Chapter 5

Having My EX as a Roommate (Seulrene)
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5. You hear them having with strangers.


Where is she? She should be home 3 hours ago.


It’s getting late.


I know she’s a grown woman, but this is the first time she went home this late. I think I’m allowed to get worried about it if that’s the case. Plus, it’s Joohyun. She’ll let me know if something was happening. Right?


Should I text her?

I’ll just text her.


[To: Hyun] Hey, are you coming home?


It’s been half an hour. Where is she? Okay if another half-hour goes by, I’m going to look for her already.


*Sound of the doorbell/buzzer*



I think I should’ve paid attention because when I opened the door it wasn’t Joohyun. Why would she even need to buzz? She has her own key for crying out loud.


“Hey Seulgi.”

“Oh, Sunmi.”

“Can I come in? I was lonely, so I thought of coming here. I bought some snacks and a bottle of wine.”

“Uh, now’s kinda not a good time.” I scratched my head.

“You busy?”

“Uhm, no. It’s just that I’m waiting for my roommate to come home-”

“That’s good then. I can keep you company.”

Well, I can’t do anything about it if she’s very persistent in staying. She already let herself in anyway.


“Seulgi, you want some?”

I just nod my head to tell her I’m not in the mood to drink or to eat.

“C’mon.”, she offered as she started kissing my neck.


Oh god. Not now.

I know I should be pouncing on her too and I’m trying with all my might not to give in, but at the same time I can’t think of anything right now. I guess I’m too worried.

“Seulgi, baby…”


Hyun, where the hell are you?


Just when I was about to tell Sunmi off, I received a text message.

[From: Hyun] I’m sorry. I got caught up at a party after work. No need to wait up for me or pick me up.


Finally, I can breathe at last.


“Now where were we?”, she smiled back at me before I finally leaned in. How can I resist when a hot girl is trying to make out with me?




“Hey Seul.”


I felt someone tapping my cheek.

“Thanks for last night. I had fun. I call you.”, she whispered loud enough for me to comprehend.

I felt her giving me a kiss on my head before I went back to sleep again.


I guess I overslept since I’m feeling very hungry already.


“Hey, what time (did) you get home?”




“Hyun…” She’s looks really dazed and horrible. She’s not even touching her tea.

Wait, are those dark circles around her eyes? Man, is she sick?


She yawned as I walked closer and placed a hand on her forehead.

Nope. No fever.


“You look terrible. Are you okay? Or just a hang-over?” I sat next to her after getting myself a bowl of cereal.



“YOU!”, I was surprised with her reaction after a minute of silence. God, I almost spilled the cereal.


“Did you know that I was so tired when I got home?! And just when I thought I was finally getting some sleep you guys had to go at it all-night-long that I only slept for 3 hours?!?”

Damn. So she’s upset with me.


I hear her sigh and yawn again.

“I’m really upset with you Seulgi. I wanna hurt you so bad right now. But I’m so tired I don’t have the strength to.” She spoke after placing her head down the table.


I couldn’t help but giggle. “I’m sorry.” She’s being too cute right now.


“It’s okay. I’m sorry. I guess I’m just.. really tired that’s all. And this headache doesn’t help at all.”, she spoke before rubbing the sides of her forehead.

“Didn’t you have fun last night though?”, I started rubbing her back.


“I did, sort of.. It was hard when you know you’re mind’s somewhere else. I really didn’t wanna be there, I was tired and just wanted to go home. But instead I had to stay up late and drink with them.”

“You should’ve just said no.”

“I know. But I’ve always rejected their offers and I felt ashamed if I didn’t join them again. I don’t wanna be known as a killjoy around work.”


I can’t stand it when Joohyun is being like this. It’s like clockwork as I moved closer and took her in my arms. She automatically wrapped her arms around my waist and placed her head on the crook of my neck.

Our relationship was always full of ‘skinship’ because of Joohyun, way before we started dating. She’s been like this since we were little kids. It would be weird if we suddenly stop this dynamic when were used to giving each other this kind of affection.

