
Under our Hopeful Gaze
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When Minju arrived behind the library, she saw the younger freshman kneeling near one of the many flowerbeds with her hands clasped together, as if she's praying. Her eyes squinted as her lips were pressed nervously. 


Minju walked nearer. Yujin, who noticed the footsteps, brushing against the grass, turned around as she stood up. A cheerful puppy-like grin plastered on the younger girl's face. Minju can't help but smile at the sight.


Unlike the first impression Minju received from Yujin, who previously seemed stoic and serious in the cafeteria, Minju thought this current Yujin was nothing but adorable.


The place was perfect for confessions. A hidden garden not too far but also not too close to the library. The colourful flowers combined with the lush greenery feels like Minju stepped in a fantasy. 


Yujin mentioned it was a special place, as she planted the flowers in the area with her dear friends, and Minju was impressed. Whatever spell Yujin tried to use against Minju, it was slowly working. 


Yujin confessed her love, pouring her heart into the three words.


Minju expected that. It wasn't hard to notice the sincere warmth behind the younger’s eyes whenever she smiles at her. While it was within her expectation, to a certain degree, Minju was still shaken by the confirmation. It definitely made her heart warm.


Well, lukewarm. It wasn't there yet, so Minju wasn't sure. Minju never had any proper relationships before, except for one, she did have a boyfriend. Although it didn't last for more than a month after Minju realised she's gay beyond help. 


She did receive a few confessions here and there, Yuri can attest that. But unfortunately, it never makes her heart full the way she anticipated it to be, so she just rejected them.


Minju apologized. She's flattered, but regretfully, she didn't share the same feeling with the younger. 


Minju believes it's better to reject early, rather than accepting a hopeful confession that you're unsure of. 


Yujin then loosens her tense expression, as she looks noticeably down. With a melancholic smile, Yujin asked, "Do you have someone you like?"


Does she?


Honestly, Minju wasn't sure. 


... Chaewon?


Chaewon’s a celebrity crush, so that doesn't count. She imagined herself dating Kim Chaewon. Minju cringed at the thought. It might be exciting, but the idea itself felt childish and stupid.


Eunbi's face suddenly crossed her mind. Minju shook her head, quickly dismissing the thought... it was a dangerous territory to her that she would rather avoid. 


In the end, she's not even sure if she ever fell genuinely in love before.


"I don't know..." Minju finally answered, frowning.


Yujin's face brightens, "Is it safe to say that I still have a chance...?"


"Umm... I guess." There really was no reason for Minju to say no. And from how their conversation went, despite how short it was, Yujin seemed like a pleasant person.


The younger squealed an excited yes, flapping her arms around delightfully. Minju gave an amused smile. For all it's worth, at least Yujin's cute.


They decided to walk home together, Yujin insists. She was grinning ear to ear after Minju agreed. But her smile soon disappeared after seeing a third person near the corner of the building, who had her forehead leaned on the wall with a pained expression.


They stayed there rooted on the ground, not knowing what to do. Yujin noticed Minju looked particularly surprised. 


Yujin frowned. 


She wanted to say something, but before she could, the other person let out a heavy sigh and turned her body to face them. 


A pause.


Red suddenly crept to the other person’s cheeks, her eyes widened in surprise before immediately bolting away from the scene like a criminal on the run. 


Yujin's frown deepened.


"On second thought," Minju began, her voice quiet, her eyes still haven't left the running figure in the distance. "I think I'm interested in someone."


Yujin quickly gets it. 


"I see... I wish you the best, sunbaenim," she gave a sad smile. 


"Sorry..." Minju felt guilty, but it's better to set this straight before anything else. Or else it will get complicated. And honestly, Yujin is thankful for that.


"It's okay," Yujin smiled, slightly wider than before. "Thank you for listening to me," she grinned.


Minju gave a small bow, before walking away.


Yujin exhaled as her senior disappeared from her sight. With a heavy heart, she went back to the garden and sat on her favourite roofed bench by the fountain. The sky was obnoxiously blue, and Yujin never felt this ridiculed by the brightness before. 


She kind of expected it. They never really talked before and Minju doesn't really know her. Yujin could say the same thing with Minju as it wasn't more than two weeks since she fell for her. Yujin could've stayed persistent and try to win Minju over, but she's scared. The confession took too much of her courage, and she doubts she can gather another one for a second chance.


Not to mention the person who Yujin assumed to be eavesdropping their conversation. They seemed to have their own story, and she can't help but feel a bit bitter. But at the same time, she doesn't feel like she has the privilege to interfere.


In the end, Yujin is just scared.


"You did great," Yujin felt someone sitting beside her. Her face was devoid of any expression as she holds two tapioca milk teas in her hands. Without saying anything, the newcomer nonchalantly gave Yujin one of the two drinks.


"Thanks, Kwangbae," Yujin half-heartedly smiled as she accepted the drink. The sweet coldness washed away some of the bitterness lingered in .


"How did you know I'm here?" Yujin asked after a few silent sips. Both of them were staring into nothing in particular. Sometimes on the fleeting clouds, and sometimes on the passing butterflies. Combined with the sounds of running water on the fountain and chirping birds from a distance, it was comforting.


"I was literally beside her table in the cafeteria. You didn't notice me."


"Oh... were you with the other unnies?" Yujin asked, a little embarrassed.


Hyewon nodded, "Yena and Chaeyeon were there."


"I see," Yujin let out a smile, bashfully scratching the back of her neck. She remembered being very nervous when she was approaching Minju. Yujin wasn't exactly the type to look at her surroundings when she's focused.


"I'm surprised you let Minju here," Hyewon began, frowning as she noticed her drink was almost finished. "Did Wonyoung say anything?"


