!”

“Bunch of misogynistic pricks!”


I went inside and carefully placed my laptop down. Joohyun hasn’t noticed my presence since she was still walking back and forth.


“What’s going on Hyun?”

I slowly walked to her and saw her blushing face and teary eyes.


I took her in my arms.

I think this caused her to finally let out the tears she’s been holding.

I let out a breath.

I really can’t stand seeing her like this.


“Have you eaten lunch yet?”

I felt her nodding her head.

Of course she hasn’t eaten yet.


“Do you want me to cook something for you?”


“I want to eat something edible.”

I scoffed at this. “Yah.”

“I’m kidding. I’m not hungry.”


I kissed the side of her forehead.

“Are you going back to work?”


I felt her exhale. “No. I took the rest of the day off.”

“Okay. That’s good… I think you should shower first to help you cool off. I’ll get us something to eat.”

“I told you I’m not hungry.”

“But I am. I haven’t eaten since I woke up this morning. So just watch me eat if you’re still not hungry by then.”

She slightly pushed me as she went inside her own room.


I nodded my head sideways.

She can be such a baby sometimes.


I got us all of her favorites— bulgogi, tangsuyuk, jjajangmyeon, tteokbokki, steamed dumplings, and gimbap.


I quickly set everything up before I knocked on the door of her room.

“Hyun? Can I come in?”


After a minute of silence.

“I’m going in okay?”


I saw her lying down on her bed and was just staring at the ceiling.

I sat down beside her.

She’s too cute sometimes.


“You know, if you didn’t give away Dalgom and Haetnim, you could use them as distraction. I bet they would be cuddling with you right now.”, I gave her a smile.

“Good thing Joy and Jisoo had wanted to get dogs for a while now.”, I added.


“I’m already living with a bear why would I add dogs into the equation.”

She looked at me with a serious face.

“It’s not funny Joohyun.”, I tried to give her my best poker face.

“It kinda is.”

I started laughing because she was still talking seriously.

I pulled her up to sit.

“Come on. Let’s eat.”

“I don’t want to. I just wanna mope around all day in my misery.”

“Stop being over-dramatic.”


“YAH. Put me down Seulgi!”


She left me no choice but to carry her.

I placed her in one of our dining chairs.


“If you don’t want to eat then just sit with me. I want some company.”


I saw her watching me eat.

She made a face at me before I gave her a smile.

I’m guessing I wa

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Chapter 10: This is soooo chill, funny and wholesome 🥺💜
Chapter 1: 😂
Who0001 #3
Chapter 10: Omg kang lmao😭😭🤣🤣
Who0001 #4
Chapter 9: Aww❤
cooljags #5
Chapter 10: Awwww this is sooo adorable
Dorkydory_X #6
Chapter 10: Why they’d split anyway? Just curious
157 streak #7
This seems interesting 🤔!!!
Chapter 10: This chapter 😭😭😭😭
Chapter 9: Damn Seulgi was slowly falling in love again.