Now that I have her like this, she actually feels warmer. She should’ve gotten some rest.


“Hyun, you still should’ve told them that you don’t want to. There’s nothing wrong with saying ‘no’. Or you could’ve told me to pick you up.”

“It’s fine, really. It was bearable plus I had Suho with me the whole time. He actually never left my side.”


“Hmm… Are you starting to like this guy?”

“I don’t know. Sort of.. I guess? I think I’ve opened up to him more ever since our talk, but too early for feelings yet.”, she yawns through her reply.

“Well, uh, that’s good? At least you’ve gained a new friend, right?”

“Hmm, yeah? But, he actually invited me for dinner again. I think this time.. I’m gonna give it a go… What do you think?”

“Me? Uh, like I said you should go out more and have fun… Work isn’t everything Hyun… Uhm. You should lie down now. I can do the dishes.” I gave her a kiss on the side of her head.

I felt her sighing before she removed herself from my hold.

“Thank you bear.” She gave my cheek a pat before she stood up to go back to her room.

“Hey, did you drink something already?”, I asked her if she already took some medicine. She nods while walking to her door.


“By the way, your girl Sunmi said to call her.”, she spoke through another cute yawn.




It’s a weekend. The ‘bros’ and I are going to play football, so I woke up earlier than usual.

I was just getting a drink inside the fridge when I saw that Suho guy walking quietly out the door. I guess he was too into trying not to make a sound that he didn’t notice I was there the entire time. I was trying hard not to make a sound because he looked like an idiot. If he didn’t looked so happy I would’ve jumped on him to scare him a bit.

Only an dummy would mistake that look on his face as something else.

I guess Hyun finally let herself go.



I shivered at the thought of- Wait. Why am I even thinking about that?

I let out a breath. Maybe I really am a ert.


I returned home by lunch time but she’s not yet awake. It’s like past 12 already.

I left the take-out I brought on the table just in case she wakes up hungry, which she always does. I guess she’s really tired from last night huh?


Augh, stop it with the thoughts Seulgi! You’re becoming a erted bear.


I walked out into the living room after taking a bath. Just when I was about to sit at the couch, the door opens to reveal Joohyun with her earphones, work-out attire and yoga mat.


“Hey, I thought you were still sleeping.”

“Why would I be? It’s like 1 already.”

“But, I thought you might be tired form last night?”

“Why?”, she was talking while trying to remove her trainers.

“Nothing. I had lunch with the ‘bros’ and I brought some take out of you’re hungry.”

“Thanks but I already ate with the ‘hoes’. I’m just gonna place this in the fridge, okay?” I nodded in reply after she stood up.

“Gonna take a shower.”, was the last thing I heard before I heard the door closing.


That’s odd.


Oh well. No use trying to insinuate.

I got a text from one of the girls I was ‘taking it slow’ with. I guess she wants to hang out. Since I have nothing better to do and there was no use staying here, I agreed to go with her.

She wanted to go to the theme park. As much as I don’t want to, this girl’s really fun to hang out with so I can’t complain either. She’s smart and witty. I guess I'm not used to just 'hanging out' like this with girls anymore. Aside from Joohyun and our friends, I don’t really do this with other girls.


“Hey, I’m glad you agreed to this. It’s been a while since I had this much fun.”

“Yeah, tell me about it… Uhm, I know it’s getting late but do you still wanna hang out?”

I know I really sound erted right now, but if she agrees then I’m not holding back anymore.

“Yeah sure.”


Like I said, I wouldn’t hold back anymore. Taking it slow , but last night was so worth it.

Who knew a girl like that would be so wild in bed.

I can’t stop myself from grinning remembering last night. Fine I accept that I’m a ert, but who cares if I can get that kind of reaction from girls.




“Good morning Hyunnie!”



Okay, so I’ve established that the bunny is not in a good mood right now. She went straight to the table to sit beside me.

She looked at me before looking at the bowl of cereal I had in front of me.