Yujin gulped, "she'd understand."


Hyewon hummed, before standing up, and threw the plastic cup away into a nearby bin. 


"Well, good luck with that," Hyewon said as she walks away. She waved off, bidding Yujin goodbye while her back was still facing the younger.


As usual, her unnie just comes and goes whenever she wants. 


Yujin sighed and took another sip, frowning.


She then searched for her phone, a few unread messages from her favourite group chat.


unnieee we're having so much fun without you :(
the movie was amazing!! ;;
wish you couldve joined :/


Yujin gave a light laugh at her best friend's text. A picture was sent to her, showing the sender and her favourite smaller unnie at the back, posing with one of the movie standee provided in the cinema.


Yujin grinned and took a picture of herself and her newly acquired drink, with their garden as the background. Satisfied with her work, Yujin replied back with the photo attached.


A few angry messages followed after, fuming as to why Yujin didn't tell them that she's currently in their secret garden, with their favourite milk tea no less. The two friends decided to buy some drinks and food to join Yujin later that day for an early picnic dinner. 


Yujin laughed after imagining their adorable pouting faces.


She treasures her friends more than anything, so she decided that she will tell them everything.






Minju eyes the short-haired singer as she went searching for her seat, leaving her baffled childhood friend to order her share.


She didn't expect them to come here, so imagine her surprise when the culprit of her confusion appeared through the front door.


"Hello," Hitomi said, smiling as she approached the counter. Minju thought she looked pretty.


"Hello," Minju gave a slight bow. The two never spoke to each other before, except for the occasional nod when Minju was with Yuri. She's here as a customer now, Minju noted. "May I take your order?"


"I'll order later," Hitomi paused before answering. "Is Yuri here?"


"Not today," Minju replied. "I think she's at her agency." 


"Oh okay, then... is it okay if you pass this to her?" Hitomi asked as she gave Minju a cd album. Minju froze in surprise, realising that the album had a younger Chaewon’s face printed on it. It was a limited edition. A rare collection. "She asked me for this."


"O-Oh okay." 


Minju glanced at the album again, inwardly frowning. Couldn't Yuri just ask her for the album? Minju have an embarrassing amount of those inside the boxes hidden under her bed. Then again, she never really told Yuri about her obsession during high school. Her friend knows Minju's a fan, but it wasn't to such an extent. That was years ago, and Minju likes to think that she has well passed that phase.


"Thank you Minju-ssi," Hitomi smiled. 


"And good luck," she continued. Minju tilted her head, confused.


Hitomi just grinned at her before walking back to Chaewon's table without ordering anything. 


Well, that was strange. 


Minju then stares at the two childhood friends talking animatedly at their table. Chaewon seemed distressed for some reason. 


I hope they're ordering something soon...?


A few seconds after, Chaewon abruptly stood up and went towards the counter. 


Minju can feel her heartbeat quickens. 


Calm down Minju. 


She’s getting nearer, help.


“...Mint chocolate chip iced latte… and carbonara please,” Minju was so nervous she didn’t notice Chaewon was already there in front of her. She tried to keep a blank expression though, Minju wouldn’t want to embarrass herself in front of Chaewon out of all people.


“Oh… okay,” Minju nodded. Still, this Chaewon looks serious. There was no trace of the flustered and flushed Chaewon she saw near the garden. They might as well be two different people.


Minju was intrigued.


Chaewon paid for her order, Minju was careful not to make any skin contact during the transaction. As she received the money, Minju noticed Hitomi silently walking away from their table at the corner of her peripheral. She then gave a playful wink before stealthily escaping the cafe.


Minju was intrigued and confused.


Chaewon then returned to her table, but before she could, she went to an abrupt halt. 


Minju assumed Chaewon didn't expect her childhood friend to run off so suddenly, which again fueled  Minju's confusion.




She should just test it out. She might be wrong, but even if it is, there wouldn't really be any harm in doing so. But after previously seeing the flushed Chaewon hiding behind the building, Minju felt uncharacteristically hopeful. 


It was different.


She called the number.


Less than a few seconds later, a phone rang f

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Chapter 5: I can't believe there's no next chapter, I'm gonna start crying
undrcovragnt #2
Chapter 5: brooo don't leave us hanging huhu
Chapter 3: 2kim!!!
Kailoverexol #4
Chapter 5: Fluff↑↑↑

2kim ↑↑↑

Author kkrthy nim ↑↑↑

2kim teasing each other ↑↑↑

Minjoo’s state breaking my heart (  ᵒ̴̶̷̥́ _ᵒ̴̶̷̣̥̀  )

So I can’t wait Author nimmmm~~
Kailoverexol #5
Chapter 4: Every chapter is beautifully sad a bit
2kim moments ‧⁺◟( ᵒ̴̶̷̥́ ·̫ ᵒ̴̶̷̣̥̀ )
Kailoverexol #6
Chapter 3: Soooo much UwU
Thanxxxxxx kkrathy chan~
Kailoverexol #7
Chapter 1: UwU
Chapter 5: ahh this chapter is full of fluff even with little chaewon internal struggle
i just hope for the next chapter won't be some paparazzi invading minjoo privacy with their date news being the headline
Chapter 5: Great chapter, i really like it when 2kim tease each other. That's how chaewon falling in love to minjoo. I'm curious if anyone recognized chaewon during tbeir amusement park date. I afraid the angst will be coming soon. Can't wait for next chapter
crunchous #10
Chapter 5: so that's how chaewon fell for minjoo.. i agree with you the teasing part is one of my favorite too! they're so cute uwu and amusement park date!!!!!

thank you for this chapter author nim