“Uh, do you want some of my cereal?”, she was just staring at the box of cereal.


“Or do you want me to get yours?”, I offered again when I saw her staring at the cupboard beside us.

I saw her exhale, “This will do.”

I got her a bowl and poured her some cereal and milk.

“Banana?” I offered.

“No, thanks. I just need something in me.”



“Work is work.”, she shrugged.


Unlike most girls her appetite disappears when she’s stressed about something.


“Hmm.”, I just nod.


We just sat there quietly while I waited for her. I guess I was still skeptical about what she told me so I kept observing her as well.


We made eye contact before she turned away with a sigh.

“Hyun, are you okay?”

I moved my chair closer to her and I started rubbing her back.


She looked at me before nodding.

I started singing a random song as I waited for her to finish eating.


I stood up to collect our bowls when I noticed she was done.


“Are you sure you’re okay?”

I heard her sighing again.


“C’mon Hyun, are we playing a guessing game or should I ask again before you tell me what’s wrong?”


I heard a thud and saw her drop her forehead on the table.

The next thing I heard was her mumbling.


“Are you saying something?”


I heard another thud and another set of mumbling.


“What?”, I giggled.


I sat beside her again and gently ran a hand on her back, repeating what I did while she was eating.

She slowly turned her head to me and let out a breath.


“I wanna get laid Seulgi.”

“Hyun.”, I burst into laughs as I absorbed what she just let out.

“So that’s why you’re acting like this?”

“I need to.”, She let out a grumble as she placed both of her hands to cover her face.

“What?? What do you mean you need to?”

“I mean, I’m ready. I want to; even if it’s just something casual.”

“Oh my god. Are you serious?”, I was still trying to understand everything she’s saying and trying to hold in my laughter.

She looked really glum. I mean, I’m supposed to sympathize with her, but it’s just funny for me.

I stared at her and started fixing her slightly messy hair.

“Hyun, you really don’t sound like yourself.”

I saw her biting her lip in frustration.

I removed her hands away from her face to get her attention.

“Talk to me. What’s really on your mind?”


“Augh! This-is-all-your-fault.”, she quickly stood up before hitting me in between.

“What?! S-stop! Why??”

“It’s those damn walls! They’re too thin!”

“W-what?? Ouch, hey! Yah!”, she still hitting me.

“Every! Freaking! Moan and hump goes through!”


I couldn’t stop laughing as I heard this. I ended tearing up even though she was still hitting me.


“Hyun-ah, stop it!”

She gave me one last hit on top of my head.


“Augh! It’s all your fault for making me frustrated.”, she sat down again after letting it all out—on me.

I let out a breath. Why am I such a push over for her? We’ve broken up but I feel like I’m still whipped for her. Oh wait. We’ve always been like this.


“Okay fine. I’ll have my room sound-proofed or yours, either way it’s still not gonna solve your ‘frustrations’.”

“Hng… Beeear,.. what am I going to do?”


I tried to hold in the laugh that was about to come out again.

“Hyun, this is so not you. Look, am sorry for being ‘insensitive’ I guess. But, I know you can get through. I mean, all these years you’ve been so focused on work so why now? ”


“I don’t know. I guess ever since you came back, I-”

“So it’s because of me?”, I wiggled my eyebrows trying to make a joke, but ended up getting a slap directly to my face.

“Don’t push it.”, she warned but it ended up making us both laugh.

I couldn’t help but pinch the both of he

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Chapter 10: This is soooo chill, funny and wholesome 🥺💜
Chapter 1: 😂
Who0001 #3
Chapter 10: Omg kang lmao😭😭🤣🤣
Who0001 #4
Chapter 9: Aww❤
cooljags #5
Chapter 10: Awwww this is sooo adorable
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Chapter 10: Why they’d split anyway? Just curious
157 streak #7
This seems interesting 🤔!!!
Chapter 10: This chapter 😭😭😭😭
Chapter 9: Damn Seulgi was slowly falling in love again.